Heaven's Gate: Volume 1 (A LitRPG Adventure)

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Heaven's Gate: Volume 1 (A LitRPG Adventure) Page 16

by DragonTreasures

  The shadow NPCs and Chimera’s charged towards it with as much agility as they could muster. Instantly, the Large minitour seemed to be sucked into a cloud of haze before he reappeared behind the approaching minions.

  They were easily taken care of with a single swipe of the large pair of hammers he’d brandished off his back. Alfred cringed imagining the damage his shadow minions had just received. Green looked especially worried. Range attacks weren’t going to cut it.

  Chapter 21: Blood Minitour

  “I can see it’s name this time,” Wanda said, using her scan skill. “It’s called the Blood Minitour… Another reassuring name…”

  “It’s health is 25,000… it even gives me its three AOE skills… I guess they want to have a little mercy on us….” Wanda looked at the information that appeared, and read it out loud.

  It’s first attack was [lightning road]…. It sent out five streams of lightning in every direction every time its spear hilt slammed into the floor. In addition to that, it also had [Palace voltage], and [Green Storm]. [Palace Voltage] drew anything within 5 meters of the beast and electrocuted it. However, the worst attack by far was [Green Storm]… after it used its phase skill, the nearest target to it would automatically get hit with a bolt of lighting, taking away 20% of its health…

  The rest of its skills were listed as well. It had two attacks with its hammers that caused Green to cringe as he thought about Wanda tanking it. The only way they could possibly get through the battle is if they kept it in one place. However, green storm was a percentage based skill… If she got too low on health, then she’d be destined to die….

  He figured they could go back and farm more Chimeras in order to get to a higher level. However, Ken58 could surpass them at any moment.

  Sweat poured down his forehead as he tried to make the right decision. However, Alfred noticed one thing about it that everyone seemed to be forgetting…

  “Green… you notice something about this creature? Remember why you asked me to join?”

  “You mean besides that you’re an idiot…” Green crossed his arms… “Just joking Lacy… He’s actually pretty smart…”

  “The other reason! You notice that this beast has human vital points! He’s practically a large dummy… If we hit his vitals, we’ll be able to take out his health…”

  “He’s right!” Berk said laughing… “with you two…we should be able to handle it…” He pat his stomach as he smiled. “However, how do we even tank that thing… He can phase just like you?”

  “We have two tanks,” Wanda said… “We can use our [enrapturement] skill to draw its agrro towards us… You okay with that little Froth?”

  “I’m not scared of it,” Froth said, sounding like a young adolescent. “However, what do we do if It doesn’t work…”

  “We blame it all on Alfred,” Green laughed. “If we all die, we’ll find him in hell and beat him up…. Besides… if this gets any harder, I’m going to kill it myself…. I don’t even remember the last game I saw a percentage based skill in!”

  Lacy and Wanda grimaced from the tone of his voice. Portland began to shiver as she drew out her swords and started walking towards the gigantic horned creature. Alfred followed after her before he activated Shadow Walk…

  A few of his passive skills had leveled up in the dungeon, but he hadn’t had a chance to look at them. They stopped in front of the gigantic creature as it looked at them with intelligent eyes.

  “Ah… so you must be the ones who sent in the shadows… Shall you wish to die today…. Attack me with all your might…”

  “You have any strategies for us?” Berk said, waving his hand. “Like any weaknesses…”

  “You really think I’m going to tell you that?” The minitour laughed. “I’ll kill you last because your so fat! The girls can go second and third…”

  “As for that invisible friend of yours… tell him if he gets a little bit closer, I’ll chop off his head… My ears are better than my eyes… I’ll tell you that…”

  “Shit,” Green cursed… He immediately used phase to appear in front of the titanic eyes of the beast. He swung out his blade as Alfred used [Shadow Shift] to aim for the artery inside of its leg. The Gigantic Minitour immediately disappeared as bolts of lightning festered from where he left. Alfred immediately crashed into the rock covered ground as it reappeared immediately in front of Lacy.

