With a groan, Baumb tightened his grip on the hunk of butt cheek in his hand and began to move.
Soon I was moaning, the pace he’d decided on awfully close to lovemaking and not fucking. His murmurs were soft and sweet, his movements cautious of our size difference. He was generous and gentle.
I was being wooed by an alien snow beast man and it was working.
“Loo-me Baumb,” he grunted out as he worked me up to something really good and began to fuck me hard and fast right over the edge. His intense gaze never left mine as he pulled back enough to watch me tip over, and he watched through his own orgasm as it took him.
“You’ve killed me,” I muttered weakly, flushed, sated, a floppy armed, noodle-legged, sexed mess. “Death by alien Orc-Yeti guy with fun junk.” My eyes closed and I laid there, a happily numb mess.
“Baumb,” he said suddenly, causing me to crack an eyelid open and peer into a frowning furry face. The monster man was oddly endearing with that befuddled anger smearing his puss.
“Totally the Baumb,” I promised. “The Lumi Baumb,” I added for good measure.
“Loo-me Baumb.” Ah, and there was my purring lothario. Scooping me up, he got one look at me, translucent, almost light blue man funk gunking up my person, and began walking back to that water tunnelway to presumably dunk our asses into it.
I wasn’t objecting. He was a big guy and I was feeling that soreness from slamming down on him and then taking him twice. Little, he just was not. Plus, the water was comfortably warm.
“Can we at least go once more when we’re done?” I asked, though I hadn’t expected an answer.
When he looked at me and stared, I shrugged sheepishly. “I’m sorry, I’m a greedy bitch.”
“Loo-me,” he rumbled.
Maybe he could understand, partially or wholly, I wasn’t a hundred percent sure yet.
“Sorry, yes, Lumi the greedy bitch.” And because he liked the phrase so much and I was angling for one more round. “Lumi-Baumb?”
“Lumi-Baumb,” he rumbled so loud my ears rang.
His toes curled around the edge of the lip of the pool. Crouching there, our bodies still joined, he buried his face in my nape with a growl, one arm banding around my upper back tight, the other grabbing the lip of the pool, and began to pump up into me. My hips shifted, trying to chase the feeling. I was tender but my body reacted instantly. A deep growl that rolled through me left him as I tried to use my feet to leverage myself up to drop back down.
When our efforts culminated, we were both crying out, bodies shaking, rhythm off as we sloppily, eagerly fucked our way into the next climax. My mouth sought out his, mashing my lips to his, swallowing up the loud groan he let loose. He froze, even as his cock continued to jerk deep inside me, as I practically mauled the poor beast’s face.
By the time I came to my senses he was panting, clutching at me to release me and then clutch me to him again. Poor Baumb boy didn’t know what the hell he was doing, or what to make of what I was doing to him but for the fact that he liked it. The little noises he was making, the soft gasps he let loose, attested to that. When I pulled back and looked to him dazedly, his breathing was hard, labored. His main tongue slid between his lips as if to taste the weird human he’d bedded’s kisses.
“You like that, Baumb-baby?” I teased, grinning to lean in. “Keep me around and there’ll be plenty more where that came from.” It was a half tease, because the segment mouthed menace was nothing like I’d feared he’d be. If a bit rough around the edges, he was practically a teddy bear. One that could bite someone’s head off...
His hand lifted, pressing to his lips. Tugging his fingers away, I kissed the spot. My grin returned as he licked his lips again and then made a demanding noise. His fingers pressed to his mouth again when I did nothing, another demanding noise, and he waited.
Again, I removed his hand and dutifully placed a kiss there, making a loud smacking noise as I planted one on him. His happy rumble grew.
He kept this up, his lips tipping up at the corners until his eyes smiled. The male soon had me chortling my butt off with his antics, until my stomach let out a loud gurgle and I began to shiver sitting here in the cold.
Hefting us up, loath to separate our joined persons, he stood, dick deep buried lover and all, and leapt high into the air, so high I couldn't watch but, boy, did I feel it, grinning a sharp toothed grin when I shrieked, clamping down around him in every way imaginable. A million little glow spots on his body lit up as I shouted a few unkind things at the male in our descent. My shrieks gurgled beneath the water as we kissed hot liquid and then dropped.
