Have My Baby

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Have My Baby Page 11

by Stella Adeyemi

  Not minding that they had company, Kane drew closer so that he could press his forehead to hers.

  “Look at us, as if we haven’t done this before.”

  “Well, it’s different this time.”

  And it was. They were in Mountain Hill hospital, seated in the reception of Doctor Bruce Palm’s office. He was the best OB/GYN in the whole of Colorado and he was the one Kane and Keisha had trusted to help bring their baby into the world.

  It wasn’t the first time they’d been visiting here. Oh no. They had been here together for the first time, a little over four months ago, to begin the IVF process. And afterwards, they had come a few times for check-ups and what not.

  Today, however, wasn’t the regular checkup. Today was special.

  Kane and herself had both finally decided that they were ready to learn the sex of their child. They had been skeptical at first, believing that they would love to be surprised. However, upon giving it more thought, they had changed their mind.

  It would be great to know the baby’s sex, because that way, they could plan and condition their mind properly, for what to expect. It sounded reasonable enough, so why not?

  Besides, not that money was the problem, but not having to buy two of everything would save them both the cost and the stress. And, they could narrow their considerations to just one gender when they start picking out baby names. After considering all these pros, it had been easy to reach this decision.

  They wanted to know if their baby was going to be a boy or a girl. Truth be told, neither of them had any preferences. They just wanted a healthy child. They would be as happy with a boy, as they would be with a girl. So, why were their nerves getting the most of them?

  Oh well… there was also the fact that they would be hearing the baby’s heartbeat for the first time. Keisha had been there with Jordyn the first time they had listened to Justin’s heartbeat.

  It had been a very emotional moment for both women, and Keisha hadn’t even been pregnant then. With the hormones acting out and heightening all of her emotions, she was very certain she would be coming out of the doctor’s office a fine mess.

  “Yes, it is. But we’ve got each other, yeah?”

  Indeed, they had each other. Kane had been more than supportive since the start of the journey. He never missed a doctor’s appointment and he was very attentive to her body language and her needs. He would drive all the way into town around 2a.m to get her Cheetos if that was what she wanted – or like she liked to put it, what the baby wanted. And if he was what she craved, he obliged her, ever so sweetly.

  Leaning up to kiss him, because how could she not when her heart to swell with love for him whenever they shared moments like this, she shifted closer. The moment their lips touched, her heart quit its crazy rhythm and settled into something more musical. Like a sweet love tune.

  He kneaded her lips softly, nibbling and sucking so tenderly that warmth crept up her arms, and down her legs, to her toes where it made them curl. A sigh broke free from her lips as his hands cradled that small spot at the nape of her neck. Kane’s touch had taught her how sensitive that place could be. She could never get tired of kissing him. Never.

  Just as he bent her head to get a better angle, they heard someone clear their throat, behind them. Reluctantly, they broke apart, but with a promise for later.

  They were both grinning like high schoolers caught kissing on the bleachers as they turned to look at whoever it was.

  None other than Sarah, Doctor Palm’s sister and secretary. The woman was so warm and charming, that they had both taken an instant liking to her. At that moment, she had a blinding, knowing smile on her face. Keisha thought her cheeks had to hurt from how widely they were spread.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt young love, but I just wanted to let you know that Bruce will see you now.”

  For some reason Keisha could not fathom, a giggle broke free from her lips and as she tried to control it, Kane ended up joining her. Sarah’s smile only grew wider. It wasn’t until she had walked to her seat behind her desk, that the both of them managed to get their giggling to stop.

  Sobering up, Kane drew a caressing finger down her cheeks. It was such a simple gesture, but Keisha felt its intimacy in her warm belly.


  She nodded eagerly.


  Taking her hands back into his, Kane got on his feet and helped her to hers. Then together, they went into the doctor’s office.

  Doctor Palms was already at the examination table when they entered. As always, his delight was obvious. Bruce was one of those doctors that infected his patients with the joy he got from having them around.

  With glowing green eyes, he turned to them.

  “Ahh. There you are. I was in a video call with one of my patients. She just had a water birth in her home. We’ve been preparing for this for weeks, as it is what she wanted it. I would have been there myself, but she insisted that having Nurse James with her was fine. Anyway, I trusted Kimberly to do a good job, so naturally, I respected their wishes. My presence wasn’t needed but apparently, she changed her mind last minute and asked that I joined the birth, live. She wanted me to be part of their special moment, watch the baby be born.”

  He paused as he left the examination table to greet them. He shook Kane’s hands and kissed Keisha on both cheeks. He sighed as he pulled away.

  “Do you love your jobs, Mr. and Mrs. Wells?”

  They both nodded, wondering where he was going with this.

  “Right. I know you do. I decided to become a doctor, this kind of doctor, when I was sixteen. And since the moment I made that decision, I never looked back. Thirty-three years in practice, many losses, many more wins… It’d be a lie to say that it has been easy, or that there weren’t times that for a fleeting moment, the thought of just leaving, crossed my mind. It’s moments like this, patients like our dear Phoebe, that makes it all worth it. It was a glorious birth and she had twins. Two boys. They are as healthy as horses, and might not be needing to be brought in. Phoebe is also in excellent condition.”

