Marry Me under the Mistletoe

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Marry Me under the Mistletoe Page 7

by Rebecca Winters

  “But as an extra precaution you need dowels for all the windows upstairs and down. It’ll make more trouble for him or any intruder and buy you a little time if someone wants in. What do you have for personal protection?”

  “I carry pepper mace on my key chain and keep bear spray in the drawer.” She indicated the bedside table.

  He nodded. “Do you have a gun?”

  “No. I’d rather use spray.”

  Without any more questions, he walked back out to her sitting room. She had no Christmas decorations upstairs. Until now she hadn’t even thought about doing her own decorating, because her emotions had been in deep freeze.

  But no longer. Her pulse raced just looking at him.

  “You have a lovely modern apartment here. In an older building like this, it’s a surprise.”

  “I know. Before my marriage I lived with Mom. Gunter and I were going to buy a house here, but he died too soon for us to decide on one. The loft seemed the perfect choice to remodel so I’d be close to my work.”

  His hands went to his hips in a purely masculine gesture. “I would have sold my house to help let go of memories if I didn’t have Tessa, but any more changes to her life would have been disastrous at the time.”

  “They already are.”

  He shot her a probing glance. “What do you mean?”

  “She didn’t like me the other day, and likes me less after seeing me with you tonight.”

  Lines bracketed his mouth. “Don’t read so much into everything, Andrea.”

  Andrea didn’t want to go down this road, but tonight’s experience had left her with no other choice. “Your daughter doesn’t want to share you with anyone else.”

  He took a deep breath. “She has to share me every day when I go to work. Between all the love from her grandmothers, aunts, Sharon— from my colleagues’ wives and her kindergarten teacher, she’s learning to adapt.”

  “That’s not the same thing, and you know it. When she looked up and realized I was with you, she shut down. She feels a child’s jealousy that you would give personal attention to another woman besides her. I don’t want to be that woman.”

  She noticed his chest rise and fall from a tumult of emotions. “This phase will pass.”

  “Sometimes that phase lasts years.”

  His eyes narrowed. “What else is going on inside you?”

  Andrea tossed her head back. “Isn’t Tessa’s negative reaction enough to let you know this wasn’t a good idea? She’s so precious and you’re her whole world. Your daughter needs more time.”

  His features hardened. “You didn’t answer my question,” he said, ignoring her comments. “I know for a fact you feel something for me, but you’re doing your damnedest to pretend otherwise. Why?”

  At his question she backed away from him. “I appreciate your checking out my apartment, but if you’re through here, you ought to go back to the Ameses’ house to be with your daughter. It will reassure her she hasn’t lost you.”

  He moved closer. “I’ll take your advice under consideration, but not before I get the truth from you. They say it makes you free. Do me that favor and I swear I’ll never darken your doorstep again.”

  She wouldn’t look at him. “Tonight we got this out of our system and your daughter had to pay the price. More than ever I’m not interested in a relationship.”

  Rick reached out and grasped her upper arms. “You’re lying or you wouldn’t have come to the party with me, and I can prove it.” Before she could cry out, he lowered his dark head and covered her mouth unerringly with his own. There was a hunger in his kiss that ignited her desire in spite of everything she’d tried to do to stop it. Without being able to help it, her mouth opened to the seductive pressure of his.

  He was right. This was what she’d been waiting for. A moan of pure pleasure escaped her throat, one she knew he heard. In the next instant he crushed her against his hard body until there was no space between them. She felt feverish as one exploratory kiss grew into another, then five, ten, twenty until she lost count. He was insatiable. So was she. It was shocking how much she wanted this ecstasy to go on and on.

  “I didn’t know a woman like you existed. In a matter of days you’ve managed to turn me inside out. Give me a chance to let me love you, Andrea.”

  If the buzzer outside the downstairs rear door hadn’t sounded, she had no idea how long she would have clung to him, kissing him back again and again as if he were life to her. What really terrified her was that for these moments in his arms, he was life to her.


