Heaven's Gate: Volume 1 (A LitRPG Adventure)

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Heaven's Gate: Volume 1 (A LitRPG Adventure) Page 12

by DragonTreasures

  Alfred appeared in front of a row of players as the battle began to end. He had reached level 21, and was getting close to level 22 from all the people he’d taken out. Since he wasn’t on a mission, he got experience every kill instead of at the end of the mission. As he grinned at the 200 experience remaining to level 22, a large mage appeared in the distance.

  The mage charged towards him and sent out a fire ball that he dodged lithely by hopping to the side. His agility was his highest stat and his years of training were present in his feet. Even though the mage was level 25, Alfred’s agility was much higher than his at close range. He face palmed the mage into the dirt before slashing at his neck.

  Blood burst onto the field as the mage’s eyes turned dim black. At the same time, Green appeared behind Alfred and slashed down. A soldier that had tried to sneak attack Alfred quickly lost his life. More and more blood painted the battle field as large tubs of oil were poured on the soldiers trying to break through the gate to take the city. The villagers began to scream before they were calmed down by the site of burning corpses.

  The cruelty level between the two sides increased to a terrifying level. The Healers on both sides were targeted, and Lacy especially had dozens of men trying to get close to take her down. Berk appeared by her side and sent out dozens of knives in all directions with simple motions of his fist. Hidden Weapon Experts excelled in large battles, and what little of the field wasn’t covered with red soon turned a dried blood black.

  Tears started falling down soldiers faces as they continued the massacre. Green pat Alfred on the back as a deranged look appeared on Alfred’s face. He slammed his fist into the chest of the mage before his five ravens returned to his side. His shadow whisperer skill reached level 3, and he could now summon 7 different shadows to turn the tide of battle.

  “You know…. Perhaps we ended up in the perfect world,” Green smiled as arrows flew over his head. “Its hard to hate you here with that look in your eyes.”

  “I didn’t expect to have to fight a war…” Alfred got up, wiping off the grime on his face. Sweat dripped out of his pours before he tossed a knife out of his sleeve. An incoming NPC tried to dodge before blood burst out of his skull. Alfred dug it out as Grant slashed down with his spear, sending out a wave of energy through three soldiers.

  Green twisted the blade around his back and killed two more incoming foes. A horn was blown almost as quickly as it was sound. Hermia Kingdom had severely underestimated Larimar Kingdom and rushed to retreat. The thousands of players that were of higher level had mostly chosen not to fight. It was different fighting soldiers on missions then the NPCs you’d gotten acquainted with in your starting city.

  The defending troops, however, didn’t feel the same way. They attacked mercilessly at all the incoming foes. The only battle hardened troops from Hermia were the NPCs. However, they’d been overrun by thousands of noobs who had nothing to lose to get experience.

  “Well done!” A voice sounded from out of the ramparts, a diminutive man said on top of the parapet surrounding the city of LArimar. “We’ve won the battle with more ease than I anticipated! You shall all now receive your reward!”

  “As for the losers in Hermia! They have learned their lesson! Look at them run with their tails between their legs!” The man talking, named Krab, had a large crown on his head with short red hair. His voice carried through the remaining troops evoking smiles on all their faces. A prompt soon appeared in front of Alfred as he fell back to sit onto the sullied ground.

  Chapter 16: level 25

  Mission Complete, Hermia Invasion!

  Mission Grade: S-

  You’ve helped stop Hermia Kingdom from taking over Larimar Kingdom. They clearly underestimated what Hermia had to offer, and paid the price with dropped Gear. Aren’t you happy you chose the right side?

  Your ranking in the battle was 5 / 50,776… A pot of 8,000,000 experience was prepared for the battle…

  Kills: 126

  Best Kill: Storm Axe Guild Leader, Trance, level 28

  You’ve gained 62,000 (+31,000) experience for completing the mission! You’ve leveled up and reached level 25! Looks like Hermia Kingdoms plan backfired majorly… Can’t believe you are actually on the winning side.

