Caught in the Middle

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Caught in the Middle Page 17

by Desiree Holt

  Stafford sighed once more. “Very well then, you can stay there, but I meant what I said. You keep your paws and your tongue to yourself—especially when I’m asleep.”

  The wolf… Hayden nodded.

  Stafford lay back and looked up at the ceiling. “Jasmine will be fine,” he told Hayden, because the wolf and the man he’d been until a few seconds ago obviously needed to hear it.

  As he closed his eyes, he repeated it to himself without so much as an excuse to hide behind. Jasmine would be fine. She had to be.


  Stewart was waiting for her as Jasmine stepped through the back door of the club.

  Jasmine hesitated. “Mr. Washington told me I could go away for a few days,” she said.

  Stewart smiled. “I know. But my master wanted to speak to you before you go through to the front of the club. There are a couple of guys looking for you, and I think he wants to make sure you have fair warning before you run into them.”

  Five minutes later, she was sitting in Mr. Washington’s office behind the club.

  “Did your time away help you gain some perspective on recent events?” Mr. Washington asked, as Stewart put a cup of tea in front of her and settled himself on the floor at Mr. Washington’s feet.

  Jasmine nodded and stared into her cup.

  “You’re not in a scene now, Jasmine,” Mr. Washington corrected. “Look up and look me in the eye when you answer me.”

  She met his eyes across the table and forced a weak smile. “You were right, sir. The vampires, the werewolves—they get inside your head somehow. I’ll get over it.”

  “So you’re still committed to living this lifestyle, to finding a master?”

  She nodded, very determinedly.

  The older man was silent for a few minutes. She waited, wondering if he had another man in mind for her.

  “Stafford Ingram and Hayden Griffith came to look for you,” Mr. Washington said.

  She blinked at him. “They…” Jasmine could feel the colour drain out of her face.

  “You’re not quite over them, then?” Mr. Washington asked.

  She looked back to her tea, her hands were shaking. She wrapped them around the cup and let the heat from the tea seep into her palms.

  “It’s your choice if you meet with them. It’s your choice if you leave the club with them. But, if you doubt your ability to say no to them and mean it, I would suggest you think very carefully before you agree to speak with them. They both appear quite…” he paused, searching for the right word. “Quite intent upon making some sort of arrangement with you.”

  Jasmine took a deep breath, trying to calm herself as her pulse raced. “They want me to belong to them?”

  “Vampires and werewolves don’t often take on human submissives,” he said. “I can’t guarantee what sort of arrangement they have in mind or how long it would last for.”

  Jasmine’s mind swirled with different possibilities, some of them amazing, some of them terrifying and every single one of them worth risking if the end result was one of the only two men she’d ever really be able to think of as her master taking her on as his submissive.

  She looked up. The moment their eyes met, she knew Mr. Washington saw the decision in her eyes.

  “Very well,” he said and stood.

  “I should go and get ready,” she said, setting her tea aside.

  Mr. Washington looked her up and down. “You’ll do very well as you are now.”


  “I doubt either of them would be impressed by an outfit which makes it clear you came to the club tonight to meet a man that wasn’t either of them,” he told her gently. “It appears both… gentlemen seem quite possessive of you.”

  Jasmine nodded. She swallowed down her nerves and followed Mr. Washington out into the main part of the club.

  She saw Stafford first—standing by the bar and glowering at everyone who walked past him. He looked at his watch.

  “Five minutes since the last time you checked,” she heard Hayden say. The werewolf had his back to her, but he turned suddenly, inhaling deeply.

  Stafford turned to face her a second later. He strode across the room and took hold of her arm, immediately moving her away from Mr. Washington.

  Hayden grinned and put his arms around her waist, pulling her in close to his body and nuzzling her neck.

  “Has he hurt you?” Stafford asked her.

  He wanted her to say yes, she could hear it in his voice. He wasn’t looking for a reason to launch himself at Mr. Washington right then, just an excuse.

