The Bridal Affair (Red Hot Fantasies Book 5)

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The Bridal Affair (Red Hot Fantasies Book 5) Page 1

by Opal Carew

  Opal Carew

  Her ultimate sexual fantasy brought to life...

  Celia was delighted when her new husband arranged to bring to life her fantasy of a small intimate wedding to renew their vows, but as the day progresses, she realizes that other fantasies she’d dare not tell him about might just be part of the plan.

  “Opal Carew sets your senses on fire.”

  – Reader to Reader

  “Opal Carew is truly a goddess of sensuality in her writing.”

  – Dark Angel Reviews

  “This one's so hot, you might need to wear oven mitts while you're reading it!”

  – Romance Junkies

  “Whew! A curl-your-toes, hot and sweaty erotic romance. I didn't put this book down until I read it from cover to cover... I highly recommend this one.”

  – Fresh Fiction

  The Bridal Affair

  Red Hot Fantasies #5

  Copyright 2017 Opal Carew

  ISBN: 9781927444559

  Discover more books by Opal Carew at her website

  Ebook Design by Mark's Ebook Formatting

  All Rights Are Reserved.

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this story are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  First edition: February 2017

  Opal Carew

  “Remember when you told me you were really jealous because I was arranging to bring the other girls’ sexual fantasies to life?”

  Celia laughed at her friend Becca’s comment. “I didn’t think it was fair that I missed out just because I was the bride-to-be.” She sipped her daiquiri. “After all, you did all start talking about it at my bachelorette party.”

  Becca grinned. “Where you were quite happily occupied with the sexy male stripper.”

  “Whom you are now dating, and I understand you and he and a sexy stripper friend of his had a threesome.”

  Becca smiled. “Yes, all true. But it’s not a competition.” She leaned forward. “Because you know you’d win hands down. You and Jake are meant to be together. I’m so happy for the two of you.”

  It was six months after the wedding and Celia had never been happier. Married life—at least to her tall, handsome, sexy man—was pure bliss.

  “I am pretty lucky. Jake is a wonderful man.”

  Becca grinned as she swirled her straw through the slushy pink specialty drink she’d ordered.

  “He is. And I think this weekend you’re going to believe that even more.”

  Celia gazed at her friend. “Why do you say that?”

  The grin on Becca’s face and the glitter in her eyes told Celia something was up.

  “He... asked me to set something up.”

  Celia’s eyes narrowed. “What kind of something?”

  “Something sweet and romantic. He knows how much you enjoyed your wedding but that you would have preferred something a little smaller and more intimate.”

  “Sure, but he has such a big family. It couldn’t be helped.”

  “Well, he asked me to arrange another wedding, with a small group of just your closest friends, where you can renew your vows and enjoy your wedding day... and night... in a more intimate way.”

  “Oh, that is romantic.” Celia smiled. “And sweet.”

  Even though she’d been the bride, she’d felt a bit lost in the crowd at their wedding.

  Celia sipped her drink and grinned. “You know, as crazy as it sounds, for a minute there I thought you were going to tell me you’d arranged that particular fantasy I told you about.”

  “Your fantasy of having hot and heavy sex with his two best friends?” Becca grinned wider. “Do you really think I’d tell him about that?”

  “Well, maybe. You’ve known Jake longer than I have. I wouldn’t be surprised. But he would be devastated if he thought I wanted any other man but him.”

  But she didn’t. Not really. It was just a harmless little fantasy. One she’d been carrying with her since college when Becca had first introduced her to Jake. And his two friends Trent and Cameron. In fact, Becca had told her that all three men wanted to date her, but Jake had set them both straight that Celia was his.

  That should have annoyed her, but she and Jake were just so right for each other. She couldn’t fault him for that. In fact, his possessiveness made her feel special and never failed to turn her on.

  “So where’s it going to be? Will all the girls be able to make it?”

  Becca grinned. “I’m not going to tell you anything more about it. Jake wants the details to be a surprise.”

  “Why didn’t Jake tell me himself?”

  “Because he didn’t want you asking a lot of questions. He was afraid he’d spoil it because he said if you decided to use your feminine wiles to get the secret from him, he would crumble and tell you everything. That’s why you’re staying with me tonight. Then in the morning, I’m going to drive you to the inn for your wedding day.”

  * * *

  In the morning, Celia awoke to breakfast in bed. Part of the surprise, which Becca said involved pampering her all weekend.

  Once she finished the meal, which was her favorite—blueberry pancakes with a little whipped cream—she got up and showered. When she walked to the living room, wearing the robe Becca had offered her, Becca grinned. She had her makeup on and her hair pinned up in a lovely coif.

  She handed Celia a mimosa. “Now I’m going to do your hair and makeup while you enjoy a couple of these, then we’re off to your wedding.”

  Celia sipped the bubbly drink and sat down at the table.

  “Be careful. I could get used to this.”

  Becca laughed. She started on Celia’s nails, giving her a lovely, glittery white manicure. Then she did her makeup. After that, she pulled Celia’s hair into a lovely but very simple updo, held by a single clip, with pretty wisps around her face.