  RICK HADN’T IMAGINED that buzzing sound. With the greatest of reluctance he allowed her to tear her mouth from his without pulling her back. “Your father?” Both of them were out of breath.

  “I’m sure it is.”

  “This late?” It was after ten.

  “Yes. He drifts in and out at will.”

  The buzzer went off again. Her parent sounded impatient. “You’d better answer.”

  “I know, but I need to freshen up for a minute.”

  Rick studied her features and glazed eyes. Her lips looked swollen and his five-o’clock shadow had put a rash on her face. All in all she looked slightly ravished for a first kiss, but he felt no shame. On the contrary...

  “Would you like me to go down and let him in while you repair the damage?”

  She blushed. “If you wouldn’t mind.”

  “It would be my pleasure.” With his body throbbing from unassuaged longings, he went back downstairs and undid the lock. He’d met her mother. Now was his chance to meet Andrea’s father.

  To say her graying parent in his North Face parka was shocked to see Rick standing there was an understatement. He gave him the once-over with dark blue eyes reminiscent of Andrea’s. “I thought one of Andrea’s friends was parked outside. Who are you?” he asked, sounding a bit territorial for the father of a grown woman.

  “I’m Captain Jenner of Ladder 1 at the downtown fire station. You must be Mr. Bernard. Your daughter will be right down. Come in.”

  Once he was inside, Rick shut the door. Her father looked around the office. “I can smell smoke.”

  “That’s right. There was a fire in the art gallery two shops up the street the other night, set by an arsonist. I just got off duty and came by to let your daughter know the police will be patrolling this area more heavily until January. But she needs to pay special heed when she’s here alone.”

  “I never liked the idea of her living upstairs, but would she listen to her own father? Andrea’s mother always let her be too independent, so what can you expect?”

  As Rick grimaced, he heard footsteps on the stairs. “Hi, Dad. Mom said you’d be coming by.”

  Andrea came down in jeans and a T-shirt. Everything she wore she filled out to perfection, but that was a quick change, he thought. Rick had the strongest suspicion she didn’t want her father to know anything about their evening, especially the passion they’d just shared.

  She gave her dad a kiss. “You’ve met Captain Jenner. His crew put out that fire he was talking about. He’s been making an inspection of the buildings around here and checked my fire escape to see what kind of access it has to the upstairs. He was just leaving.”

  Rick glanced at him. “It was nice to meet you, Mr. Bernard.”

  “I appreciate you keeping my little girl safe. She shouldn’t be living here on her own. Did she tell you about the bear spray?”


  “It’s good stuff. Go for the eyes.”

  Rick flicked his gaze to Andrea. “Be sure to get those dowels put in the windows. Good night. I’ll let myself out.”

  After having to prematurely relinquish Andrea, whose incredible response had set him on fire, Rick had been forced to pull himself together
to let her father in the door. But he’d been reeling from the taste and feel of Andrea, so that the meeting with her parent had barely scratched the surface of his mind.

  However, now that he was on his way back to the party, he had time to reflect and couldn’t help wondering about the relationship between her and her father. She was such a warm, demonstrative woman, but she’d controlled that emotion around him. Andrea had lived through her parents’ divorce and had obviously been affected by the pain.

  There was so much Rick didn’t know about her, but he planned to find out. One truth was perfectly clear. When they’d heard the buzzer a few minutes ago, she hadn’t been ready to let him go. Her desire was every bit as explosive as his. Both of them had experienced a moment of sheer ecstasy, and it was going to grow stronger no matter how much she might want to fight it.

  But she was right about his daughter. Tessa had been jealous of his attention to Andrea. He could see that he would have to be extra careful and realized he needed to follow Andrea’s advice and take Tessa home. There’d be other nights for sleepovers.