  Alfred looked on in disbelief with the windfall of experience he received. Green had gotten rank one in the battle and had also leveled up to 36. Green Everest even jumped to the second rank guild because of the major amount of ‘food’ they’d just been fed.

  At least 25 of their members were in the top hundred of the rankings now according to what he saw in the guild window. He closed it and got up with a tinge of excitement. It immediately turned back to revulsion as he saw the plethora of enemy NPCs disabled but not dead crawling in the dirt.

  A few noob players were rushing towards the moving men with happiness on their faces. The enemy NPCs were all level 30 and above. Some of the lifestyle players even came out and started cutting into the bodies. Lacy also looked on in horror before she finally saw a young teen with blood pouring out of his mouth.

  “Stop it!” Lacy said, casting out a light arrow that stabbed near an incoming player’s foot. “He’s just a young kid… Even though he’ll respawn, he’s clearly in pain!”

  “I… I need experience,” A small man replied, a maddened expression in his eyes, “Kill me if you want, but… I… I’m taking him with me! He can’t just attack our city without expecting to suffer!”

  The man had a pitchfork in his hand, and a butcher’s working frock on his torso, as he lurched towards the teen with frenzied excitement, he stabbed downward into the mans back sending a blood curdling scream out of his mouth and causing a light to whisk him away. The man laughed valiantly as he went from level 2 to level 4 instantly. At the time, Alfred pat Lacy on the back. He dragged her out of the front lines as the massacre continued.

  The Lifestyle players ran out in droves after seeing the gigantic level up their companions were reaping. They seemed so excited to level up that they pushed aside their companions and even began to fight each other. Alfred reacted with a nonplussed expression as he stared into Lacy’s gaze. She dithered in a crucial moment but couldn’t bring herself to stop the massacre.

  “I think we should go eat before we vomit out our stomachs…” Alfred said, patting her on the back. “I’m sickened by this too, but if we attack our own, the NPCs might attack us…”

  “I…. I think you’re right, but… did you see the look in that teen’s eye? It was horrible,” Lacy wrapped her arms around Alfred as tears began to drizzle down her eyes. “Let’s get out of here… I can’t stand to watch this…”

  “Wait,” Green said, appearing with Berk. He had a huge smile on his face as he looked at Alfred. “I can’t let you two go on a date just yet… Green Everest got an invitation to go see the Chancellor… If you don’t mind, Lacy…”

  Lacy slammed her hands into Alfred’s chest. His torso felt a lot stronger since he’d leveled up. When leveling up, little pores of light had seeped into him and somehow strengthened his meridians, bones, and mind. Even when his skills like perception leveled up there would be a similar set of light emitted from his body.

  Lacy grabbed hold around him before a few screams echoed in the background. The hundreds of incapacitated, stunned, or poisoned NPCs were all taken care of in less than twenty seconds. More and more bright lights shot off before Alfred looked down and saw a hand on his foot.

  A set of golden hair appeared out of the Helm on the floor a foot away. A female NPC had grabbed his foot as Lacy hugged his chest. A hoard of lifestyle players surrounded him on all sides as the girl said “Help.” He drew his dagger as the lifestyle players inched closer.

  “She’s mine,” Alfred said, holding out his hand, killing intent emitting from his eyes. “You touch her you die… I don’t want to say it again.”

  “No fair… you’re clearly in a guild… Look at your armor compared to ours!”

  “Please… please do
n’t kill me,” The female said, the light in her green emerald eyes diminishing rapidly… “I… I only came here to support my br-brother…”

  “Lacy… Heal her,” Alfred said, turning his back on the Flock of men. One of the Lifestyle Players in the group charged forward before Green stabbed briskly with his spear. Blood splattered out of the lifestyle player’s back before a large bolt of energy shot at the remaining group of player’s feet. Lacy hesitated for some reason before Green pat her on her shoulder. After casting a [Restoration], the NPC’s dwindling eyes lit up.