  “What do you think?” Becca asked, holding a hand mirror so Celia could see Becca’s handiwork.

  “Wow.” She stared at the lovely job Becca had done.

  Becca really had a knack for makeup. Somehow, she’d made Celia’s eyes look bigger, her lashes longer, and her lips more heart-shaped and kissable looking.

  “I swear, I wish you lived with me so you could do this every day.”

  Becca laughed. Then she took Celia’s hand and led her down the hall, past the guest room to Becca’s own bedroom. As soon as Celia walked into the room, her eyes lit up at the sight of her beautiful bridal gown hanging on the closet door inside a clear garment bag.

  She walked to it and unzipped the bag, then stroked the lovely silk.

  “I can’t believe I’ll be wearing it again.”

  “It’s so beautiful, it’s a shame to wear it only once,” Becca agreed. “But I’m not going to have you put it on now—with that full skirt you wouldn’t fit into my little car—so you’ll change there.” She zipped up the garment bag and took it down from the door. Beneath it was the lavender gown Becca had worn as Celia’s maid of honor. Becca folded them both over her arm, then grabbed the handle of a small suitcase on wheels.

  “Now, let’s get you to your wedding.”

  * * *

  It was an hour and a half later when Celia and Becca reached the small inn north of the city.

nbsp; Becca pulled up to the entrance and got out. The doorman opened the door and offered his hand. He helped Celia from the car. Becca retrieved the dresses from the backseat where they were hanging from a hook, and the doorman lifted out the small suitcase. Then Becca accompanied Celia up the steps and into the quaint inn.

  “This place is absolutely lovely,” Celia said.

  The grounds they’d seen on the way in were beautiful, with lovely flowering trees and gardens in full bloom. And there was a small lake behind the inn, with swans. Inside was warm and welcoming, with upholstered furniture and carpet in warm tones.

  One of the staff hurried to Becca and handed her a keycard, then Becca whisked Celia to the elevator.

  “You have everything very efficiently planned.”

  “Of course. We’re pampering you, remember?” Becca said.

  The elevator stopped at the second to top floor, then Becca guided her to a door halfway down the hall. Becca went inside and hung up the wedding dress and placed the suitcase on the luggage rack by the bed, then turned to the door, the bridesmaid dress in her hand.

  “You get changed. I have some things to check on.”

  “You’re not staying? But you remember what a problem I had with the zipper.”

  “Not an issue. When you need help, just text me what you want—zipper, drink,”—Becca grinned—“a man. I promise, you’ll be well taken care of.”

  Celia grinned. “I think I’m going to like this weekend.”

  Becca smiled broadly. “Honey, you’re going to love this weekend.”

  * * *

  Celia had been tempted to tap in a request for a drink, until she discovered a bottle of white wine in her room. She opened it and poured herself a glass. She took a sip, then opened the suitcase. Inside was her sexy bridal lingerie, along with her shoes, long white gloves, and other accessories.

  She put on the sexy white basque that offered her breasts up like gifts. Then pulled on the lacy white panties. She sat down to pull on the white stockings with the lace tops, then fastened the garters. She put on her white satin shoes and stood up.

  One glance in the mirror and she smiled. She remembered how Jake’s blue eyes had darkened with desire when he’d seen her in this on their wedding night. Now, they’d be able to relive that special time. Her stomach fluttered at the thought of repeating that wild, passion filled night.

  She unzipped the garment bag and carefully drew out the dress. She removed it from the hanger, then stepped into it. As she drew it up her arms, she luxuriated in the feel of the silk against her skin. She reached behind and drew the zipper up, but as she’d anticipated, she couldn’t get it past the waist. She turned her back to the mirror and glanced over her shoulder. The dress gaped open.

  She picked up her cell phone and typed in “zipper”. Then she sat down and took another sip of her wine.

  Within five minutes, there was a knock on her door. She went to the door, trying to stop the dress from slipping off as she walked.

  As she opened it, she said, “Thank heavens you’re here. I can barely keep the dress from falling off.”

  Then she realized it wasn’t Becca standing on the other side of the door. It was Cam.

  Her face flushed hotly.

  His lips turned up in a sexy smile. “Really? Well, I’m here to help you with whatever your needs are.”

  Oh, God, seeing him in that tux, stretched wide by his broad shoulders, his face lightly bristled, his dark blond hair combed back from his face made her think about needs she ought not have.

  Cam was the bad-boy of the group. He usually wore a leather jacket, T-shirt, and frayed jeans. And he drove a black Harley. Wicked thoughts of slipping onto that big bike with him and letting him ride her right on the leather seat flickered through her brain.

  He stepped into the room and closed the door behind him, his gaze locked on her face, his amber eyes glowing.

  “You look beautiful.” His satin smooth voice caressed her senses, making her quiver with delight.

  “Thank you.” The lace slipped from her grip and the bodice of the dress nearly spilled down to her waist. She grabbed it, but he got an eyeful of her strapless, white satin and lace basque.

  His eyes filled with heat, but he simply said, “Turn around.”

