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Shattered - Anniversary Edition (Broken Trilogy Book 5)

Page 17

by J. L. Drake

  One of the men has stopped to help his teammate who got caught up in his rope. They’re both struggling, needing air, but this recruit isn’t giving up. He even goes so far as to pull his buddy along with him as they finish the drill. By the time they finish, the recruit is barely coherent, and his buddy is passed out but comes to quickly.

  Cole takes note of his number and smiles. Savannah will be happy.

  “Number nine,” Cole calls once the man is standing upright. “A word, please.”

  The man is wide-eyed as he takes in Cole’s presence. “Colonel,” he huffs, out of breath.

  “Corporal Davie, nice work down there.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  Cole rubs his face. He wasn’t expecting this turn of events. “I was under the impression you had an issue with water, but what I just witnessed makes me think you’ve gotten over your fear.”

  Davie takes a long breath, looking back at his buddy. “Well, sir, you never leave a man behind. If he didn’t finish, then we all don’t finish.” He laughs a little. “I’ll be frank, I have no desire to do that again, but I will if I have to.” He turns and looks at his buddy. “Pipes is a good swimmer, sir. He just got disoriented.”

  Cole nods, liking his answer. He couldn’t have asked for a better one. “Get dried off, pick up your things, and meet me in the main office in thirty.”

  “Ah-yes, sir.” He looks confused but does as he’s told.

  Exactly thirty minutes later, Davie takes a seat, dropping his bag at his feet. He looks around the office, apparently taking in the severe lack of décor in the old warehouse. Cole closes the file and glances at his cell phone, waiting for an update from Keith. He and Savi should be back at the house by now, but he knows he doesn’t have time to call.

  “Davie, I have to be honest. I had another recruit in mind for a position at Shadows, but after what I just saw, I think I may have to change my mind.”

  “Oh?” Davie can’t hide his interest. He rubs his blond crewcut like he’s used to it being a little longer.

  “Would you be interested in a spot at Shadows?”

  “Yes, I would, very much so.”

  Cole leans over the desk, putting emphasis on his next words to make sure he is very clear. “You understand what you will be giving up by joining the house? Relationships are next to impossible, secrets are your life, twelve to fourteen-hour shifts are not unusual, and in rough elements. The house and team will become your family. I treat my men well. I haven’t had a complaint yet.”

  Davie sits up a little straighter. “I understand, sir. I’ve always been interested in Shadows. I know what I will be sacrificing, but I don’t have much to lose. My only family was my father, and he just passed two months ago. I have no ties. I’m basically a shadow already.”

  Cole knows about Davie’s father and how he drowned off their fishing boat, but never once does Davie bring it up or use it as an excuse, and that’s a damn good quality in a man. He’s tough and can control his emotions. Davie is clearly a perfect match for Shadows.

  “Pack your bags, Davie. We leave in an hour.”

  The smile that appears on Davie’s face is enough to lighten anyone’s mood. He grabs his bag and jumps up, holding out his hand for a shake. “Thank you, Colonel. I won’t let you down.”

  “I know you won’t.”

  Davie leaves just as Roth, number fifty-nine, is about to knock on the door. He glances at his phone with a puzzled expression before he quickly tucks it way and stands at attention.

  Cole tells him to take a seat as he opens his file and looks over the paperwork. Cole knows he is a true candidate across the board. He’s the one Cole has had his eye on from day one. Roth is made for Shadows, but there is still something that niggles at Cole. “Roth, I’m sure you got wind that I’ve been looking to recruit a man for my house.”

  “I have.” He leans back in his chair, looking pretty confident, which irks Cole a little. York was cocky.

  “But there has to be trust.” Cole watches as tiny beads of sweat break out across his upper lip. “Do you feel you are trustworthy?”

  “I-I do,” he stumbles. “You’ve seen my chart. I’ve passed everything with flying colors. I haven’t failed one test you’ve thrown at me.”

  “I’m not questioning your physical strength or your ability. That we know. I’m talking about trust. If there’s no trust, then there’s no team. No team means there’s no job.”

