The Family Man

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The Family Man Page 7

by Edward Cartwright

  Looking at her face as she fought for composure, Harry moved his glance down the lovely young body under his. For a little while, he wasn't Harry Brougham, successful London Barrister at all and the year wasn't 1859.

  Instead, he was a high priest of some obscure religion at a time before man being measuring with calendars. Under his sweating body lay the alabaster form of the vestal virgin being offered as appeasement to the gods. As high priest, it was his role to cause her blood to flow so that the sacrifice would be perfect and pleasing to the deity who watched from the clouds as the tribe gathered in a hushed circle around the sacrifice.

  Tensing all his muscles, Harry held the ground he had already gained and braced for the push that would, if he did it right, destroy that membrane barrier to push beyond innocent girlhood and into the wantonness, the hot desires of womanhood.

  Resisting the urge to slam his body down onto her, he pushed strongly, felt the membrane resist for just a moment, then it began to give until, surprising him and the girl, it suddenly parted and his exploring whacker, stiff and stout in triumph, drove straight and true into the middle of her.

  There was some blood and she did give one sharp cry of pain, but a moment later, there was a smile on her lovely face. She had survived the breaking of her cherry and it wasn't nearly as painful as she had expected.

  Beside her on the bed, Elizabeth smiled and breathed a loud sigh of relief. The worst, she knew, was over and now, there was every chance that the girl would be able to enjoy her very first screwing.

  Elizabeth understood the importance of that. When it hurts too much the first time, she knew, a girl can build a dread of the act and go through the rest of her life in a state of fear where males are concerned.

  As she looked and contemplated, Elizabeth saw the eager young body begin to pick up the rhythm and allow her body to move with it.

  Bending down on the bed, Elizabeth put her lips to the girl's ear and began to whisper words of encouragement and excitement to her.

  “Lovely, darling,” she almost hissed. “You took his big prick beautifully. Doesn't it feel wonderful to have your cunt stuffed with solid muscle.”

  Faith couldn't speak, but she did turn her head and her wide smile thanked Elizabeth and assured her she was in complete agreement about the feeling of having a full cock in one's cunt.

  “Just wait until he comes in you, darling,” Elizabeth went on. “It feels like gallons of thick, warm lotion bathing your insides. You'll want it to go on forever and when he stops, you'll want someone else to take over and do it again.”

  While the tutor went on whispering, Harry kept applying himself to his job. Confident that Faith felt no hurt now, he was working boldly with long, slow strokes, drawing his tool back until only the head remained inside her, then sliding it slowly ahead the full length until he felt their bellies rubbing.

  Each time he reached the end of a stroke, Faith gave a little sigh and her tender young body, growing in experience, arched upward as if to claim more and more of the lovely stiff fuck stick.

  Becoming increasingly bold as the fear of pa-'n vanished completely, Faith reached her arms around the man who lay screwing into her belly and found his hard buttocks.

  Cupping one in each hand, she began to pick up the rhythm so that each time he began to stroke ahead, her hands dug into his buttocks and dragged him down even harder as if hoping to force his cock more deeply into her burning little pit.

  “Poh… ooooohhhhhh… I'm beginning to feel funny… oohhh… ahhhh…” It was a cry of animal delight that grew louder as the man responded by driving his lance into her with greater vigor.

  “You lucky little devil,” Elizabeth whispered into her ear. “You're going to have a come the very first time. Just relax dear and enjoy it. Let yourself float with it.”

  There was no need to offer more advice. Looking at the girl, Elizabeth saw her eyes closed tightly, her sweet mouth open wide and her body trying to arch upward against the pressing, bouncing weight of her father. Already, she saw, Faith was in the throes of climax.

  Inside the hot little cunt, the tutor understood, all of life was churning and bubbling as it became a steaming, churning cauldron which was soaking the sensitive head of the man's prick in a solution that would soon drive him crazy with delight too.

  And then Faith was crying out and her body was a wild thing as it threshed on the bed, unaware of the weight which still bounced on it.

