Fated for Pitch Black (Inferno's Clutch MC Book 5)

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Fated for Pitch Black (Inferno's Clutch MC Book 5) Page 4

by E. C. Land

Flipping through pages, noticing it’s her will. The last page is a letter addressed to me in her handwriting. Lifting the paper up, I scan over it only to have to stop and read through it a hell of a lot slower.


  I’ve written this letter probably a thousand times. Each time I’ve trashed it not thinking it’s enough. This time I’m going to just write the full thing put it with the documents and be done with it.

  As you can see with the records in the envelope you find this in, you have a son. Carson is yours. I had a DNA test to confirm what I already knew. I’m sure you’ll want to know how I had your DNA. Remember when you let me cut your hair? I saved it in a scrapbook, ask Carson and he can give it to you if you like.

  Though I’m sure you wouldn’t really care. I get you despise me. I despise myself. You’ll never know how much I hate myself for what those monsters did to you. They forced me to watch as you escaped that fire. Unbeknownst to me, my father had arranged plans for when I graduated school. I was to marry one of the Callaghans to keep the bloodlines pure.

  Bryce decided it would be him that I married but before I was to be, I needed to be checked over. The doctor informed him and my father I was pregnant. I was ordered to get rid of it, I begged them to allow me to have the baby that I would do whatever they wanted. They agreed as long as I put the baby up for adoption. I agreed to their demand, knowing I wouldn’t do it.

  I was able to keep myself out of their sights due to school. This was one of my father’s stipulations for Bryce marrying me which he didn’t do. (Thankfully) That I go to school to become a doctor. Bryce didn’t care, really, it was for the alliance he made the arrangements.

  I don’t really know how to explain it all to you, shoot I don’t even know if that part makes any sense. In short form, I’ve stayed out of the limelight to keep our son safe. Finished school and came home. I don’t know why I came back to Louisiana, but I felt pulled to come home.

  Now if you’re reading this, it means they’ve decided they were done. My father is powerful and wants what he wants, he doesn’t care how it’s done. The Callaghans are the same. What I’m saying is, don’t worry about me. I know you hate me and could care less. I get it and deserve your anger.

  But if you’ll make sure Carson is safe for me that will be all I ask. He is innocent in all of this. I never hid you from him. He knows about you. He even has a picture of you in his room on his dresser. I used to tell him stories about you.

  I guess that’s all I can really think to say, just take care of him. I’m not worth coming after. As it stands, if you’re reading this, I’m probably already dead or close to it. So please just focus on looking after Carson.

  I hope you have found happiness.

  Love you always, heart and soul forever yours, ma raison d’être.


  Crushing the letter in my hand, I lift my head to meet Chains’ gaze. “We need to find her,” I say.

  “We’ll find her, brother. You have my word on that.” Chains nods. “Let’s get to the clubhouse.”

  “I’m coming with you,” Lyrica states, stepping forward. “I can help with Carson. He knows me.”

  Nodding in agreement, I turn and head back for my bike, trying to wrap my head around this new information.

  According to what I just read, if it were true, she unwillingly went with them.

  Motherfucker, I’m going to kill every last one of them for doing what they’ve done to not only me but Angelina and Carson as well.

  Chapter Six


  I don’t know how much time has passed as I lay on the cold hard ground. After Ballard beat and dragged me out of the house, he’d gotten a phone call from one of his men stating that Carson got away from them.

  Talk about music to my ears.

  Ballard, of course, didn’t like this news especially when his men told him who it was Carson ran to.

  “Fuckin’ whore. Why Bryce and Lance want you to stay alive is beyond me? They gave you to me, making you my problem yet won’t let me just kill you right off the bat. Instead I have to just make you suffer until they give me the go ahead. You’re nothing but a waste of space who should be shot in the head like the mangy bitch you are,” Ballard sneers, kicking me in the stomach causing me to groan in pain.

  “Get up, bitch,” he orders, leaning down and gripping me by the nape of my neck as he pulls me up. “We need to get out of here before that bastard of yours sends the cavalry to save you.”