Kicking up, he had us back to the surface in no time. Gasping, sputtering, slapping at him as he let out a soft chuckle of a rumble, I spluttered, “Dick!”
With a look that said the man was a total menace and knew exactly what I was saying, he pinned me to the lip of the pool and showed me exactly what a dick was and what it was capable of.
By the time he’d dragged my carcass from the pool, I was a puddle of melted goo. I barely recalled drying off or eating, though I knew I had. One moment I was cold, the next my belly was full, I was wrapped in pelts, and I had a walking heater at my back with his thick arms and legs curling around me, softly snoring over my head.
Silently pleading to whomever need be that he’d decide I was worth keeping, I’d quickly drifted off to sleep.
Baumb was totally the bomb.
Chapter 15
“Do You Hear What I Hear?” was stuck in my head on repeat as I heard that first snuffling, shuffling noise. Glancing over my shoulder, muffling the noise I wanted to let out as I hunched over the enormous cup Baumbel, Baumb, whose name was most likely quite literally his species and I just couldn’t wrap my head around that—why didn’t he have a name?—had given me. It had been brimming with what I took as bone broth from the way he’d gestured to the snow, the heat source, and then drew a picture of one of the animals Shnikel used to bring back meat and pelts from. I was starved, it was piping hot, and that was a good enough explanation for me.
The warmth of the broth that had filled me then had long ago dissipated, leaving the cold and hunger to slowly gnaw at me again. Toes cold, shivering even with the pelt I’d pilfered from the stack on the bed as I’d quietly slipped from it to take care of some pressing needs, I’d finished that, collected the broth cup, and was attempting to and failing at trying to manually drain the fun bags when the noises started.
Another wince left me. God. Why did it look so easy when a Krampus’ ass was doing it? Was there a manual release mechanism, safety feature, Krampus approved boob fillage blocker that made it harder somehow for their puny milk bag managers for humans to drain the stores? It felt like my tit was going to fall off working my breast with my fingers. There was a trick to it, I just hadn’t mastered it yet.
A peek over my shoulder at my new bed buddy had me pausing to contemplate waking him and seeking out an assist, but the beast man had to have been positively beat to pass out the way he had. Baumbel was… I liked the guy, strange as that was for me. He was the beastliest of the bunch, and yet he really wasn’t. He was… Baumbel was unique, one of a kind. I doubted I’d ever encounter another like him. He was soft and sweet to me. I felt safe and cared for with the big guy. His bark had bite, bite your head right off, but he’d never turned it on me. In the same turn, a sense of protectiveness toward him had suffused me. Me, the tiny human milk bag, wanted to protect the giant of a snow beast.
Why the hell else hadn’t I woken him up and entreated him to give a gal a hand?
Because Baumbel didn’t seek the girls out for sustenance. He did it as an act towards me, for me, and the way he did it… A shudder wracked me, followed by a tingles in all the right places kind of shiver. With the expiration date for my birth control soon drawing near, just on the horizon—I knew it in my gut—I’d be knocked up with the Cassanova of snow beast’s monster babies in no time. Honestly, from him, there was a part of me that wo
uld welcome trying.
A slow smile started to spread across my face. I’ve totally lost my mind. I’ve completely and utterly lost it. What was I talking about babies and such for? Just barely met the male, spent a wild and wooly night with him and I’m sounding like Abominable bride bells are ringing? Another wince left me as I worked my left breast for a few measly squeezes of breast milk, followed up with a cringe as a certain fuzzy lined tan and brown face intruded into my thoughts. Shnikel. My smile fell.
Unlike Shnikel, who’d up and left for cryptic reasons I was beginning to wonder may just have been him wanting to get back to his Hinter folk, I glanced over my shoulder again to stare at the Baumbel softly snoozing away. Baumb, as I’ve decided to nickname him for his explosively protectively personality— as evidenced by the ugly spider thing that had scurried too close to us as we snuggled and sipped broth and my paranoid ass had panicked, and then he’d promptly roared at the twelve legged alien bug for daring to scare me and smashed it to smithereens—would never leave me. I supposed the phrase should be, he’d never let me go, as in never allow me to leave whether I ever wanted to or not. I didn’t want to leave him. It felt nice to feel wanted in a non-milk bag and warm wet hole to take advantage of kind of way. I had that utterly possessive guarantee as his leg kicked in his sleep and a churring purr left him, my name on his lips as he snuggled the pillow-like lump of pelts I’d fallen asleep on as if it was me, he wasn’t about to leave me.