  The Female Blonde immediately clambered off the ground and bowed in thanks before a small set of birds appeared underneath her feet. She flew into the air as the Lifestyle players screamed in agony. Green waved off the grime on his spear as blood dripped off his chain mail…

  “Come on… Let’s go to the city…!”

  Berk, who’d left to the chaos, came back over with a look of glee on his face. The morose atmosphere seemed completely lost on him. His rather pudgy stomach shook as he held a few pieces of gear in his hand.

  “What… why are you looking at me like that… You can take their gear if they leave it behind…. It’s good for the store house…”

  Alfred laughed and Lacy slammed him in the shoulder. Green smiled and nodded at Berk… “I agree with him. Go pick up as many items as you can…. Tell Wanda me Alfred and Lacy went to go meet the Chancellor in Krab’s KEep…”

  “Sounds like a horrible name,” Alfred said, “Anyways… he wants us to follow him… should we actually do it, Lacy?”

  “Sure… just can’t believe how evil everyone got when they saw a chance to get experience…” Lacy had witnessed at least twenty teenagers get stabbed in the back as they cried for help. “I know people respawn, but ouch!”

  “I’d do the same!” Green winked. His attempt at making a joke fell on deaf ears. Lacy grimaced and Alfred responded by raising his brow.

  “Still the same Green… Glad I still hate you,” Alfred put his arm around Lacy… “Now… let’s go to Krab’s Keep… why is it only the three of us going by the way?”

  “He said three people are welcome, and I’ve known you guys the longest… I don’t even trust my foot in Heaven’s Gate… Don’t tell anyone alright?”

  “So… you decide to trust your mortal enemy because you always kept me close,” Alfred started walking with him into the city. They made it past the central square and followed a set of guards towards the upper level of Larimar kingdom.

  Even though it was night, White Mages had cast [light orbs] to make the streets glow and appear like an actual city. The merchants were once again opening shop, and people were sitting on bar stools on various corners sipping up alcohol. Larimar City extended for several miles in all directions. The most expensive part was closest to a small river in the center of the city.

  Krab’s keep showed up in the horizon towering over the trees. Dozens of intricate carved statues laced the exterior of the building as large vaulted ceilings and arched doorways filled in the gaps. A bridge fell from a set of two chains as countless soldiers stood outside drinking alcohol in erected tents for celebration. Alfred welcomed their chipper mood as Lacy’s somber attitude slowly began to change with a little glimpse of a smile.

  A small man only three feet tall appeared standing in front of the gate. He gave Alfred and Green a scowl as their shadows draped over him.

  “Hmph… you must be Green Everest… I’m Krab’s highest attendant, Brail… Follow me if you dare…”

  “Awww, he’s so cute!” Lacy said, leaning down and staring into his eyes. “I have a thing for people who are really short…”

  “I… I like her!” Brail laughed, immediately dropping his stuck up attitude. “I was going to take you the long way, but now I’ll take you straight to Krab!”

  “He’s a simple one,” Green commented, patting Alfred on the back. Alfred flinched in response as Green sighed and dropped his hand. “ooops… Sorry… I forgot I hated you…”

  “I forgot too,” Alfred retorted back as he stared askance to the castle walls and towering statues… They were guided forward down long winding hallways before they came to a throne room with a small man sitting on the throne. He only stood at five-foot-tall but looked massive compared to his attendants of diminutive size preparing the tables. All of them were no taller than Brail,

  And were hard at work preparing some sort of feast. Krab stood in front of his thrown with massive steel boots and gigantic soles on to make him seem taller.

  “If it isn’t the men who ended the chaos… According to the reports from my guards without Green Everest the battle would’ve been hard fought…”

  “Since you three have garnered my attention, I figured with my high stature I’d allow your guild to explore the dungeon underneath the city… I’ve also decided to bestow you and your guild with titles…

  “The titles will allow you to enter into the underground parts of the city the rest of the players are unaware off… However, I have to let you know that if you do this, it will automatically make it harder for you to travel through Hermia kingdom!” Krab flaunted out his chest with a proud smile. “However, it’d be foolish not to join!”