  How I wish that were the case?

  Carson’s dad isn’t going to be coming for me. Doesn’t matter if he finds out the truth or not. I stood against him when I should have fought to stay with him.

  Reason Bryce and Lance want to keep me alive is because according to them my medical knowledge would come in handy when they needed me to help. Bryce Callaghan was the man I was supposed to marry. He and his brother literally flipped a coin to see who would win. I can at least be thankful I’d been given this much time without feeling the ramifications.

  Is this their way of getting payback for all this time I’d stayed under the radar? I don’t know, but if Ballard doesn’t kill me, his beatings will surely do it for him. My ribs are throbbing, head aching with blood running into my eye.

  Dragging me to his car he’d had left parked nearly a quarter a mile away from my house, Ballard opens his trunk and throws me inside. “Not about to take any chances with you trying to get someone’s attention,” he snarls slamming the top down.

  Great. I’m going to be stuck in a trunk for God knows how long.

  Fuck my life.

  What did I ever do to deserve something so messed up?

  My mind drifts off and sleep claims me for what I can only hope is the last time in order to avoid the horrifying torture coming my way.

  Coming to, fear consumes me as my nostrils start to burn.

  What is that smell?

  It almost smells like gasoline. Glancing around the tight space I try to figure out where it’s coming from when I hear Ballard’s voice. “Yeah Bryce, I had the bitch in my grasp, but she slipped through my fingers.”


  No, I didn’t. He’s lying and I’m trapped in the trunk of his car.

  “No problem, boss, I’ll continue to look for her, but I think you need to just wash your hands of this bitch. She’s not worth the headache. She’s nothing but bones, you know how fucked up it is to fuck a bitch like her and all you feel is her tail bone.” Ballard pauses for a moment. “Yeah, boss, she’s fuckin’ hideous now. You wouldn’t want to sink your dick in her any more than I do,” he cackles.

  “Right, I’ll see you later on, I’m just getting rid of any evidence just in case she calls the cops and what not and gives my description.”

  Um, what?

  How can I go to the cops, let alone describe someone when I’m locked in a freaking trunk?

  Silence surrounds me and I believe Ballard has left the room, leaving me here to die like this. It’s then I smell the smoke as well as feel the heat blazing from a fire that’s been set close to me.

  Oh no.

  I need to get out of here.

  Twisting and turning I try to think as panic begins to set in, searching for a way out I run my hands along the walls of the trunk and above. Finally, I find a small bottle opener shaped thing and pull on it. Immediate the trunk unlatches; smoke assaults my lungs as I push it open. Coughing I climb out of the trunk and stumble. My eyes burn from the smoke, I’m barely able to see anything.

  Spinning around I try to see something, anything. Everything is clouded by the smoke and flames as they grow closer. If I don’t find a way out of here soon, I’m as good as dead. Without thinking I just start moving closer to the flames. In any direction I turn I realize I’ll have to run through them in order to get to safety.

  For once I believe I have luck on my side as I spot a doorway on the other side of the flames. All I need to do is get through there and I should be able to get som
ewhere safe and call someone, anyone. At least, I hope I’ll be able to, I could easily be running into a trap with Ballard lying in wait.

  No that’s not it. He wanted me dead. I heard him.

  Shaking my head, I will just have to take my chances.

  Without another thought, I run as quickly as I can through the flames, feeling them kissing my skin. I can’t help but scream as I make it through the doorway and fall to the ground to put the flames out. Tears stream down my face due to the sheer agony of it all.

  Rolling to my stomach, I pull myself up the best I can to my hands and knees. I crawl a short distance before collapsing onto the ground, my face hitting dirt. My last thought being grateful Carson was with his dad.

  I could die happy now knowing this.

  Closing my eyes, I listen to the roaring thunder coming in the distance.

  Chapter Seven

  Pitch Black

  When I’d gotten back to the clubhouse, Carson immediately waylaid me with his form soon as I put the kickstand down and climbed off. For someone as tall as he is, I have to remind myself he’s still a kid.