  Her young legs curled around the man and drew him down on her so hard that he was unable to go on with the motions of fucking. Instead, he allowed his cock to be buried inside her while she completed her come. For a long time, her lovely young voice sang the song of completion as she shuddered through the loveliest feeling she had ever known.

  Yesterday, when her brother had sucked her off with his tongue licking her clitoris, it had been wonderful, but this was by far more thrilling. Nothing, she knew, could match the superb feeling of having a big, muscular cock jamming her cunt full to the breaking point while, at the same time, it slid in and out touching every raw nerve end in her cunt.

  But then the storm had passed and Faith was crying for more. “Fuck me, daddy… fuck me hard… pound it in my cunt…”

  There were more words, but the man didn't hear the actual words, only the urging tone. It was more than a demand, it was a challenge, an exciting one. There was no need to be gentle now. The little bitch was howling like a banshee now and all she wanted was prick and more prick driving hard and fast into her agitated cunt.

  “By the Lord Mayor's arse,” Harry swore with delight, “the little wench really wants it and she shall have what she wants.”

  Harry began to drive his dragon with a force and vigor that surprised even him. As for Faith, she was more than just surprised, she was delighted that a hard driving rod could feel even better in her hungry, all devouring little cunt than it had before.

  His heavy body slammed her brutally, but her strong young one took every pounding whack and bounced up for more. Already she had learned how to control the muscles of her twat and now she tightened them so that her sheath closed around the head and shaft of his cock like an iron maiden and she heard him groan with ecstasy that approached the threshold of pain.

  Then, sensing by the tremors which suddenly racked his body that he was on the verge of shooting his load into her, Faith tightened her arms and legs around the man with the grip of a wrestler.

  She allowed him a few more quick strokes, then, while he groaned, she drew him tight against her rubbing cunt as she held him there while his sperm shot deep into the inner reaches of her body.

  A complete hush fell over the room as her demanding cunt drained the last drop from the man. Only then did he roll tiredly off her and collapse onto the bed beside the girl who had just become a woman.

  With a glow of pride, she looked at the limp corpse of what had been a strong cock. Knowing she had done it, Faith felt the birth of a womanly confidence and pride fill her proud young body and mind.

  Edward Cartwright

  The Family Man


  Although there was a tacit understanding that the house would return to a more normal state and that the matter of school work would again be restored to it's logical place in the scheme of things, there was, for a while, a continuing spirit of carnival around their house.

  For the first few days after the institution of the new order, no stiff cock went unserved for a moment and no cunt was permitted to feel a tingle of desire for longer than it took to apply a mouth or a throbbing prick to salve it.

  Of the four, Faith soon emerged as the champion in matters of lust. It seemed as though having at last discovered the joys of sex, she could not get enough of it.

  When the men tired and lay spent and heaving, there was always Elizabeth to serve her needs. Elizabeth used her mouth with the delicate touch of a true artist when, in answer to
heart rending pleas, she applied her full, ripe lips to the sensitive lips of Faith's twat and sucked until the girl screamed with delight.

  But Clyde too had become a devotee of these wonderful new games and applied himself to them with the dedication of a true student who wanted to excel in all branches of his art.

  While he envied the stature of his father's manly tool, he sensed that by the clever application of his smaller one, he could more than compensate for the lack of size.

  Understanding in such matters, Elizabeth encouraged him to become a master of the fleshy wand and pointed out to him that a real woman isn't nearly as impressed by the size of the pecker as by the dexterity with which the man uses it.

  As it to prove the point, she enjoyed many delicious comes with his small, well trained stick in her slit with the result that his confidence built quickly to the point where he became an adept lover who stopped at nothing in his desire to bring the ultimate pleasure to his female companion.

  But in order to enjoy Clyde's ability, Elizabeth found it necessary to keep a sharp eye on the greedy Faith whose demands were such that Clyde would be permanently drained if she didn't keep his sister off him from time to time so that his strength could be restored.

