A Promise of Passion

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A Promise of Passion Page 8

by Maggie Carpenter

  “The blindfold?”

  “That makes me happy too, but what you said.”

  “Ah, when I said, good girl? If it makes you happy it’s because you want to please me,” he softly replied, “and that tells me much about you.”

  Leaning down he kissed her, a warm tender, lingering, loving kiss, that left her as breathless as his passionate attack when they’d first walked through the door.

  “Now, sweet Vivien, I am going to unwrap you, like a special present on Christmas morning.”

  “I love that,” she breathed, what a romantic thing to say, that I’m a gift being unwrapped.

  She felt him away, and a moment later his hands here pulling off her boots and socks, then unbuckling the belt at her waist, and slowly unzipping her slacks. Her breath was accelerating, she was anxious, wanting to be naked, wanting to grasp him, wanting to feel his hands on her body, and unable to stop herself she began to pull up her sweater.

  “No, no, this is for me to do,” he scolded. “Stop.”

  “Just helping,” she whimpered, dropping her hands.

  “You will get your first spanking for that, ma chérie,” he said softly.

  “Sorry,” she mumbled, the threat fueling the heat between her legs.

  Leaving her panties in place, he moved beside her, rolling her on to her stomach.

  “Was I right? Will this be your first spanking?” he asked, dropping his mouth to her ear as he moved his hand across her backside.

  “Uh-huh,” she mumbled, waves of hot embarrassment swallowing her up.

  “So this is also your first lesson. You do what I say,” he said, kissing her neck, “or I spank you. Okay?”

  “Yes, Dominic, okay,” she managed, thinking she was about to faint from the sheer pleasure of it all.

  Sitting up, he gazed down at her partially covered bottom. It was as full and round as he’d imagined it would be, and he began to gently slap.

  “I will be lenient this first time,” he said softly, “but if there is a next time, it will be harder.”

  As his hand began to slap her backside, she prayed there would be many next times. Everything about him, and what he was doing, was sparking every part of her, but the culmination of swats started to have its affect, and when he pulled off her knickers, landing half-a-dozen serious smacks, she let out a small cry.

  “Good girl,” he purred, rubbing her bottom.

  His warm caress felt like heaven, and when he slipped his fingers into her pussy, running his thumb around her swollen clit, in spite of the hot sting she moaned happily, spreading her legs and wriggling against his exploring hand.

  “You are loving this,” he murmured. “You are loving it all, even the spanking.”

  “I am,” she groaned, “so much.”

  Leaving the bed he quickly finished undressing, and slipping on the condom he’d retrieved from the men’s room at The Black Carriage, he stretched out beside her, rolled her on to her back, and pulled the sweater over her head.

  “You’re wearing no bra,” he muttered, delighted by the surprise, “such beautiful breasts.”

  His hands caressed and squeezed before his lips fell upon her nipples, then chasing her skin to her shoulder, he moved his hand back against her sex.

  “Tell me what you’re feeling,” he purred, kissing her neck as his fingers explored.

  “I’m in heaven,” she panted. “I can’t remember ever feeling like this.”

  “You are so delicious, every part of you,” he murmured, rolling on top of her. “So many things I can show you, teach you…”

  “I want you to,” she moaned, “I want you to teach me everything…ooh…”

  Without warning, he’d slid inside her, his cock moving effortlessly into her soaked channel.

  Vivien was lost in a vortex of pleasure, her pelvis rising to meet his measured, powerful thrusts, her breasts thrilling to the scraping of his wiry chest hairs. The blindfold was heightening her senses, and when he rose to his knees, grabbing her hips to pull her into him, her fingers clutched at the bedspread as she cried out her pleasure.

  “It is hard not to release,” he panted, “maybe I will take you to your orgasm now, and then we can start over, slower, and I will tease you for a long time.”

  “I don’t know if I can come,” she stammered. “I don’t usually just from intercourse.”

  “Shush, you will, trust me.”

  Grasping her hips, elevating them slightly, he thrust forward, slowly accelerating as he began to speak.