  Deep in thought, he drove back to the party. Being a good friend, Deanna didn’t ask any probing questions about Andrea’s quick departure. He talked to everyone for a while, noticing that Susie had already left.

  Rick was glad Susie had seen Andrea involved with him, in order to end any speculation or hope that he might be interested. Before he took Tessa home he sought out Benton, who was in the kitchen on the phone.

  After he hung up, Benton motioned Rick over to the counter with a scowl on his face. “There’s a certain pattern our fire starter has been following. One of my sources believes he’s a colleague working among us. He’s too good at what he does. These fires have been done by an insider.”

  Rick groaned. He thought of the guys assigned to Ladder 1 and couldn’t imagine them going berserk. Two of them were here tonight with their wives. The thought of having to be suspicious of any of them tore him up inside. “It wouldn’t be the first time one of our own turned bad.”

  “Nope. Watch your back, Rick. If it’s true, then this guy not only likes setting fires, he’s got a vendetta. I’ve got my guys going through every history to find out who might have it in for the department or one person in particular.”

  Rick let out a low whistle. “I know one firefighter who pretty well hates my guts, but I haven’t worked with him for at least a year.”

  “Who’s that?”

  “Chase Hayward. When we have more time, I’ll tell you about him.”

  Benton frowned. “That’s a place to start. Let me know when you come up with any other names.”

  “You can count on it. Thanks for the party. Sorry Andrea had to leave so fast. Her father came into town and she had to go home.”

  “No problem, as long as it didn’t spoil your evening.”

  “Not spoil. Just...complicate things a little.” The result had left him breathless and wanting more of the same excitement only she could engender. “Talk to you later.”

  He gathered up his daughter, who’d fallen asleep on the family-room couch. She wakened enough to smile as he slipped on her parka. After he carried her out to the car and strapped her in the back car seat for the ride home she fell asleep again.

  While he put her to bed, his thoughts were on Andrea. His teeth snapped together when he thought of her father showing up when he did. One taste of Andrea hadn’t been nearly enough. Rick had only half believed her excuse that she’d needed to leave to get home to see him.

  Trying to tamp down his charged body, he turned out the lights and shut Tessa’s door. As he walked through the house, it felt like the night before Christmas. The words floated through his mind—“not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.” He couldn’t believe it, but the darkness of his life seemed to have lifted and a new sense of purpose had taken over. Like it or not, Andrea Fleming was responsible for this metamorphosis.

  When morning came, Tessa ran into his room to hug him. But the first words out of her mouth brought bad weather for the rest of the day. “Daddy? I wish you hadn’t brought Andrea to the party.”

  Startled, he sat up. “Why not?” He knew the answer, but he needed to let her talk this out.

  “I don’t like her,” she said in a tremulous voice.

  “Can you tell me why?”

  “Julie said she might be my new mommy and I don’t want a new one.” On that note she buried her face in his chest and sobbed.

  Rick rocked her in his arms. What to say that would comfort this child he loved more than life itself? For the past year his heart had cried out that he didn’t want another woman in his life either. But he hadn’t counted on Andrea....

  At this juncture he didn’t dare lie to Tessa, who took everything so literally. But at the same time, he wasn’t about to stop seeing Andrea. He had no idea where things were headed with her. Possibly nowhere, except that deep inside he didn’t believe that.

  “Right now Andrea is a friend I’ve met. She’s been very sad.”

  That brought Tessa’s head up. “How come?”

  “A year ago she was with her husband in Germany when they were in an accident and he died.”

  He could hear his daughter’s mind ticking over. “And now he’s in heaven like Mommy?”


  She wiped her eyes. “I bet she cries a lot.”

  Rick groaned inwardly. “I’m sure she does.”

  Tessa touched his cheek, reminding him he needed a shave. “You used to cry.”

  His throat practically closed up from emotion. “We all had to cry so we’d feel better.”

  “Do you feel better?” she asked in all earnestness.

  “Better than I did.”