  But Elizabeth failed to keep out a sharp enough eye. Even as she thought about greedy Faith, Faith was having a time for herself with her brother.

  Clyde and Faith lay together in bed, naked. Faith's skillful hand was curled around her brother's hard prick. She crawled between his legs, rubbing her breasts against his thighs, and brought her eager face close to his cock, there hard and rearing in the caressing grasp of her hand.

  “Look what a red face your cock has,” Faith giggled as she gave his tool a fierce squeeze with her slender fingers.

  “You will choke it to death,” Clyde laughed.

  “Your pretty cock is so hard and red. Why his face is so red that he looks angry,” she laughed as she stared at the hard red knob of his prick.

  “If you squeeze him much harder he will spit in your face,” Clyde laughed as he gazed down at his sister. With his hard cock in the squeezing grip of her hand he felt as if he were a captive of hers.

  “He wouldn't dare to spit on my face,” Faith frowned.

  “Don't bet on it,” Clyde laughed. Then he sighed as his sister began to slide her cupping hand up and down over the entire length of his swollen cock.

  “The only place your cock is going to spit is into my mouth,” Faith laughed wildly.

  “He'll spit in your eye first,” Clyde said.

  “Well, we'll just see about that,” she said slyly to her brother.

  Faith moved her face in closer to her brother's cock and balls. Her knowing hand continued to tease up and down over his rigid rod. She leaned her face in closer and slipped out her pretty pink tongue. Her tongue began to lick over the boy's dangling balls.

  “You lick me like a cat,” Clyde moaned to his sister.

  “When's the last time you let a bloody cat lick your balls?” she teased.

  “You know well what I mean…” he said, his voice tightening with emotion.

  His sister bent low between his legs once more. Her tongue lavished a wet, licking caress over his swaying balls as her hand moved up and down, jerking his hard cock, squeezing it. Over his left ball her tongue dragged. Then over his right ball. She drew in a deep breath and smelled fondly his intimate male scent. She liked the musky scent. It drove her mad with longing.

  Brother, dearest, I am going to suck your pretty cock off. What do you think of that?”

  “I think I shall jolly well enjoy that.” “Good. Because I like a good suck every now and again. And there's nothing nicer for a girl than to have a nice cock available when she's in the mood to suck on one. Oh, it's so nice and convenient to have a brother around with a nice cock on which to suck.”

  “My cock is your cock,” Clyde laughed.

  “Then I shall just go ahead and bloody well suck it off. Ummm, my lips are so hungry for it. And your cock is such a nice size. It fits just right in my lips. Daddy's is much bigger and it is difficult to stuff it all between my lips.”

  “Do you like his better because it is bigger?”

  “No. I like your pretty prick too. I'd rather suck on yours any day.”

  “Then start sucking and stop talking,” he said to his sister, eager to have her get on with it.

  “Oh, I jolly well will!”

  And she began licking up to the base of his rampant rod. Her caressing hand released its maddening caress and her mouth took up where it left off. The tip of her tongue traced its way slowly up, from the base of his arching cock to its tip. And then her tongue slowly teased its way back down again. Faith was overjoyed as she heard her brother moan helplessly as she teased his hard prick with her pink, wet tongue.

  Round and round his trembling cock her wet tongue slid. And then, finally, her lips encircled the head of his hardness. She took it in a little bit at a time, slowly sucking his hard prick in between her eager, hot, wet lips. As she sucked on the hard head of his manhood, he began bucking his hips on the bed, trying to drive his prick deeper and deeper into his sister's mouth. But Faith would not be hurried. She meant to control this little sucking game.

  Slowly, setting the pace with her clinging lips, slowly she began to suck more and more of his hard, straining rod in between her pink, hot lips. And then, finally, her head dove all the way down and she swallowed his manhood whole. She imagined that she could feel the head of his hard prick, deep in her mouth, touching and tickling her tonsils.