  “It will happen, because if it doesn’t I will spank you very hard,” he growled.

  The threat sent a surge of butterflies to life, and the shadow of her orgasm began to take form.

  “Soon you will be tied,” he said, his voice a deep rasp, “and helpless, and at my mercy.”

  His promise enveloped her, increasing the threat of her pending release, and she let out a loud cry of surprise.

  “I will tantalize your pussy, and you will beg to come, but I will not let you,” he continued, “not until I wish.”

  “Oh, my God, it’s…it’s…”

  “Your pussy will be mine, and it will cry its wet tears as it begs to be pushed over the edge, and when I clamp your sensitive tits with sharp steel, it will cry even more…”

  “Ooh, I’m there!”

  Watching her body grow taut, he surged forward, pummeling home, groaning loudly as his cock began to spew into its raincoat. Vivien’s pussy answered back, and as it pulsed against him, she cried out her joy, her knuckles turning white, her fists clenching as the spasms reached their apex, then slowly the euphoric spasms began to wane.

  “Vivien,” he panted, utterly drained and falling beside her, “you are the most gorgeous, sexy, stunning woman.”

  “I haven’t ever felt this,” she gasped, fighting the threat of tears.

  “My poor girl,” he crooned, pulling her into his arms. “So much lies inside you.”

  “I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” she stammered, losing the battle.

  “You have been pretending, and now you are not.”

  “Uh-huh,“she sniffled, “you’re right.”

  “You have been pretending to be happy, pretending you were feeling things when you were feeling nothing. Your tears are relief, and maybe they are mixed with new happiness.”

  “Y-yes. My whole life has been a lie, at least, since I’ve been with Robson, for months and months.”

  “Do you think you ever loved him?”

  “I don’t even know how it all happened It was like being on a train and I couldn’t get off.”

  “Sweet angel, rest in my arms. Whether you wish to continue with me, or be single again, I will be here for you, I will watch out for you.”

  “Dominic,” she whimpered, “Robson is powerful, I don’t know how I’ll be able to leave him.”

  “Perhaps it might be easier than you think,” he whispered. “Now you rest, and don’t worry. Tout ira bien!”

  “What is that?” she murmured as her tears dried up.

  “It will all work out somehow.”

  “I’ll try to remember that, but I have no idea what to do.”

  “For now, we rest,” he whispered.

  “Yes, rest, I’m exhausted,” she said with a long yawn.

  “Oui. Together we will nap, and when we wake up, we will talk.”

  Not far from Vivien’s flat, in the home of Lord Alfred Montrose, Robson was pacing. He didn’t care if Vivien had a lover, or two, or three, but such things needed to wait until after the wedding, preferably after she’d had her first baby. She’d be far less likely to run off with another man if she had children to worry about.

  “Have another drink, Robson!”

  “Another drink is the last thing I need,” Robson snapped, continuing to wear down the expensive Persian carpet while Alfred watched from his large, tufted, red, leather armchair. “A clear head, a plan, an insurance policy, that’s what I need. To start with, I think I’ll
take my cane to her bottom.”

  “That’s a bit harsh,” Alfred frowned. “I really wish you’d get rid of that blasted thing.”

  “You remember what happened when I couldn’t find it last time I bloody needed it,” Robson snarled, a cruel smile crossing his face.

  Alfred felt his face burn red, and downed a large swallow of his scotch.

  “I was just trying to help. It’s evil, that thing, and you’d be better off-”

  “Oh, shut-up Alfie,” Robson barked. “I’ll take it to Vivien’s backside if I damn well want to. I know I have to be careful. I cannot frighten my bride too much, at least not yet, but once the wedding band is on her finger all bets are off.”

  “Quite,” Alfred said quietly.

  “Right now though,” Robson continued, “I need to discover who this other man is, and if there’s anything serious afoot.”

  “Strange how you knew,” Alfie remarked. “You could have been a professional psychic if you hadn’t been born a Viscount.”

