A Promise of Passion

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A Promise of Passion Page 30

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Why don’t we decide what we want to eat,” he suggested, “and then Gustav can fill us in on the new campaign and what we can look forward to.”

  “That’s a great suggestion,” she smiled.

  “Oui,” Gustav agreed. “We were interrupted, and now, I am realizing how hungry I am.”

  He picked up his menu, but as his eyes appeared to scan the various dishes on offer, his mind was elsewhere.

  I think I know what is going on here, and it is not good, not good at all. Mon Dieu, I hope I am wrong.

  A few tables away, basking in the attention of being with Harry Harrison, Alana was on cloud nine. The moment they’d sat down he had ordered a bottle of Dom Perignon, and their champagne flutes had been quickly filled with the delicious, effervescent wine. They’d sipped and toasted, and Alana could feel the envious gazes of those around her. Harry had excused himself to visit Vivien’s table, but as she watched him walking back towards her, he looked eminently pleased with himself. She shared his feelings. That was exactly how she felt. Sitting down he’d put his arm around the back of her chair, leaned in, and placed his mouth at her ear.

  “You look stunning in that dress,” he whispered.

  “It’s a Givenchy,” she murmured.

  “You have excellent taste,” he remarked, moving away and reaching for his glass.

  “It comes with a price,” she quipped. “Beautiful clothing is expensive.”

  “What about you?” he asked, titling his head to the side and locking her eyes.

  “What about me?”

  “Are you expensive?”

  “I’m not sure how to take that,” she said softly, her smile fading.

  “It’s a simple question.”

  “No, it’s not a simple question.”

  “You’re right,” he declared. “Expensive is a relative term. Let me put it another way. How much do you charge?”

  The air was quickly escaping from her happy bubble, and as her heart sank, she stared at him in disbelief.

  “I don’t appreciate the insinuation. What exactly are you asking me?”

  “Alana, my dear, it wasn’t an insinuation. It was a direct question, and you know exactly what I’m asking you.”


  “Yes, really.”

  “You want to know what will cost you to sleep with me?”

  “That’s what I want to know,” he nodded.

  “Then I have the answer.”

  “Good, let’s hear it.”

  “More than you can afford,” she growled.

  Rising from her chair, she picked up her champagne glass and in dramatic fashion, hoping the entire room would see, she poured the contents into his lap.

  “So much more effective than your face,” she shouted, and with a toss of her very coiffed head, she turned and marched away.

  The room fell into stunned silence, and Vivien, Dominic and Gustav, stared in shocked surprise, but Harry Harrison was not to be outdone.

  Jumping to his feet, the crotch of his trousers soaking wet, he darted after her, and before she could escape through the door, he caught her. The patrons had been stunned by Alana’s behavior, but they were even more astonished as Harry picked her up and effortlessly tossed her over his shoulder, eliciting a loud shriek, ignoring her kicking feet and clenched fists pounding on his back as he carried her out of the dining room.

  “Did that actually happen? I absolutely cannot believe my eyes,” Vivien exclaimed.

  “Neither can anyone else,” Dominic laughed. “Mon Dieu, I wonder if anyone pulled out their phones and made a recording.”

  “I hope so,” Vivien giggled, “but then again, maybe not. She could sue him, and she’s the type that would.”

  “Sue him, for what?” Gustav asked. “He could sue her, and what is it you Americans say? He has longer pockets?”

  “Deeper pockets,” Vivien said, laughing out loud, “and video or not, you know it is going to be all over the tabloids tomorrow. Didn’t that occur to him?”

  “You would think so,” Dominic frowned, “but maybe he’s so rich he doesn’t care. You know him, Gustav. What do you think?”

  Gustav shifted in his chair. What could he say? That he was sure Harry had planned the whole scene? That he had purposely provoked Alana? That it was all about Vivien, and only about Vivien, and Alana had merely been a prop, a means to an end, a way to get Vivien’s attention?

  “I think,” Gustav said slowly, “Harry is a unique man, and I am very hungry so I am going to order my dinner.”