  It seemed to possess an unnatural intelligence.

  It went after the Healer immediately with its gigantic hammers slamming down towards her. If not for Wanda reaching in time and casting a [stone wall] on the front of her shield she would’ve been smashed.

  The stone wall skill for a defender immediately increased a shields defense by 300 percent. Even with that, Wanda’s knees crunched as she screamed with agony. A bolt of lighting swam around her and burst into Lacy dropping her health by twenty percent. She immediately stumbled as her brown hair got sprayed by little droplets of blood.

  The rest of Green Everest started to unleash their attacks. The two Sword Tempests Nick, and Portland tried to send out sword slashes into its chest. They barely did a hundred damage each as a large bar appeared above its head. It almost seemed that the beast chose to display its health rather than hide it. It’s eyes were emitting a murderous pride as it kept on slamming down its hammers.

  It struck Wanda’s shield so much that her feet got stuck in the concrete. Froth pushed her away and took her place with [Enrapturement] as Green finally arrived at its backside. He spun his spear off his back as Alfred screamed and began to chant to summon more shadows to his side.

  They rushed forward and sprang onto its back before the boss once again disappeared to get rid of aggro. It reappeared by Lacy once more as another bolt of lightning slammed into her chest. She flew back this time and crashed into the ground. The minitour’s eyes brimmed with killing intent as it tossed its hammer towards her. Froth and Wanda both appeared in front of her and got hit hard backwards as Alfred gasped…

  How the hell was he supposed to beat this thing?! Itdidn’t even let it get near its weak points!

  He spun a dagger out of his pocket as the beast clashed its hammer against Green’s blade. Even with the dozens of swings Green sent out, it merely stepped back to dodge. It’s health only fell by approximately a 1000 and it seemed to be healing after every attack…

  The only thing Alfred could think to do was toss his knife. He waited for the Minitour to glance at him as he stood beside Lacy. Tears were on the side of her face as she kept casting Restoration over and over again while mixing in an AOE Healing Spell. Her eyes looked like two rivulets flowing with doubt and pain.

  The adrenaline seemed to leave her body as she stood up. She didn’t cast [Restoration] for just a moment causing Wanda’s Health Bar to drop to half. Green had to scream at her to get her to return to her senses. The loud stentorian scream moved into her eardrums as she regained her focus.

  The knives flew out of Alfred’s hand at this time and pierced towards the large Red Minitour. It spun its spear causing the two daggers to get sent flying backwards. Berk appeared on its rear and jumped above its head. He used a [knife storm], sending out a hundred knives, at its rear to try and do damage.

  Once again it teleported and reappeared by Lacy. She spent so much time focusing on other people’s Health bar that she didn’t notice her health going down to 10 percent. Another hammer powered towards her face as Alfred stood by her side. He immediately pushed her away as the large hammer clashed into him and the six shadows jumping to help mitigate the blow.

  Large lightning bolts came out of the hammer as Alfred went blasting into the pillars.

  The dark room had obsidian pillars with strange blood crystals emitted inside of it. AS his body slammed into it, the Minitour laughed as Lacy’s sadness turned to rage. She immediately sent a [Light Arrow] towards its face as Green tossed his spear towards its face.

  It immediately [phased] again and dodged the attack as it appeare
d beside Lacy. This time, when it reappeared, it saw a dagger flying towards it, and immediately attempted to turn the edge of its hammers to block off the dagger.

  The dagger seemed to turn into two, and then ten. It immediately deflected off of the edge of his blade and crashed into its eyes. The Minitour panicked as blood started gushing out of its eye.

  Alfred anticipated where it would end up on the last shift. His attack came just as the smoke rose and the beast appeared in a cloud of purple Miasma. His arm had blood falling down it as Lacy didn’t have time to heal him. The defenders immediately used [enrapturement] as he climbed to his feet.