  “You can trust me.” The words come out, leaving Cole uneasy. Something feels off. He’s been around long enough to go with his gut, and right now it’s screaming at him to cut Roth loose.

  “Then why did you swim by Corporal Davie, while he helped Pipes finish the drill? He’s not nearly the swimmer you are.”

  He leans back in his seat and crosses his arms. “You get don’t stats like that,” he points to his file, “picking up the weak.”

  Cole clamps down on his tongue, thanking his gut and letting a few quiet seconds go by as he studies Roth’s face. “Well, thanks for being honest, Roth. Now it’s my turn. I don’t think you’re the right fit for Shadows.” Roth’s face falls; clearly, this is not what he was expecting.

  “Colonel, can you give me a chance? I’ll do anything. Just let me come to the house, and I’ll prove it.” Roth looks almost panicky. Cole runs Roth’s words over in his head.

  “I’m sorry, Roth, but I’m staying firm on my decision. Now,” Cole stands and collects his things, “I have to go. Take care, Roth. You’re a good soldier. You’ll do well.”

  The squeaking of boots has Cole whipping around, ready to fight, but he sees Roth charging Davie instead.

  “You ruined it for me!” Roth screams, his face blazing red and the vein in his neck popping out.

  Davie shakes his head but raises his hands in surrender, knowing better than to swing back. Fighting each other is forbidden during training, and Roth just screwed any chance he had in Cole’s unit or anyone else’s. This is confirming he’s a hothead and loose cannon.

  Cole hauls Roth to his feet and slams him into the wall with a finger in his face. “Pack your bags and wait for the call. You don’t belong at Camp Green Water.”

  Roth’s chest heaves as he tries to swallow back whatever the hell he wants to say. Cole motions for Davie to follow.

  A few of his buddies are congratulating him before he holds the door for Cole. Respectful. Yeah, Cole knows he has made the right decision.

  They drive directly to Zack’s, unable to take him to the house until all the documents have been signed. Frank has to go over the contracts, have Davie sign the NDA, and be sure he fully understands what is expected of him.

  Davie is clearly book smart and asks all the right questions. The longer Cole spends time with him, the more he feels good about his choice. Frank briefly questions Davie on the altercation with Roth and shoots Cole a look that means Roth will be revaluated and might be dropped down to basic training. He is a damn good soldier but needs to get his head back on straight.

  “Can I get you anything else?” The host, Adam, comes over holding a pitcher of water and refilling their glasses.

  “No, thanks.” Frank covers his glass with his hand, indicating he doesn’t want any more. “Just let Zack know we’re leaving, please.”

  “Sure, he should be done with Nicole’s paperwork by now.”

  Cole’s head snaps up at the use of Savannah’s cover name. “What?”

  Adam nods and picks up a plate, balancing it in his hand. “Yeah, he spent a good hour with her earlier this afternoon. I’m not sure why, but you know Zack. He’s like a vault. Anyway, she and your mother left about two hours ago, saying they needed to meet someone.” A smile breaks along his lips. “So pretty and sweet with just the right mixture of sexy…man, what a combo.” He whistles as he leaves the table, missing Cole’s death look.

  “I hope he was talking about Nicole.” Frank snorts, making Davie crack up. Even Cole smiles, but only for a moment. He is confused. What t
he hell is going on?

  Chapter Thirteen


  I check the clock. It’s a little after six when we arrive back at the house. Sue has decided to join us for dinner. I know why, and I appreciate it. Daniel greets us as we enter the foyer. His arm still looks sore, but he refuses to use the sling. Men. He gives Sue a kiss and wraps me in a typical Logan bear hug while asking us how our day went. Sue speaks to him as I slip out of my coat and boots and head upstairs to change into a dress. I got wind from Abigail we are having some company when she suggested I choose something from the left-hand side of the closet. I change into a little black dress, thinking it’s a safe bet, as it matches my dark eyes. I have to smile at myself in the mirror as I realize I resemble my mother more than my father. Feeling more than a little pleased and with a quick touch-up in the makeup department, I head downstairs.