After Shnikel, I was hard pressed to belong. I felt so damned lost and the Baumbel was offering me the very thing I desired.
That weird shuffling sounded again.
Alarm filled me when I spotted the peek of horns popping up around the side of a glacier-looking ice wall.
But I knew those horns.
“Ded,” I whispered.
As if his name had summoned him, dark eyes and a blood crusted mop popped into view. Before I’d thought about it at all, I’d popped up and practically ran at the male. I was so relieved to see he wasn’t dead, I slammed into him, sending him careening into a frosted mountain rock wall with a grunt as a soft sob left me. Hugging him to me, ignoring the alarmed look on his fur lined mug, I buried my nose in his chest and burst into tears. I didn’t know what came over me, I was an emotional wreck. With everything that led me to the mountain in the first place, the sudden loss of Shnik, the cave room… everything I’d been holding back for so long for the sake of my own sanity, the bottle broke and emotions were spewing out. Confused Krampus Ded was the unwilling victim of my spill over.
Sniffling quietly, lifting a hand to swipe at my eyes, my wrist was captured and wrenched back to where it had been clinging to him. Blinking through my tears, jerking back but finding myself stuck, captive, Ded stared down at my wet face curiously. Leaning in, he sniffed, and then his tongue got in on the investigation. Lapping at my face, a soft, muted, garbled rumble started to leave him. His eyes started to close, then snapped open just as fast and the noise he’d started to make cut off.
Freezing and feeling starved, I used his distraction to do a little of my own startled advantage taking. Ded grunted as I dropped down and my hands slid to his legs, curling around the backs of strong but thin furry thighs, and I took the head of his bobbing appendage into my mouth. His gaze snapped from the spot he’d been staring at beyond the wall hiding what we were doing from the slumbering Baumbel just beyond to the human working his length. A muffled hiss left him as my head began to bob up and down his shaft, eager for more of that minty cream his body was eagerly giving up.
Soft grunts started to leave him as I worked him harder and harder. I felt ravenous, eager to fill my aching gut and warm my bones. The sound of his claws scraping along the wall he was butted up against was jarring, the sudden burst of cum as he came hard, nearly choking me as I sucked in a breath and he let loose, even more so. Pulling back with a cough, blinking rapidly, I didn’t see him coming when he lunged.
A startled shriek of a squeak left me. Expecting the worst, the sound cut off abruptly when instead of attacking me, he shoved me into the frost covered cave floor and went to town on my breasts. With the same gusto I’d sucked him off, he went for the right breast, then the left. Thinking of a certain Baumbel who teased more than he actually drank from me, I was soon squirming beneath the Krampus at the memory.
Pulling back a little too harshly from the nipple clamped in his maw, he let it go on a snarl to bury his teeth in my shoulder. A sharp cry left me. I choked out his name. It didn’t matter.
This was the Krampus side of things I hated. The heat spreading throughout me that followed, I loathed and secretly loved with equal fervor. I didn’t have to reason out why I was agreeing to screw a magically cursed furry beast man. Everything was raw, real. There was just need and want.
My sex grew damp, clenching on nothing, that empty feeling building as he pinned me down. His member was a hot brand pressing into my flesh but he didn’t enter me. Heat suffused me, warming me to my bones and pooling in my belly. That lust like heat rushed through my veins until I was writhing beneath him.
The sudden furious bellow that sounded, the angry Baumbel storming into view to attack the Krampus about to screw me mindless blindly ripping him away from me to hold him out as Ded tried to fight, leaving him dangling there uselessly, had me jolting, bolting into action. Baumb lifted Ded high, bringing them face to face, and with his lower jaw splitting into its decapitation ready open maw position, roared right in the Krampus’ surprised but still snarling mug. Ded was ten seconds away from literally getting his head bitten off when I intervened.
