Society's Collapse: The Bug Out

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by Jeremy Lock

  Society’s Collapse: The Bug Out.

  Book I

  Jeremy Lock

  Copyright 2013

  The persons, places and characters as well as all the circumstances actions of any characters in the book are completely fictional. Any resemblance to any real life situations, places or people are merely coincidental.


  The man pulled through the gates of the military base. So it begins. He thought to himself as he parked the large 18 wheeler into the depot. He had prepared for this day for years and this was a critical step. He would be greatly rewarded for his part in this. He was not a patsy like the others involved. He knew the plan through and through. This was a critical part of the master plan and therefore could only be given to someone who was trusted. To think that just a few days before the plan had almost been discovered.

  He had gotten the call in the early hours of the morning. A man would be leaving the base in a gray Dodge Ram pick-up truck. He was to follow the man, kill him and make it look like an accident and then make sure that any evidence the man had was destroyed. Sure enough the man had left the base and he had followed him. He already knew how he was going to kill him. The winding roads through the Appalachian Mountains were too tempting to resist. A simple car accident. He would crash the man’s car, make sure he was dead and then find the evidence. As the man started through the winding hills he pulled up close behind and at the proper moment he leapt forward, hitting the truck on the back driver’s side. As expected the truck fishtailed, struck the guard rail and rolled down the embankment. The man stopped and jumped out of his car. He watched the pick-up stop its final roll at the base of the hill nearly 80’ below. He scrambled down the hill and got to the truck. The man inside appeared dead, a major wound to his face and forehead, covering him in blood. He tried to open the truck’s door but it was stuck so he went to the opposite side. As he tried that door he heard the sirens in the distance. How did they find out so soon? He asked himself. He quickly looked through the car for anything that could be evidence but found nothing. Deciding that the man was dead, and if anyone were to figure out what was going on it would be too late, he ran back to his vehicle and left before the authorities arrived. He would tell his bosses the problem was solved and they had nothing to worry about. He couldn’t tell them that he wasn’t sure.

  As he walked out of Fort Drum on his two-day pass he felt amazing. He never thought they would actually go through with it. Tonight was the beginning of a revolution to take back his country from these greedy capitalist pigs. They would found a country that was truly of the people and for the people.

  Chapter 1

  Jason got in his truck after his double shift at the county jail. It was 7am and he had been up for nearly 24 hours, but he just started his 2 weeks’ vacation in the prime of deer season and he was excited. He turned on his radio to an all-news AM station and headed to the Dunkin Donuts for a coffee to drink on his ride home. News was as expected, it was two weeks after the election and the incumbent was fighting the results of the election. Even with the complete biased reporting in the media and the unprecedented voter fraud, the Democrat had soundly been beaten by the conservative Republican candidate. But as expected came the challenges to the election totals in 4 states: Florida, Ohio, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. All 4 went red and all were being protested. So far Wisconsin and Pennsylvania had recounted and the results remained the same. If either Florida or Ohio were lost the Democrats were toast. Jason smiled at the thought. Finally America had woken up. Jason had truly thought that America’s economy would have collapsed long before now and had been prepping for 3 years. He knew the only thing holding the economy together were a few stop gap measures and an influx of newly printed money but maybe there was a chance to get it all fixed again. Jason turned up the radio when the news grabbed his attention.

  "Reports say Ohio is to announce the finally tally of the recount at 8a eastern time, unconfirmed reports say that the original tally will be upheld. This means..." Jason smiled even bigger.

  He hadn't been this happy in a long time, he had watched his beloved country inch closer and closer to socialism year after year but it seemed maybe the country finally had enough. "Breaking news" the radio brought him back to reality.

  "We have reports of major explosions at multiple military bases around the country. Unconfirmed reports say there have been massive explosions in the general area of the bases. We will await confirmation of these reports and will give u up to the minute updates."

  Jason's heart was in his throat. A major domestic terrorist attack was something they hadn't faced since 9/11. Jason has responded to that horrific tragedy as an EMT and even though he had never made it to ground zero, the event had stuck with him to this day. The idea of another attack on US soil that could not only kill thousands, but it could tip the fragile economy into free-fall scared Jason greatly. Jason brought himself back to reality just before he missed his turn off the highway. He turned on his blinker and prepared to turn when his car died. His radio cut off as well as the engine. He coasted his vehicle to the side of the road and stopped right before his turn when he heard a squealing tires followed by a loud crash. Jason looked at the oncoming lane of traffic, it was rush hour and the nonstop flow of traffic was no longer there. Jason looked again in the early morning darkness, no the cars were there, but none had lights on.

  The cars were stopped and 3 had crashed into each other about 100' up the road. Jason got out of his car and rushed to the accident to check for injuries. Jason had been both a paid and volunteer EMT for over 15 years and carried a medical bag in his car at all times. He approached the first car and looked towards the driver’s seat. He saw a woman in her 40's sitting in her car playing with her cellphone. Jason knocked on the window, startling her. She saw the Sheriff’s Department uniform and calmed down and try to roll down the power windows but they didn’t respond.