  She turned, automatically obeying. He had that type of voice, or maybe it was his tone or his uber confident manner, that made her do what he said without question.

  Images flurried through her of him leaning her over and pulling up the skirt of her dress, then pressing his big cock to her opening and driving inside. She felt his big fingers trailing along her back and for a second, she thought he was going to drop the dress to the floor.

  But, no, he was arranging the dress so he could get the zipper to close. The dress tightened around her waist as he zipped it up.

  “There you go.” His masculine voice singed through her.

  “Thanks, Cam.” She turned around, smoothing down the lacy skirt, a little embarrassed.

  “You really do look beautiful,” he said, his eyes glittering in appreciation.

  “Thanks,” she said again, her insides melting at the warmth in his eyes.

  He walked to the wine bottle and poured himself a glass, then sat in one of the armchairs.

  “Are you going to sit?” he asked.

  “Oh, you’re staying?”

  His eyebrow arched. “You trying to get rid of me?”

  “No, of course not. I just thought you’d be helping Jake get ready.”

  He shrugged. “Trent can handle that. And it’s not like there’s a lot for the groom to do. Don’t worry, Jake asked me to stay with you. Ensure you have whatever you need.”

  “But Becca—”

  “Is tied up. Am I making you uncomfortable being here?”

  “No, of course not.” She picked up her wine and sat down across from him.

  But he was. Because the room, even though it was spacious, felt too small with him in it. Too warm. Too... intimate.

  “I can help you with your veil and any other bride stuff you need.”

  “I think I’ll be okay there.” She leaned back in the chair. “It’s pretty nice that you and Trent could make it for this re-enactment of our wedding. I’m sure Jake really appreciates it, too.”

  His smile was almost wicked. “Our pleasure.”

  She shifted in her chair. “So Becca wouldn’t tell me any details about the surprise, other than a few friends will be here to help us celebrate. Do you know what’s going on?”

  He nodded. “Yeah, I do.”

  “Will you tell me?”

  He shook his head, his eyes glittering. “Afraid not.”

  She frowned and sipped her wine.

  He pulled his cell from his pocket and stared at the display.

  “Time to get that veil on and go,” he said.

  * * *

  Celia walked with Cam, her arm tucked around his elbow. The feel of him so close was unsettling. It was probably just because of the brief discussion last night with Becca about her fantasy of being with Cam and Trent triggering illicit desires.

  But this day wasn’t about that. This fantasy Becca was bringing to life for her was about giving her the wedding she truly wanted, along with a romantic weekend with her new husband in this lovely inn.

  Cam led her down the hallway, around a corner, then to an open double doorway. He stopped just outside and suddenly Becca appeared through the doors, looking as lovely as she had on Celia’s wedding day. She wore the lavender gown, and she even had the same bouquet of white, pink and lavender roses in her hand. She also held a replica of Celia’s bridal bouquet.

  Trent was behind her. Celia’s gaze shifted to him. His light brown hair, with highlights that shimmered in the light, was a riotous halo of waves that made her long to glide her fingers through it. When he smiled at her, his hazel eyes lit up, sending heat coiling inside her.

  She drew in a breath, then turned to Becca, feeling guilty at having th
ese urges when she was around Jake’s two best friends.

  Becca handed Celia the bridal bouquet.

  “Sweetie, you look luminous,” Becca said with a quivering smile. “Are you all set?”

  “To marry my dream man all over again? You bet.”

  “Okay. Trent and I will go down the aisle first, then you and Cam wait here until you hear the music begin.”

  Celia glanced up at Cam. “You’re giving me away?”

  Cam smiled, his glittering gaze sweeping over her. “I’d rather keep you for myself, but if you insist, then yeah.”

  Celia giggled at his shameless flirting.

  Trent offered Becca his elbow and the two of them disappeared through the door. A moment later, the music started and Celia drew in a deep breath. She curled her arm around Cam’s elbow and he guided her through the door.

  The room was beautiful. It was a party room, not a church, but one of the large windows had a stained glass panel of colorful flowers and vines. The room was filled with light. There were only about twenty people, all friends about her and Jake’s age, including Sylvia, Jan and Kalie No family, which made it more like a party than a family occasion, which put Celia more at ease.

  She was very aware of the warmth and steadiness of Cam’s arm around hers. She gazed toward Jake at the end of the aisle, Trent by his side. Jake’s blue eyes were glowing as he watched her. When she arrived at his side, Cam drew her arm from his and offered her hand to Jake. Her husband took her hand with a beaming smile.

  The ceremony was lovely and afterward, they moved to the party room next door which was already set up for dinner.

  “I promise,” Becca said, as she led Celia and Jake to their table, “no speeches or toasts. Just a nice meal for you to enjoy with no obligations or expectations.”

  Jake and Cam stood on either side of Celia at the round table, and Trent and Becca across from her, all waiting for the bride to sit.

  Jake drew out her chair and Celia settled into it with a sigh of relief. “Thank heavens.”

  But no sooner had she sat down than someone started clinking a glass with a spoon. Soon everyone joined in.

  “Well, except that one,” Becca said. “It’s a wedding and we all want to see some kissing.”


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