A Lovely Lesbian Collection

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A Lovely Lesbian Collection Page 8

by Emily Vixen

  “Uh...hello?” the woman said, warily greeting the stranger at her door.

  “Hi!” Mila said. “Uh, sorry to bother you, but I really need some help. You see, my car broke down about half an hour back and I don't have my phone with me. I really need to contact someone to pick my car up and get it fixed,” she explained.

  “Ooh, you've walked half an hour up here?” the woman asked. “I bet your feet are killing you. Here, take a seat in the back for a moment if you want,” she offered.

  “Thank you.” Mila opened the back door and sat down, sighing with relief as she finally took the weight off her feet. “Oh, that's so much better.”

  “Funnily enough I just got off the call with a breakdown service too, so I'm afraid I can't drive you back to your car right now,” the woman said with a little laugh. “You're welcome to stay here with me until they arrive if you want though. Save me sitting here bored on my own, seeing as apparently they're so busy at this time of night that it's still going to take them two hours to turn up.”

  “Yikes, two hours?” Mila echoed. “That does sound bad. Oh, I'm Mila by the way,” she said, realising she still hadn't introduced herself.

  “I'm Ellie,” the other woman said, introducing herself in return. “Well, if you want to wait here then I'm sure we can get them to sort our your car after mine,” she suggested. “To be honest I considered going for a bit of walk seeing as it's a long wait and there's plenty of big, open fields around here but I imagine you're kind of fed up of walking,” she laughed.

  “A little,” confessed Mila, “but that actually sounds kind of nice too. I'm sure I could handle just a little more walking.”

  “Well, if you're sure.” Ellie got out of the car and stretched, her shirt lifting up slightly when she did so and revealing her toned stomach. Mila caught herself enjoying the view for a moment too long before getting up as well so the two of them could enjoy a quiet walk in the cool night air while they waited for a mechanic to show up.

  The two of them didn't talk much to begin with, simply basking in the quiet contentment that night brought. It was incredibly peaceful and the slight nip in the air somehow added to the relaxation. There were quite a few fields and the like nearby so Mila didn't even have to worry about hurting her feet by walking even more. After so long of walking down the side of the road she relished the sensation of soft, cool grass under her feet rather than hard concrete. She could have chosen to walk off the road the entire time, of course, but had chosen not to just in case she missed the opportunity to flag somebody down for a ride or at least to let her use their cellphone to call for help.

  “So what were you doing out so late?” Ellie asked, finally breaking the silence. She stopped walking and turned to face Mila. It was probably for the best they stopped. The last thing they wanted to do was get too far away from the car and miss the mechanic when he finally turned up.

  “Trying to get home from work,” Mila said with a wry smile, “the boss has a decency to drone on...and on...and on...and...well, you get the idea,” she said with a little laugh.

  “I know the type,” Ellie chuckled. “I haven't had that trouble ever since I changed jobs but I've still never forgotten how bad it was.”

  “How about you?” Mila asked. “It seems like there was pretty much nobody out on the road this time of night. I'm surprised I ran into you.”

  “Sadly, I probably brought the breakdown on myself. Whereas you were just trying to get home after a long day of work, I was longing for something interesting to happen and decided to go for a drive just for the sake of it. Clearly my decision to seek out adventure and something new backfired drastically because I was hoping for something other than having the car break down in the middle of nowhere.”

  “Yeah, that doesn't sound like the sort of adventure anybody would want to have. Well, sort of. I guess it depends on the mechanic that turned up,” Mila said with a grin.

  “Oh?” Ellie raised an eyebrow and smirked at her. “And just what, exactly, might you be implying there?”

  “I'm implying that maybe you were hoping the breakdown would lead to some strapping young mechanic pulling up and deciding he needs to take a closer look at the owner as well as the car,” Mila said, laughing a little at her own crude joke.

  “Well, I can't deny that your idea is tempting,” Ellie confessed, “though I think it would be even better if it were a female mechanic. A strapping young man sounds good but a busty mechanic wanting my help to test the suspension would be even better.” It seemed that Mila had chosen the right audience for her crude joke considering that Ellie was now making jokes of her own.

  “Oh? So you prefer women?” Mila asked, trying her best to sound casual. She had enjoyed the little glimpse of Ellie's stomach earlier and since then she had caught herself stealing quite a few glances at the other woman. It seemed strange that she would want a beautiful, busty mechanic to show up though – not because it was another woman, but because Ellie seemed like she would fit the image of a beautiful busty mechanic perfectly on her own.

  “I do, though I can go either way if I'm in the right mood,” Ellie admitted. “Why? Doesn't bother you does it?” She grinned slightly. “Worried I'm suddenly going to pounce on you and start feeling you up?”

  “Oh, no, it doesn't bother me,” Mila explained, “if anything I'm more worried that you won't do that,” she added. It was rather blunt and forward flirting but she'd learned over the years that being meek and cautious generally didn't get you anywhere. It was better to make your intentions clear from the start, that way you could either avoid beating around the bush for ages and either get down to business faster or avoid wasting your time on someone that wasn't interested.