  Jason opened the door "Are you ok Ma’am?"

  "Yes, but my cellphone isn't working. My car just shut off! What is going on?" She asked.

  "I'm not sure, but I have to check on the other cars, just stay calm." Jason said and headed to the next car.

  The next cars damage was worse, both front and rear. Jason grabbed the driver’s door handle and opened it. He found a young man holding his forehead with some blood dripping down his face.

  “Are you Ok?” Jason asked.

  The man looked up. “Yeah I think so, just hit my head.”

  Jason handed the man some gauze. “Hold pressure on it, it doesn’t look bad, I have to check on the other car.” Jason said.

  Jason headed to the last car. He pulled his cellphone from his pocket but found that it was off. He tried to turn it on but it wouldn’t respond. Jason reached the final car to find an attractive woman in her 20’s who appeared to be unhurt frantically trying to turn on her cellphone.

  “Ma’am” Jason said.

  “My stupid phone won’t turn on! I have an important meeting and this asshole just stops in the road, now my car is ruined!” she screamed hysterically.

  “Ma’am you need to relax, are you injured?”

  “Arrest him!” she pointed to the man in the car in front of her, who had gotten out of the car.

  “What?” Jason asked confused.

  “I want him arrested! He just stopped and now my car is ruined! I want him arrested, now!” She screamed.

  “Ma’am, no one is getting arrested, it was an accident, and I just want to make sure you’re not hurt.” Jason said.

  “I’m fine! He can’t just stop like that! He didn’t even have brake lights, and my car turned off so I couldn’t even stop right!” She was starting to calm down.r />
  “Ma’am, everyone’s car turned off, and no one’s cellphone works, it wasn’t anyone’s fault” Jason said noticing that every car in the area was off and a small crowd was gathering, looking to him for answers.

  Jason had a clue what was going on but hadn’t taken the time to gather his thoughts yet.

  Jason knew he couldn’t reason with these people, he had figured out what the problem most likely was, they were going to have to figure it out for themselves. He was tired and wanted to get home, he knew his wife would flip when she woke up and nothing would work and he knew sooner or later the two-legged animal would be out in force.

  “Folks! There is a gas station about a half mile back up the road; if you go there they may have more information. I am going to walk home now; I suggest you gather anything that is important from your car and head on home. Food and water are the most important.” Jason said as he turned and headed back to his car.

  He knew most of these people were screwed if it really was an EMP or an Electro-magnetic pulse. People were no longer self-reliant. The years of 24 hour grocery stores and malls had provided everything people needed for generations. A few outdoorsmen and the even fewer “preppers” around might have a better chance, but in about a week people would be out in force taking from the less capable and the collapse of civilized society would begin. Jason went back to his truck. It was a 2010 Chevy Silverado, completely computer operated.

  “What a waste” he thought as he started going thru his vehicle. He grabbed his police duty bag an added the 2 bottles of water from his cup holder, in his console he pulled out a high lumen led flashlight, his other badge and his back-up/ off duty pistol, a small Sig Sauer p290rs 9mm. The gun was a great off duty; it fired the 9mm +p hollow point round that had nearly as much punch as his .45 caliber hollow points in his duty gun, a Glock 21. He looked through the rest of his vehicle and figured nothing else was really worth taking. His medical bag had backpack straps so he put that on, then shouldered his duty bag and started his 5 mile walk home. He looked back to the rest of the other stranded motorists, some had started walking, but most were just standing in circle talking. He quietly wished them the best and continued his long walk.

  Chapter 2

  Almost 2 hours later Jason walked up to his secluded driveway. He and his wife, Jessica, had built the house three years before on a secluded 15 acre lot which was bordered on 3 sides by state forest. The economy was in a slump so he had gotten the land for a steal and had gotten a great price to have the house built as well. Jason walked up the logging road driveway, it was a short rise before his property went downhill and the house was completely secluded from the small road they lived on. Jason walked around the gate which was just out of sight from the road and headed down the winding drive through the woods to his house. He looked at his beautiful home and smiled. It was a modest 2 story log cabin style home with 4 bedrooms and 3 full bathrooms. It was everything he had ever wanted, especially the large detached garaged. It was an oversized 6 car garage that housed his workshop, car repair garage and his “man cave”. Jason was in full out “prepper mode” when he had designed the house. On both sides of the second story there were balconies which allowed a near unobstructed view of all approaches to the house, on the roof sat a modest solar power array, he couldn’t afford the cost of a full on solar system to power the entire house, but his solar power could light a single 12 volt led in each room, his water pump and had enough juice to run one or 2 appliances at a time. Part of the reason he couldn’t swing a full on solar array was the reasonably large in ground pool that Jessica had insisted on. Jason walked to the front door and unlocked the deadbolt and headed inside. The house was strangely quiet. No hum of the refrigerator, no TV on, near complete silence.

  “Jay” Jason heard nearly immediately. It was Allie, Jason’s 13 year old step daughter.

  “Yeah” Jason replied.

  “The power is out and my phone won’t turn on” she said.

  “I know, hang on, and let me wake up your mother and I’ll let you both know what’s going on.” Jason walked upstairs to the master bedroom and opened the door.