  “You… you can’t see now can you?” Alfred laughed as he stumbled to his feet. He’d sent two daggers into both of his eyes causing the Minitour to miss one out of every three attacks.

  Green appeared by his throat and immediately sent out a large slash. Soon it activated a blue forcefield that pulled Green in and zapped him in mid swing. Green screamed in agonizing pain as a smoldering feeling traveled up his spine and all the way down to his backbone. His health dropped by a third and his spear barely touched against the Minitours skin, causing it to instantly take 2000 damage.

  The large cut started to pool out blood. The Sword Tempests aimed for above the beasts eyes and hit it with several attacks. The once over confident bull started to swing in every direction. Countless Aoe attacks punished the ground and riddled it with holes.

  The lightning in the sky started to pick up as Lacy finally found time to heal Alfred. His cool down for Shadow Walker had reached zero, and he rushed to help Green weaken the monstrosity.

  It’s health bar started dropping by thousands every minute. When it Phased, it’s lightning started to miss Lacy and instead hit the other players. Finally, Lacy sent a Light Arrow into into it’s throat causing it to choke on its own breath. Berk followed up with another shower of Knives, targeting its throat with Green’s direction.

  They’d discussed briefly in the party that wherever Green strikes the rest should attack. The plethora of knives from Berk only did a small percent of the knives that Alfred used, but they hurt when all of them hit.

  The Minitour dropped down onto the floor and wiped the blood out from its eyes. It looked enraged, but a forlorn expression appeared in its face. It had fifty hundred health remaining as Green brandished his spear and spun it into its chest. A dagger shot out from Alfred’s hand right behind him and pierced through the chest of the monster Leaving it with only 20 Health remaining. With a slash into its arm, the Minitour yelled in agony before a light seemed to spread out in every direction.

  A large explosion of lightning shot out of it sending Green spiraling into the wall as he tried to defend his chest. One bolt of lightning struck Lacy as she tried to protect herself from the torrent of energy. She also skidded against the ground as her health dropped in half.

  The Minitour's red eyes looked up into the sky before it began to shut them closed. Its enraged killing intent diminished as it slowly started to disappear. Another three seeds appeared in front of it as everyone looked on in disbelief. It had gone down almost too fast after getting hit in the eye.

  Green got up with his arm falling out of his socket. He snapped it back in as Wanda fell down and coughed. She looked distraught… and didn’t know how to react. There wasn’t even time to tank most of the blows! It had just shifted around whenever she got Aggro on it! Luckily, Alfred had somehow managed to anticipate where it’s face would appear.

  Berk, on the other hand, began laughing as he looked at his notifications… Alfred did the same noticing a strange doorway had appeared in his vision with the small number 1 next to it. It wasn’t hard to figure out that it meant he had one revival…

  He laughed even with through the pain as Lacy raced over towards him to give him a hug. She flung her arms around him as tear flew off her eyes. Green also found time to hug Wanda as Portland and Berk helped each other up…

  “We did it…” Alfred said with a smile. “You know how we get to bring people back?”

  “I can answer that!” A large voice spread through the blood covered space. “If you want to bring anyone back, go to the center of the circle, and just think their name in your head…”

  “Can you even bring back people who died twenty years ago?” Alfred asked with curiosity… “My mother died 5 years after I Was born…”

  “As long as she didn’t die in a previous patch it should be possible…” The voice said with a brevity that sounded out of this world. “You’ve just got to think about her…”

  “However, I will also tell you one thing… That doorway in your vision can also be used as an additional life… If you died in a hard mission, it would allow you to live on…”

  “Choose your choice carefully…”

  “Of course we’re going to bring people back!” Lacy said, looking around. “Now hurry up and get over here guys…” Her smile causing sunlight to shine out of her. As for the three Experience Seeds that had appeared out of the beast. Green put two in his inventory and gave one to Alfred for safe keeping. They stepped into the circle as a bright light flashed.

