Soul Broker

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Soul Broker Page 6

by Tina Pollick

  “If I tell you, and they capture you-“

  She swung her fist at his jaw. He reached out and caught her wrist before her fist connected. “You think I would tell them where she was? You fucking asshole! I would gladly die before I let anything happen to her.”

  Drew released her wrist. “I didn’t mean you would tell them, but they can pull the information from your mind.”

  She turned, and wrapped her arms around herself. “Oh.”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t come back immediately. I wanted to make sure she was okay, so I went back into the house for her rabbit.”

  Mackenzie faced him again. “She must be scared.”

  “She’s in good hands, I promise you.”

  “What are we going to do now?”

  Drew pulled her into his arms. “We are going to try and buy my father some time.”

  Mackenzie snuggled into his arms. “And if he doesn’t come through, then we’ll kill them?”

  “That’ll be a last resort.”

  She pulled away. “They had no problem with trying to kill me and Sophie. Why is killing them such a difficult choice for you?”

  Drew ran his hands down his face and let out a loud sigh. “They’re only here because Olesha has offered them their freedom. We’ve spent centuries together enduring that bitch’s brutality. I will save them from death if I can.”

  Mackenzie placed a hand on his arm. “If being her slave is as bad as I think it is, wouldn’t killing them be showing them mercy?”

  “No. If they die, the contract is done and she’ll own them forever. As long as we live, there’s always hope that we will be free one day.”

  “Okay then, let’s play hide-and-seek.” She walked away.

  Drew’s heart clenched. She was willing to try and save three people who tried to kill her and her daughter. Amazing, was the word that came to his mind. He hurried and caught up to her.

  “So, you’re a witch.”

  Mackenzie stopped. “Yeah.”

  “And you didn’t tell me.”

  “No, I didn’t.”

  “Don’t you think that was something I needed to know?”

  She lifted her chin. “Was that before or after I found out you’re a demi-god slave and your father is Poseidon?”

  “You’re right. We should get going.” He heard branches breaking from the left. He turned to Mackenzie and pointed to the direction of the sound. She nodded and pointed in the opposite direction. Drew followed her finger and they headed away from the noise in silence.

  Olesha slid down the smooth wall, leaving a trail of blood and other bodily fluids behind. She sat on the warm tiled floor. She raised her arm and ran her tongue across it, licking the blood from fingertip to elbow. Poseidon sat across from her on his knees. He looked like he had been attacked by a tiger.

  She wanted to run her hands through the sandy blonde hair that hung loose around his shoulders. His eyes changed different shades of blue as did the sea he belonged to. When he smiled, it softened the hard angles of his face. She ran the tips of her fingers across her neck, where it still burned from the stubble that covered his chin. He was everything that she ever wanted in a man, and soon he would be gone again. She pushed the thought aside. She needed to get her head back in the deadly game she now played with the god who sat before her.

  “Are you breathing hard, love? Has it been that long since you were fucked like a god should be?”

  Poseidon laughed. “It’s been a while, that’s true.”

  “We’ll have to do this more often then.” Olesha’s smile didn’t reach her eyes. She was waiting for those idiots to get back. They had been gone for a few hours already. How long does it take to kill a woman, child and demi-god?

  If she was being honest with herself, she was a little sad that Drew would be dead soon. He was almost as good in bed as his father. He took longer to heal, but he was definitely fun to play with.

  She glanced up at Poseidon, who healed right before her eyes. Yes, she was going to have to get him back in bed soon. She had avoided his questions while they were fucking, but he wouldn’t be distracted for very long. She knew this from experience.

  As if right on cue, Poseidon said, “I came to discuss Drew and Sophie.”

  Olesha got on all fours and crawled over to him. She ran her nails across his chest. A trail of red oozed down his chest, but he didn’t flinch. “We’ll talk about them…later,” she purred.

  Poseidon caught her wrist, and pulled her closer. “I’d like to talk about them now.”