  Keisha had listened to the old man talk, enchanted by the way his eyes glowed, becoming animated by his obvious, unadulterated love for his profession… She saw the way his shoulders rose with pride, and how his smile took on that dazzling color, and she imagined that one day, when she was just as old, she would be able to speak of her job with such a profound sense of fulfillment and joy.

  She was also happy that he had shared the story of Phoebe’s easy birth with them. It comforted her, in some way, assured her that she would do just fine when her time came.

  “You’re the best at what you do, Doctor Palms, not just because you’ve got the genius and the experience, but because you’ve got the heart, and every patient is just as important as the other.”

  Keisha had to turn to look at Kane as he finished speaking, greatly impressed. It was as though he had taken the words right from her mouth.

  “And I love them all the same. Thank you, Kane. Oh well, I must apologize for going on about my work, instead of actually doing it. How are you, Keisha? Good?”

  “I’m fabulous, thank you. And we did not mind one bit. It was a pleasure hearing you speak that way.”

  “Ahh. You two are far too kind. Anyway, thank you for indulging an old man. So, are we ready for today?”

  They both chorused, “Yes, we are.”

  “Then, we must get to it. Join me at the table. All is set for the examination, already.”

  Silence descended as they followed him to the table. It remained as Kane helped her on to it, and she waited while Doctor Palm did his thing.

  She felt the coldness of the jelly on her stomach, before feeling the scanner. She kept one hand by her side, and Kane who was standing by her other side, held her other hand in his.

  As they waited for God knew what, she felt nerves beginning to get displaced again. Kane must have sensed it, for he brought her hand to his lips and splayed
kisses all over her knuckles.

  Her eyes fluttered to him and held his gaze. They said everything that he felt for her. The love, the support, the care. And instantly, she felt calm.

  “So, I’m going to turn this up now, so that you hear it, is that fine?”

  Gazes still locked, they nodded.

  “Alright, great. You may want to look at the screen too. The effect is more intense that way.”

  Propping up on her elbow, she broke eye contact and almost strained her neck, looking at the monitor.

  It was in black and white, of course. She had seen plenty of sonograms before, but she couldn’t see what Bruce wanted them to see.

  “So, I’m just checking out your organs right now. Your kidney is right here,” he said, moving the scanner from side to side. “And here’s your bladder, oh, and there’s your liver… can you see the little bean shape?”

  Keisha knew what he was trying to do, and despite the fact that her anxiety tried to get the most of her, she smiled. Bruce was just trying to get them both to relax. From the side of her eyes, she could see Kane smiling too.

  Doctor Palms spared them both a knowing glance, with a smile of his own on his face. Then, he said, “Here you go, Mummy and Daddy… have a look at your baby.”

  A gasp escaped from the pit of her stomach as the tiny being finally came to view. It had grown in the time since they last had an ultrasound. They had barely been able to see it, then – as small as a dot. And now… it looked slightly like an enlarged bean. And yet, so beautiful. She could make out the head, and the body…kinda.

  She suddenly felt full as millions of emotions rose within her, causing her eyes to well up. Unfortunately, she lost the struggle to keep the dam standing, the moment a loud lub-dub sound came alive.

  Propping her elbows higher, she looked at Kane and back at Bruce. Eyes wide opened, voice filled with wonder, she asked… “Is that it?”

  The doctor nodded. “Yes. That’s her. You are having a baby girl, and she seems to be a strong one. That heartbeat is perhaps the strongest I’ve heard in a while. Steady, sound. She’ll be just fine.”

  The dam shattered, and the tears pushed through, flooding her face. She turned to Kane who was obviously not left out. Only, his eyes simply glistened with his hushed tears. Not a single drop fell. She was jealous.

  “It’s a girl, Kane…” she whispered amid tears.

  Kane nodded furiously, then bent down to kiss her.

  Keisha could not get over her awe. “We are going to have a daughter…”

  “Yes, we are. And she’s going to be as beautiful as her mother.”

  “Maybe she’ll have your eyes.”

  “I’ll love for her to have your hair. I love your hair.”

  Her chest tightened. “Hers would probably be longer, curlier…”

  “Even better.”

  “Oh Ka –”

  He swallowed the rest of her words with another kiss. Doctor Bruce turned off the monitor then, and walked away to give them some privacy. As soon as his back was turned, Kane’s arms came around her in a warm embrace.

  “She is going to be loved, and well taken care of.”

  Keisha did not doubt that for the slightest moment, so she hugged him just as tightly in return.

  “I know.”

  “Thank you, you have no idea how happy you’ve made me, how happy you make me.”

  “Oh but I do, Kane. I do. It’s the same way I feel about you.”

  They pulled apart then, and Kane busied himself with cleaning the gel off her stomach. When he was done, he helped her off the examination table. His hands went around her as they walked back to Doctor Palm’s desk.

  “We got lucky, didn’t we?” he asked.

  Of course, they did. They got more than lucky. They got blessed. And when she told him that, he rewarded her with a smile.

