The Devil's Masquerade: The Poison

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The Devil's Masquerade: The Poison Page 23

by Jennifer Loren

  “You decided,” I growl at her. “Since when is it your responsibility to think and decide anything?”

  Nicholas runs up on us, out of breath and taking a stance in front of Galena. “What is going on?”

  His protective ways have not diminished any I see. “Galena was just telling me that we have been attacked at our safe house, which must be a mistake since no one but she and I know where it is.”

  “Also, Gideon is missing,” she says, cowering further behind Nicholas.

  “What!” I yell, raising my hand at her, but Nicholas stops me before I can strike her. I push him aside and strike her several times before he stops me. “Nicholas, do not stop me again.”

  “I will stop you every time. There is no need for that. It doesn’t accomplish anything.”

  “Nicholas, you don’t understand. This is our family’s safe haven. It holds our secrets, our interests, and … And she let someone find it. You must have been followed, Galena!”

  “I wasn’t followed. There is no way. And if someone did follow me, you know they could still have never found it or even knew what it was,” Galena yells back.

  I pace away from her, trying to understand how this could happen. “Gideon, he must have gotten free. He would have called Luvis. It must be him, but why hasn’t he rubbed it in our faces already. Why is Gideon remaining hidden? There is something else about this, there is someone else that we don’t know about.” Then, it hits me. My biggest fear, Rein. If he is behind this, then we need to step up our efforts. If it is Rein, he will use everything he has gained to go to the High Council and have me banished. It will ruin us, it will ruin everything I have worked for. The only chance we have is … I look back at Nicholas as he looks over Galena and helps clean her face. I need to hand over the realm before Rein can bury us. If I make Nicholas the controller then Rein has nothing to gain by going to the High Council. I just need to make sure if I step down as head of the family that I have complete control of Nicholas. The way he sticks up for Galena, I am not sure I can yet. His protective nature is still managing to come through. He should be craving blood by now. I need to get him more kills. No, no, I need to get him some powerful kills. Some kills that will feed his hunger on a higher, more addictive level. “Galena, you find out who is behind this, and do it quickly.”

  “Grandfather, if you trust me, why don’t you let me handle it? It might be good for someone with fresh eyes to take a look at the situation, and it might give me a good opportunity to learn more about the family?” Nicholas asks.

  “Very well, Nicholas. Handle it from here. Galena you back him up. I want to know who did this, and I want them taken care of as soon as possible.”

  I send them on their way and send out word that I would like to see Ryan. I would have liked to have saved him for a better purpose, but now, I think he can best serve me as a casualty for Nicholas and a great test of his loyalty to me. I send out word that Nicholas wants to see Ryan at a secure place. I give Ryan every reason to believe his brother is in grave danger and needs his help to survive. That should be enough to lure him into the lion’s den. Now, to deal with Kayla.

  Ria comes in, cowering to me already. She is such a disappointment. “Tell me what I want to hear.”

  “She is scared and packing. I believe she is going to leave. It worked. Now, can I go back to being me and getting to know Nicholas?”

  “No. The only value you have supplied so far is stabbing that friend of Nicholas’s and putting the fear into Kayla by putting a target on her child.”

  “I also organized the attack on Ryan’s house!”

  “Oh, you did that, did you?” She nods, avoiding my glare. “No, you didn’t. You had your lover do that for you. You would never do anything that might cause you to break a nail.”

  “Still, Marius would have never done it if I hadn’t of asked him,” Ria says with a calmer tone. “What do you want me to do? Kayla is leaving. There isn’t much else for me to do now.”

  “I don’t want her to leave anymore. I want her dead. If she is busy running, she will never see you coming.” I hand her a blade to strike her with. “You only need a second to strike her. All you need is a scratch, and she is done. You can get out of there before they realize what is happening. If you do this for me, I promise you will want for nothing for the entirety of your life. I will even grant your father a permanent position as Lord. He will not have to worry about attacks from any other Lord as long as I back him.” She stares at the blade in her hand with a shaky grasp. To ease her mind, I pull out a large diamond ring and place it on her finger. “Ria, do this, and I guarantee you that Nicholas will be yours and you can have the satisfaction of eliminating the one competition you have, and with this beautiful ring on your finger.” Her eyes rise to mine with a sparkling smile.