  Faith began to bob her head over her brother's middle, her mouth clinging heatedly to his throbbing cock, her pretty hair flying as her head bobbed more and more rapidly. Her eyes were closed tightly and there was a dreamy expression of delight on her face as she sucked avidly on his prick. In and out of her gripping lips his cock sped. Then it began spurting and she gulped up every drop of his love juice joyfully. She did not release his spurting, throbbing cock until she had sucked it completely dry. Then she let his spent tool slide slowly out of her lips.

  “See, I told you that he'd spit in my mouth,” she giggled as she gave his limp prick a playful squeeze.

  “You were right,” he panted to his sister.

  “I liked that. But look what a bad boy you are, Clyde. Look how soft your pretty pecker is now. You're bad,” she said sternly to her brother.

  “What are you talking about?” he asked his sister stupidly. He was still gasping for breath.

  “Your cock is all soft and useless. Oh, that's bad, bad, Clyde.”

  “Well, what ever do you expect? It bloody well is soft after the way you sucked every drop out of it with your lips. You are crazy.”

  “And you are bad to let it get so soft,” she said unreasonably. “Turn over. You must be punished.”

  He decided to play her game. He turned over onto his stomach, presenting his naked buttocks to her. Faith wasted no time. She began to spank him angrily with the stiff, open palm of her hand. She beat a furious tattoo on his buttocks with her hand, spanking him with every ounce of strength that she possessed.

  Clyde yelped as her hand slapped down repeatedly, with fury, making his behind sting. Whack, whack, whack. Again and again her hand slapped down. His white behind began to flame. Redder and redder it got as she spanked him with all of her power and all of her fury. He cried out for her to stop, but she would not. Whack, whack, slap, slap. Her nailing hand whipping through the air and solid blows rained down on his welting, red, vulnerable backside.

  And then, just as eagerly and quickly as she had begun spanking her brother, she stopped. Her eyes were glittering wildly. With a sly, knowing expression on her face she rolled her brother over onto his back. She laughed with pure lustful pleasure when she saw that the spanking had excited her brother. His cock once again stood at proud, hard attention. She knew just what to do about that, and
she promptly did.

  She quickly straddled her brother, took his swollen cock in the tight grip of her hand, and guided it toward her steaming cunt as she slowly lowered herself down over him. She sighed and cursed as his had cock slipped easily into her hot cave. The moist, creamy lips of her cunt clung tightly to his spearing rod as she lowered herself down all the way onto his prick. She buried it in her steaming cunt.

  And then she began to buck up and down over her brother as he lay there on his back beneath her, his bottom flaming and in pain from her spanking, his prick alive as she took it into her. She churned her hips over him, impaling herself on his stiff prick. Greedily her pussy consumed his prick. It was as if the wet lips of her cunt were eating his prick. Up and down she humped on her brother's prick.

  They came together and his sperm spurt forth and jetted deep into her. She laughed as she hit her peak. Jet after jet of hot sperm poured into her pussy, and her pussy continued to consume the spurting prick. She used her brother roughly, taking everything that he had to offer.

  Yes, Elizabeth made a mistake by not keeping a sharp eye on Faith. Faith would indeed wear her brother out with her greedy pussy. And if she did-and it seemed as if she would-there would be nothing but a limp, useless prick left for Elizabeth. Elizabeth soon learned the importance of keeping her eye on Faith. A few days after the original orgy, she came down with the well known curse so that for four days she was rendered hors de combat as regards screwing. When the flow was at its end at last she bathed herself carefully so that she would be at her freshest and best to collect what kept fires of desire burning between her eager thighs and deep down within her belly. She was hot to have the boy. She wanted Clyde desperately. She knew that she could not have Harry, even if she wanted him.

  She woke to find that Harry had already gone to Lincoln's Inn, but that didn't bother her. Of the two males, she had come to prefer young Clyde who, although his digger was smaller, worked with lovely diligence and was able to last long enough to give her a couple of nice comes before he shot.


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