  “No, sir, he’s never hurt me. Mr. Washington has never been anything but very kind to me.”

  “She’s telling the truth,” Hayden reported as he kissed her neck. “She’s not afraid of him.”

  “You didn’t choose either of us,” Stafford said.

  Jasmine looked down.

  Hayden and Stafford both reached for her face to make her look up at the same time. She looked from one to the other. In that moment, she realised that even if Mr. Washington hadn’t taken her out of the hotel, she wouldn’t have knocked on either of their doors. Perhaps in the back of her head, she’d always known that and it was why she’d walked out of the hotel with barely a word of protest.

  “I can’t choose,” she blurted out, pulling away from them both.

  Each man held onto her, stopping her retreat.

  “I’m sorry, sir. I can’t choose between you. Everything rests on you two forming an alliance and…”

  Stafford put his finger tips over her lips to stop the sudden stream of words. “We have an alliance, Jasmine, and you’re right in the middle of it. You are part of our alliance. Vampire, Human, Werewolf.”

  Jasmine shook her head. “Mr. Washington was right. This is a bad idea.” This wasn’t going to work.

  Hayden growled.

  Jasmine looked from him to Stafford, the vampire looked equally unimpressed with the idea Mr. Washington had ever been right about anything.

  “His opinions are irrelevant. You don’t belong to him. He told us he’s not your master, he’s just your trainer. He has no claim on you.”

  “Trainer yes, but I still have a contract with Jasmine,” Mr. Washington corrected him.

  Hayden’s growl went up a notch. Jasmine automatically reached out to him to stroke his skin and soothe his nerves.

  “One week,” Mr. Washington decided.


  “You may both consider yourselves to be her master for the next week. At which time she will be brought back to this club. Jasmine will then be given a free choice, if she still wishes to belong to one or both of you, then perhaps the next scene will last a month, and so on and so forth.”

  “She belongs to us now,” Hayden said. “She is our pack, not yours.”

  “She is a human, and until both she and I are satisfied the life you two can give her is what she wants and what she needs, I retain the right to call her back to the contract she signed with me at any time, and she retains the right to ask either or both of you to return her to me at any time too.”

  “No,” Stafford’s grip on her arm tightened.

  “Ours,” Hayden said.

  Mr. Washington didn’t even blink.

  “Do you really think you can stop us?”


  Stafford’s eyes narrowed.

  “The council will accept my contract with her as proof of ownership of Jasmine.”

  Hayden shook his head. “She is not part of your pack, she doesn’t belong to you.”

  Stafford’s eyes hadn’t left Mr. Washington. “Come along, Jasmine,” he said. “We’re leaving now.”

  Jasmine looked across at Mr. Washington. He nodded to her, giving her permission to leave. “One week,” he reminded her and them.

  She could feel the cold fury pouring off Stafford and the confusion surrounding Hayden. As the two men turned away from Mr. Washington, she saw him roll his eyes at the two younger men.
  It wasn’t the first time she’d seen him express his exasperation with them. While arranging the challenge he had made her well aware he thought they were both idiots. Although, she’d only once heard him admit he vaguely remembered being just as stupid as they were when he was their age.

  Jasmine bit back a smile at him and turned away from him to follow Stafford and Hayden out of the club. When they reached the car Stafford put her firmly in the back and tugged Hayden back when he would have got in there with her. Hayden grumbled but he got into the front passenger seat.

  “Since you left the hotel, has any man hurt you?” Stafford asked, catching her eye in the rear view mirror.

  She shook her head. “No, sir.”

  “Have you submitted to anyone?” he asked. “Had sex with anyone?”

  She shook her head again. “No, sir.”

  “Good girl.” he said, more to himself than her if she was any judge. Some tiny part of the anger bubbling inside him seemed to settle.

  Hayden twisted in his seat and looked past the headrest at her.

  Stafford nudged him. “Turn around.”


