Human Universals

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Human Universals Page 28

by Donald E Brown

  Nida, Eugene A.


  Principles of Translation as Exemplified by Bible Translating. In On Translation, edited by Reuben A. Brower, pp. 11–31. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

  Nimmo, Arlo


  The Sea People of Sulu: A Study of Social Change in the Philippines. San Francisco: Chandler.

  [Even Sea Gypsies are territorial.]

  Ochs, Elinor, and Bambi B. Schieffelin


  Language Acquisition and Socialization: Three Developmental Stories and Their Implications. In Shweder and LeVine, pp. 276–320.

  Ogbu, John U.


  African Bridewealth and Women’s Status. American Ethnologist 5:241–262.

  [Universal definition of marriage.]

  O’Meara, J. Tim


  Anthropology as Empirical Science. American Anthropologist 91:354–369.

  O’Neil, John


  Five Bodies: The Human Shape of Modern Society. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.

  [Anthropomorphism is an indispensable and creative element in human affairs.]

  O’Nell, C. W.


  Dreams, Culture, and the Individual. Novato, California: Chandler and Sharp.

  [Dream universals.]

  Opler, Morris E.


  Some Implications of Culture Theory for Anthropology and Psychology. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 18:611–621.

  Orians, Gordon H.


  Habitat Selection: General Theory and Applications to Human Behavior. In The Evolution of Human Social Behavior, edited by Joan S. Lockard, pp. 49–66. New York: Elsevier.

  [Suggests that humans may have a universal predilection for certain kinds of landscapes—an example of Darwinian psychology.]

  Ortner, Sherry


  Is Female to Male as Nature Is to Culture? In Woman, Culture, and Society, edited by Michelle Zimbalist Rosaldo and Louise Lamphere, pp. 67–87. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

  Osgood, Charles E., William H. May, and Murray S. Miron


  Cross-Cultural Universals of Affective Meaning. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.

  [Various statistical universals.]

  Otterbein, Keith F.


  The Ultimate Coercive Sanction: A Cross-Cultural Study of Capital Punishment. New Haven, Connecticut: HRAF Press.

  [Capital punishment is universal or nearly so.]

  Palmer, Craig


  Is Rape a Cultural Universal? A Re-examination of the Ethnographic Data. Ethnology 28:1–16.

  [Finds no evidence against the universality of rape or against the universal disapproval of rape.]

  Parker, Hilda, and Seymour Parker


  Father-Daughter Sexual Abuse: An Emerging Perspective. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 56:531–549.

  Parsons, Talcott


  Evolutionary Universals in Society. American Sociological Review 29:339–357.

  Paulme, Denise


  Adornment and Nudity in Tropical Africa. In Forge, ed., pp. 11–24.

  [Ornamentation is universal, all humans own ornaments, in each society there are special occasions when people try to look their best, all people “wish to allure,” everyone wishes to stand out from others, and aesthetic considerations influence hairstyles everywhere.]

  Piatelli-Palmarini, Massimo, ed.


  Language and Learning: The Debate between Jean Piaget and Noam Chomsky. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

  Pinxten, Rik


  Epistemic Universals: A Contribution to Cognitive Anthropology. In Pinxten, ed., pp. 117–175.

  [Universals in the cognition of space.]

  Pinxten, Rik, ed.


  Universalism versus Relativism in Language and Thought: Proceedings of a Colloquium on the Sapir-Whorf Hypotheses. The Hague: Mouton.

  Pollnac, Richard B.


  Problems in Determining the Universality of Inference-Making. In Discourse and Inference in Cognitive Anthropology: An Approach to Psychic Unity and Enculturation, edited by Marvin D. Loflin and James Silverberg, pp. 229–237. The Hague: Mouton.

  Pospisil, Leopold


  The Kapauku Papuans and Their Law. Yale University Publications in Anthropology, no. 54. [New Haven, Connecticut]: Human Relations Area Files. (Reprinted from the 1958 edition.)

  [Identifies four universal attributes of law: authority, intention of universal application, obligatio, and sanction. (The second is related to or the same as the concept of precedent.)]

  Powell, H. A.


  Analysis of Present-Day Social Structure in the Trobriands. Ph.D. diss., University of London.


  Genealogy, Residence, and Kinship in Kiriwina. Man 4:177–202.

  Quinn, Naomi


  Anthropological Studies on Women’s Status. Annual Review of Anthropology 6:181–225.

  [Men are physically and verbally more aggressive than women. Women everywhere predominate in child care. An extensive list of negative universals: productive activities in which women never predominate.]

  Radcliffe-Brown, A. R.


  Patrilineal and Matrilineal Succession. Iowa Law Review 20:286–303.


  Structure and Function in Primitive Society. Glencoe, Illinois: Free Press.

