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Weekend Boyfriend

Page 5

by KyAnn Waters

  When he opened the door, only the light from the television illuminated the room. Asher, bare-chested, had already claimed the left side of the king-sized bed. Propped up on pillows, he channel surfed for something to watch. “I was worried everything would be in Spanish?”

  “No? I guess that makes sense considering most of the guests are Americans.”

  “They have movie channels. Want to watch a show?”

  “Nah, but you go ahead. The light won’t bother me.”

  “You’re sure?”

  Joel nodded and Asher set the remote on the nightstand.

  “Did you check the bed?” Joel pulled back the covers on his side and lifted the pillows.

  “For what?”

  “For anything.” Joel set the pillow back in place. “For bugs, previous guest’s panties, used condoms. You should always check to make sure the bedding has been changed.”

  Asher’s brows furrowed and he smiled. “Oh, yeah, I did that. We’re good.”

  Joel rolled his eyes. “Why do I think you’re fucking with me?”

  Asher’s lips smirked. “If I was, you know you’d love it.”

  The words slammed into Joel. He’d never considered Asher anything but his best friend, yet he found the thought of something more strangely arousing. So arousing, he couldn’t look at Asher.

  Lifting the covers, Joel slipped into bed and turned his back to Asher. His heartbeat raced and his cock heated and pulsed. Acutely aware of every sound, he focused on the low volume on the television, but the rustle of Asher’s legs against the sheets as he repositioned distracted him. The bed was large, but incidental contact was bound to happen. His dick throbbed.

  Joel tried to breathe through the anxiety surging through him. He was strung too tight. As tired as he was a few minutes ago, lying in bed with Asher made him feel as if he could run a one-hundred meter dash in ten seconds. Ten seconds with his fist wrapped around his dick was also all the time it would take to have him spewing his load.

  He took a deep breath in, relaxed his body, and slowly exhaled. Minutes passed and he grew warmer. The heat of Asher’s body seemed to seep into him. He kept his eyes closed and listened to Asher’s breathing, felt the subtle shifts of his body on the bed. Joel could see Asher perfectly in his mind, propped up on the pillows, his chest bare but lightly dusted with soft hair. His hair starkly contrasted against the white bedding and his piercing eyes… Currents of sexual energy surged through Joel.

  Relax. Deep breath. Focus on sleep. A few moments later breathing became easier. He drifted with his thoughts, focusing on fantasy rather than the man next to him. Thoughts weren’t actions. They were safe…they were his alone. No one needed to know. He remembered Asher’s cock, imagined it hard and thick. Joel’s throat tightened. His balls warmed and his ass clenched.

  He smiled, relaxing, accepting the images in his mind and controlling his thoughts. He could take this fantasy as far as he wanted. He could touch the toned planes of Asher’s body, drifting his fingers lower, a softer caress. Asher’s cock would be as strong as the rest of him. Hard, hot, the tip oozing cream because in Joel’s fantasy Asher was as turned on as Joel was.

  Soft music filtered into his dreams. Joel’s imagination took hold. The beat and the rhythm added to the seduction. Would they rub their cocks together? Oh, yeah. Heavy breathing followed soft moaning—the sounds of pleasure. A deep guttural growl vibrated into him. Wet sounds of sweating bodies echoed into the room. Slap. Smack. Voices.

  What the hell? He snapped from his fantasy. He’d nearly drifted off to sleep with thoughts of Asher. Almost. Slight motion shifted the bed.

  “Fuck. You want it hard. Fuck.” The words were barely audible…from the television. More wet slapping sounds, and more heavy breathing. A woman pleaded for release. Several men spoke. More gasping and groaning. Porn! Jeezus, how many men were fucking her?

  The mattress dipped. The sheets shifted. Ah, fuck, Asher was watching a skin flick. And judging by the tempo of his breathing and the slight jostle of the bed, he was fucking enjoying it.

  Joel’s cock jerked harder. Blood rushed from his head and he began to sweat. Heat radiated from his body as he fought the need to move, to give any indication that he’d awakened. What was he supposed to do? Roll over and ask Asher if he’d like help? The hell he would. He’d suffer in silence.