  Alfred thought of his mom, and Green thought of his sister. Everyone else had someone important they wanted to bring back.

  A bright light blinded them and a strange energy pervaded through their arms, hearts, and minds. They immediately reappeared in the center of Larimar City…

  Thousands of people looked at them strangely as a message went out across the entirety of Heaven’s gate…

  Larimar’s Secret Dream Dungeon has been completed by Green Everest! Time: 2:57:17….

  Their name has been permanently enshrined in that quest! Beat their record to earn a secondary reward!

  Alfred looked at the message with an upset expression on his face. He also didn’t see his mom but the old man with the twisting beard was standing right in the center of their pack of eight. He had a doorway open behind him that swung opened as everyone gasped in shock.

  Their began to spread a chatter all throughout the world of Heaven’s Gate. Whats more, each of them had a new weapon in their inventory with a strange insignia. They didn’t have time to explore it as six people slowly walked out of the door behind the wizard….

  “Your families have been resurrected as follows… May we meet again very soon…” The wizard said, guiding six confused looking people into the square.

  Alfred’s mom especially looked down at her hands in shock. The last memory she had was being in a car heading to a dojo before she felt herself spinning in the air in her Camera. She, however, immediately recognized Alfred and the smile he had on his face. His arms wrapped around her as Lacy found herself with her sister in her arms as well.

  Green hoisted up his little sister in the air and tossed her into his arms. Berk even had a special lady that he kissed. The only people who seemed to save the lives were Portland and Nick. They instead just fell back and smiled as the feeling of being alive coursed through their bones. They’d actually completed a dream dungeon!

  Chapter 22: Mother and Daughter

  Alfred awoke the next morning and went into the new Green Everest Headquarters. He’d reached level 35 after they decided to split the Experience seeds in eight parts equally. Because of his experience boost of 50%, he leveled up faster than almost everyone else. However, sure enough, Green also had a 33% experience boost, which made him feel slightly less special.

  His mother still couldn’t’ believe her son had actually revived her. She spent the morning cooking with Lacy and laughing as Alfred and Green played with his sister. All the Enmity between them had sort of turned into just a rivalry of equals.

  His mother came out in a white skirt and a blue top as Green patted his sister on the head. She rushed to go Help Alfred’s mom. Sure enough, Alfred and Green forgot they knew each other when they were young.

  “Well… my god… my son… you look so handsome!” His mother said, wrapping her arms around his head as she smiled bri
ghtly. “You too Green… who knew you two would grow up into such handsome men…”

  “I’m just so glad your back mom,” Alfred smiled as he began to eat her food. “Unfortunately, you realize this is a game right… you can’t just cook if you want to get dad back…”

  “What will he say when he sees me…” Alfred’s mother, Rika said… “Also… where’s Vera… I thought I saw her here a moment ago….”

  “I’m right here Rika!” Vera smiled as she slid into the seat next to Alfred. She tossed her arm around him as everyone enjoyed the serene feeling.

  They ate breakfast for roughly two hours and Green promised his little sister, Felice, to take her on a mission. She seemed especially spritely and full of vim as she learned she’d landed in a planet that was a game! Everything almost seemed normal.

  The new Guild House had been erected on a 100 x 100 land. Chancellor Krab had understood that they had been betrayed, and even gave them a windfall of current experience for completing the mission… He’d paid for the full cost of construction of their three-story mini mansion, in addition, on the property right next to his castle. There were even trees planted that were smaller than the average tree.

  It seemed like a normal day until they received another message directed towards the entirety of Heaven’s gate…

  A team led by Avery and ken58 has been wiped out…. Not everyone is able to win in a dream dungeon… however, their wishes will live on…

  Three more days until a few of their nightmares manifest across Heaven’s Gate… Learn to take caution from them and don’t be idiots!

  “Such a sweet message,” Alfred snidely said. “I can’t believe they didn’t clear it…”


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