  She cursed to herself. They should’ve been back by now, and she was running out of time. She had to think of something else to keep him occupied. He squeezed her wrist tighter. She felt the bone being crushed under his grip. Olesha would not give him the satisfaction of flinching. “Good, you remember how I like it—rough.”

  He released her wrist.

  It throbbed, but now was not the time to tend it. She couldn’t afford to show any weakness. If his sexual needs were satisfied, then she would have to resort to plan B. “Can I get you something to drink?”

  She stood, grabbed her black see-through robe, and slipped it on. She ambled over to a mahogany hutch in the corner and pulled open the double doors. The top shelf was lined with crystal glasses in a variety of shapes. The shelf underneath was stocked with whiskey, scotch, wine and tequila. All of the liquor had been aged to perfection.

  She lifted an amber bottle, wiped off the dust and held it out. “I have your favorite.”

  He nodded. “But then we will talk.”

  “Of course.”

  She opened the round wooden container, grabbed an ice cube and dropped it in her glass, while pouring the whiskey into his. She brought his glass to him, holding the bottle, and her glass in the other hand. She sat down next to him on the floor, their backs leaning against the foot of the bed.

  Poseidon lifted his glass and swallowed the contents in one gulp. He held it out and she refilled it.

  “I want you to leave my granddaughter alone, and I want you to release Drew from his contract. You’ve had a few centuries of fun with him, now let him go.” He brought the glass to his mouth and drank.

  “I wish I could do that, sweetie, but if I let Drew go then the rest of my demi-gods will want to be released too. I can’t have that.” She brought the glass with the ice cube to her lips. She had been holding it against her wrist, but now that it was healed she intended to enjoy the coolness in her mouth.

  Poseidon turned to her. “You must have thought that I was asking you to release them… it wasn’t a request.” He smiled at her, his blue eyes sparkling.

  “Well, if it wasn’t a request, then that would mean we’re entering into negotiations. What do you have to offer me for the release of one my best Soul Brokers and my future protégée?”

  Poseidon swallowed the golden contents with one gulp. If he enjoyed negotiations he might have had another, but he didn’t come here for sex or fine whiskey. He had one goal and he wasn’t going to leave until it was complete. He should feel like scum for fucking her, but he needed this release more then he needed to make the deal immediately. Drew, Sophie, and Mackenzie were safe, so what did a little recreation hurt? Besides, if he had to kill Olesha to free his son and save his granddaughter, he would.

  He set the glass on the floor and got up. “Okay, since you want to negotiate, I will. Here’s what I have to offer. I’ll let you live, and in return you release my son from his contract and never bother him, his woman or their daughter—ever.”

  He held a trump card in his hand, but he would only use it if absolutely necessary. Technically the contract between Olesha and Drew was void. But if he mentioned this to her then she might try and pull something. When Drew signed that contract, he was guaranteed the girl he sold his soul for would fall in love with him. Truth was the girl never did love Drew, but Mackenzie…that was a different story. He could see Mackenzie through Drew’s eyes, and he had no doubt that Mackenzie loved his son
. Yeah, she was pissed, but he knew she would forgive him if given some time. If he mentioned this fact to Olesha, he was sure she would transfer the contract from his first love to Mackenzie. Leaving Drew no escape. No, he would keep this to himself… for now.

  Olesha smiled, “As much as I love living in this hell hole, pardon the pun, my death by your hands isn’t an option.” She stood and put a little extra sway with each step on her way over to the hutch, and replaced the glasses and the bottle. A desk sat next to the hutch, and she opened the top drawer. She removed an ivory parchment and handed it to him.

  “What’s this?”

  “The reason you won’t kill me.” She removed the ribbon, unrolled it, and pointed to the bottom. “See, I knew your temper could one day cause me problems, so I added an insurance clause in his contract.”

  If Poseidon kills my Master, Olesha, then I too shall die.

  She tapped her long red nail on the line, and grinned. “I think you should hold off on the death threats. Don’t you?”

