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A Promise of Passion

Page 29

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Have a nice rest of your day,” he said warmly as he escorted her to the door and handed her the case. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Harrison. I’m looking forward to it.”

  As the door closed behind her, Vivien took two steps, then leaned back against the wall. Her legs felt like jelly, and her stomach was in knots, but she was smiling. She’d pulled it off. She could feel it, and Harry Harrison was quite something. He was taller than she’d expected, and when he’d held the door open and stared down at her, she could sense his powerful energy. Straightening up, feeling enormously pleased, she hurried down the hall, eager to share the details with Dominic.

  Inside the conference room the group was unanimous. Vivien McKay was the standout, and as the animated conversation continued, Harry ambled across to the buffet table, poured himself another cup of coffee and grabbed a muffin.

  “I agree,” he exclaimed, silencing them as he turned around, “but I still want Alana to do those test shots, and I want to be there, so Jenny, make sure you coordinate with Madeline. Will an hour be long enough?”

  “Yes, Mr. Harrison,” Jenny replied. “Thirty minutes for each of them, yes, I think that will be all we’ll need, but what if Alana’s agent says she’s not prepared to cooperate?”

  “She will,” Harry said with confidence.

  “Um, Mr. Harrison?” one of the marketing people called, raising his hand as though he was he a schoolboy in a classroom. “Does this mean we’ve decided on Vivien McKay, or is Alana still in the running?”

  “Yes,” Harry replied, and enjoying the confused look on everyone’s face, he carried his coffee and muffin back into his office.

  “What does that mean?” Jenny frowned as the door closed behind him.

  “That means, it’s one or the other, and you’re not to know,” Gustav replied.

  “Jenny,” Madeline piped up, “I just checked Mr. Harrison’s schedule tomorrow. He can attend the photo shoot between three o’clock and four o’clock. That’s the only time he has available.”

  “That must be why he suggested three o’clock to Alana,” Jenny remarked. “He already knew that. How does he do it? He didn’t even check his calendar. You’re the one that makes up his schedule, and even you had to look and make sure.”

  “He does have a remarkable memory,” Madeline smiled. “It certainly keeps me on my toes.”

  “I’ll bet,” Jenny said, raising her eyebrows. “Okay, I’ll set everything up and email you the studio location.”

  “You’d better make sure it’s close by,” Madeline warned. “Mr. Harrison becomes very irritated with the London traffic.”

  “That might be tough with such short notice,” Jenny said thoughtfully. “If I’d known he was going to ask for test shots, I would have booked a place a week ago.”

  “What about this room?” Gustav suggested. “There are no windows, and with the wood walls we don’t need a backdrop, just the lighting equipment. Is it available tomorrow, Madeline?”

  “Gustav, you’re a genius,” Jenny exclaimed. “All we need to do is move the table down to one end. This room is plenty big enough.”

  “The table is extremely heavy,” Madeline said, shaking her head. “I don’t think you’ll be able to do it. Try for a studio first. If you can’t find one that’s available, I’ll run the idea by Mr. Harrison. Can you get back to me by five o’clock?”

  “Yes, sure, that won’t be a problem,” Jenny promised.

  “If that’s all, I must get to my desk,” Madeline declared rising to her feet. “Thank you everyone, goodbye Gustav.”

  “Goodbye, Madeline,” Gustav said warmly.

  As the group broke apart, each gathering up their note pads and stuffing them in their briefcases, Gustav stared at the door that led into Harry’s office. He was tempted to knock. Something was going on, but he couldn’t figure out what it was, and he was dying to find out. If Harry didn’t want Alana for Bare Beauty, and he didn’t want to date her, why did he want her to do test shots? But it wasn’t the first time the canny, enigmatic man had confounded him, and Gustav knew it wouldn’t be the last.

  “It always make sense in the end,” Gustav mumbled as he headed from the conference room. “All I have to do is wait.”