  Jessica was still in bed sleeping peacefully. Jessica worked nights as a RN in the local emergency room and was able to sleep an incredible amount of time. Jason walked up and gave her a kiss. She started to rouse with a smile

  “Morning” she said sleepily.

  “Morning gorgeous” Jason said.

  “Something has happened and I need to talk to you, the power is out too so I’m going to turn on the generator.” Jason said.

  This seemed to wake Jessica up a bit. “The powers out?” she asked looking for clarification.

  “Yeah, so only the LED light, I’m going to make sure the pilot light is on for the hot water and then I’ll start some coffee, I need some too.”

  “Ok” Jessica said starting to get out of bed.

  Jason went to the basement with his flashlight and went into the mechanical room. He checked the pilot light and it was still on, next he checked the charging and inverter systems for the solar power. The charging unit was dead but it looked like the inverter system still worked. Jason walked back upstairs and started the coffee pot.

  “Your mother will be down shortly, I’ll be back in when she is down to talk to you guys.” Jason said to Allie who was trying to turn on the TV. She didn’t even acknowledge his existence.

  Jason walked out to the detached garage; on the left side was the generator shack. He had a modest 10,000 watt diesel generator and a 100 gallon storage tank next to it which also ran his small farm tractor. Jason tried hitting the power start button but nothing happened. He checked and replaced several fuses and then went to the pull start. He set the choke properly and gave a few good pulls, the generator purred to life. Jason wiped the non-existent sweat off his face and gave a sigh of relief. He was never sure if the generator would survive an EMP or a CME (Coronal Mass Ejection), both scenarios Jason knew and understood fairly well, but none of which he had ever expected. Jason thought his country would be brought down by an economic collapse, the thought of terrorism had crossed his mind and so he had taken several steps in order to prepare for EMP, radioactive fallout and biological attack but they were never his main concern. At least he could use the generator for a little while until he could fix the charging unit for the solar system. He hoped the solar panels were ok. He had a decent grasp on electrical systems. His grandfather had taught him quite a bit over the years. As an electrical engineer, who had worked for the military for a number of years after his army service, his grandfather had opened his own burglar alarm company long before Jason was born. Jason had spent summers working in the shop where they built the systems from the circuits on up. Jason’s grandfather had sold the company about 10 years before and retired for the last 8 years of his life. 2 years ago he had passed away peacefully in his sleep and 3 months later Jason’s grandmother had joined him in heaven, in the same peaceful manner. 6 months later Jason’s parents both retired, sold their lake front home, and bought a vacant 150 acre farm in Wyoming. His father, Bob, was an avid hunter and his mother, Judy, was a full out prepper. His dad didn’t quite buy into the prepping, but he was able to buy all the guns, ammo and hunting products he wanted and got to have his dream retirement property become a reality. His Mother loved gardening, horses, and living as much off the land as possible. Jason would have loved to relocate with them but his job kept him in rural northern New Jersey. It was too close to the city if the shit really hit the fan, but he made the best of it. Worst case, if things got too bad, he would try to bug out to Wyoming and join his parents, but he would try to “bug in” through the worst of the trouble here at home. Jason walked back into the house and started checking things out. He found that most of the appliances upstairs were dead. The brand new refrigerator was shot, but the stove and oven seemed to work, they ran off the large propane tank located at the rear of the house. The TV’s and radios were also toast. In the basement
he found the old chest freezer still working but the surge protector it had been plugged into had fried. It seemed the older appliance was built to last, 25 years and still kicking, it just wasn’t all that energy efficient.

  Jason looked at the wall next to the freezer, to anyone else it just looked like a pine-paneled wall just like the rest of the basement, but closer inspection, which was difficult in the dimly lit basement, would reveal the nearly invisible hidden door. He pushed a small area of the wall in and the door popped out. He swung the door open and looked at the large steel door. He pulled out his keys and found the right one. Only 2 other people had keys to this door or even knew it existed, Jessica and his best friend Jeff. He opened the door and using his flashlight, entered the room. Once inside he turned on a few LED lights which were battery powered, and looked around. This was his “Bunker/ Armory.” It was constructed with at least 8 inches of reinforced concrete, walls, floor and ceiling and the outside was completely encased in ½” steel plate which was fully welded to create a seamless steel cage. The door was solid steel with six 1” pins that connected to the steel plating. The plan was to have the bunker not only protect against radioactive fallout but it was also sealed to keep out biological and chemical agents and in theory would act as a faraday cage, he hoped, which would protect his electronics. The room was 20’ x 30’ with 6 bunk beds, a large shelving unit full of food, another large shelf full of differing electronic equipment, and a large closet which was the armory. The room had its own ventilation system that would operate off the solar system, but it was not connected until it was needed in order to maintain the integrity of the faraday cage. Jason grabbed a laptop and multiband portable radio and headed back upstairs. He plugged in both the radio and laptop and turned them on. Miraculously they both worked, which pleased Jason greatly. The laptop was probably the most sensitive electronic he had in the bunker, and if it still worked then everything should be ok.


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