  “Well, well, well, if it isn’t my soon-to-be wife,” Dell jokes, giving me a playful smile and a small hug. “Don’t you look lovely?”

  “So do you, Dell. I heard you were back. Glad to see it’s true.” I spot Cole across the room talking to Frank and someone else, his back to me.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” He wiggles his eyebrows. “Tale of the Devil?”

  I laugh and hit his arm. “No, thanks! Two of those had Mark carrying me to bed last time.”

  “It was kinda fun,” Mark jokes, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. “You were an open book of info that evening.”

  “Mmmmm.” I roll my eyes, remembering how drunk I was.

  “Can I steal you for a moment?” Mark asks, excusing us from Dell.

  Mark keeps his arm around my shoulders as he walks me over to Cole. “What did you and Sue do today, Savannah?”

  I look up at him, trying to see if he knows. Keith promised to keep quiet, and Keith keeps his promises. “Why?” is all I manage to get out before he interrupts.

  “Melanie told me you stopped by, and you had some questions.” Shit, I forgot to tell her to keep it to herself. “Are you really looking for a job in town?” Oh, he thinks I’m looking for a job. Okay, I’ll let him run with that until I speak with Cole.

  “Something like that,” I mutter because I hate lying.

  Cole studies my face as I come up to his side.

  “There she is.” Frank nods. “Savannah, please meet—”

  “Corporal Davie!” I reach out to shake his hand, smiling and pleasantly surprised. “How are you?”

  Frank looks at both of us, confused. “I wasn’t aware you two knew one another.”

  Davie shakes my hand. “We met when Savannah came to the camp a few weeks back. It’s nice to see you again.”

  Keith appears as I tell Davie it’s good to see him again, giving me a nod toward Cole, wondering if I spoke with him yet. I quickly shake my head.

  “Good, Keith, you’re here.” Cole grins. “I wanted to ask you, would you be interested in joining Blackstone?”

  Keith's face lights up before he tucks it behind his mask.

  “I’d be honored.”

  “Happy to hear that. You’ll be active as soon as Savannah’s,” he pauses and lowers his voice, “case gets cleared up.”

  I roll my eyes, hating all this.

  “Wouldn’t want it any other way.” Keith glances over at me. “You’re up, buttercup.”

  Pressing my lips together, I shake my head.

  “Could you excuse us, please?” Cole leads me away from the group with his hand on my back, directing me to his office. Once inside away from the noise, he asks me if I’d like a drink.

  “Yes, whatever you’re having,” I answer, making him stop and turn. I never ask for a brandy.

  He studies me while he starts fixing our drinks, then leans against his desk while I sip my brandy a few feet away. I’m a bundle of nerves. This could go south if I’m not careful.

  “Anytime you’re ready,” he prompts me. “I’ve got all night, baby.”

  I sigh, taking a rather large swig of the brown liquid and feeling it burn on its descent. Sue and I discussed this at length, but I feel like I’m about to break his heart…and possibly mine.

  “Now that The American is caught, Luka is dead, Lynn is in custody, my father will be soon, and the truth is finally out,” I begin, “I see my life has pretty much been a messy lie. My life has been shattered, and it’s time I pick up the pieces. Since coming back this time, I’ve been feeling all kinds of different emotions.” His face tightens a little. I can tell this is going to completely blindside him. “I need to make a change.”

  He downs his drink, setting it aside, and folds his arms, which flex like he’s holding back a reaction.

  I close my eyes, deciding to rip the Band-Aid off. “I need to move out.” Silence. My eyes flutter open to find him staring at the floor. “Cole, I need to find out who I am before I can move forward. I just need some time.” He slowly nods.

  “It’s not completely safe yet. Your father—” He doesn’t look at me.

  “Is being watched by the NYPD, so if he ever heads this way, they’ll let you know. I’m only moving in town, just down the street from your parents. It’s a cute little place, one bedroom, a sweet little kit—”

  He suddenly stiffens. “You already found a place?”

