Grai's Game (First Wave)

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Grai's Game (First Wave) Page 24

by Mikayla Lane

  “Easy, my love. I do not mind. I just told Balduen of it as well.” Grai said, pulling Tricia onto the bed with him for a hug.

  “We won’t tell a soul.” Dare said, gently sitting on Balduen’s lap and giving his cheek a loud smacking kiss.

  “I know. We just have no idea what to expect next either. Dread was pretty vague.” Grai said honestly.

  “That’s ok. We got it covered. While you guys were healing, Dare and I realized that the houses we were looking at are right next to each other. They are the only two houses on the entire street, and it’s a dead end.” Tricia said grinning at Dare who continued.

  “It’s the most defensible homes in the area, unless we wanted to build something, which isn’t a very good option. The homes are far enough apart for awesome privacy, but close enough for security as well.”

  Balduen and Grai exchanged knowing looks. There was no way these two were finishing each other’s sentences like this, unless they had been planning and plotting this for days. If not longer.

  Neither man was willing to disrupt the happiness they could feel emanating from the two women in waves. Especially after the horrible fright they’d gone through during the mission. Both men gave a silent nod to each other that they would play along, neither really caring where they lived as long as their mates were happy.

  “What about the back yard? You said the baby would need a play area.” Balduen asked, knowing that the two women probably figured it out already.

  “Oh! That’s the best part!” Dare said clapping her hands.

  “We’re going to combine the yards! So the kids can play together!” Tricia said happily, as if it was the best idea in the world.

  Grai and Balduen just grinned and nodded. There was really nothing to say. Their mates had a plan and there was no stopping them.

  “Oh let’s just show them!” Dare said hopping up from Balduen’s lap and grabbing a comm.

  “Show them the satellite view first so they can see the overall area.” Tricia said, snuggling up to Grai on the bed.

  For the next several hours, Grai and Balduen listened and encouraged their mate’s ideas on where they were going to live and how to set up better defenses to protect Tristan and the new baby.


  Reven paced Ivint’s room, deep in thought and trying to sort through the rush of emotions at Ivint’s casual revelation.

  “I do not expect you to fully understand. Nor do I expect you to like my decision.” Ivint began before Reven cut him off.

  “I could care less how this impacts me! That is not a consideration! I worry that you are making a rash decision that you have not had the time to fully think through!” Reven argued.

  “You of all people should know that I do not make any decision of this magnitude without thorough reflection! I have only two choices! I am choosing the one I think is best for all of us!” Ivint argued back.

  “Your mate, Sacara? Have you asked her? What of Scaden? Do they know what you plan?” Reven asked, doubting that the High Councilor discussed it with them yet.

  Ivint just turned his back to Reven and stared at the screen showing the satellite image of Dillon, Texas. “I am speaking to you first. As I have always done. Not as a High Councilor, but as a friend. One in need of your opinions.”

  Reven sighed heavily and punched the air in anger while Ivint’s back was still turned. Damn the man! He thought with frustration. He loved the man dearly, respected him like no other, and he really hated it when Ivint did this to him.

  He wanted to be angry and rail at the man for even considering this course of action. However, as his friend, he could well understand why he would choose this path.

  “Well, how about you explain to me why you feel this is the best…” Reven began before he was interrupted by Ivint’s comm.

  “Give me a moment Reven. This should be the information I have been waiting for.” Ivint said accepting the comm request.

  “Sir, I hate to bother you.”

  “No, no Amun! I have been waiting for you to contact me. What have you discovered?” Ivint asked, more on edge regarding this call than he wanted to admit to anyone. Even himself.

  “Sir, I ran the tests. Dozens of times. You were right.” Amun said, unable to hide his surprise. Ivint’s heart pounded faster.

  “What of the other two?” Ivint asked, knowing what the answer would be.

  “The same. All the same.” Amun said.

  “Survivors?” Ivint asked.