  Sitting at his desk, eating his muffin and drinking his coffee, Harry was ordering his cock to go back to sleep. The photographs in Vivien’s portfolio had stolen the breath from his lungs, and when he’d reached the pictures of her in the submissive poses, his heart had begun to race. He wanted her in his dungeon, squirming under his floggers and crops, moaning as his fingers explored her pussy, and held captive as he wove his white cotton ropes around her body.

  It was impossible to push the tantalizing pictures from his mind, and rising from his desk he hurried across his office and into his bathroom, locking the door behind him. Dropping his trousers he pulled out his member, and leaning against the wall he closed his eyes and began to fervently rub.

  The dark salacious imagery started to come to life, and he realized with surprise, they weren’t in his dungeon, but his bedroom, and she was on her knees and elbows on the bed, her ass high, her private charms lewdly open to his eye. Stepping forward he began slapping her pale moons with one hand, while teasing her dusky back bud between her cheeks with the other. She mewled as she wriggled, and the more she wiggled the harder he spanked.

  He could feel his moment building, and massaging urgently, he imagined sliding his finger deep into her bottom. As she began to turn her head to look at him over her shoulder, his orgasm suddenly exploded, but to his shock it wasn’t Vivien’s face staring back at him, it was Alana’s!

  The convulsions shuddered through his loins, and as the last spasm left him, drained and breathless, he opened his eyes.

  “What the fuck?” he grunted, reaching for the bathroom tissue to wipe himself up.

  Still bewildered by the supermodel’s unexpected appearance in his fantasy, he washed and dressed, then ambled back into his office, but as he thrust his hands into his pockets his fingers fell upon the tiny piece of paper Alana had covertly slipped into his hand. Pulling it out he unfolded it and looked at the scrawled writing. A smiley face and a telephone number stared up at him.

  When Alana had returned from her interview she’d been hit by a wave of fatigue, and dragging herself through the living room of the luxurious suite in Harrison Towers, she had collapsed on the king-sized bed and dozed off. When she heard a distant chiming she thought it was in her head, but she was dreaming about being in a lush green meadow filled with dollar bills, so it didn’t make sense that something would be ringing like it was. As the sound continued, she felt herself rising back into consciousness, and abruptly realized it was her cell phone. Fumbling her perfectly manicured hand on to the nightstand, she searched it out and pulled it to her ear.

  “Hello?” she said, her voice a raspy, mumbled whisper.

  “Alana, it’s Harry Harrison. Are you all right?”

  “Yes, fine, just napping,” she said, hastily sitting up and trying to bring herself fully awake.

  “Would you prefer I call another time?”

  “No, no, I’m glad you woke me,” she replied, reaching for the complimentary bottle of water. “If I’d stayed sleeping I’d be up at 2 a.m.”

  “I thought you might like to join me for an early dinner.”

  Alana took a swallow of the water and smiled. She’d been fairly confident Harry would call, but she was surprised it had happened so quickly.

  “That sounds great. Certainly a whole lot better than sitting here eating by myself.”

  “With all the friends you have in London, I’m sure you have other options if you want them.”

  “The key phrase being, if I want them,” she quipped. “Having a meal with you, Mr. Harrison, is something I would more than welcome.”

  “I’m delighted to hear it, and please call me Harry.”

  “When can I expect you, Harry?”

nbsp; “I’ll knock on your door around six o’clock? Does that give you enough time?”

  “It does. I’ll see you then.”

  Ending the call, she placed the water bottle and phone back on her nightstand, then flopped back on the bed and smiled at the ceiling.

  “Well, well, the fish is on the hook,” she murmured. “I wonder how long it will take me to reel him in. Won’t this be fun?”


  Emile’s was a fashionable restaurant frequented by many of the celebrated and famous in London. Housed on the ground floor of Harrison Towers, it offered the extra security of a lobby guard, and for those who could afford it, a private clubroom on the second floor. There was always a smattering of paparazzi loitering near the door, and as the taxi pulled up, the few who were there looked closely to see if it was unloading anyone worth photographing.

  “Isn’t that Vivien McKay?” one of the group mumbled as Vivien and Dominic climbed out.