  “All I have to do is kill Kayla?” she asks.

  “All you have to do is scratch her, and she is dead,” I say with a smile as she beams with excitement.

  With the anticipation of Nicholas killing his brother and Kayla being removed from this world, I move forward in meeting with The High Council. I walk in front of them with respect. They each nod towards me with suspicion but do not seem to be ready to pass judgment, so it would seem I have beaten Rein to the punch which pleases me. “My dearest Council members, I am here today to ask that my grandson, Nicholas, be allowed to take over my realm.” They each sit back in shock. “I understand this seems sudden, but as you all know, I am not getting any younger. It is time for me to step down and enjoy my retirement while I can. I assure you, Nicholas is everything you could hope for in a Lord. He will be a symbol of leadership. He will be what the realms have needed for centuries. Nicholas is all that of the Lord’s passion and strength put together. He, my grandson, is the answer to the battling and wars between the realms; he is the answer to all that you have been searching for,” I say, stepping back to wait for their anticipated questions. It doesn’t take long. They ask me about Nicholas’s ability to serve properly which I assure them he will have no problem, especially with me to show him.

  “Isn’t he young to be taking over such a powerful realm?” one member asks.

  “Nicholas is young, yes, but no younger than Luvis, and you allowed him to take over for his father,” I say in return.

  “Luvis’s father died suddenly and was brought up from a boy knowing the responsibilities. As I understand, Nicholas has only learned of his recently.” They seemed to be more troubled by my request than I anticipated. “I don’t understand why you feel assured of his abilities so soon? Are you ill, Lord?”

  “No, I assure you I am in great health. I simply don’t want to be like the others and serve beyond my time. I prefer to be available to teach him properly, be at his side as he grows into the position.” They all sit back and discuss amongst themselves, nodding and seemingly feeling positive about the idea.

  “I think we need to meet with Nicholas to discuss his abilities and what is expected of him,” the leader of the Council says. Nicholas will have to pass their grueling questions before they allow him to fully take over. I agree to the meeting but put off the date as late as I can. That will give me until after the Masquerade to find out who is behind Gideon’s disappearance. Handing over my realm to Nicholas will give him power over me, and I am not anxious to give up that power just yet either. If I am able to proceed with my plans and take over the other realms sooner, there will be no need to hand anything over. I can go on having power over everything and everyone.

  Chapter 40


  I have watched over Nick for days. Although he still shows some concern for me and Father, he shows little emotion and rarely looks at me directly. He is killing without any trouble; he no longer forces Delin to handle agitators. Nick is stronger than ever. His eyes are focused, and as Father speaks, he nods and acknowledges the need for every attack. When Father feels Nick is ready, we plan our first attack against Amery. He will never see or understand the magnitude o
f what is coming for him until it is too late.

  Father has me lead the attack, while he and Nick cover my wings. Despite all that has gone on and my reluctance as of late to follow my father’s orders, I can’t wait to get a hold of Amery and avenge my mother’s death.

  “Wait,” Nick says suddenly. “Wait, and let them come to you.” I look Father’s way, and he nods. So, I wait – impatiently. “See. Here they come.”

  I look up, and sure enough, Amery’s army walks right in. Steadily, I await the moment and signal, “Go”.

  I taste blood, over and over again, while searching for Amery, and once I see him, I become so excited I can think of nothing else but getting to him. I run at him with everything I have while Amery smiles wide. The sudden impact of Timber slamming into my side sends me flying into the water.

  “Thought you had us Galena, didn’t you? You’re mine.” Timber’s strength overpowers me quickly.