  Poseidon shredded the paper. Rage bubbled deep in his gut and began to consume him. The shreds of paper rose from the ground with a wave of her hand, reassembled, and floated back into the desk drawer. The sheer gall, to flaunt her power over Drew in his face, snipped the last thread that kept him from exploding.

  He lunged at Olesha, grabbed her by the throat and slammed her against the wall.

  “I’ll negotiate with you, all right. I’ll let you watch as I release your slaves, and then have their way with you, before I kill you.” He squeezed tighter, her face a brilliant red. Her hands clawed at his. “My son is willing to die in order to save his family, and I would rather see him dead then for him to be under your control.”

  He let her go and she smacked the floor with a thud, her face red, her abdomen sucking in and out. He watched as she took shallow gasps, as if trying to suck in as much air as she could. He stalked her every move. She was his prey. He took another step closer and she stood, clawing her way up the wall for support. “You almost killed me, you bastard!”

  “There won’t be an ‘almost’ next time.”

  She held her arm out in front of her. “Wait, we can discuss this.”

  “Okay, these are my terms. Release my son from his contract, and leave his family alone, forever.”

  “And I get to keep my life in return?”

  “Yes, I’ll let you live.”

  She brought her hand up to her neck and gave it a rub. “I’ll need to fill out some paperwork.”

  “Do what you have to do, but it better be done in fifteen minutes.”

  She edged over to the desk, pulled out a chair, and sat. “I can’t promise you I can complete it in that time frame.”

  “Good news then, I’m certain I can kill you in that time frame.” He stood behind her, bent down and ran his tongue across her ear lobe. “I almost hope you can’t do it in fifteen minutes.”

  She pulled away. “I hope you rot in Hell.”

  “You’re too late, I already am.”

  Mackenzie and Drew traveled through the thick jungle in silence. She wasn’t sure where they were headed, but hoped it was away from the three brutes tracking them. From what she had learned about Drew’s Master, she didn’t want to sentence anyone to a lifetime with her, but if the choice was Mackenzie’s life or theirs she wasn’t going to die so that they could live. Hell no.

  “How much longer?” Mackenzie whispered.

  “Longer for what?”

  Mackenzie took a step closer to Drew. “Until we get to wherever it is we’re going.”

  Drew pointed to the west where the sky was painted shades of pink and orange. A peak basked in the glow of the last rays of daylight. “We need to try and get there before dark.”

  “Are you kidding me?” Drew placed his fingers over her mouth, and she pulled away, lowering her voice. “Sorry. That’s a few miles and it’s going to get dark soon.”

  Drew turned and took a step forward. “Then we better walk faster.”

  She grabbed his arm and pulled him to a halt. “Can’t you do your travel thing?”

  He smiled. “I can if you want them to know exactly where we’re going.”

  “How will they know?”

  “All magic has a frequency, a sort of trail. Shifting leaves the same trail.”


  Drew grabbed her by the arms and pulled her close, forcing Mackenzie to look at him. “Do you think I would lead them to Sophie? I made several stops before we got to where I took her. They won’t be able to follow it. It’s harder to follow a trail that spans over long distances. Here on this island, there’s only so much confusing I can try and do, they’d find us sooner or later, and I’d rather it be later—much later, if ever.”

  Mackenzie pulled away from him. She wouldn’t allow him to see the momentary shame that filled her. She knew Drew wouldn’t let anything happen to Sophie. For some reason she did trust Drew, but right now Sophie was her first priority, and she wanted to finish this so she could get back to her. “I believe you. Let’s get moving. Hopefully your father is doing something to help our cause.”

  “I’m sure he is doing everything in his power to keep you and Sophie safe.”

  She headed toward the pink and orange sky to the west. She had a million questions for Drew. She wanted to know more about him. She wanted the information for Sophie. Yeah, that’s right, I need to find out more about him so I can tell Sophie about her dad. It’s definitely not because every time he touches me, my body threatens to burst into flames. I mean, it’s only been what, a few years since I’ve had sex? If the wind blew just right that would probably start my engine revving too. It’s certainly not that I’m attracted to him. She pushed those thoughts from her mind. There was no way for them to ever have a relationship anyway. Drew was a slave.