  My kid.

  Fuck, wrapping my arms around his form, I incase him in my larger one.

  “You didn’t find her. He took her didn’t he.” Carson’s stating the obvious rather than asking me for an answer.

  “Yeah, Carson, but I’m gonna find her for you,” I say, giving him my vow to bring his mom back to him. “Come on, let’s get inside, Lyrica’s gonna hang out with you while I go see what my brother, Fuse, can find.”

  Nodding, Carson stays directly at my side as I walk into the clubhouse. Inside, it’s silent compared to what’s normally going on. The strays were sitting in a corner, pouting, shooting glares in my kid’s direction.

  What the fuck?

  “Car,” Lyrica calls out as she approaches.

  “Hey, Ly,” Carson murmurs stepping toward her allowing her to embrace him in a hug.

  “You okay, kid?” she asks the top of his head. Seeing he was in good hands with her, I turn on my heel intending to go to Fuse’s room.

  Chains beats me to it, by hollering throughout the room, “Church. Now.”

  Glancing over my shoulder, I meet Carson’s gaze then Lyrica’s. “Don’t go outside,” I order. The both of them nod in response.

  Turning my head back around, I walk straight into church to find out what is going on. Most of my brothers are already seated, including my pops. The expression on his face murderous as I meet his gaze. He didn’t get his road name for nothing.

  Fuse is the last one to come in as he’s carrying his laptop.

  Soon as the door closes Chains begins, “Right, brothers. As you’ve all seen Pit has a mini me out there that looks just fuckin’ like him, it’s eerie. Pit you want to explain this shit?” he asks.

  Nodding, as I sit forward I reach inside my cut and grab the manila envelope Lyrica gave me, tossing it in the middle of the table. I clasp my fingers together, my elbows on the table. “Carson’s mom is Angelina, my high school girlfriend. Those of you who were around during that time know about her and I. You know what happened in the end. For you all that weren’t here, you know her as the doctor that was at the hospital when Prez’s ol’ lady had the twins.”

  “Woman also delivered Owen. Damn good doctor. Was pissed she was the one to deliver my son but fuck if she didn’t keep Nora from attempting to cut off my dick. Kept her calm the entire time,” Breaker states with a nod.

  “Anyways, you all know who she is. What you don’t know is Angelina is the daughter of one of the most richest men in the area. He makes Delancy look like a chump when it comes to power. Deveaux.”

  Curses are mumbled throughout the room.

  “Angelina evidently knew this was coming, gave this envelope to Lyrica to hold on to. Said she would know who to give it to when the time was right. That being me. Inside is a letter, which in my opinion is pretty much a suicide note. There’s also Carson’s birth certificate, a DNA test proving he’s mine, and her will giving everything she has to Carson and myself.” I go on explaining what was in the letter. What she said about the Callaghans and her father.

  “Fuse, do we know anything about who took Angelina?” Chains asks soon as I finish.

  “Well, it wasn’t either of the Callaghans or Deveaux, they are all in Las Vegas right now. Not only do their bank statements show this, but there is also a live broadcast going right now showing them there. Doesn’t mean any one them didn’t send anyone after her, I’m looking into the men right now to see which player is where,” Fuse states, his fingers flying across the keys of his laptop.

  “Right, would it help if we brought Carson in here to give you a description? He might have gotten a good look at the bastard before running,” Tyres suggest.

  “Pit?” Chains asks turning to me.

  “Would be worth a shot. Kid is hurting right now, knowing his mamma is gone,” I nod.

  “Frame, go get Carson for us,” Chains orders.

  Frame immediately does what he’s asked. No one speaks while he’s gone. Mostly due to the tension filling the room. Seems lately we can’t have a break from the drama. Well we did have a good few months without anything happening.

  When the door opens, Frame enters with Carson following directly behind him. Lifting a hand, I motion for him to come stand near me. As my kid I’m not going to make him stand off to the side. Normally when we have to speak with someone in such a manner we make them stand against the wall but even though he’s just entered our lives not even three hours ago, I can sense the connection between the two of us.