  “Yes, I do have exceptional radar,” Robson smirked. “It was something in her voice this morning.”

  The moment he’d ended the call he’d suspected Vivien didn’t have a migraine, and when he’d called to check on her, and her phone went straight to voicemail, he was convinced of it. As evening fell and he’d not heard from her, he’d insisted Alfie drive him to her flat.

  As Robson predicted, she wasn’t home, and the two men had sat across from her doorstep waiting for her return. After an hour or so Alfie had wanted to leave, but Robson wouldn’t hear of it, and Robson was the boss.

  It was raining when the taxi had rolled a stop, and even with the streetlamp illuminating the couple as she’d unlocked her door, Robson couldn’t make out the face of the man who had bundled her inside. When the lights didn’t appear at her window, he was sure Vivien had a lover.

  “You’ll think of something, you always do,” Alfred mumbled, drinking the last swallow of his scotch, “and I’m sorry, but I’m off to bed. You’re welcome to say here and stew if you wish.”

  “Maybe you’re right, maybe I need to sleep on it.”

  “Thank God,” Alfie groaned.

  “Stop complaining,” Robson growled. “You know how important this is. I need an heir, two if possible, and I’ve spent a fortune on this bloody wedding. It’s going to happen.”

  “I know, I know.”

  “I need your help, Alfie, not your impatience,” Robson said angrily. “Do I have it?”

  “Of course you do,” Alfie said, rising unsteadily to his feet.

  “Right, I’m leaving,” Robson exclaimed. “Sorry I snapped. You know how I get when I’m worked up.”

  “It’s all right, Robbie. Go home and get some rest. The answers will come, they always do.”


  When Vivien stirred from sleep, her eyes were heavy, her body felt almost numb, and there was a vague suggestion of a headache. She moved, trying to stretch, but found the effort too much, and surrendering to the fatigue she fell back asleep. Staring down at her, Dominic smiled, then walked quietly from the bedroom.

  He had been up for some time. When he’d slipped from the bed just past seven-thirty she hadn’t moved, and checking on her an hour later he’d found her in exactly the same position It was almost ten, and he’d thought for a moment she was going to wake up, but it appeared she had drifted back to sleep. He couldn’t help but wonder how long it had been since she’d slept so soundly.

  Setting the water to boil for a fresh cup of coffee, he pulled out his cell phone and sat down at the kitchen table. The quiet morning had given the him the opportunity to ponder Vivien’s situation, and while he was developing deep feelings for her, the priority was extricating her from the clutches of her fiancee.

  Viscount Parker-Jones was not a man to be crossed. Dominic had heard scary stories about the man’s ruthless cunning and violent temper, and doubted the Viscount would not stand for a commoner to leave him, no matter how famous or beautiful. The key was to have the breakup be Robson’s idea.

  It would help to know why Robson chose you. He wanted an heir, and a woman of beauty and grace, but there has to be more to it.

  His thoughts swirling through his head, he stared at the phone. An idea had come to him, and the first step involved his good friend in Paris, the young designer, Gustav, for whom Vivien would soon be working. Running his finger through his contacts, he found Gustav’s name and placed the call. The designer answered almost immediately.


  “Gustav, it’s Dominic. I hope I didn’t call you too early.”

  “I don’t sleep, I never sleep, what is sleep?” Gustav dramatically replied. “What can I do for you?”

  “Are you busy? Do you have a minute? This will not be a short conversation.”

  “Ah, yes, for you always I have the time,” Gustav replied.

  “I have a huge favor to ask,” Dominic declared, “and I’m happy to pay you if it means extra work, but it’s what the English would call, frightfully important.”

  “Of course I will do the favor. You tell me, I will do it.”

  “Merci, this is the story.”

  For twenty minutes they talked, and not only did Gustav make good on his promise to accommodate the favor, he ended the call with gratitude. Dominic had given him a truly inspirational idea, one he was sure would put his latest creations in the spotlight.

  Smiling at his phone, Dominic was immensely pleased with how his suggestion had been received, and as he stood up to stretch, he saw the rumpled vision of Vivien in the doorway.