  “Really now?” Ellie smirked at her and made a show of looking her over. “So you're into women too, are you? I wouldn't have guessed it looking at you. You look like your typical sitcom woman, trying to find herself a man while rushing around the office and not realising your perfect partner is right under your nose the whole time.”

  “That's...oddly specific,” Mila laughed. “I think that might just be the suit giving you that impression, though I do kind of feel like sitcom might describe my life well. I'm pretty sure most of the people I work with would do well in television too. They're certainly good at acting like they're working without actually doing anything.” The two of them shared another laugh.

  “Well, seeing as we have plenty of time to kill and you sound interested enough I suppose I'll just come right out and ask you. How about we take your sitcom life off-air for a little while for something that's not appropriate for daytime television?”

  “Here?” Mila asked in surprise, looking around. Sure there was nobody about but they were still out in public. There was still the possibility that somebody could come along and find them at any given moment. That should have put her off really, though instead she just found it excited her even more. “Well...it seems a little risky, but I suppose that's part of the draw, isn't it?” she admitted with a sheepish chuckle.

  “So is that a yes?” Ellie checked, stepping closer. She gently lay her hands on Mila's hips and squeezed them slightly, making the other woman squirm on the spot eagerly.

  Rather than responding with words, Mila simply leaned forward and kiss her. Their lips pressed together softly at first, but before long their lips were parting and their tongues were meeting as they began to kiss more deeply. Mila had never simply thrown herself at someone like this before, let alone a complete stranger, but nonetheless it felt good. The excitement of getting so close and intimate with a total stranger out in the open like this was getting her more worked up than she had been in a long time. Her hands reached out to grip Ellie by the hips in return, only for her to change her mind and instead reach higher. She took a breast in each hand, loving the feel of Ellie's huge, soft tits against her palms through her shirt. The feeling was great anyway but it was even better when she could hear and feel Ellie moaning into the kiss as their tongues
battled for dominance.

  As great as the kiss was, they had to break apart eventually in order to breathe. Neither of them were quite sure how long they had been at it but it must have been a decent amount of time considering they were now both panting for breath and getting a little red in the face.

  “Well that certainly came out of nowhere,” Mila said with a little laugh, “though it's definitely helping me de-stress from such a long day at work.”

  “If you want to de-stress more then we can always take things further,” Ellie suggested, pulling her closer and pressing their bodies tightly together.

  “Out here?” Mila asked, looking around uncertainly. Despite being wary about doing it in such a public, open space it was impossible to miss the excited grin spreading over her face. “Don't you think we'll get caught?”

  “There's nobody around anyway,” Ellie said with a shrug, “and even if they did catch us and we got into trouble, it'd be kind of worth it, right?”

  “You...do have a point,” Mila admitted with a little laugh. “Alright, screw it, let's do it. Today's been awful, it's about time I got to have some fun.”

  “Exactly what I wanted to hear.” Ellie didn't hesitate at all to strip off her shirt and her bra came away moments later. Mila simply watched, partly in awe at just how quickly the other woman could undress and partly because she was just enjoying the view of her huge tits now being exposed. It was certainly cold and no doubt even colder without clothes on but she got the feeling that the cold was nothing to do with Ellie's puffy nipples already being hard.

  By the time Mila had finished admiring the other woman's chest she had finished stripping off completely. She stood proudly in front of her, hands on her hips and her legs spread as she showed off her naked, magnificent body. Her pussy was neatly trimmed and her thighs already looked a little damp with excitement.

  “I think it's your turn when you're doing admiring the view,” Ellie said with a smirk, snapping Mila's attention back up to her face.

  “Oh! Oops, guess I got a little distracted instead of stripping with you,” Mila said. She wasn't nearly as fast or as skilled as Ellie but that didn't matter. The other woman still seemed to enjoy the view, watching as Mila gently lay out her clothes piece by piece to one side as she removed them. Seeing as she wasn't in a rush she also decided to strip down to her panties and bra rather than completely exposing herself right away. Once she was down to just her underwear she stopped and posed in the same fashion that Ellie had.

  “You're finished?” Ellie asked, obviously a little disappointed. “Here I thought you'd be getting naked as well.”

  “I'm finished stripping,” Mila confirmed, “but that doesn't mean you can't strip me even more.”

  “Ooh, I see.” Mila grinned. “I like the way you think.” She stepped closer and their lips met in another kiss. Ellie's hands roamed over Mila's mostly bare skin, finding the clasp on her bra and opening it. Mila moved her arms to make it easier for Ellie to remove the bra without having to break away from the kiss, and once that was out of the way her hands wandered down to her panties instead. They were much easier to remove than her bra and within moments they were sliding down her legs before landing at her ankles. Mila stepped out of them and kicked them aside, loving the cool night breeze blowing against her already wet pussy.

  “So,” Ellie said, pulling back from the kiss in order to speak, “what do you want to do? You're the one that needs to blow off steam so I figure it's only fair to let you choose.” Not wanting to waste time with idle conversation, her hands moved to Mila's now bare chest. She squeezes her tits gently, taking one in each hand, playing with them and caressing them while she waited for an answer.