  Ralls, Katherine, Jonathon D. Ballou, and Alan Templeton


  Estimates of Lethal Equivalents and the Cost of Inbreeding in Mammals. Conservation Biology 2:185–193.

  Ratliff, Floyd


  On the Psychophysiological Bases of Universal Color Names. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. 120:311–330.

  Ray, Verne F.


  Techniques and Problems in the Study of Human Color Perception. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 8:251–259.

  Redfield, Robert


  Social Science among the Humanities. Measure 1:60–74.

  [The feelings of pride, shame, amusement, and shock; forgoing present pleasure for a deferred good.]


  The Primitive World and Its Transformations. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.

  [Presents a universalistic framework for the analysis of worldview.]

  Reynolds, Vernon, Vincent Falger, and Ian Vine, eds.


  The Sociobiology of Ethnocentrism: Evolutionary Dimensions of Xenophobia, Discrimination, Racism and Nationalism. London: Croom Helm.

  Richards, Cara E.


  Man in Perspective. New York: Random House.

  Roberts, John M., and Brian Sutton-Smith


  Child Training and Game Involvement. Ethnology 1:166–185.

  Rohner, Ronald P.


  They Love Me, They Love Me Not: A Worldwide Study of the Effects of Parental Acceptance and Rejection. New Haven, Connecticut, HRAF Press.

  [Humans have a need for a positive response from persons who are important to them; when parents reject their children, it has “malignant” effects on their personalities.]

  Rosch, Eleanor


  Universals and Cultural Specifics in Human Categorization. In Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Learning, edited by Richard W. Brislin, Stephen Bochner, and Walter J. Lonner, pp. 177–206. New York: Wiley.

  [In three apparently “biologically given” domains—color, facial expression, and geometric forms—the processes and content of category formation appear to be universal, and to involve classifications structured by “prototypes,” which are “rather like Platonic forms.
” (The focal colors of the basic color categories are examples of prototypes.)]


  Prototype Classification and Logical Classification: The Two Systems. In New Trends in Conceptual Representation: Challenges to Piaget’s Theory. edited by Ellin Kofsky Scholnick, pp. 73–86. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

  Rosenblatt, Paul C., R. Patricia Walsh, and Douglas A. Jackson


  Grief and Mourning in Cross-Cultural Perspective. New Haven, Connecticut: Human Relations Area Files.

  [People everywhere perceive the death of close kin as a loss and feel grief.]

  Ross, Dorothy


  The Development of the Social Sciences. In The Organization of Knowledge in Modern America, 1860–1920, edited by Alexandra Oleson and John Voss, pp. 107–138. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

  Rossi, Ino


  Toward the Unification of Scientific Explanation: Evidence from Biological, Psychic, Linguistic, Cultural Universals. In Discourse and Inference in Cognitive Anthropology: An Approach to Psychic Unity and Enculturation, edited by Marvin D. Loflin and James Silverberg, pp. 199–228. The Hague: Mouton.

  [Binary discriminations.]

  Russell, Findlay E.


  Snake Venom Poisoning. Philadelphia: Lippincott.

  [Even peoples with great reverence for snakes fear them.]

  Sackett, Gene P.


  Monkeys Reared in Isolation with Pictures as Varied Input: Evidence for an Innate Releasing Mechanism. Science 154:1468–1473.

  Sacks, Oliver


  The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, and Other Clinical Tales. New York: Summit Books.

  Sahlins, Marshall


  Colors and Culture. Semiotica 16:1–22.

  The Samoa Controversy


  The Samoa Controversy: A Select Bibliography. Canberra Anthropologist 6:86–97.

  Samelson, Franz


  Struggle for Scientific Authority: The Reception of Watson’s Behaviorism, 1913–1920. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 37:399–425.

  Sapir, Edward


  The Status of Linguistics as a Science. Language 5:207–214.

  Scarr, Sandra, and Kathleen McCartney


  How People Make Their Own Environments: A Theory of Genotype → Environment Effect. Child Development 54:424–435.

  Scheff, Thomas J.


  Toward Integration in the Social Psychology of Emotions. Annual Review of Sociology 9:333–354.

  [A review of the arguments on behalf of cultural and biological bases of emotions that supports the universality of “coarse” emotions.]


  Universal Expressive Needs: A Critique and a Theory. Symbolic Interaction 8:241–262.


  Micro-Linguistics and Social Structure: A Theory of Social Action. Sociological Theory 4:71–83.

  [Argues that turn-taking is a genetically programmed universal.]

  Schneider, David M.


  What Is Kinship All About? In Kinship Studies in the Morgan Centennial Year, edited by Priscilla Reining, pp. 32–63. Washington, D.C.: Anthropological Society of Washington.

  Schwartz, Linda J.