  “You can look at her as much as you want to once we get home.”

  Hayden gave a long suffering sigh and turned around. Something between them had changed since she’d last seen them, their tentative truce seemed to have deepened into some sort of understanding, but by the time they reached the apartment, each man was watching the other one somewhat warily.

  “How may I please you, sir?” she asked as knelt on the floor half way between them.

  “Not sir,” Hayden said suddenly. “I don’t want you to call us sir.”

  “Speak for yourself,” Stafford said.

  “She calls everyone sir, we aren’t everyone.”

  Stafford looked across at her. “Master, would be more suitable,” he decided.

  “Yes, master.”

  “Alpha,” Hayden said.

  “Yes, alpha,” she responded, looking back and forth between one of them and the other.

  Neither of them seemed quite sure what to do with her now they had her. Mr. Washington was right, neither of them had owned a submissive before—that much was obvious. And they were still young enough to be worried about looking like a fool in front of the other man if she should rebuff any advance they made towards her.

  “How may I serve you?” she asked.

  Hayden crouched down and stroked her cheek. “Come to bed?” he asked.

  “You have no idea how to treat a woman with respect,” Stafford snapped.

  “You want her too. Scent doesn’t lie, and she wants us as well, don’t you Jas?”

  He smiled at her as Stafford frowned at them both. Then Stafford gave in and held out a hand, helping her to her feet. “Perhaps the simplest ways are sometimes the best,” he allowed. “Come to bed. There will be time enough to talk later.”

  Their clothes dropped away as they walked. Once they were all naked in the bedroom, Stafford turned to her. He reached out and stroked her lips with the tip of his fingers.

  She smiled up at him without needing him to put the order into words. “Yes, master.”

  He took her hand in his and walked backwards until the backs of his knees hit the bed. He sat naked on the edge of the bed, leading her to kneel at his feet. She automatically leaned in and pressed a lapping kiss to the tip of his stiffening cock.

  Hayden crouched down besides her and touched her cheek.

  Stafford glared at him. Jasmine looked from one man to the other. She could practically read what the vampire thought right then—fairness suggested the man who went second yesterday would go first today, but the vampire wasn’t inclined to give a damn about fairness right then.

  “He doesn’t like that,” Hayden said.

  It wasn’t at all what she expected him to say.

  Jasmine hesitated and pulled away, looking up at the two men for further instruction. “I’m sorry, master,” she said. “I thought…”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Stafford demanded, turning to the other man.

  “You said you don’t like people to do that,” Hayden reminded him.

  Stafford rolled his eyes and sighed. “I don’t like men. The statement is hardly relevant to Jasmine, is it?”

  “Because she is female you don’t mind.”

  Jasmine looked back and forth between them, wondering what exactly had gone on between the two men while she had been out of the way.

  Stafford touched her cheek. “Ignore the pup. This is exactly what I want.”

  She nodded and pushed the matter aside, leaning in to take the tip of Stafford’s cock into her mouth. Wrapping him in the wet heat between her lips, she felt him quickly stiffen. Her tongue flickered and swirled over the head of his cock, seeking out all the most sensitive points as she made the most she possibly could of everything she had been taught over the years.

  Hayden sat patiently on the bed next to Stafford, watching every movement of her lips against his cock, apparently content to wait his turn again. Then he suddenly seemed to realise it wasn’t essential for him to wait and he got off the bed. Jasmine tracked his movements as he walked around behind her. The other man ran his hands down her back, casually caressing her and she felt annoyance suddenly surge inside Stafford.

  Hayden’s hands left her back. Dipping his head, he lapped at her clit. Jasmine murmured her pleasure and let the vibrations shoot straight through her mouth and into Stafford’s cock. He stroked her cheek, telling her to look up at him when her eyes drifted closed.

  His expression told her very clearly that she was his. Right then, she could tell it didn’t matter to Stafford that the pleasure she whimpered around his cock was given to her by another man. In that one moment, she knew she belonged to him and nothing would ever change that.