  “Mm...” Mila gasped quietly, arching her back and pushing her breasts into Ellie's hands, begging for even more of her touch. “Well, seeing as you asked, I have always wanted to try the 69 position with another woman. I figure you'll be better at it than a man, seeing as you've probably got a better idea of how to make a pussy feel good.”

  “I'm sure I can help out with that. I'll even be generous and be the one that has to lie in the grass.” Ellie got down on the floor and lay back, reaching between her legs and spreading her pussy open to give Mila a good look. “Well? Come on then, get a taste of this so I can have a taste of you.”

  “Gladly.” Mila quickly got down with her, thrilled with how quickly things were going. There was no awkwardness and no nervous build-up. They were simply two adult women fucking because they wanted to. The excitement of doing it outside certainly helped work her up as well. She took a moment to get into position but before long she had managed to get her knees either side of Ellie's head and her hands either side of her hips.

  “Perfect,” said Ellie, reaching up and squeezing her ass gently. Eager to keep their momentum going, she buried her face in the other woman's pussy without hesitation. Mila let out a much louder moan than she intended at the sudden wave of pleasure as Ellie's lips and tongue began exploring her pussy while her hands pulled at her ass, spreading her open to make it easier.

  “Oh..fuck...!” Mila gasped. She couldn't simply stay there enjoying herself. It was dangerous enough doing this out in the open. They were guaranteed to get caught if she kept moaning so loudly. In order to muffle her noises of pleasure she lowered her head and buried her face in Ellie's pussy in return. Her warm scent was overwhelming at first but it just turned her on even more. Having to hold herself up meant she couldn't grab hold of Ellie and spread her open but it didn't matter. She was more than satisfied with what she could get at.

  Ellie seemed to be getting wetter with every passing moment and Mila was only too happy to lick up every last drop. She licked at her gently at first but soon realised it wouldn't be enough to satiate her. Deciding to follow the other woman's lead she tried to focus on her own pussy for a moment, doing her best to put the pleasure to one side and instead think about what Ellie was doing to her. It was difficult to focus for long but she got the basic idea and did her best to reciprocate. Her tongue was pushing in and against her pussy, swirling around against it while her lips pushed tightly against her entrance. She moved her head a little, rubbing up against her for more pressure to pleasure her even more. Judging by the way she was moaning, she was clearly doing it right. Although Ellie was doing a fantastic job anyway it made it even better when she could hear her moaning.

  The two of them continued gasping and panting with pleasure with their head buried in the other's pussy. Neither of them could bring themselves to stop, eager to outlast the other, until Mila finally surrendered. She lifted her head with a deafening scream of ecstasy like nothing she had ever felt before. Her entire body quivered with pleasure as her pussy tightened against Ellie's face. She knew what was happening. She was cumming, albeit much harder than she ever had before. Desperate not to cum alone and also to reward the other woman for her incredible oral skills she again buried her face in Ellie's cunt, licking and sucking and tasting her in an attempt to have the other woman join her in her orgasm.

  Feeling Mila cum against her face was easily enough to bring Ellie to the brink of orgasm and Mila's eager return to her pussy pushed her over the edge. She didn't make quite as much noise as she had the sense to keep her face against Mila's ass, lapping up every drop of her cum and screaming with pleasure as she reached her climax. The two of them continued for a few more moments, tasting their partner's cum as they reached orgasm together.

  Eventually the two of them stopped, with Mila moving off Ellie and sitting down beside her. They were both exhausted and panting for breath after going at it so eagerly. Neither of them could bring themselves to speak for a moment, and before either of them could, Ellie's phone started ringing. She briefly considered ignoring it but eventually reached over and picked it up, taking another deep breath before answering.

  “Hello...?” she said, trying and failing to hide how out of breath she was. She was quiet for a moment, clearly letting the person on the other end of th
e line speak. “...oh! Uh, yes, sorry! We'll be right there, just give me ten minutes please! Sorry!” She put the phone down and seemed to find her second wind as she quickly started getting dressed.

  “Who was that?” Mila asked, following her lead and getting dressed as well, albeit not in as much of a rush.

  “Mechanic's here to sort out the car,” she said with a little laugh, “guess we got kind of carried away.”

  “Oh. Oops.” Mila laughed along with her as she got dressed, doing her best to brush the dirt and grass off her clothes so that the mechanic wouldn't be suspicious as to what the two of them had rushed off to do while waiting for him to arrive.

  “Come on, we'll get your car sorted too and get back to down,” Ellie said. “Oh but, while I'm thinking about it, you're not in work tomorrow are you?”

  “I should be, but I think I'll just call in sick tomorrow after all the trouble I had getting home,” said Mila with a chuckle. “Why?”

  “Great, then you can come back to my place instead. I don't want to leave things there. I've got a lot more I want to do with you.” She started walking off ahead, clearly having made her decision for the both of them.

  “Oh?” Mila grinned excitedly and hurried after her. That definitely sounded like a good idea. She couldn't wait to see what Ellie had in store for her when they got back to her place. It had taken until late at night but it looked like Mila's day was finally looking up, albeit at the last moment, though it had certainly been worth the wait.


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