  “Knock me down,” his colleague exclaimed. “You’re right. She’s changed her hair. The blond bits have gone. Hey, Vivien,” he called, “can I spank you?”

  The comment was designed to get her attention so she’d look directly at him and he could snap the picture. It worked, and the cameras began clicking. Dominic placed a protective arm around her shoulder as they started forward, and though she was feeling slightly unnerved by the attention, not to mention the facetious comment, she smiled politely.

  “Where have you been? We’ve missed you,” someone yelled.

  “Took some time off,” she called back.

  The paparazzi could be annoying, but they could also be important allies, so she paused at the door and turned to face them.

  “Thanks for the warm welcome.”

  “Are you doing any more of those crazy S and M ads?”

  “I am. We’ll be starting work soon. I’ve got to go now, but thanks guys.”

  “Hey, thanks for stopping, Vivien,” one of them shouted. “Glad you’re back.”

  Striking a pose for a few fleeting moments, she waved, then disappeared into the building.

  “See, you are still famous,” Dominic murmured as they crossed the lobby.

  “It’s so weird,” Vivien whispered as they moved inside the gleaming elevator. “I feel like I’ve never left, but I also feel as if I’ve been gone for ages.”

  “Have you been up to this private dining room here before?”

  “No, never,” she replied as they were zipped up to the second floor.

  Stepping out, they saw a large red sign at the end of the hallway that read, Members Only.

  “That must be it,” she said softly. “I feel so important.”

  “You are,” Dominic grinned.

  Her heels tapped on the floor as they walked the short distance, and pushing open the door they found themselves in a sumptuous dining room, complete with a bar at one end, and tables adorned with brown tablecloths and cream serviettes. It looked elegant and expensive.

  “Miss McKay, we’ve been expecting you. So lovely to see you after all this time,” the hostess said with a warm smile. “Gustav is already here. If you’ll follow me please?”

  As they walked through the intimate restaurant, the heads began to turn, and Vivien felt the many eyes watching her. She couldn’t help but smile. It felt good, and settling into her chair she let out a happy sigh.

  “Hello, Vivien. I’m so pleased you’re here. I can see you are glad to be in London again,” Gustav grinned. “You look as beautiful as ever, maybe more.”

  “Thank you, Gustav, I feel amazing, and it’s so wonderful to see you too. I’m not sure I’d be here if it wasn’t for Dominic.”

  “We were all very worried about you,” Gustav said warmly.

  “I got a bit lost there for a while,” she admitted. “It was a tough year, but it’s over now, and it’s just great to be back.”

  “Are you ready to jump into some naughty jeans for more naughty ads?” he grinned.

  “Totally,” she laughed. “I can’t wait.”

  “You will love the new line. It is very, how do I say this, perhaps the word might be wicked.”

  “When do I get to see it?”

  “Very soon, we must jump right into work. You have the test shots tomorrow, but I am quickly lining things up.”

  “Speaking of the test shots,” she began hesitantly, “I know I probably shouldn’t ask but, uh, how did I do today?”

  “Don’t worry,” he said reassuringly, “everyone loved you. Especially Harry,” then pausing thoughtfully, he added, “I am telling you this so you won’t be surprised. Alana is doing test shots too.”

  “Darn,” Vivien mumbled.

  “She is?” Dominic frowned. “That surprises me. She is not what I would call, natural. Always she has so much makeup.”

  “Don’t worry,” Gustav said softly, reaching out and touching her arm. “I don’t know why Harry is having her come in. I do not believe he is genuinely interested in her for Bare Beauty.”

  “It’s hard not to worry,” Vivien muttered. “She’s a superstar. Maybe he wants her because of her recognition.”

  “No, I don’t think so,” Gustav said firmly, “and while I am not the only one making the decision, when that decision is being made, you will have my vote.”

  “Thank you, Gustav, that makes me feel better.”

  “So, now we will talk about the new campaign for my new line,” he said enthusiastically. “I want to tell you my ideas and hear what you think. We have much to look forward to. There is a-“

  “Excuse me,” Dominic said urgently, his eyes staring across the room. “Look!”