  A primal grunt sounded from the television…and Asher moaned—long, low and guttural. He was coming. Joel imagined the look on his face, the stretch of his lips and the veins in his neck bulging as he came. Tension tightened Joel’s body. His mind was dizzy and his entire body was hot.

  Joel carefully shifted, sliding his hand against his groin. He squeezed his dick…hard. A shuddering exhale brought him some relief. He squeezed the shaft again, careful not to move his body. He didn’t want Asher to know he was awake, that he was erect and aching for him.

  The television flicked off and the room, behind his closed eyes, plunged into darkness. Asher sighed, and within a few minutes was snoring softly.

  Joel rolled to his back and glanced to the left. Now that Joel’s eyes had adjusted to the darkness, he could see Asher’s face, resting on the pillow. God, he was good looking, but Joel wasn’t gay, wasn’t supposed to notice the feathering line of his lashes resting against Asher’s cheek. Or the gentle rise and fall of his chest as he slept. Straight men didn’t wonder about the soft fullness of lips…and how they would look wrapped around his dick.

  Oh, god. Joel’s throat tightened. He swallowed hard but couldn’t turn away. Joel lay on his side, pillowed his head on his bent arm and watched Asher sleep for a while. His last thoughts were of Asher, wondering if he’d made a mistake in inviting his best friend. Joel didn’t want to be gay, but he couldn’t control his thoughts, didn’t want to let go of the fantasy. Not yet.

  Chapter Four

  Asher stretched. And realized the covers were gone. He wasn’t cold, but he was naked on the bed. Fuck, he hadn’t pulled his shorts back on after he’s jacked off. But he’d been as hard as he was tired. Once he’d come, he’d crashed.

  Waking slowly, he cracked open his eyes. Through the slit in the curtains, sunshine sliced across his thighs. He leaned up on his elbows and glanced around the room. Then he turned to Joel, still asleep beside him. The reason he’d been hard had one arm draped across the pillow above his head and the other rested on his stomach. The bedspread was somewhere on the floor and the sheets twisted around his legs.

  Asher bent his leg and rested his elbow on his knee. He ran his fingers through his hair. After this many years, he’d have thought Joel would’ve figured him out. Maybe he had. Maybe he didn’t acknowledge what he didn’t want to see.

  Asher was bi, with a definite leaning toward gay—because of Joel. He wanted to like the person he loved. Wanted a friend in a lover. He’d dated women, fucked his share, but he’d never cared that deeply for a woman. He was in love with his best friend. He’d never come right out and said the words. Guys didn’t do that, especially not if the best friend in question was clearly straight and involved with a beautiful blonde. And even if to the rest of the world, it appeared that Joel had life by the balls, Asher knew his friend deserved better. That didn’t mean Joel would want him.

  Then what was he doing? He should be getting dressed before Joel woke.

  This vacation, the breakup and the rebound, seemed like a perfect opportunity. Asher had dropped hints. He’d all but put out a neon sign. Where they went from here would be up to Joel. If all they did was drink, eat and enjoy the sun, great. But what if there was more or what if there could be more between them? Asher had to take the chance—and hope he didn’t destroy their friendship in the process. At least he could laugh his passes off as jokes. Joel always thought he was teasing when he dropped sexual innuendo. He wasn’t—not always.

  Joel stirred and blinked. He blinked again and focused on Asher.

  Shit, too late. “Hey.”

  “Hi.” His gaze took a slow slide d
own Asher’s body. “What are you doing?” Just waking, he seemed to be a bit disoriented.

  “Getting up.” Here he went again. At least his cock was waking.

  “Where are your clothes?” Joel rubbed his eyes and sat up.

  “In my bag.” He stood.

  “No shit?” he said with feigned surprise. “Why aren’t you wearing them?”

  “You know I never wear clothes to bed.”

  “I do know. I’ve slept at your place, but we weren’t sharing a bed at the time so I never thought it was my business before.”

  “You stole the covers last night,” Asher said, changing the direction of the conversation.

  “Even more reason for you to put on shorts or something to sleep in. Good thing the cleaning ladies haven’t let themselves in.” Joel groaned and leaned back. “And I think we’re going to need them today. Asher,” he said and laughed. “We need some rules.”

  “No rules. We’re on vacation.” He walked into the bathroom, turned on the shower and stood over the toilet.