  As hard as I try to get away, I can’t. He forces me into an awkward position and holds me out in front of him, leaving me vulnerable to Amery’s will. All I can do is search for help. “Father!” I yell, reaching out for him, but he shakes his head, staying in his protective area. However, when Nick hears my cries for help, he instantly searches for me. He catches sight of me and rages like I have never seen. Timber is lifted off the ground by him as my father screams for Nick to return to him. Amery is on his way, and the two together could surely kill Nick, by doing nothing more than forcing him into the water with them. The two of them can stay under water forever, suffocating Nick to death.

  “Galena! Protect him!” Father yells as I fall to the ground, gasping and trying to regain my strength.

  Powerless against my nephew face to face on the ground, Timber has no choice but to run. A fish demon, Timber runs straight into the water where he can surely be safe from Nick.

  I look back at Amery as he eyes Nick with hunger, so I take a protective stance in front of him. Nick, however, runs after Timber. “Nick no!” I yell, watching Amery smile and dive in after them.

  “Nicholas!” Father yells, rushing from his protective guards to try and catch Nick, but he is too late. He is underwater with Timber and surely going to die. “This is your fault!” he yells at me. “Why are you still standing here?! Go get him!”

  “But I can’t swim,” I yell back.

  “I don’t care! Distract him so Nicholas can survive.” I walk to the edge of the sand, trembling. “Go Galena!” I step into the water and push forward until Nick suddenly rises out of the water with a large, dramatic inhale. His breath his heavy but he seems unharmed. I look down at his hand as he rises further and see Timber’s lifeless body being dragged along behind him. Father smiles wide and steps forward.

  “Well done, Nicholas. Well done,” he sings.

  I look up as the water runs down Nick’s face. His eyes lift towards us, the swirling red storm within them pushes me backwards and off balance onto the ground. “Thank you, Grandfather. It was nothing.” I look over at Amery rushing out of the water as his wide eyes watch Nick. He briefly glances my way before being pulled away by the rest of his army, retreating to save themselves. I look over at my nephew as Father looks fondly over his kill.

  “Thank you,” I say to him as I help myself up off the ground.

  “Next time, pay attention to what you are doing, Galena. I can’t always be there to save you, but I must say, it was enjoyable to feel this one’s heart stop beating,” Nick says with a moan. “Now… when can I kill another?”

  “I can taste supremacy,” Father whispers joyously while I fear for the worst.

  Chapter 41


  No one seems to understand my silence lately, I am afraid to say too much because I don’t want anyone to argue with me. I have begun making arrangements to leave and run to the beach hideaway Nick created for us a long time ago. I only hope that it will be far enough and safe enough. Ryan is suspicious and begins to question my focus. He tries to start many arguments with me but I don’t take the bait. I have lost interest in discussing battle plans when I know the best thing to do is run. I have nothing left; I have no reason to fight anymore. I have lost Nick, I have lost the war to Savage and now all I want to do is hold on to what I have left. Savage has sent messages to see Ryan but I am scared to give them to him, I don’t want to lose him too. My fear is causing me to question everything I do. I want to box my sons, Ryan and Elijah all up and hide them from Savage forever. I am afraid to be here one more day, to sleep in this house one more night.

  I enter Elijah’s room to check on him before leaving to finalize my plans to get us all out of here. He is sound asleep when I adjust his blanket on him but he quickly wakes up and grab’s my hand. “What are you up to, Kayla?” I shake my head. “Don’t do that, you have made a decision about something and it is not one that Ryan or I would approve of or you would talk to us more. You have been silent for days and while usually I would welcome the change, right now I find it to be unsettling. Tell me what is going on?” Elijah holds my wrist with no sign of letting go despite him still being weak from the attack on him.

  “I met with Savage?” His eyes widen as he tries to set up. “Lie back down Eli, I am still alive aren’t I? He threatened the boys, he is the one that ordered the attack on you. He will kill Brayden and take Nicky and Ryan if I don’t leave, if we don’t leave. He will kill you Eli. He will take everything if I don’t run and stay away from Nick forever.”

