Burning Love (An Evans Mill Romance Book 3)

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Burning Love (An Evans Mill Romance Book 3) Page 8

by Scarlett Brooks

  “Oh yes, Kalen!”

  His hands and tongue moved faster as my body fell into ecstasy. My screams filled the room, and I grabbed onto the sheets that surrounded me for support. As my shakes subsided, Kalen stood up and looked down on me with a smile.

  I sat up quickly and started to undo his jeans.

  “I need you inside of me,” I said.

  “Oh don’t worry, I wasn’t finished with you yet,” he said as he took off his shirt, revealing his hard set of abs.

  He pulled down his jeans and boxers. I bit my lip when I saw his hard length, ready and waiting for me. I quickly pulled off my dress and thong and moved my body up on the bed. He leaned down on top of me and I pressed my lips against his.

  I could feel his cock in between my thighs and I felt my body shudder as I opened my legs a little wider. He braced himself on his arms and slowly pushed inside me, and a loud moan escaped my lips.

  “Fuck you feel good Willow,” he said.

  He started to pump his hips as I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist. My hands wrapped underneath his arm and I dug my nails slightly into his back. As he continued to move his hips my nails began to dig harder and harder into his back.

  Heat coursed throughout my body and I forgot about everything surrounding us. I forgot about all the drama going on with his family, and how angry I was with him before. All that mattered was Kalen and me at this moment. I never wanted it to end.

  I felt my body begin to shake slightly as his hips started to move faster. I felt the bed creak under us, but I didn’t care if Victoria’s neighbors could hear.

  “Oh God don’t stop Kalen,” I said. “I’m getting close.”

  His hips pounded harder and the creak of the bed turned into a pounding of the headboard. With each push, I felt him go deeper inside and my body welcomed it. I wanted him to go harder and faster.

  “Yes don’t stop!” I cried out.

  I dug my nails hard into his back as the pressured built in my core. I knew I was about to be pushed over the edge, and I wanted him to come with me.

  “Come with Kalen,” I moaned. “I’m about to come.”

  “Fuck Willow,” he murmured.

  His hips pumped harder and each time they did I moved my hips up to meet his. The headboard was banging against the wall at this point, and I let my moans take over my body.

  “Oh God yes!” I screamed.

  My whole body began to shake as he pushed deep inside me. I felt him release as our bodies shook together. It was exhilarating coming with him. Our bodies were so in tune with one another that it felt almost magical.

  Once we both had finished he dropped his body next to mine.

  “I think I may have left a mark on your back,” I said with a slight chuckle.

  “Oh you definitely did,” he said with a laugh. “But I don’t mind. I actually like that you marked me.”

  “Oh yeah?” I asked

  “I do. It lets anyone that sees know that we have a good time,” he said with a smirk and I playfully hit him on the chest. “You know with my girlfriend,” he added before kissing me again.



  I wrapped my arm around Willow’s waist and pulled her close to my chest. I lightly kissed her shoulder as she snuggled up toward my body. I loved the feeling of her skin pressed next to mine.

  “I could get used to this,” she said.

  “I could too,” I said honestly. With her deciding to stay in Evans Mill this was actually possible.

  She turned her body to face mine and looked deeply into my eyes.

  “I’m starting to get why you turned down the trust from your family. But what made you make that change in the first place? I mean before you and Levi went to jail, you said you had already told them you weren’t taking over the company.”

  “I think becoming close friends with Levi started to change my mindset, but I think what really put the nail in the coffin, was my brother Archer.”

  “What happened with Archer?”

  “Archer got sucked into the family drama harder than I did,” I said sadly. “Back in high school, I never really got serious with anyone. Mainly because I never felt like I could trust anyone enough to start a real relationship with. I think I did that because I knew deep down my parents would never approve of any of the girls in high school.”

  “Why wouldn’t they?”

  “Everything is about appearance to my parents. So, my dating the wrong girl would end up hurting them in a way. Since I never let anyone get close, I was able to stay out of that type of drama with my family. Archer, however, wasn’t.”

  “Oh no, he fell in love didn’t he?”

  “Hard. And with the completely wrong girl according to my parents. They tolerated the relationship for a little while, thinking that it was just a high school relationship. But when they started to look in similar colleges, that’s when my mother stepped in full force.”