  Hayden stopped licking her clit and she felt him move away from her for a moment before the blunt pressure of his cock pressed against her slit. Stafford kept looking into her eyes as Hayden pushed into her. She couldn’t hide anything from him right then. She knew he saw all the emotions flash across her eyes.

  Jasmine did her best to keep working his cock in her mouth. She was so desperate to please him—to prove to both men that she could please them both, that she could belong to them both, at the same time.

  Stafford touched her cheek and she knew she had failed. One glance up and she dropped her eyes again. Mortified at her failure to be able to please them both, she let his cock slip from between her lips.

  Before she could say anything in apology, he slipped his finger into her mouth. She looked up at him in confusion. He moved his finger between her lips. Working entirely on instinct, she wrapped her lips tight around the digit, sucking on the tip of his finger.

  He smiled down at her and moved his finger again, coaxing her to keep working the digit as best she could as her body was overwhelmed by the sensation of Hayden’s cock swelling inside her and her own most intimate muscles began clenching around his shaft.

  Stafford pulled his finger from between her lips and she instinctively leaned forward, trying to keep it in her mouth. A moment later she sucked hard on the very tip of his finger, her teeth grazed the skin and she was very glad he had the sense to replace his cock with his finger.

  She bucked between the two men, coming fast and intense and without any warning. She sucked hard on Stafford’s finger as pleasure flashed through her body.

  Jasmine felt the bond the werewolf formed with his lovers finish sealing them together as she clamped down around. As her head started to clear, she looked up at Stafford. Her mind started to work again, well enough for her to realise it wasn’t his finger that Stafford really wanted her to suck on right then.

  Stafford dropped his hand to his side and simply gave her the freedom to submit to him however she wanted to without offering her a single instruction. Jasmine nuzzled into his body, rubbing her cheek against the inside of his thigh and working her way ba
ck to his cock.

  She took the long, slim shaft into her mouth and bobbed her head into his lap. Inside her, she could feel her muscles working around Hayden’s shaft, trying to draw him further into her body than would ever be physically possible.

  His cock jerked inside her as he spilled more of his pre-cum into her slit. That set off another wave of contractions inside her. She sucked hard and fast around Stafford’s cock as she came a second time.

  His body jerked in response as she dragged him over the edge with her, and he came into her mouth. Hayden reached out and stroked her throat as Stafford’s hand reached in the opposite direction and traced a path down her back.

  The muscles in her throat worked in time with those inside her, pulling the vampire’s semen inside her just as she coaxed Hayden’s out of his cock with another set of muscles.

  Hayden stroked her hair very gently, praising her and soothing as she let the vampire’s cock slip from her lips.

  “Can you move onto the bed?” Stafford asked.

  Hayden nodded and moved them both onto the bed to join Stafford. The werewolf lay pressed close against her back, cuddling into her body as he kissed her neck. Stafford brushed her hair back from her neck at the same time, and it was obvious the vampire obviously wanted to feed. Jasmine looked over her shoulder at Hayden and then back to Stafford, trying to think of a way she could offer her blood to one man without taking her body away from the other.

  Hayden turned her face toward him and studied her carefully. Then he nodded and, taking hold of her hand, he offered her wrist to Stafford. The vampire’s gaze fixed onto the small patch of skin where the veins came closest to the surface.

  Lifting her wrist to his mouth, he pressed a gentle kiss onto the spot where he would feed from and met her eyes. She nodded. His teeth broke the skin.

  Jasmine’s muscles clamped down around Hayden pushing both her and himself over the edge into a final spasm of muscles that marked his final release. He collapsed behind her, wrapping his body more firmly around hers, gathering her close to rest with him as his erection began to slowly fade inside her.

  He pressed a sleepy kiss to her neck, and she murmured her contentment as Stafford’s feeding turned into a sleepy tasting.


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