  Syntactic Markedness and Frequency of Occurrence. In Evidence and Argumentation in Linguistics, edited by Thomas A. Perry, pp. 315–333. New York: Walter de Gruyter.

  Sekular, Robert, and Randolph Blake


  Perception. New York: McGraw-Hill.

  Selby, Henry A.


  Zapotec Deviance: The Convergence of Folk and Modern Sociology. Austin: University of Texas Press.

  Selby, Henry, and Lucy Garretson


  Cultural Anthropology. Dubuque, Iowa: Brown.

  Seligman, Martin


  Phobias and Preparedness. Behavior Therapy 2:307–320.

  Seligman, Martin E. P., and Joanne L. Hager


  Biological Boundaries of Learning. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts.

  Shepher, Joseph


  Incest: A Biosocial View. New York: Academic Press.

  Shotter, John


  Vico, Moral Worlds, Accountability and Personhood. In Heelas and Lock, eds., pp. 265–284.

  [Universals of common sense.]

  Shweder, Richard A., and Edmund J. Bourne


  Does the Concept of the Person Vary Cross-Culturally? In Shweder and LeVine, eds., pp. 158–199.

  [Compares universalism, evolutionism, and relativism. Asserts that all societies confront the following existential issues: the haves versus have nots, our way of life against theirs, and the relationship of nature to culture.]

  Shweder, Richard A., and Robert A. LeVine, eds.


  Culture Theory: Essays on Mind, Self, and Emotion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

  Silk, Joan B.


  Adoption and Kinship in Oceania. American Anthropologist 82:799–820.

  Slobin, Dan I.


  Developmental Psycholinguistics. In A Survey of Linguistic Science, 2d ed., edited by William Orr Dingwall, pp. 267–311. Stamford, Connecticut: Greylock.

  [Sets forth a series of universal features of language (e.g., universal “communicative functions,” such as asserting, requesting, etc.), but primary emphasis is to suggest a series of universals in the order in which linguistic features are acquired by children in the course of language acquisition.]

  Smith, M. G.


  On Segmentary Lineage Systems. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 86:39–80.

  [Government, authority, power.]


  Ethnicity and Sociobiology. American Ethnologist 10:364–367.

  Spain, David H.


  The Westermarck-Freud Incest-Theory Debate. Current Anthropology 28:623–645.

  Spaulding, Albert C.


  Distinguished Lecture: Archaeology and Anthropology. American Anthropologist 90: 263–271.

  Sperber, Dan


  Rethinking Symbolism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

  [Universal properties of understanding. Rational thought occurs among all peoples.]


  Apparently Irrational Beliefs. In Rationality and Relativism, edited by Martin Hollis and Steven Lukes, pp. 149–180. Cambridge: MIT Press.


  Anthropology and Psychology: Towards an Epidemiology of Representations. Man 20:73–89.


  Issues in the Ontology of Culture. In Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science VII. Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Salzburg, 1983, edited by Ruth Barcan Marcus, Georg J. W. Dorn, and Paul Weingartner, pp. 557–571. Amsterdam: North-Holland.

  Spiro, Melford


  Is the Family Universal? American Anthropologist 56: 839–846.


  Human Nature in Its Psychological Dimensions. American Anthropologist 56:19–29.

  [Universals mentioned include worldview; morally right and wrong methods of satisfying needs; a personality structure that integrates needs (id), values (superego), and executive-response processes (ego); the inability of any society to prevent threat or danger to its members; psychological self-defense mechanisms; and the psychological processes of projection, displacement, rationalization, sublimation, etc.]


  Children of the Kibbutz. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.


  Gender and Culture: Kibbutz Women Revisited. Durham, No
rth Carolina: Duke University Press.

  [Presents evidence for a “female parenting need” that is “precultural,” and that contributes to the sex role assignments that are at least nearly universal.]


  Oedipus in the Trobriands. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.


  Some Reflections on Cultural Determinism and Relativism with Special Reference to Emotion and Reason. In Shweder and LeVine, eds., pp. 323–346.


  Cultural Relativism and the Future of Anthropology. Cultural Anthropology 1:259–286.

  Staal, Frits


  Universals: Studies in Indian Logic and Linguistics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

  [Explores the basic commonalities between Indian and Western logic and linguistics to conclude that wherever logic and linguistics develop they are fundamentally the same (as in mathematics also). Negation, the principle of noncontradiction, rule, and rationality; also music, song, and ritual.]


  Rules without Meaning: Ritual, Mantras and the Human Sciences. New York: Lang.

  [Ritual and “the urge to attach meanings to what is essentially meaningless.”]

  Steadman, Lyle B.


  Neighbours and Killers: Residence and Dominance among the Hewa of New Guinea. Ph.D. diss. Australian National University.

  Steiner, George


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