  “You’re not going to believe it. I’m sending the data to your comm. I had to keep looking at it to let it sink in. I’m not sure how well this is going to be taken Sir. By anyone.” Amun said a little shakily.

  Ivint just chuckled. “Do not worry doctor, I have no intention of allowing you to be the one to say anything. In fact, you are not to breathe a word to anyone about this. Do not tell them, or anyone else. Here or at home. Do you understand?” Ivint said, keeping a commanding edge to his tone.

  Ivint smiled when he heard Amun’s grateful sigh come over the comm. “Yes Sir! I do not believe I will have a problem complying with that order.”

  Ivint looked quickly at the data that Amun had sent him and asked incredulously, “You retested and rechecked these results?”

  “Yes Sir. Over and over again. It’s correct. I don’t know how, but it is. I even looked up the information to try to make sense of it, but I cannot. I did comparison scans with the survivors as well. There is no doubt Sir.” Amun told him, still in shock over the results as well.

  “Ivint, what is it?” Reven asked, feeling the tension in the room and hearing it in Amun’s voice.

  Ivint held his hand up to Reven, silently asking him to wait a moment, while he struggled to understand what the hell this all meant.

  “You did not notify the survivors correct?” Ivint asked more sharply than he intended.

  “Hell no… um sorry Sir. No I didn’t. I’m not even sure I would know how to begin to explain it.” Amun said with a sigh. Ivint knew how the man felt.

  Moving back to the comm, Ivint stared at the information again. “Amun, thank you for your assistance and your silence while I make sense of this. I may need your help again soon.”

  “Yes Sir. I will assist in any way I can.” Amun told him before clicking off the comm.

  “What is it Ivint?” Reven asked again.

  Ivint didn’t bother to answer; he just handed Reven his comm with the information Amun had sent to him.

  Reven looked at the data, shook his head and reread it again… and again; before finally turning to Ivint.

  “What the hell? I remember this. I remember the warnings put out over this. How can this be?” Reven asked, shaking his head again.

  “I do not know. The only explanation is one we do not wish to even think of, but must.” Ivint said seriously, unable to avoid the truth.

  “They got on the home world.” Reven said, sitting down heavily in the chair by the table. Ivint just nodded and resumed pacing his room.

  “And this doesn’t prove to you that your decision is not a good one?” Reven asked with a growl, holding up the comm.

  “It proves that it’s the only decision I can make now.” Ivint said with a half-smile, the information having made his decision for him.

  “How the hell can you say that?” Reven asked, staring at the information again. The enormity of it was overwhelming.

  “Put your emotions aside and think about this for a moment, Reven. There are three of us who know. And we cannot believe it or even know how the hell it could have happened. How do you think others will feel? Those who have not had a chance to understand or see what has gone on here?” Ivint asked calmly, knowing his friend would see the full picture.

  Reven ran a frustrated hand through his hair as the possible outcomes ran through his mind. “Damn it! This whole thing will implode!”

  “It doesn’t have to. Do you not see where my decision is the only one I can make now?” Ivint asked gently.
  As much as Reven hated to admit it, Ivint was right, they had no choice. He nodded his head. “We need to open an investigation on Valendra first. We need to figure out how it happened, make sure it can’t happen again. Then you can tell me how you plan on making this work.”

  Ivint looked slyly at Reven’s hard look. He’d never been able to keep anything from his friend. They had known each other for far too long.

  “Let’s decide on a team of our most trusted to begin the investigation. We need more information before I can finalize my plans.”

  Reven nodded his head and gave Ivint a steely eyed stare before growling. “But you will tell me of these partial plans before the investigation is completed. I will refuse to assist you in any of this if you keep me in the dark on anything.”

  Ivint chuckled before turning serious. “I will understand if you choose not to follow this path with me.”

  Reven laughed. “You’re joking right? I have followed you since we could crawl. I will not abandon you now. Besides, after so many hundreds of years, I think I’m ready for a change as well.”