  “Asher!” Joel laughed aloud. “I thought only women went to the bathroom together.”

  Asher reached back and pushed the door half closed. “Better?”

  “No, not really. I wasn’t going to say anything—regarding last night—but I think we need some boundaries.”

  Asher loved the sleepy sexiness of Joel’s voice, even when he was bitching. “Don’t worry. I brought my own toothbrush.” He stepped into the shower. Joel said something, but he couldn’t hear him. “If you want to continue this conversation,” he hollered. “You’re going to have to join me.”

  A moment passed. He was surprised he didn’t get a better reaction out of Joel for that one.

  “Did you just ask me to join you in the shower?”

  Asher pulled back the shower curtain. “No, I meant for you to talk to me in here, but since we’ve slept naked together, I suppose that’s the next step.”

  Joel dropped his head and chuckled. “At least you make me laugh.” He closed the seat of the toilet and sat. “How was the movie?”

  Asher let the shower curtain fall back into place. As for the movie, the first one sucked, lying next to Joel had been impossible, and after spending half the day hard, he’d watched Joel sleep as he fucked his fist. Finally, he’d crashed, but throughout the night, he’d been intimately aware that he was sleeping with Joel. Thinking of sleeping with him again tonight had Asher running his hands over his torso, pinching his nipples and turning his face into the hot spray.

  “So about the movie.”

  “Yeah, it wasn’t good. I like edgier flicks, like Bourne.”

  “I’m talking about the second feature.”

  Asher had been sure Joel was asleep. Some routines were impossible to break. Joel made him hot, and when he was hard, he had to come. Like now. He wrapped his fingers around his dick.


  “What do you want me to say? I was horny. The booze, the dancing. I couldn’t sleep. A quick come always puts me out.”

  “It didn’t bother you that I was in the bed, too?”

  That would be a big no. It made the release all the sweeter. “Sorry.” But he wasn’t. Had he known Joel was awake, he’d have come harder.

  “You aren’t.”

  “Yeah, well, sorry I’m not sorry. Housekeeping will change the sheets.”

  Joel flushed the toilet and the water turned scalding.


  Joel laughed and stepped out of the bathroom. “Sorry.”


  * * *

  An hour later, they were strolling down the crowded beach. “What do you want to eat?” Asher asked, hoping that Joel’s easiness with the situation earlier was genuine. As much as he wanted the vacation—and his relationship with Joel—to become sexual, he didn’t want this trip or their friendship to become awkward.

  Joel nodded to a small outdoor cafeteria. “Coffee and a Danish sound good.”

  Asher agreed. The sun was hot and the sounds of surf relaxing. They found an umbrella table with an unobstructed view of the sand and water.

  Asher took a sip of his coffee. “What’s the plan for today?”

  “Coronas, sun and sand.” Joel shrugged. “I don’t really care.”

  “I was looking through the resort brochure. They have a spa.”

  “Relax with a massage?” Joel tipped his face to the warmth of the sun. “That sounds perfect. Let’s do it.” Sunlight reflected off the red in his hair. Joel didn’t get a deep tan, but his skin lost any paleness and took on a bronze hue. He was always so…groomed. Like Shelly. He wore designer clothes, drove a nice car, lived in a nice house. Yet, he never came across pompous or arrogant.

  There were times when Joel’s insecurities stopped him from taking risks. It was those times that Asher fell hard—when Joel was vulnerable. Joel wasn’t weak. He had money, looks and he was smart. Yet, he was genuine. Asher loved to hear him laugh. Loved his smile. Loved just about everything about him.

  “The brochure said to call for an appointment, but let’s just walk over and see if there is anything available.” Asher took another sip of coffee.

  “I’m not going to want to go home.” Joel turned and smiled at Asher. A melting warmth flowed through Asher.

  It was good to see Joel enjoying himself. He worked long hours, lived on stress and never asked anyone for anything. He was always the one doing for others. Not this weekend. Not when Asher wanted to do so much for Joel. There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do.

  After breakfast, they crossed the compound to the spa. People relaxed, lounging around in white bathrobes and sitting on wooden benches beneath palm trees and tropical foliage. Women had their hair wrapped in towel turbans and men wore robes and white slip on sandals. Attendants in hotel uniforms served drinks.

