Society's Collapse: The Bug Out

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Society's Collapse: The Bug Out Page 21

by Jeremy Lock

  Chapter 73

  Jason was the first to awaken in camp and his sore body reminded him that he wasn’t in his 20’s anymore. He slowly got up and stretched trying to loosen up his sore back and then got the coffee pot going. He stoked the wood stove and realized the wood pile was already getting small. They had so much work to do, and instead of being prepared, they were now behind but at least they were alive. He poured himself a cup of coffee and stepped out into the snow filled wilderness. They would probably be able to log and split the remaining trees by the end of the day, that would give them about 2-3 cords of wood. Only half of what they would need, but they would be ahead of the game for a while. They could use fresh meat as well but he didn’t know the land very well. He would talk to Sean and see what he thought, it was his land. For now they had enough to get by but this was a good time to take deer and bear was still a possibility, if they could do it right they would be able to keep a good supply on hand and hopefully smoke some for the future. He got to the wood pile left from the day before and started splitting some of the wood while periodically taking sips of his coffee. Within 10 minutes Jeff and Sean joined him and they were back to work. One would cut the logs, one would split and the other would stack. They would rotate every 30 minutes or so and soon had a good rhythm going. While they worked they discussed several things including the meat situation. Sean said he would go out later in the afternoon to scout. They also decided they needed a corral for the horses but that would be difficult to get done without other supplies. The big wish list item was cabins though. The cabins would provide more security and would give them a little more privacy. They were all brought back to the reality of their situation when Teddy came out and told them breakfast was ready. The boys cleaned up the best they could and headed inside for food and a coffee refill. After a breakfast of dehydrated scrambled eggs and corned beef hash and another cup of coffee everybody went to their tasks. The boys returned to the firewood while the girls continued to inventory food and other supplies and found places to store them. It was demanding work for everyone and by lunch time everyone was ready for a break. The guys were making lunch while the girls talked as girls do. Privacy was hard to come by, so while the boys cooked in the one trailer the girls talked in the other. Jason was the only one with any cooking ability out of the group, having worked for a caterer for a while, and he decided to make something special or at least as special as he could with his meager options. He decided that spaghetti with a mushroom cream sauce was his best option. He added some canned chicken into the sauce for a little protein and double checked the seasoning before he was done. The boys actually set the table as nicely as they could in the trailer and then Jeff went to retrieve the girls. Everyone dug in with gusto as they hadn't eaten much more then dehydrated food for several days. Everyone ate their fill and then some but then they found it difficult to find the motivation to get up and get back to work. They missed relaxing. While the hard work was strangely rewarding they all missed sitting in front of the TV for a few hours after a long day of work. Jason decided that while Sean was out hunting he and Jeff would setup the solar panel system and if they were successful they would watch one of the DVD’s they had on the laptop. With this as motivation they all went back to work with a fire lit under their ass. As the day wrapped to a close it was good news all around. A gun shot in the area startled everyone and Jeff took watch on top of the trailer while he helped Jason with the solar power. 30 minutes later, as Jason was completing his final tests of the solar system, Sean came out of the woods dragging a good size Doe from the woods. As a group they skinned and butchered the deer quickly, giving Jason the back straps to cook for dinner. The rest of the meat was wrapped in plastic bags and surrounded by snow and then hung from a high limb. Bears were probably now hibernating but no one was sure so they aired on the side of caution. Jason cooked the back straps in a skillet along with some canned vegetables and some instant potatoes. After the meat was cooked he added some more oil flour and created a rue. Then he added some bullion and water in order to create gravy. It wasn’t his best work, but with his limited options he was pretty happy. He set out the meal and then had everyone come inside. He had one more surprise for everyone and as they sat Jason turned on the lights to the trailer. Everyone cheered seeing the power and for the first time in a while they all shared a laugh. Inexplicably Sean left the dinner without a word and headed back to his trailer. Everyone was confused and were sharing glances with each other when Sean burst back in with a bottle of Jack Daniels Blue Label whiskey. They ate, they drank, they laughed as they watched The Hangover and for just a little while life was totally normal.

  Chapter 74

  James awoke to a crashing sound and quickly had his gun in hand as he went to investigate. He walked into the living room and found the girl trying to put another log on the fire while holding a blanket around her with her other hand. She saw him enter the room and looked, seeing the gun a moment of fear came across her face. James was awestruck by her beauty and barely remembered to lower the gun, but after a moment he realized and put the gun away. James had a way of turning women off very quickly and he had no idea what this woman had been through so he decided he had to be very careful with what he said. He would normally speak his mind with anyone and everyone, he wasn’t there to impress anyone, he had learned through his divorce that no matter how hard you try to please a woman, if you weren’t perfect you couldn’t make them happy. But this was different, this girl had probably just gone through hell and something told him to take care of her.