  “Me, too.”

  “Then let’s go eat and then we’ll build a snowman in the backyard.” From the window he could see snow had fallen during the night. Not a lot, but just enough to blanket everything in white. He had some shoveling to do. “I’ll make us Mickey Mouse chocolate chip pancakes.”

  “Can I put in the chips?”

  He smiled, thankful that so far they’d gotten through this tense moment in one piece. “That’s your job.”

  Half an hour later he’d showered and shaved and they were just finishing their pancakes and bacon when he heard his cell phone ring. He checked the caller ID and saw that it was the battalion chief calling. He frowned before clicking on. “Hey, Rob—what’s up?”

  “Plenty. I know it’s your day off, but we need all the extra help we can get. A couple of guys are out with stomach flu, one from your ladder. Just a minute ago there was a big explosion at the downtown furniture mart. We’re calling in help from all over the city.”

  That sprawling monster? “Say no more. I’ll be at the station as soon as I can.” He hung up with a grimace. “Sweetheart, I hate to do this, but there’s an emergency at work. Go tell Sharon I have to leave.”

  * * *

  “Dad? Do you want more scrambled eggs?”

  “No. I think I’m done, but I could use some more coffee.”

  Andrea poured another cup for him. He’d slept on the couch and had opened his Christmas present early because he’d be gone hunting over Christmas. She’d listened to him rant about the numskulls at his work.

  While he’d turned on the TV and was grazing the channels for the news, Andrea had slipped into the bedroom to phone her mom. To her delight she found out that Rex was taking her to dinner that evening. Then the subject changed to Rick Jenner and the scene with Tessa.

  “But I can’t talk about that right now, Mom. I’ll call you later once Dad’s gone.”

  After she came out of her bedroom, she saw breaking news flash across the TV screen. “ you just joined us, we’re in downtown Providence on the scene of a raging nine-alarm fire that
is engulfing the old furniture mart.” Nine?

  Her father whistled. “That’s one mean fireball. I’d hate to be the firefighter I met last night.”

  Andrea was already quaking in her boots over Rick. Today was supposed to be his day off. She’d heard one of the firefighters say they could all stay up late for the party and sleep in. But word of a fire of this magnitude would reach every firefighter in the city. She hadn’t known Rick long, but she knew he wouldn’t stay in bed once he heard the news. Her stomach muscles tensed.

  “The recent rash of fires in the downtown area seems to indicate an arsonist might be involved.”

  Andrea remembered what Rick had said. I’ve a gut feeling this one loves to light fires for the fun of it. He wants notoriety and is the worst kind.

  When her father turned off the television, she wished he hadn’t. Now that she’d seen the fire, she couldn’t think about anything else. “I’d better head home to make things right with Monica.”

  Andrea pretended she didn’t know anything about their troubled marriage. “What happened?”

  “I told her when I married her I didn’t want to get involved with her kids.”

  No. Andrea’s father could hardly handle having one child of his own. What a blow it must have been to her mother when she discovered the kind of man she’d married. The difference between him and someone like Rick Jenner, who adored his daughter and was devoted to her, was too astounding to contemplate. She found his parka and helped him put it on.

  “It’s good to see my little girl.” After putting a new can of bear mace on the coffee table as his contribution to her Christmas, he gave her a hug. He’d always had trouble parting with his money unless it was for more ammunition or a new scope for his rifle. She thanked him and hugged him back before going downstairs with him.

  “It’s a fine day now that it’s snowed,” he exclaimed after opening the door to the alley. “But I’d rather be up in Alaska.”

  That was his mantra. “Drive safely.”

  The second he took off, she raced upstairs to grab her things, then ran down and got into her car. Once out on the street she could see the dark plumes of smoke over the downtown area, making her feel sicker as she listened to the radio report. Without conscious thought she drove to the fire station. If she saw Rick’s Toyota there, then she’d know he’d been called in to help fight the blaze.


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