  “What did she do?” I looked down into her beautiful brown eyes and realized, she was the only girl I could ever open up to. She the one who made me feel like I could say anything and she wouldn’t think any less of me because of it.

  “This was around the time, that I had told them that I wasn’t taking the trust. And looking back on it now, I feel like my parents probably took out a lot of that anger on Archer. But when my mother found out that they were looking at the same colleges, my mother made a point to call every college admission board and convince them to not admit Melody.”

  “How was she able to do that?”

  “She had all the influence in the world with her bank account,” I said sadly. “She offered to donate money to anyone that would help her with her request.”

  “How did he find out?”

  “Well at first, Archer didn’t realize what was happening. But as more schools started to reject her we both started to form our suspicions. Melody is a smart girl, so we both knew it wasn’t her grades or her scores that were hurting her. My trust for my parents had already disappeared and I wanted to prove to Archer that they were as bad as I said they were. So I did some digging of my own. I had the family accountant pull my mother’s recent bank transactions for me, and when I spotted that all of her ‘donations’ were to the schools that Melody applied to I showed it to Archer.”

  “And what did he do?”

  “At first he didn’t believe me. He argued that I had fabricated this whole mess to get him on my side. But once we looked at the transactions he couldn’t deny what was happening.”

  “What happened with him and Melody?”

  “He broke it off with her, without telling her the full reason why. He didn’t want to be the cause of her not getting into the schools she wanted, so he told her the lie that he had fallen out of love with her. I haven’t seen my brother date anyone since that.”

  “Why didn’t he leave like you did?”

  “I honestly don’t know. I wonder if he was too afraid to stand up to the family. Or if there was something else going on that I didn’t know about. To this day, he won’t talk to me about any of it.”

  “I’m so sorry about that Kalen,” Willow said as she snuggled in deeper to my chest. The scent of her shampoo wafted up my nose and calmed me.

  “It’s alright,” I said honestly. “I just hope that one day, I can convince him to get out from under my parent’s control.”

  “I hope he does too, it’s not fair what your mother did.”

  “It’s not.”

  “But really, what are your parents going to think of us?”

  “It doesn't matter what she thinks. She has no control over me anymore. So she would just have to sit with her anger and do nothing about it.”

  Comfortable silence surrounded us. I could lay with Willow like this forever.

  “What would happen, if you did decide to take the money from them?” Willow asked.

  I felt my body tense slightly.

  “Why would you ask that?” I said in a harsher to
ne than I meant to. Willow looked up at me and cupped my cheek with her hands.

  “Don’t get all huffy yet,” she chuckled. “Let me explain first.” She kissed my lips lightly and I felt the tension in my body release.

  “I only asked because what if you took the money but then put it to good use.”

  “What do you mean good use?”

  “Well, just because you have a trust doesn’t mean you have to take the money for yourself. You could donate it to the firehouse. I know the station has been putting all of you guys on extra shifts because they can’t afford to hire anyone else full time. But if they have the money from the trust, then they will have more than enough to do that and probably spruce up the place.”

  I looked deeply into Willow’s eyes. I had honestly never thought about that before. I always just saw taking the trust as a way for my parents to continue to force their control over my life. But I never thought that if I donated that money to something I cared deeply about, like the fire station, that I would actually be able to do something good from it.

  “You are brilliant!” I said as I quickly pressed my lips onto hers.

  “I know,” she giggled as I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her body on top of mine.



  “And you’re sure that with this contract, they will have no say on where this money goes?”

  “Correct,” my lawyer Andrew said. “Once you accept the funds, with this addendum, it will be fully in your control.” After Willow gave me the idea I put everything into motion. I contacted Andrew the next morning to set everything up.

  “Great,” I said as I let out a sigh of relief. “Once we get this signed, let's get all the paperwork ready to donate everything to the firehouse.”

  “Yup, I’ve already got that all drafted up. We’ve got a few steps to work with, but it’ll go pretty smoothly I think.”

  “Thanks for your help in this Andrew,” I said.

  “Anytime,” he replied and we hung up the phone.

  My parents were shocked when I reached out to them. They were even more shocked when I mentioned that I was going to take the trust fund. My mother was, of course, ecstatic about everything. She thought it meant that I was finally coming back to the family. But little did she know that I was going to throw all of her plans out the window.