  “I doubt those are mixed drinks.” Asher indicated the thick green concoction a woman sipped.

  “Shelly drank those. Smoothies made of hemp, kale and other shit.”

  “I’ll take tomato juice, vodka and a celery stick.”

  “Amen.” Joel opened the door and placed his hand on Asher’s shoulder as they entered the building.

  Asher’s skin felt electric beneath Joel’s touch. A jumble of nerves tightened his gut. The touch didn’t mean anything, yet did. A simple impulsive contact meant everything. And it wasn’t enough. But hell, Asher might never know Joel’s touch as anything but friendly. If that was all he could have, it would be enough.

  No. He wanted more. To only figure out how to get Joel to open up to the possibility.

  The smell of the ocean scented the cool misting air. On the counter, fog bubbled and cascaded over frosted glass bowls. Spa products lined glass shelves, and in the center of the room, water cascaded over a floor-to-ceiling rock structure. It looked like a waterfall in the middle of a homeopath’s office.

  Menus on the wall listed the services provided. Only a basic fifteen-minute massage came with the resort inclusion.

  “Fifteen minutes isn’t long enough.” Joel scanned the board. “What should we get?”

  Asher read over the options, looking for the best package for the price. He’d like to take care of something on the trip. He teased about being broke, but his bank account wasn’t that tight. He could drop a few bucks. “Let me get this.”

  Joel turned to Asher. “Don’t worry about the cost. The trip is on me. And please don’t start or you’ll screw this up.”

  Asher turned to the receptionist. “We’ll take the Trip for Two.” The package was for two with two services, a massage and choice of mud bath, salt scrub or body wrap. And the price wasn’t too high.

  “Um.” The receptionist looked around the lobby. “I suppose that would be fine. Were you planning to use the Trip for Two together?”

  “If you have openings,” Asher said.

  She glanced to her book. “We do. We can get you in.” She glanced behind her. “The Trip for Two comes with your choice of
service followed by an hour massage. The mud bath is a special blend of volcanic ash, oils, minerals, and spring water. Once you slip into the mud, you’ll be left for thirty minutes. Then after, you’ll be escorted to a shower for two.” She smiled. “It’s private and you’ll be left alone for as long as you both need.”

  “Wait. You misunderstand.” Joel rested his palm on the counter.

  “That sounds great.” Asher grinned at Joel as a flush of red tinted Joel’s cheeks. “But we’d like the salt scrub.”

  “Okay. You’ll love it,” she whispered conspiratorially. “You’ll share a room. Melina and Sarah are available. Unless you’d prefer men—”

  “Melina and Sarah will be fine.” Joel signed for the services.

  “Follow me.” The woman led them down a long corridor with rooms on both sides.

  “You’re a shit.” Joel elbowed Asher. “She thinks we’re together.”

  “I know.” Asher laughed. “Sorry.”

  “No, you’re not. You never are. You think it’s funny.”

  “So what? No one here knows us. Who gives a fuck what they think? Taking a Trip for Two is cheaper than ala cart. And besides, I like being your weekend boyfriend. Wild and adventurous.”

  “Reckless and daring.”

  Asher shrugged. Maybe, but he was running with it.

  “Here is your room.” The receptionist opened the door.

  Asher followed Joel into the large tiled room. An arched doorway opened to a tiled shower built for two…or more. Six showerheads would spray waters from every direction. Soothing music piped though the speakers in the ceiling. In the main area, soft light seemed to radiate from the walls. More tropical plants surrounded the perimeter, giving the appearance that they were in an isolated tropical paradise. Two padded tables sat in the middle of the room.

  “After you change into your robes, place your clothing in the bag. I’ll keep them safe and dry for you. It can get hot and wet in here.” She closed the door.

  “I give up.” Joel stripped out of his shirt. “You win. Whatever you want, I’ll roll with it.” He crossed to a long wooden bench, opened the mesh bag and tossed his shirt in. After slipping off his shoes, he tossed them into the bag, too. His gaze met Asher’s as he unsnapped his shorts and dropped them to the floor. Finally, those and his underwear joined the shirt and shoes in the bag. He took a fluffy white robe from the hook and slipped it on.


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