  Ivint just grinned at his friend. The humble man hadn’t spoken of the dozens of times Ivint would have been dead had he not been watching his back so closely. He couldn’t think of anyone he’d rather have by his side on this new journey.

  “A certain feisty and talented hybrid wouldn’t have anything to do with that huh?” Ivint teased, hoping that this decision would force his friend to think of himself more. He laughed when Reven blushed.

  “I understand, my friend. More than you know. Now let’s get this started. We do not have much time to set everything in motion before we are discovered.” Ivint said, clapping his hand on his friend’s back.


  Grai lay back, holding Tricia gently in his arms while Tristan slept on another bed brought into the room for him. Gibly was cuddled up by his side.

  Even with his head and leg still aching, he couldn’t remember ever being happier than he was right now.

  “What are you thinking baby?” Tricia asked softly.

  Grai just grinned. His mate always knew when his thoughts were heavy. “About how lucky I am.” He said giving her a gentle squeeze and a kiss to her head.

  “You are lucky. You could have died. You almost did.” Tricia said, her voice catching as she remembered the vid.

  “That wasn’t what I meant. But you are right. If it wasn’t for our amazing little miracle, we would both be dead.” Grai admitted looking over at his sleeping child. The tiny boy’s frail looking body belying the power the child controlled.

  “I understand why baby. I do. But you have nothing to prove. You’re an amazing leader without trying to be a super hero.” Tricia said, knowing it was a useless argument.

  Her mate was too strong-willed, and she honestly didn’t think he could act any differently. He’d spent his whole life protecting others. Even at the cost of his own well-being. There was no way he would stop now. However, she’d be happy if he slowed down a bit.

  “Things will settle down more once we move to Dillon. With the others coming, and hopefully the Valendrans as well, I can take a less active role.” Grai said, trying to soothe his distressed mate.

  Tricia just laughed.

  “What?” Grai asked with a grin.

  “You are so full of it! You may not go on every mission, but you’re still going to put yourself out there and risk your life. I knew that when fell in love with you. I accept that as part of who you are. But don’t lie to me to try to make me feel better.” Tricia said giving Grai her sternest stare.

  Grai chuckled. His mate’s attempt at being tough never failed to make him think she looked adorable and not the least bit intimidating. “I will not lie to you. I cannot ask others to do what I will not do myself. And my role will depend on those who come as well. I cannot expect the Tezarian’s, and especially not the Valendrans, to accept my command.”

  “I will have to share the responsibility with those who can better lead their own people. That alone will alleviate some of the things that take up time. Time I will be able to spend with you and Tristan. That is all I meant, my love.”

  “Now that sounds more like it. We will take every spare second you can give us.” Tricia said cuddling closer to Grai.

  “Things will be much better soon, my love. Calmer and more normal for all of us. Maybe… once we’re settled in at the town… we can think about trying to have another child.” Grai said softly.

  He knew that she wanted more children. He did as well. However, both had been afraid to bring another child into the world that would have to go through the pain that Tristan had gone through.

  Tricia sighed and tried not to get her hopes up. “Amun did say that the synthetic enzyme would work on any other children we might choose to have. And it would be perfect to have another one so close to Dare. They could grow up more like siblings with Tristan.”

  “It would be good timing. So you think it’s a good idea?” Grai asked hopefully.

  “Why don’t we try to see what happens?” Tricia said, running her hand gently down Grai’s stomach. She smiled broadly when she heard a soft rumbling growl.

  Chapter Twenty One


  “Would you guys freaking hurry? And men complain that we take too long!” Dare said with a huff as she rubbed her swollen belly.

  “I don’t understand it. We did make up, hair, nails and even got Tristan ready, and they are still not done. We’re going to be late!” Tricia yelled, knowing that Balduen and Grai could hear her from the basement. They were only supposed to get dressed and check out the finished training room that Grai had installed in the basement.