  A screen appeared out of thin air in front of Green and he shared it with Alfred and Lacy by pressing a button on the bottom.

  Green Everest has received Larimar Kingdom’s blessing!

  Chancellor Krab wishes to allow you to explore the new facets of the city on his behalf…. However, he won’t trust anyone that might give word of this to Hermia Kingdom. If you are willing to swear allegiance, countless doorways in the kingdom will open up to you… The dungeon also hasn’t been explored yet… However, Hermia might not be too happy about it… reputation in Hermia will drop by 200… No NPCs will talk to you unless you have a knife to their throats…

  You will gain +300 reputation in Larimar City if you accept…. Three new hidden passages will open up for you, and a small plot of land will be given for you to control…

  If you deny the request, Chancellor Krab will detest you… Reputation in Larimar City will go down by 100… He may even throw a hissy fit…

  Alfred opened up his messenger from his guild chat and sent a group message to gReen and Lacy… He just had to think the thoughts in his mind and they were typed on the bottom left hand corner of his vision interface.

  Alfred: What do you think? Should we take it?

  Green: It’s a dungeon Green Everest would exclusively hold… it makes sense to accept it, however, Hermia Kingdom is close to the dream dungeon we’re going to explore…

  Lacy: We can always hire someone to ask questions for us. What’s the big deal? It would be nice to live in something bigger than a box… The Mission center plains are practically a hill of slums.”

  Alfred: I think Lacy has a point… Is there anyone else you want to ask in the guild?

  Green: Nope… what Lacy says makes sense…. However, why is everyone so short here?

  Lacy: Maybe he just wanted to be surrounded by little cuties…

  Green: I’m accepting it…He’s staring at us strange…

  Alfred shook his head as Green laughed and accepted the quest. A small emblem appeared on their armor with the Larimar Kingdom symbol. It was five stars of contrasting colors with a triangle in the center. It disappeared as soon as it reappeared. Chancellor Krab’s face went from a grimace to one full of cheer.

  “Great! I thought you were going to turn me down for some reason! The Dungeons will show up now in your Guild’s mission list…However, I must warn you! We sent in three teams of NPCs to try and explore the territory but they were all murdered…”

  “NPCs can do dungeons?” Lacy said, running her head through brails head as he stood smugly beside her. “I thought only players could do dungeons…”

  “Miss… since it’s in my kingdom… and there is a doorway to it, there is no reason why NPCs can’t try and level up! It’s recommended you all get to level 35 fir
st before you even attempt it… It seems to be a dream dungeon… My NPCs wouldn’t have died otherwise.”

  “That doesn’t make any sense..” Alfred piped up. “I thought the Dream dungeons were meant to be hard to find…”

  “You players have only been around for two weeks… We’ve been around for decades and even longer,” Krab said, snapping his fingers and causing a screen to appear. The entire city appeared before the group with the cemetery, central square, and even the mountain ranges showing up.

  “There is a massive history that is bigger than all of us… Even me…” the chancellor said. “The Game Masters allowed us to live here a thousand years before you showed up… some NPCs are even said to become immortal in that time… There is a lot you all can learn by exploring underneath the city…”

  “We’ll take your advice, and learn as much as we can,” Green said, bowing down and showing respect. “We’ll take our leave, and tell you what we find out… If we find anything hidden in the dungeon will report it straight to you…”

  Krab nodded as little Brail hung onto Lacy’s leg.

  “I got to leave now little guy… You mind if I come visit you sometime soon.”

  “The sooner the better,” Brail crossed his arms. “You’re so nice to the touch… I’ve never been with such a beautiful women before.”

  “It’s never going to happen,” Alfred said, sending out a look that could kill. “If you touch keep grabbing her leg, I’ll make an important part of you even shorter…”


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