  “I’m hungry too,” Vivien agreed, “but I’m also started to feel really tired.”

  “I hate to admit it, but I feel this too,” Dominic said, stifling a yawn.

  “We must eat, and you must go home and sleep,” Gustav said firmly, and looking across the room he signaled the waiter.

  The commotion in the dining room was calming down, though the conversation about the spectacle of Harry Harrison throwing the supermodel over his shoulder and carrying her out of the restaurant continued. People were either aghast or amused, some both, but regardless of what they thought, everyone had an opinion. Gustav did his best to talk about his ideas for the second campaign, but he could see Vivien was distracted, and Dominic was being hit hard with fatigue. When they’d finished their meal and Gustav called for the check, the waitress shook her head with a smile.

  “There is no bill,” she declared. “Your dinner was taken care of by Mr. Harrison.”

  “How incredibly sweet of him,” Vivien remarked, then covered her mouth as she yawned. “Sorry. I feel as if I’m going to fall asleep.”

  “It was very generous,” Dominic agreed, “but we must get home. We are both dying on our feet.”

  “Dead,” Vivien muttered. “It’s dead on our feet.”

  “Ah, yes, we are dead on our feet.”

  “Harry arranged for me to have a car on call,” Gustav said, rising from the table. “You don’t need to be running around trying to find a taxi.”

  “That would be wonderful, thank you,” she sighed, leaning against Dominic as they both stood up.

  As they made their way from the dining room, several people glanced at her and sent her a smile. It gave her a lift, but as they walked through the lobby and were about to head outside, Gustav paused.

  “Someone must have tipped off the press about what happened,” he murmured. “Look at all the paparazzi.”

  The few photographers that had been there when they had arrived, had grown into a veritable crowd.

  “What do we do?” Vivien groaned. “I can’t stand thought of pushing through all of them. Oh, my, gosh, look, it’s the police.”

  Two police cars had screeched to a halt outside the door. The security guard marched past them to hold open the door for the arriving officers, and as they entered the lobby, Gustav managed to stop one of them.

  “Sorry to bother you, but I have Vivien McKay with me, and I’m concerned for her safety getting through that mob to her car. Would you be able to help us out?”

  “Of course, Sir.”

  “Are you here to arrest someone?” Vivien asked, thinking it would be a sight indeed to see Harry being loaded into a police car wearing handcuffs.

  “No, no, nothing like that.”

  “Then, why?” Vivien pressed.

  “I’m not at liberty to say,” the young man replied, “but if you need us to get you through that throng of reporters we’re happy to help,” then pausing, he asked, “and if I may say so, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss McKay.”

  “That’s very kind of you,” she smiled.

  “We certainly don’t want you being mobbed. Where is the car waiting?”

  “I have to send the driver a message and he will pull up out front,” Gustav replied.

  “I see. Go ahead and text him, and don’t worry, Miss McKay, we’ll take care of you.”

  As they waited, Vivien’s mind wandered back to the shocking scene that she’d witnessed.

>   Harry must be so much stronger than he looks. He picked her up like it was nothing. That’s something Dominic might do. Huh. I wonder if Harry’s a dom. He owns that Chateau, he must be. If he is I hope he’s spanking Alana’s ass right now. If anyone deserves to be thrown over a lap, it’s her. Would he dare to do that? If he dared to carry her out of that room the way he did, he sure wouldn’t hesitate to spank her. Being spanked by Harry Harrison. Wow. That would be wild.

  “The car, it is here,” Gustav announced.

  “Are you okay?” Dominic asked her softly. “You look like you’re a million miles away.”

  “What? Oh, sorry, I was,” she nodded. “I’ll tell you about it later.”

  With the police escorting them through the door, they headed out to the waiting limo and fell into the soft, inviting leather seats. It was a quick trip back to Vivien’s flat, and once inside, barely having the energy to undress, they collapsed into bed, curling into each other’s arms.

  “What an amazing day,” she mumbled.

  “Very amazing,” Dominic agreed.

  And before either of them could utter another word, they were asleep.