  “You are up!” he exclaimed, moving quickly to give her a hug.

  “Barely,” she mumbled, sinking into his arms. “I can’t believe how I slept. It must have been the wine.”

  “And the other thing,” he murmured, hugging her close to his body, thinking how much he wanted to whisk her back to bed.

  “Yes,” she sighed, “and definitely the other thing.”

  “You look so adorable,” he said softly, stepping back and staring at her.

  “I do,” she asked, gazing at him wide-eyed, “that’s not possible.”

  “You look very cozy, like you should still be in bed, and I should be there with you.”

  “That works for me,” she winked.

  “Come, I’ll make your coffee and you can tell what you have to do today, then I have something to tell you.”

  Following him into the kitchen, she flopped into a chair and watched him putter around the counter.

  “You know I’m leaving for Paris tonight. I’m on a 5 p.m. flight,” she yawned. “I have to pack, but I have to see Robson. He’ll know something’s wrong if I don’t go over there.”

  “Fate again, I should not be surprised,” he remarked.

  “About what?”

  “The 5 p.m. flight, this is my flight also,” he declared. “When you told me you were leaving to work for Gustav, there was no need for me to stay here. I booked my flight yesterday before I took my walk in the park.”

  “How bizarre, but this is great news, we can fly together?”

  “We can, I am very happy,” he smiled, “and now I must tell you what I have planned for you. It will help you get away from Robson, and it involves Gustav.”

  “Really? I have a terrible feeling Robson’s will never let me go, or at the very least, he’ll make it incredibly horrible, I just know it. I’m so worried.”

  “This is why it must be his idea. You will not leave him, he will leave you.”

  “No! How? Why?”

  “I will tell you.”

  As they drank their coffee and Dominic outlined his plan, he saw the worry disappear from her face, and when he’d finished she reached across the table and hugged him tightly.

  “You’re a genius, I think it will work,” she exclaimed. “I really do, and it will be so much fun. I can’t wait.”

  “But there is more thing,” he continued. “Please, tell me why you th
ink he chose you, besides your loveliness of course.”

  “I’ve wondered about that too,” she admitted, “and I can’t quite figure it out. One thing did occur to me. It was a while back, he made a really interesting comment to the press. To be honest, Dominic, it, uh, kind of turned me on when he said it.”

  “You remember this comment?”

  “Definitely, it even made a few headlines in the tabloids. He’d announced our engagement at a small press conference, and a reporter asked him why he’d chosen a commoner from America, when there were so many eligible girls in his social circle. It was an awkward moment, kind of reminded me of the video I saw when the reporter said something to Charles about loving Diana, and Charles said that famous line, whatever love is.”

  “Yes, yes, it is famous, but tell me, Vivien, tell me what Robson said.”

  “Oh, sorry, yes, so, the reporter asked the question, and Robson’s exact words were, because she does what she’s told. It kind of brought the house down. The reporter followed up with a comment about Robson being an old-fashioned chauvinist, and Robson said he was, and he was proud of it.”

  “This makes sense,” Dominic nodded. “Robson would need a woman to do as he says, a woman he could control. I have heard he is very particular about his house, but besides that, he wouldn’t want a woman who would run to the press if things got a bit dicey between them.”

  “Just so you know, I did do what he said. I honestly didn’t think I could argue with him, it never occurred to me. The whole thing was so unbelievable, his position, his title, his wealth…everything.”

  “But this was not the true control you were seeking,” he said softly.

  “No,” she murmured. “Now I know it was a weak substitute.”

  “My lovely girl,” he sighed, moving his hand down her cheek. “We will get you out of this.”

  “I believe you,” she smiled, her eyes twinkling at him.

  “Why don’t you take a shower? I have a call to make and then we will go somewhere for breakfast.”

  “Yes, and no,” she replied, rising from the table. “I will take a shower, and then I will cook you breakfast here. It’s my favorite meal and I’m very good at it.”


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