  “I am so happy you have finally come to your senses Kalen,” my mother said over the phone.

  “I am too,” I said holding back my frustration with her. “But there will be some conditions regarding all of this.”

  “Conditions? What sort of conditions?” my father asked.

  “Well first, I am not going to take over the business.” I heard my father clear his throat while my mother gasped.

  “But-“ my mother started, however, I cut her off.

  “I will continue working at the fire station.”

  “Kalen, your grandfather didn’t set up this trust for you to continue working,” my mother said.

  “Mother, when are you going to finally understand that I am an adult? That you can’t tell me what I can and can’t do anymore?”

  “Kalen I -” My father cleared his throat again and my mother stopped talking.

  “Kalen,” my father said. “I understand you want to continue working, but what about considering working for the family business?”

  “Because I think what I am doing is more important. Archer and I have already discussed things and he will take over what will be needed from father.”

  “Archer already has his work in the business,” my father said.

  “I think it’s time some things changed with the business unless you want everyone to find out the real reason Archer and Melody broke up. Or about Levi and my little stint in the slammer.”

  I was met with silence on the other end of the phone. And then my mother cleared her throat.

  “We had nothing to do with that,” she said tightly.

  “You know that isn’t true,” I ground out.

  “Calista,” my father warned. “Just drop it.”

  “Fine, any other demands?”

  “I will direct my portion of the trust to go to the fire station.”

  “Why on earth would you –” my father quickly cut her off.

  “Kalen, I think that is a great plan. Put the money to good use and then we can show the town how we care about it by giving our own donation as well.”

  I heard my mother quickly hang up the phone in a huff. My father remained on the line.

  “Don’t worry about your mother,” he said. “I will handle her.”

  “I appreciate that,” I said.

  “I think this is the best use of the money. I know we haven’t seen eye to eye over the years, but I am learning from you, believe it or not. One thing you have made me realize is how important the working people of this town are. Without them, it would just be land here. So, I think it’s well past due that we give something back.”

  I was completely taken aback by his statement. I never thought that my parents, especially my father, would actually care about anyone besides themselves. For years, I had tried to convince him that it was the townspeople that kept this place running. Not his land. The thought must have finally stuck. I knew my mother might not fully be on board with the idea, but if I at least had my father on my side, then that would really start to make a difference in Evans Mill. It gave me hope for the future of the Mortimer family and more importantly for the future of our town.

  After I finished up my call with my lawyer, I picked up my keys and headed to my truck. I was headed straight to pick up Willow from work and take her out to celebrate. After all, this whole thing wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for her.

  I pulled up in front of her office and smiled when I saw her standing there waiting for me. From the moment I met her, my entire life changed for the better. I planned on spending every day from now on letting her know how much she meant to me.

  “Well hi there,” she said as she got into my front seat. I leaned over and kissed her gently on the lips, and then I leaned back and smiled.

  “What are you all smiles for?” she teased as she put on her seatbelt.

  “Because I love you,” I said honestly. Her eyes shot to mine and I could see a blush forming on her cheeks.

  “I love you too,” she said as she grabbed my t-shirt and pulled me close. Her lips pressed against mine and I quickly reached down to unbuckle her seat belt. Once she was free she slid closer to me across the bench seat and I wrapped my arms around her waist. I would never be able to get enough of Willow.

  Suddenly, my cell phone rang out. I let out a groan against her lips and she chuckled.

  “You can answer that,” she said as she sat back in her seat. I looked down at my phone and saw that it was Levi was calling. At first, I was going to ignore it and call him back, but then I remembered he was working a shift at the fire station today.

  “I better take it. It’s Levi and he’s working today,” I said. I answered the call.

  “You need to get to the firehouse right away,” Levi said quickly.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “We have a five-alarm fire and we need all hands on deck.”

  “I’ll be there in a minute.” Revving my engine and tearing out of the parking lot. Willow buckled in quickly, her eyes wide with concern.

  “What’s going on?” She asked.

  I shook my head. “Where is the fire?” I asked Levi. “I’ll meet you there, grab my gear.”



  About the Author

  Thanks for reading Burning Love!

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  Other books based in EVANS MILL

  Dirty Love: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NWXTQ5H

nbsp; Hard Love: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PJ268XD

  Burning Love:




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