  “I’ll get that.” James said as he approached the fireplace and added the log.

  “Thanks.” The girl replied as she sat back down in front of the fire.

  “No problem.” James said.

  “I mean thank you for everything, you saved my life last night.” She said

  “You seem to have put up quite a fight yourself. Those two looked like they went a few rounds with Mike Tyson.” James said.

  She looked at him with a devilish grin. “I had the first one almost unconscious when the other one hit me over the head. It dazed me enough that he was able to tape my hands, but when I came too again I made sure he would be having any kids for a while.” She said with a laugh.

  James just looked at her. She was beaten and bruised. Dirty and unkempt, but absolutely gorgeous. He didn’t know what it was, he had been around many beautiful women but there was a draw to this one. He had never felt it with such intensity. He had loved his wife but that was different, this was a much more intense feeling. This woman wasn’t just a pretty face, she was strong both physically and mentally. She had been attacked and nearly raped and killed only the night before and she was here laughing about the fight she had put up.

  “Hello…” the woman said looking at him.

  “Huh?” James said being shaken back to reality.

  “I asked you what your name was.” She asked apparently for the second time.

  “Ummm… James..” he said feeling nervous.

  “Well James, I’m Miranda. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” She added shaking his hand.

  “Miranda… That’s a beautiful name.” James said

  “Thank you.” she replied looking deep into his eyes.

  “Are you hungry?” James asked.

  “Starved.” Miranda replied.

  “Let me see what I can find to eat.” James said as he headed back to the kitchen.

  James started going through his pack that he had left at the house the night before looking through his meager food supply. He didn’t have too much to offer but he wasn’t picky and figured Miranda wouldn’t be either. He settled on some pasta and a canned meat sauce that he had scavenged from the house on his previous visit. He then had an idea. He pulled out his flashlight and went down into the basement of the house. He found what he was looking for and checked a couple of things and then returned upstairs. He headed through the living room and into the bathroom. He quickly checked and smiled
then returned to the living room.

  “Would you like a shower while I cook up some food?” He asked with a grin.

  Miranda’s eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas morning. “A shower?!” was her reply.

  “There’s hot water, but I don’t know how long the water pressure will hold up.” James replied.

  Miranda got to her feet and nearly ran to the bathroom.

  “There are probably some clothes that will fit you in the bedroom.” James yelled after her with a chuckle, and then went to cooking up their meal.

  15 minutes later, the food was ready and James was still waiting on Miranda. He had gone down towards the bathroom and yelled to her that food was ready.

  “Just a minute.” Was the response.

  That had now been 10 minutes ago and James was wondering how long the food would stay warm and then she came out. James stood by the kitchen table, mouth open, like a teenager seeing his first naked female. He couldn’t move, couldn’t speak. Miranda was wearing a blue tank top and a pair of black stretch yoga pants with her wet hair down. She was perfect. She was not a pencil thin girl that had become so popular due to advertising and the movies, but she certainly wasn’t heavy in the least. She had all the curves in all the right places and her outfit clearly showed every one. Her gorgeous brown eyes and beautiful face marred only by the bruising and swelling from the assault she had faced the night before. James noticed the laceration over her right eye and that brought him back to reality a little bit.

  “Wow, you look amazing.” James said slightly embarrassed.

  “Ha, I look like I got hit with a baseball bat.” She said slightly touching the area where her face had been cut open.

  “Let me take a look at that.” James said as he sat her down and then pulled up a chair next to her.

  She sat and allowed James to look at the cut.

  “You need a couple stitches.” James said after prodding the wound gently and then got up and went to his pack.

  “Are you a Doctor?” she asked with some trepidation.

  “Ha, no… but I was a medic at one time in my life. I’m no plastic surgeon but I’m sure I can still stitch.” He replied.

  “Where were you a medic?” Miranda asked.

  “The Air Force.” James replied.

  “You’re a wing wiper?” Miranda replied with a chuckle.

  “I was.” James replied with a laugh. “Did you serve?” he added.

  “Army Guard. MP unit.” Miranda replied.

  James nodded and pulled out his first aid kit.

  “This may hurt, I’m sorry but I don’t have any anesthetic.” James said.

  Miranda nodded and then continued the conversation.

  “You a pilot?” she asked with a grimace as James probed her cut once again.

  “Search and rescue.” James replied as he pulled out the suture material and began threading it.

  “The Air Force has a Search and Rescue unit?” she asked.

  “Yep” James said as he prepared to put in the first stitch.

  “Why have I never heard of them?” Miranda asked through gritted teeth.

  “It’s called Para-rescue.” James said as he tied off the first stitch.

  “I’ve heard of them, they are like Special Forces, right?” she asked with tears building on her eyelids.

  “I guess they are” James said as he started the next stitch.