  Her hands holding her stinging backside, Alana was standing in the living room of her luxury suite at Harrison Towers. The police had just left, and Harry was walking towards her with his arms open. She had been through a drama-filled night and she needed a long, warm hug.

  After he had totally humiliated her by throwing her over his shoulder and carting her out of the private club, he had whisked her up to her suite. She had squealed the entire time, and he had happily dispatched a hard, hot swat each time she did, but since that had made her squeal even louder, by the time they’d reached her room her bottom was already feeling the heat. Standing in front of her door he’d been forced to stand her on her feet so she could open her bag and retrieve her key, but she hadn’t been able to stop him walking in after her.

  “Now you’re really going to get what you deserve,” he’d declared, and grabbing her wrist he had thrown her over the back of the couch and started whacking her backside. “You don’t get to pull that crap on me,” he’d scolded, landing smack after smack. “You may be a supermodel, but you’re also a brat, and brats get spanked.”

  She’d protested vehemently, accusing him of insulting her, but he had no interest in her excuses.

  “You poured fucking champagne all over my crotch and made a total scene,” he’d continued, as his hand had rained down its hot sting. “You wanted a scene, I gave you a scene, and now you’re paying for it.”

  “I’m going to sue you, you bastard,” she’d wailed. “You have no, OWWW, right to, OWWW, do this.”

  “Sue away. I’ve got a dozen lawyers on retainer and things are slow right now. I’d like nothing better than to give them something to do.”

  She’d finally given up, and after she’d apologized profusely Harry had let her go, but it was only moments later that her cell phone had chimed. It was in her bag on the couch, and grateful for the distraction she’d moved quickly away to answer it.

  He’d watched her with an amused smile, ready to give her some comfort when she was finished checking the message, but her face had suddenly contorted, and lifting her eyes she’d stared across at him. He’d known immediately that something was horribly wrong, and moving swiftly to her side he’d taken the phone from her hand and stared at the screen.

  Heard you’re back in London babe. Can’t wait to shove my cock inside you. You don’t know me yet, but you will, and that’s a promise. I got your cellphone number, so no surprise I know where you are, and soon I’ll be coming to get YOU.

  After her hugging her tightly, and promising to make sure she’d have protection wherever she went, Harry had called the police. She hadn’t wanted to give up her phone until she was able to get a new one, so they promised one of their tech team would be in touch the following day.

  “I have people too,” Harry had said. “Don’t worry, Alana. We’ll find out who this guy is.”

  He had ushered them out, but turning around, he was surprised to see Alana was standing with her hands on her smarting behind.

  “Still sore?” Harry asked as he approached her.

  “What do you think?” she grumbled.

  “The threatening text didn’t take your mind off it?”

  “There’s a reason I didn’t sit down when the cops were here,” she mumbled, glaring at him, “but, no, that text totally freaked me out and is still freaking me out.”

  He slowly moved his arms around her, and though her response was reticent, as he gently pulled her against him she let out a sigh and surrendered to his hug.

  “I’m not sorry I spanked you, but I am sorry about that message,” he murmured. “I’ll make sure there’s a security guard outside your door, and I’ll arrange for a bodyguard.”

  “That’s very kind of you,” she said shakily.

  “Have you ever received threats like this in the past?”

  “We all get crazy fan mail, it’s part of the job,” she said as she slowly pulled back, “but I think this guy has been around before. A few months back I got some creepy texts, but they weren’t as ominous, and certainly not as graphic. He said something like, I know you’d like me if we met, stuff like that.”

  “You didn’t tell the police that when they were here. You should have.”

  “You’re probably right,” she said grimly. “I will when they come back tomorrow, but I’m not sure what good it will do. That was a different phone.”

  “Let’s get you a drink. What would you like?”

  “I don’t want a drink. I just want to lay down. I’m totally exhausted.”

  “You must be,” Harry said sympathetically. “Is there anything I can get you, anything at all?”

  “Just one thing, but, uh, I can’t ask for it.”

  “Of course you can.”