  “Nick would never allow that and you know it.” Elijah says.

  I shake my head, “No, I saw Nick and he looked right through me. He doesn’t want anything to do with me. Chills went down my spine when he looked my way Eli.”

  “You’re giving up?” He says not seeming to understand at all.

  “It is not giving up, it’s cutting your losses and saving what I have left.” I say while he shakes his head at me. “Don’t shake your head at me.”

  “Fuck Kayla What have we been fighting for? We have been doing all this for what? So we can run? That is not you. I don’t know what has gotten into you. You have one set back and you run?”

  “It isn’t one set back. He loves her now. He has always loved her. I was just a fill in,” I say as he looks at me confused.

  “Who, Franky?” he asks. I nod and explain the story that she told me. “Oh no… he does not. I don’t care what she says. Nicky has no interest in her. Something is wrong, Kayla. Something is seriously wrong for all this to be happening. How can you not see that?”

  “All I can see is that someone nearly killed you and my son, and even if I was here, there would have been nothing I could do to stop it. I can’t stand back and watch you all die. I can’t allow my son to be taken away and used as a tool for Savage’s desires. I won’t do it, Eli.” He stares at me with disappointment, and I feel ashamed. Instead of arguing with him, all I can do is walk away.

  “Kayla!” Elijah yells after me. He calls out to me again, but I ignore him and continue on with my plans to leave, to run away, to leave my husband forever.

  The arrangements are made for us to all leave tomorrow night. Now, all I have to do is go home and tell everyone what time to be on the plane. I decide to stop by my sister’s grave one last time to say goodbye. I will miss being able to visit her and take care of her grave, but it is for the best. There isn’t much I can say, and I don’t bother trying to argue with her tombstone. I simply lay her favorite flowers down and place a kiss from my lips to her name. Before I go home, I take time to lay flowers at Nick’s mom’s grave too. I assume he will never bother to do so himself now that he is loyal to Savage.

  “Saying goodbye are you?” a woman says to me from out of nowhere.

  I step back, readying myself and my gun. “No need to worry, Kayla. I am not here to harm you. On the contrary, I am here to help you.”

  “Who are you?”

  “My name is Kamini. I am what they call a Punisher. I work in similar circles to Mr. Savage, but we are no
t of the same kind or of the same mind.” I look over the woman with suspicion. She is beyond intimidating with her long dark hair, bright sparkling eyes, and rich dark skin. I cannot bring myself to look directly at the beautiful woman. “I can understand your trepidation, but I assure you, I have much to offer you if you will give me a chance to explain.” I step back with little interest in what she has to say. I have already made up my mind, and I don’t want anyone to try and talk me out of it. “I can help you battle Savage and regain your husband,” she says, stopping me in my tracks.

  “How can you do that?” I ask, looking her over once again.

  “I’m going to teach you how to use your own power, your own skills.” She paces around me. “I am going to show you how to find the strength within yourself to battle him, toe to toe.”

  I shake my head, “It’s not possible; he is too strong for me. And why does it matter …”

  “Do you really believe your husband has left you for another?” I don’t bother answering her. “You foolish girl, you have let your insecurities creep back into your head. Don’t let your mother’s voice detour you from what you know is right. You’re better than that, and you know it.”

  “I don’t see how having a brave face can get me very far with Savage.”

  She laughs, and continues, “A brave face? Is that all you think you have? After all that you have been through, it’s a brave face that you think has pulled you through?”

  “No, Nick has always been there too, or he was always there.”

  “He is still there; he is trapped right now. I will admit, he will be lost forever if you don’t act swiftly and precisely. You need to do just as I tell you if you want to save him,” she says, standing with an assured look about her.

  “I don’t understand what I can possibly do. Nick doesn’t want anything to do with me anymore. He looks right through me,” I say, shaking my head at her nonsense.


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