  “Fuck me!” she almost yelled through gritted teeth.

  “But I barely know you.” said James without thinking, but immediately regretted it.

  Miranda looked at him with a cold dark stare, her brown eyes boring through James’s skull, but soon the look softened and she began to laugh. James also started to laugh as he tied off the final stitch and the two sat at the table and laughed for several more minutes. After they both stopped they sat in silence for a moment.

  “Well, it’s not my worst work” James said while looking at the cut.

  “I'm sure it’s fine” She said running her finger over the wound.

  “Hungry?” James asked.

  “Hell yeah.” She replied.

  James placed an ample serving of the pasta and sauce on a plate and handed it to her.

  “It’s not gourmet, but its food.” James said as he plated some of the food for himself.

  They both ate hungrily and without a word until all the food was gone.

  “You need a shower.” Miranda said with complete seriousness.

  “I’m… I’m… sorry…” James said totally embarrassed.

  Miranda started laughing again.

  “I’m just kidding!” she said smacking him in the shoulder.

  “But, you do need a shower.” She said again with a laugh.

  “Alright, alright… I get the hint.” James said getting up and heading to the bathroom.

  The water pressure was light, but the water was hot. It was an amazing experience. He scrubbed down twice to get all the grime off of himself. It took him 10 minutes before he was satisfied, he didn’t want to get out but he knew the water couldn’t last forever. He got out and looked at himself in the mirror. He was a hot mess. His hair was as long as he could remember and the full beard drove him crazy. He found a razor in the medicine cabinet along with some shaving cream and decided he would shave. It took forever and was not comfortable at all, but he finally finished and looked in the mirror. He felt much better. He went to the bedroom and looked for suitable clothes from the previous owner’s dresser. They were a little big, but not too bad. He threw on a pair of Jeans, a t-shirt and a brown Carhart sweatshirt. He also found a decent pair of boots and put them on. After he changed he went back out to the living room and found Miranda sitting back in front of the fire. When she saw him coming she looked up and gave him a whistle.

  “You clean up well.” She said

  “Thanks” James replied blushing.

  “So is this your house?” Miranda asked.

  “No, it belonged to a young couple. I was too late to help them.” James replied.

  “That’s sad. The world has gone crazy.” Miranda added solemnly.

  “The world has always been crazy; someone just pulled the curtains back.” James replied.

  Miranda gave him a funny look but decided not to push the issue.

  “So what do you do for a living now?” Miranda asked.

  “I teach survival courses for the military and some private companies, how about you?” James replied.

  “I am, or was a Police Officer in New Jersey.” She replied.

  “New Jersey? You’re a bit far from home.” He said.

  “I came up to deal with my grandmother’s estate when all this happened and I was stuck here.” She replied.

  “Well that’s just unlucky.” James said.

  “Do you live up here?” Asked Miranda.

  “No, it’s really a long story. But in short, I woke up in an abandoned hospital about 10 miles west of here about a week ago. I came through here about 4 days ago and tried to save the young woman who lived here, but was too late. After that I found myself an old abandoned cabin deep in the forest that would be nearly impossible for anyone to find. I came here to get supplies and was about ready to leave when you showed up. You know the rest of that story.” James told her.

  “Why were you in the hospital?” Miranda asked.

  “I really have no idea; I don’t know why I am up here at all actually. That part of my memory hasn’t come back yet.” James replied.

  “I take it your cabin doesn’t have a shower?” Miranda asked with a chuckle.

  “No, at least not yet. It doesn’t even have a proper roof right now” James replied with a laugh.

  “I prefer my cabins with roofs.” Miranda said.

  “So where can I bring you up here? Your grandmother’s close, or maybe a friend?” James asked.

  “They burned my grandmother’s house and I don’t know anyone up here. I have nowhere to go.” Miranda replied with a little sadness.

>   “I’m sorry. I don’t know anyone up here either. I don’t know what the best idea is.” James replied.

  “I heard about this cabin in the woods with no shower and no roof, it sounds nice”. Miranda said with a disarming smile.

  “Ha Ha! You barely know me, it’s a very small cabin!” James replied.

  “Well, I know you don’t plan on raping me, because you could have done that already. So far you seem like a decent guy and a cabin in the woods sounds a lot better than being in the town right now.” Miranda replied.

  James hadn't expected this and he had to take a minute to gather his thoughts. The idea of actually staying with this girl certainly appealed to his primal instincts but it totally violated his pledge to live off the grid away from others. He decided that if she drove him crazy he would find her someplace else to live. He couldn’t live with just dropping her off in the middle of the meltdown of society. They sat and discussed their plans for the evening and decided they would try and gather what extra clothes they could and then they would sleep. They would be leaving at dark and they had a full day of hiking ahead of them, then the work would really begin.


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