  “No, not really,” she said softly, staring at him with doe-eyes.

  “Try me.”

  “Well, uh…”

  “Please,” he insisted, “or should I spank it out of you?”

  “NO!” she exclaimed. “I’ll tell you! I know there’ll be a guard outside my door, but I’m still feeling shaky. I don’t suppose you’d be willing to stay with me overnight, would you?”

  “This suite only has one bedroom,” he frowned, “and I’m not a guy who can sleep on a couch.”

  “I meant, with me, not sex, just…with me.”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever had an invitation like that,” he grinned. “Sleep with you but not sleep with you.”

  “I’d be very grateful. I know I’ll lay awake worried if I’m by myself, and I’m so tired. I’ll look horrible for those test shots tomorrow if I don’t get any sleep.”

  “I’m surprised you want to do them after what happened tonight.”

  “I’m a professional! Of course I’ll be there.”

  “Really? A professional? Hmm, a professional who, in a high-end, private club restaurant, throws champagne into the crotch of a man considering her for the role of spokesmodel for a brand new, international cosmetic’s line?”

  “I, uh, well, I guess that wasn’t the best decision I ever made,” she admitted, dropping her eyes. “It was knee-jerk. You hurt my pride and my dignity.”

  “Obviously,” he said, raising his eyebrows.

  “So, will you stay?”

  “Sure, why not, but can I trust you?” he chuckled. “I mean, what if I say something else that hurts your pride and your dignity and you attack my crotch again, or worse still, you try to take advantage of me.”

  “Don’t worry, I won’t,” she retorted, her eyes suddenly blazing at him.

  “Ouch, that wasn’t very nice.”

  “Good, I’m glad it hurt. Your hand hurt me,” she muttered. “I still can’t believe you did that.”

  “But you deserved it, every bit of it, and whether you want to admit it or not, you know you did.”
  “No comment, and we’re getting sidetracked. Will you stay with me or not?”

  “My goodness, so impatient,” he said, shaking his finger at her.

  “What do you expect? I’m absolutely rattled. I’ve been totally humiliated, you spanked me, and I got a disgusting text message from some maniac,” she exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air, “and I’m about to drop from exhaustion.”

  “You’re right, I’m sorry, I’m being hard on you,” he said, changing his tone. “To be honest I’m not crazy about staying in this suite, but there is an alternative.”

  “What’s that?”

  “My London home is the penthouse on the top floor of this building. Why don’t I just take you up there? You’ll have your own room, and I won’t have to worry about you jumping on my bones,” he winked.

  “Really? You’d let me stay up there?”

  “Sure, you’ve had a helluva night, and it’s better both of us. I start work early. Upstairs you won’t be disturbed, and you’ll be to sleep in as long as you want.”

  “Thank you, Harry,” she said softly. “That would be wonderful. I’m very grateful.”

  “Then grab what you need and let’s go.”

  “Can you give me a minute? I want to change, if that’s okay.”

  “Of course it’s okay. Probably best. I’m sure you don’t want to be having breakfast in that dress.”

  “I’ll be quick, I promise.”

  Harry watched her walk away, his eyes on her voluptuous bottom. He had spared her the embarrassment of pulling up her skirt and baring her backside, but as his gaze followed her swinging hips, he could easily imagine it. For that, however, he’d want her over his knee, and that would be very different. It would be intimate. Putting her over the back of the sofa had kept the spanking impersonal. She’d deserved a hot bottom and he’d given it to her.

  Lifting his gaze as she reached the bedroom, he watched her turn to close the door. She looked at him, catching his eye, and smiled.

  Harry suddenly felt a twinge.

  Like a tiny electric shock, it sparked its way through him.

  Harry lived by his twinges. He’d made his fortune because of his twinges. While he was sure others experienced something like them, he’d always believed his twinges were keener, sharper, and more discernible from those other people experienced. He would listen to their comments, I had a feeling, my voice told me, and he had always thought them vague, but there was nothing vague about his twinges, and when Alana had smiled at him, he’d been zapped.


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