“Baumb! No!”
Rushing up to the side opposite the dangling Krampus, I curled my hands around the thick arm lifting, the fat, long claws tipping his fingers unsheathed, ready to do some damage.
“Please! Don’t!” As it occurred to me exactly just why I was trying to get him to spare the Krampus in question, I blurted, “I need him. I wanted to help him.”
At my admission, conforming my theory that while he couldn’t converse with me, he could more than likely understand some of what I was saying, either by the tone of voice or maybe he was around enough humans or English speaking Others, at some point, and gathered the meaning.
Grunting, chuffing, his tri-segmented jaw slowly let go of the air or whatever was filling them, flattening the skin puffing the sides of his cheeks, and his jaw slowly slid into place. One look at the gnarly teeth marks on my shoulder and his chest started to rumble ominously. My hand went to his chest, smoothing over the spot. His cheeks had begun to puff up but quit as I smiled up at him and began to hum the first thing I could think of. I was sure “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” wasn’t necessarily the best choice, all things considered, but it was the first song that had popped into my head. I loved that song.
The fur standing on end along the back of his neck and shoulders slowly fell and the tension riding those scads of neck muscle stacked upon neck muscle supporting his large head eased.
“Thank you,” I whispered. Relaxing against him, I rested my forehead against his thick, furry hide.
My head lifted when he gave a grunt, not churring, chirps, or trills, no happy noises or soft rumbles following. Something inside me wilted.
Baumb glanced from me to the Krampus. If Baumbel lips could purse, his were. He held Ded aloft like he was a skunk. Ded was looking so perplexed he’d lost his fight. Poof, it had just left the cursed beast altogether, leaving confusion in its wake.
Grunting loudly, Baumb turned without a word, not even a backwards glance for me, and lumbered into his sleeping area. Eyeing the wall near the bed, then the Krampus’ rack, he let go of Ded, sending me gasping as he started to tumble, to grab his head in one massive hand, a horn in the other, and embedded Ded’s horn right into the wall. Ded’s eyes widened when he tried to move to find his head good and stuck, horn impaled on the wall keeping him prisoner, hooves barely touching the ground.
Pleased with his handiwork, Baumb step
ped away and turned, bright, glowing green eyes narrowing to focus on me.
“I’m sorry. I was cold and- You see- Uhm, heh, I guess I just can’t bring myself to say it, um, exactly...” My words trailed off as he stalked closer.
I half expected him to attempt to bite my head off.
When he was just before me, wide chest puffing up, the tendrils behind his ears slowly slipping free to move about his head like angry snakes, a life all their own, he grumbled something that sounded like our names, and bent to lean into my face. I flinched and would have cringed away but thought better of it at the last moment. Garbling out a bunch of warbling gibberish I didn’t understand, he jerked a thick finger at the Krampus, then shook it at me.
Right. He was upset. I’m an idiot. An apology was in order. “I’m sorry. I was cold and he-” No. Shaking my head, staring down at my hands, I took a deep breath and tried again. “I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.” The idea of the Baumbel I’d friends-with-benefited giving me the boot sent my heart raising. “Please don’t make me leave,” I mumbled miserably, my voice cracking at the end. “I’ll- I’ll do better. I promise.” I’d freeze clean through if it meant I got to stay here under Baumb’s protection.
Anything was better than death by Krampus orgy. Unsure of my welcome as he pulled back and stood, crossing his thick arms over his chest, glaring down at me, I had no clue what else he wanted. Did he want me to beg, was that it?
Dropping to my knees, swiping my sweaty palms along my bare thighs, I began to mumble out a heartfelt plea, a long, rambling essay on all the ways I was going to be a better mate person roommate, whatever I was to him, if he’d please just let me stay. Once I was finished, I dared a peek at the male to find him scowling down at me so hard I feared I’d screwed up right out the gate and he wasn’t the forgiving kind.
Scuttling closer, I shot up, lunging, wrapping my arms around his middle to squeeze him to me tight. My fingers locked around his wide lower waist and I clung like I’d become human duct tape. Like hell was he just going to get rid of me so easily.
The Snowmaiden, A Bride for Krampus Page 13