  I only nod, realizing how bad this must look. “I got a job at Zack’s. I have your parents nearby in case I get into trouble, and Melanie is my neighbor. I know this is a shock, but I really need to do this, Cole. Please understand.”

  He shakes his head and looks anywhere but at me. “And where does this leave us?”

  I want to make sure I use the right words. He needs to know I don’t want to break up. I love him. I just want some separate space so I can live a little, be Savannah Miller, the girl who has a dark past but is ready to face the light on her own two feet, not have someone looking after her. This house is amazing. It’s my home, but the guys are too protective. Now that the threat is pretty much gone, I’m ready to take back my life, but before I get a chance to tell him all this, he tilts my world a little more. “You know what, maybe some time apart is a good thing. I have a trip coming up, and I don’t want to have to worry about you while I’m gone.”

  “Don’t want to have to worry about me?” I repeat his words, feeling the sting. “You want to break up?” I barely whisper, feeling my entire body tingle as the blood drains to my feet. His words slice me open. I know he worries about me, but I didn’t know how much he minded it.

  He scoops up his glass and moves swiftly across the room, pouring himself another drink. “You seem to have everything figured out. Seems this goes hand in hand with your plan. Besides, we knew this would have to come to an end sometime. You’re a city girl, I’m a country guy. It’s not a movie, Savannah. This shit doesn’t work out. It’s not always a happy ending. You don’t belong here anymore. You don’t need our protection now.”

  I stare at his back in utter shock. I’m moving to Redstone! It’s like fifteen or twenty minutes from here, not New York. I can’t even form a thought. So instead I place my glass down on a coaster and pull out the paper from my dress pocket, feeling like it is burning my hand. “Christina asked me to give you this. She said thanks for dinner.”

  He quickly turns as I rest the envelope against my glass. I leave before he can say another word, but I don’t miss his ‘deer caught in headlights’ look before I go. I don’t want to break up, but I’m also not going to be the woman who stands by while another woman has time with him.

  The day passes in a haze, and that night at dinner the table is buzzing with news about the house’s newest recruit, Davie. He and Dell seem to be hitting it off pretty well. I wait until dessert before I share my news with the house. Keith is watching me. I think he’s worried about me leaving, but I’ll be all right. Cole is to my left, not eating, just nursing his drink. I won’t let the hurt in—yet—not until I’m behind closed doors by myself. If I show weakness now, they’ll never be okay with me leaving.
  I stand, feeling slightly lightheaded, and clear my throat as the hum around the table dies and all eyes fall on me.

  “What’s up, Savi?” Mike asks, cocking his head to the left.

  I force a smile and start, “Umm, I just want to say thank you for everything you’ve done for me. I’ve been through a lot, and if it wasn’t for all of you, I wouldn’t have made it. But, as they say, all good things must come to an end. You caught the bad guys, and now I’m free.” I try to make a joke, but instead my eyes water. “So, I got myself a little place in town, near Daniel and Sue’s, so you will be officially Savannah-free shortly.” It’s hard to watch their faces drop and see their eyes flicking from Cole and back to me. He is staring intently at his drink.

  Dell is the first to speak, breaking the painful silence. “But is it safe?”

  “If she stays in Redstone, she should be fine,” Daniel says softly. “We’ll keep an eye on her. Zack will too.”

  Mark shakes his head, looking pissed off. “You don’t have to go, Savannah. None of us want you to leave.”

  “That’s very sweet, Mark,” I say, feeling the pain ooze through the cracks in my armor, and this makes me angry. “But I’m a city girl, remember. I don’t belong here.”

  “Cole,” Mark pleads, “say something.”

  “He’s said enough,” I interrupt, just wanting to go upstairs. “Look, everyone, you are the family I never had. I’m only in town. You’ll still see me all the time. You just don’t have to worry about me anymore. You can go back to being the heroes and knights for some other person in the world.”

  Keith shakes his head at Dell, who is about to make a comment. I decide to end on a light note before I make my exit. “Just watch your back, because you never know when Agent Black will come back.”

  John laughs, breaking the tension at the table. Mark smiles, but I can tell he’s not happy.


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