  Kane took her out to a celebratory dinner when they finally left Mountain Hill. They had stayed for a while after the examination and Doctor Palms had given them more health tips. Kane had decided he was hungry as they stepped out of the large hospital and declared that they were eating out.

  Even though she hadn't felt dressed for a place as fancy as Gruby’s, in her maxi skirt and simple V-neck blouse, he wouldn’t hear a word of her protest.

  “You will always look beautiful to me, Keisha. Even if you are in rags. And it’s only my opinion that matters,” he had said. So, she had let him take her there and at the end of it all, she was happy she had gone.

  Dinner had been lovely. Good music, good food, and of course, great company. With the overlay of emotions from the ultrasound and how cozy the dinner setting was, as the night grew deeper, Keisha found herself wanting her husband with a hunger that was raw.

  Maybe it was in her really girlish, flirty giggling. Perhaps, it was the fact that she kept playing with his feet under the table. Or maybe it was the suggestive stares and lingering hand placed on his. Whichever it was, he had gotten the message loud and clear, and she had known the moment she had finally succeeded in arousing his desire.

  His blue eyes had gotten even darker and he suddenly lost interest in small talk and taking time with their food. Keisha didn’t know which excited her more, the fact that she could make him lose control so easily – and oh, how he had fought to hold on to it – or the fact that he wanted her as much as she wanted him.

  Dinner had ended in a hurry and they had all but raced back to the house. The moment their bedroom door shut behind them, she latched on to him and dragged his head down, to feast on his lips.

  Within the six feet distance from the door to their bed, they managed to rid each other of their clothing. Hands tore at each other's flesh. Breaths grew shorter, heavier, and they dragged and pulled, needing more, not getting enough.

  One minute, he was suckling on her breasts and thrusting lazy, but deep strokes into her with his fingers. The next, she was on all fours and he was entering her from behind.

  “Ahhhhhhh” she cried out as he filled her, hitting her tilt in one long, hard thrust. When he began to move inside her, she lost her senses, lost her inhibition, and just gave in to the million sparks that exploded inside her, every time he rammed into her.

  She pressed her face into the pillow to drown her moans and held her butt up in the air, giving him the best angle to make her his.

  His thrusts were skillful and his dick felt delicious every time he pulled out and joined her, again. So delicious that she kept wanting more and more, and before she knew it, she too was moving her ass, meeting him thrust for thrust.

  His grunts filled the air, the pace quickened as they began to climb. Her nails dug into the sheets and she felt him. Felt him everywhere, down to her bones.

  The strokes continued in an excellent rhythm. Sleek, fast, hard. Then, as they went higher, he latched on to her waist and held it in place. Then, he took charge.

  The tempo changed in a twinkle of an eye. Faster. Swift. Harder. Keisha had never been fucked like that in her entire life. She gave up trying to keep up and just surrendered herself to him. She was his for the taking, as he was hers.

  By the time she came for the fifth time that evening and crashed into his arms, her pussy felt sore and her body, thoroughly pleased.

  “That grin definitely speaks volumes,” Kane teased, tucking her to his side.

  Too tired from her multiple orgasms to give a decent comeback, she simply drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 12


  In all honesty, Keisha had had a quite happy life. Her parents’ marriage had been good to watch as she grew up. Sure, like every other couple, they had had their rough patches and moments of arguments, but they had always managed to smoothen things out, and she had always seen them come back stronger, better.

  She had watched her parents laugh over the silliest things, have dances in the living room, steal kisses when they thought she wasn’t watching. The love between them had been so obvious, it had been infectious, and t
hey had extended that love to her.

  So yes, she had grown up in a happy home, and despite her boy issues, her parents had always been there for her. She could count the number of instances she had cried from emotional pain on all her fingers and still have a few left. And for each time, she had had a shoulder to cry on.

  One could say she had lived a sheltered life. She couldn’t argue with that, but she liked to think that she had lived a happy one.

  Yet, these past few months with Kane had changed all that she had known. Being with him had put a whole new definition to the word happiness, and she was beginning to have creases from all the smiling she could not help doing these days.

  Evelyn had decided to remain in the condo, saying that she liked the small space better. That it kept her out of their way. She came around often enough, so that they didn’t feel her absence, and Keisha absolutely loved having her around.

  Kane and herself were also grateful that his mother seemed to know the right time to give them space and privacy to enjoy their new marriage and new love. Jordyn came around often – when she wasn’t in California with Chris. The traditional Sunday family dinner had now been moved to Keisha’s home, and everyone who mattered in her life was happy for her.

  She was officially five months pregnant now, and it was already eight months since the Miami drama broke out. Every day, they drew closer to catching the culprit. The merger with Rickon’s had been a great call. They were almost fully recovered from the loss, and the best part was they had managed to maintain full control of all the other Wells Holdings’ branches around the world.

  Business was excellent. Her health was fine. Her baby was healthy. And her marriage was blissful. What more could one want from life?

  If she had been told that she would know happiness like this, she would have doubted. Why? Because she never could have guessed that such a level of happiness existed. Happiness that came with peace and a love that truly cared. Ever since that night of firsts, she had been floating on clouds.

  Not to mention, the sex with Kane kept getting better, every day.

  “You’ve got that smile on your face, again.”


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