  “Carson, need you to tell us if you know what the guy looked like who took your mamma,” I say firmly.

  Carson straightens his shoulders, lifts his chin, and begins explaining what all happened in detail. “He had Mom by her hair, holding her against him, but from his features, I saw a scar on his cheek.”

  “Got him,” Fuse says immediately. “There’s only one man connected to either the Callaghans or Deveaux who has a scar on his face. Name’s Tyler Ballard. Thanks, kid.”

  “You’re welcome,” Carson says, nodding his head and looking back to me. “I know the truth in everything going on. Even what happened with you and my mom, we don’t keep secrets from each other, well for the most part we don’t. I’m not stupid and I know she tries to hide it.”

  “What does she try to hide?” my pops asks before Carson can finish speaking.

  Carson looks from me to my pops then back to me. “Is he my gramps?” he asks.

  “Yeah, I’m your gramps,” my pops says with pride. “Now what did your mamma try to hide?”

  “That she’s paying someone, it’s why she doesn’t eat. Mom buys just enough food for me. The most she’ll eat is a piece of toast.” My blood boils with this news.

  “Fuse,” I start.

  “Already on it, brother,” he says knowing what I’m going to ask.

  “Carson, can you go back out there and hang with Lyrica?” Chains asks gently.

  “Yeah, I can. She’s helping me with my sketches anyway.” Carson shrugs as he makes his way to the door. “Prefer to be outside with my skateboard, but that’s back at the house.”

  I make a note to get one of the prospects to go get it for him since neither he nor Angelina will be going back to that fuckin’ house.

  Knowing why she is living like that, pisses me off. I might be pissed as hell but after reading that letter, if I get her back, I’m not letting her get away. She was mine a long fuckin’ time ago and I don’t think I ever let her go.

  “Got an idea of where Ballard took Angelina, and for the record, money was easily traced, the money was put directly into an account going to the Callaghans,” Fuse says the moment Carson closes the door.


  “We’ll get to that later. Let’s worry about getting her back from this Ballard fucker first,” Ryder snarls. After what his ol’ lady went through it’s probably hitting close to h
ome having seen the blood at Angelina’s.

  “Sending the coordinates to your phones,” Fuse mutters as we all stand.

  “Right then let’s go. If this fucker has anyone with him, he’s in for a rude awakening. Whether or not she’s the mother of our brother’s son, she helped my woman bring River and Brook into this world,” Chains states. “Plus, no woman deserves to be harmed in anyway.”

  “Prez, I’m saying this right fuckin’ now, Angelina will always be mine even if I’m fuckin’ pissed as a motherfucker at her for what happened. I at least know now what the fuck happened back then,” I growl, clenching my fists at my sides.

  “You claimin’ her as your ol’ lady?” Lynch asks, quirking a brow.

  Meeting my brother’s gaze then my pops, I nod my head. “Yeah, Lina is my fuckin’ ol’ lady.”

  “Then let’s go get her,” Chains states, moving for the door.

  Inwardly my head is screaming at me in denial of what I just claimed but my heart, which I thought was dead, overrides all negative thought.

  Following my Prez out of church, I head for the exit. I don’t stop as I go but I do nod to Carson. “Be back with your mamma,” I tell him seeing the worried expression on his face. I’m going to bring her back no matter fuckin’ what. No boy should be without his mamma.

  It takes a little over an hour for us to get to the location Fuse sent to all of our phones. As we grow near you can see smoke in the distance. My gut tightens with unease.

  Don’t let us be too late.

  Rounding the curve, we pull up to a building that’s burning bright into the setting sun.

  Putting the kickstand down, I climb off, starting for the burning building thinking she’s in there when Tyres stops me with a hand on my shoulder.

  “What the fuck?” I snarl, spinning on my VP.

  “Look to your right, brother,” he snaps narrowing his eyes as he points in the direction.

  Tilting my head to follow his finger, I don’t see it at first but as I do my heart stops.


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