  Their combined forces had begun to arrive in the town six weeks ago. Setting up the security perimeter and installing the technology needed to provide them with protection. Grai and Tricia moved in a month ago; Dare and Balduen moved in next door at the same time.

  The women turned as they heard the men stomping up the basement stairs. Good-natured whistles and catcalls erupted from the women when they saw their mates decked out in suits. The tailor-made cloth fitting perfectly around the chiseled muscles of the two men. Both of whom blushed profusely at the attention.

  “I do not understand why we have to wear this.” Balduen complained, tugging at the too tight collar around his neck.

  “Come here, let me help you.” Dare said, trying to get off Tricia’s couch. Grai was closer and instinctively grabbed Dare’s hand to help pull her to her feet.

  “Thanks. If I get much bigger, I’m going to pop! And Amun says I have almost two more months to go. Ugh!” Dare said with a groan while she moved to a grinning Balduen.

  Balduen grinned and placed both hands on Dare’s blossoming stomach. “I think you and our child are beautiful.”

  “Of course you do. You aren’t carrying the big guy.” Dare replied, tightening Baldy’s tie until he was uncomfortable before fixing it.

  “We need to go or we’ll be late.” Grai said looking at the time on his comm.

  “Seriously? You’re worried about that now? We’ve been telling you guys that for over an hour!” Tricia groaned, heading to the front door and the waiting SUV. The other three following quickly, Grai scooping up Tristan before locking the door.

  It didn’t take long for Balduen to swing the vehicle into the parking lot of the mill turned office building.

  “I thought this was an official meet and greet with the Valendrans and Sibiox?” Tricia asked looking around the parking lot at the seven other vehicles.

  Balduen looked around curiously as he helped Dare out of the SUV and shot a concerned look to Grai when he noticed that Tricia was right. There should be a lot more people here. Especially since they were a few minutes late.

  Grai immediately began scanning the Shengari’ before pulling Tristan out of his booster seat. Finding no signs of danger or anything amiss he shook his head slightly at Balduen, who had done the same and also sh
ook his head.

  “It’s Ivint’s party. Maybe he wants it a little more private?” Balduen suggested with a shrug while Grai grabbed Tristan.

  Grai noticed that the warrior still scanned the area, keeping the women close while he led them into the building while he carried Tristan.

  Niklosi and Decano met them at the entrance. Niklosi immediately went to Balduen and gave him a hug.

  “What the hell is going on?” Balduen demanded. He loved Niklosi like a brother, but this was uncharacteristic even of him.

  “Nothing man. Let’s go. Ivint’s waiting.” Niklosi said, pushing Balduen through the door that Decano held open for them.

  Grai silently asked Decano what was going on, but he seemed to be ignoring him. Which made him just as curious as Balduen about what was going on.

  Although he knew they were in no danger, the guards posted around the community chatting on the Shengari’ told him all was well, he still scanned the building looking for something amiss.

  They followed Niklosi to the large reception area where they could see Ivint, Reven and Banatar speaking quietly to two people out of view.

  “Hey! Wait up bro!” Traze yelled from behind them.

  They all stopped and waited while Traze and Koda caught up to them.

  “What are you doing here?” Grai asked his brothers.

  “Ivint said we needed to be here. We thought you knew we were coming.” Koda said looking at Grai questioningly.

  Grai and Balduen exchanged confused looks and shook their heads. Taking a deep breath, Grai strode forward, determined to find out what was going on and why all the strangeness.

  Ivint and the others turned to them, and he was finally able to see the two people that they were speaking with, and he stopped in mid-stride, everyone else walking around him.

  Koda stopped with him and just stared, while Balduen strode forward.

  “Mother! Cassianna! What are you doing here?” Balduen exclaimed rushing forward to envelope the two women in his arms.

  It took a moment for Balduen to realize that both women were hugging him closely but staring behind him. Thinking they were staring at Dare, he moved to introduce them when he noticed Dare and Tricia were standing by Ivint. They were staring at Grai and his brothers who were staring open mouthed back. What the hell?


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