  Mackenzie remained silent as they walked. Drew didn’t want to read her thoughts, but damn if she wasn’t broadcasting them now. He wanted to tell her to tame them down a bit, but his male ego couldn’t help but be stroked by the information that he was the last one she had sex with. He would keep this information to himself… for now.

  Leaves crunched to Drew’s left. He grabbed Mackenzie and they stopped where they were. He hoped it wasn’t Eaton, Kastas, or Barak. Fighting them was something he wanted to avoid at all costs. A few warriors died over the years, but they were mere shells of the former warriors Drew had known. Olesha sold them like party favors to the highest bidders. They would be gone sometimes for years, and when they returned, they weren’t the same. Drew had once thought death would be a godsend, but he knew that was life’s greatest lie.

  A few branches snapped, and then he heard a whooshing sound next to his ear. He kicked his foot out and Barak fell to his left, his sword landing on the jungle floor. Drew pulled Mackenzie to her feet, and stood with his back to hers.

  Eaton and Kastas were in front of Drew. Barak regained an upright position and flanked Mackenzie’s right side. “You know where I told you to go?” Drew asked her.

  “Yes, but I’m not leaving you.”

  “I don’t want them dead, but I don’t want you dead either. “

  “I’ll try not to kill them.”

  Drew shifted his weight as Eaton took a step towards them. “Mackenzie, when you have the chance, please leave.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” Mackenzie moved until their backs touched without any empty space. She then erected the force field.

  “What are you doing?”

  Mackenzie grabbed his arm. “Don’t move. As long as we’re touching the force field will surround us both.”

  “Why do you think I need protection?” Drew was ready to pull himself free. He didn’t need to be protected by anyone, especially the mother of his child.

  “It’s not to protect you.” Mackenzie shook her head and let out a sigh. “It’s to keep us from having to fight them. The force field is for their safety, not ours.”

  Drew laughed.

  “If I
could move, I’d kiss you. You’re a very clever woman, you know that?”


  “How long can you hold it?”

  “I’ve never timed it before. I guess we’ll find out. That is unless your dad gets his ass in gear and your Master puts a stop to the manhunt.”

  “Well, I wouldn’t count on the latter happening.”


  Eaton, Barak and Kastas charged the force field.

  Barak swung the Morningstar over and over. Each time, the spiked ball bounced off the bright blue sphere. Kastas brought his blade around to strike the sphere separating him from his targets. Drew watched the fire fill his eyes before those same flames filled the blade of the sword. The bright blue consumed the blade, leaving Kastas holding a silver handle. He glanced down and the flame reignited again. He raised it above his head, swinging upon the force field. Eaton’s hand glowed and orange orbs filled his palms. He flung them at the sphere, only to have the field absorb each one.

  Mackenzie swayed to the side, but the shield remained intact. Drew clasped her arm, keeping their backs touching. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. I’ve never had my force field assaulted before. And with the magic they’re using it’s taking a lot more to keep it intact.”

  Eaton raised his hand. Barak and Kastas stopped.

  “Drew! How long are you going to hide behind the witch? Fight like a man.”

  Drew started to pull away, but not before Mackenzie caught his hand. “He’s baiting you. Are you really that insecure about your manhood that you would be so easily fooled? What happened to keeping them alive?”

  Drew’s posture relaxed. He laughed out loud while inside he chastised himself. How could he be so stupid and fall for a childish trick? “Thank you.” That was all he could get out. Olesha’s punishment for failure must be steep for Eaton to bait him like that. He needed to stay strong for all their sakes.

  Eaton’s palms lit up again, peppering the blue shield with patches of orange. Mackenzie swayed to the left and then the right before collapsing to the ground. Eaton, Barak and Kastas charged them.


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