  Following his gaze, Vivien’s heart skipped as she saw Harry Harrison walking in with Alana. Dressed in a glittering gown, with her hair up and wearing a pearl choker, the supermodel oozed glamor, and had her arm looped through Harry’s elbow.

  “What the hell?” Vivien breathed.

  Gustav immediately flashed back to the conversation he’d had with Harry earlier that day.

  Are you meeting up with Vivien McKay after we finish here?

  We have tentative plans to have an early dinner around six o’clock at Emile’s clubroom if she’s not too tired.

  Completely bewildered, Gustav shifted his gaze back to Vivien’s shocked face.

  “There can be only one reason he brought her in here,” Dominic remarked.

  “He wants everyone to see them together,” Vivien said, finishing the thought. “People talk.”

  Dropping his gaze, Gustav reached for his water glass. He knew the truth. Harry didn’t care about the world. He was parading Alana though the restaurant for only one person. Vivien.

  “What should I make of this?” she asked, her voice hushed.

  “Hmm, what I think,” Dominic said softly, “is that Harry didn’t bring Alana to London for Bare Beauty. He brought Alana over here because he’s interested in her.”

  “That does make sense,” Vivien murmured, “but why use the cosmetic line as a cover? He’s Harry Harrison. All he’d have to do is make a phone call to her agent and get a message to her. It happens all the time. It’s how Robson first tracked me down.”

  “This is true,” Dominic frowned, “but men like Harry Harrison don’t always do the thing that is, the word escapes me. It is like expected, but different.”

  “Predictable?” Gustav offered.

  “Oui, merci, predictable,” Dominic said. “When I am worried or upset, certain words get away from me.”

  “Are you worried, Dominic?” Vivien asked.

  “I am worried because you are worried,” he said fondly. “Why Harrison wanted to meet Alana the way he did is not my business, and not yours either. It doesn’t matter.”

  “I wonder why he’s having her do the test shots?” she mumbled.

  “Hush,” Gustav said quickly. “He’s coming over here.”

  Vivien had been doing her best not to stare at Harry’s table, and looking up she saw the eyes
of the room following him as he approached the table.

  “Just wanted to say hello. You must be Dominic Dubois. I haven’t had the pleasure.”

  “Thank you for the flight,” Dominic said cordially, extending his hand and shaking Harry’s. “It was very generous of you.”

  “Glad it worked out,” Harry nodded, “and Vivien, don’t worry about me being here with Alana. It has nothing to do with Bare Beauty. It’s strictly personal.”

  “I, uh, thank you,” she stammered, not sure how she should react.

  “Something just struck me,” Harry said, staring at her.

  “What’s that?”

  “I don’t mean to overstep, but Gustav, I know you’ve been searching for locations. Why don’t you shoot Vivien for your new campaign at my Chateau? I should have thought of it before.”

  “Harry, that is an excellent suggestion,” Gustav said enthusiastically. “I haven’t been there, but of course I have heard all about it.”

  “What Chateau is this?” Vivien asked.

  “I’ll let Gustav fill you in. Enjoy your dinner, and I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said warmly, then lightly touching her shoulder, he turned and moved away.

  Dominic was very familiar with Harry’s decadently sumptuous, BDSM Chateau. He’d been there several times. Harry was right. It would be ideal for the Spank Me Now photo shoot.

  “Gustav, what is the Chateau?” Vivien asked, completely intrigued.

  “Basically, it’s a twenty-thousand square foot dungeon,” Dominic said with a wry grin.

  “What? You’re kidding. You know about it?”

  “Sure, it’s not a secret,” Dominic replied.

  “He’s not kidding,” Gustav assured her. “It’s a giant BDSM resort.”

  Vivien felt a warm chill shudder through her body, and shifting her gaze across the room to Harry’s table, she watched him sit down and lean his lips into Alana’s ear. A pang of discomfort made her frown, and she realized it was a spark of jealousy.

  “Are you all right?” Dominic asked softly.

  “What? Yes, yes, I’m fine,” she said quickly. “It’s just a bit weird.”


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