Draven: Soulless Bastards MC So Cal

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Draven: Soulless Bastards MC So Cal Page 1

by Erin Trejo


  Soulless Bastards MC

  So Cal


  Soulless Bastards MC

  So Cal

  By Erin Trejo

  Edited by: Elfwerks Editing

  Proofreading by: Chriss Prokic

  Cover by: Erin Trejo

  Cover photos: Deposit Photos

  All rights reserved. Copyright 2019@erintrejo

  No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system without the prior written consent from the author, except in the instance of quotes for reviews. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded, or distributed via the Internet without the permission of the author, which is a violation of the International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines and imprisonment.

  This is a work of fiction. The names, characters, incidents and places are products of the author’s imagination, and are not to be construed as real except where noted and authorized. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or actual events are entirely coincidental. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, names featured are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if any of these terms are used.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 1




  Those are just a few of the words that describe me. Do I care? Not in the fucking slightest. The last eight years of my life have consisted of me being ruthless in my kills, unattached in my fucking and loyal to my club. That’s all I have left. This world is dark and damp but it’s where I thrive. I’ve never needed much to be happy. Happy isn’t a real way of life either, now is it? What makes someone truly happy?

  I glance around at the guys and Smokey holding his little girl. He looks happy on the outside but is he truly? That baby and his old lady have changed certain things about him. He’s no less lethal than he was before but there has been a shift in him. I can’t say if that’s a good thing or a bad thing just yet. It’s all too soon to tell. I’ve seen good guys fall when they decided to have kids and take on that family role. I’ve also seen men thrive on that too. I suppose it all depends on the woman you choose. Braylynn is good for Smokey, I can see that much.

  “What the fuck are you starin’ at?” I turn my head to look at Decan.

  “Not you motherfucker. Who the hell is that?” I ask nodding toward the girl that walks around attached to Ratt’s hip.

  “Some bitch Ratt picked up. Not sure who she is but Hawk don’t like her ass,” He says with a chuckle.


  “Not sure. You know he don’t like new bitches bein’ brought on the compound. I’m surprised he let that one slide.” I bring the cigarette to my lips as I watch her. She doesn’t look like much. She’s not very big. Long dark hair. Nothing notable about her.

  “Somethin’s off with her,” I say. Decan laughs before slapping a hand over my chest.

  “You always say that.” He walks away as I watch the bitch. Yeah, there is definitely something off with her. You might be asking yourself how I can tell? It’s easy. She’s nervous. One hand is around Ratt’s waist but the other is fidgeting at her side, tugging at the end of her shirt. Not everyone notices these things. I do. I horn in on that shit. It’s like a sixth sense to me. I take a long drag before flicking my cigarette to the ground at my feet. You can hear the rocks crunching beneath my boots as I make my way over to introduce myself. I don’t like outsiders. I don’t like strangers. If I don’t know you, I will. If I can’t figure you out, no one can.

  “Nice tits,” I say as I step up next to them, my eyes trained on her chest before looking up at Ratt. Ratt grins at me but the little girl’s cheeks flush. Yeah, she doesn’t belong here.

  “This is my girl, Lia.” Ratt pushes her forward, her body tumbling into mine. I lift my hands and push her back a step.

  “Where’d you come from?” I growl. Ratt huffs but he knows better than to challenge me.

  “I came from my mother,” She snaps making Ratt laugh. Oh, she’s one of those funny bitches. I reach up and run my finger over her collarbone watching the chill that shakes her before wrapping my large hand around her throat.

  “I don’t like you. I don’t trust you and I sure as fuck won’t take no mouth from you. You hangin’ around this club, you better watch that little mouth or I will fuckin’ put it to good use.” Her eyes widen but she doesn’t say anything back to me. I didn’t figure she would. Stupid bitch.

  “You better get a handle on this one. You think I’m playin’? Let her talk to me like that again and the shit Smokey did to Bray will look like child’s play.” Ratt nods but doesn’t say a word. He knows I’ll do it. He knows I will have this girl in so much pain she’d wish for death.

  “See you soon, sweetheart.” I lean down and bite her lip before walking toward the dungeon. I don’t care that she’s with Ratt. She isn’t his old lady and that makes her a target.

  My target.

  Chapter 2

  There hasn’t been a day that I haven’t felt alone. We all have a history and we all know mine is Taby. Taby left me. She walked away when I couldn’t give her what she needed. There was a time in my life where I was high on that girl. She was the reason the world spun. The reason the sun rose and set but with love comes pain. That’s always been the way of the world and we were no different. The club took me in a direction that Taby didn’t want. I could have fought her. I could have told her she didn’t have a choice but she was stubborn. She knew what she wanted out of life and the club wasn’t it. The day she left is the day I changed. I lost it. I lost myself. The piece of the puzzle that was my life walked away with her. She knew it. She didn’t care. She wanted her way or no way. Maybe that’s my downfall. I want my way or no way.

  I would have sold my soul to the devil for that girl. Now my soul belongs to Satan for other reasons. I thought if I told her that I loved her and told her what she wanted to hear she would stay. In reality, it pushed her further away. No one will replace her and I’m not looking to. Why should I? I can have pick of the fucking litter with these club whores. They do the job and have no connections. Am I sorry for the way I hurt Taby? Of course, I am. She was the only person in the world that understood me. Now that it’s all over and done, I have to move on. I have to look at my life from the prospective I’ve been given. The one where I reside in the pits of hell.

  “What the fuck are you doin’?” I ask Ruger when I see
him standing in the dungeon with a knife in his hand.

  “What the fuck it look like?” He asks me with a grunt. I see what he’s doing but I want to know why.

  “This ain’t your place, Ruger.” He twirls the blade in his hand, the sharp edge glistening in the dim light. Who the fuck am I kidding? Ruger’s cut from a different cloth. That motherfucker’s place is anywhere and everywhere.

  “It is today. Want in?” He nods toward the guy sitting in a puddle of blood in the middle of the room. The sick grin that crosses my face should tell him the answer to that. I walk over and grab the other knife off the table before stepping in front of the guy.

  “Finger? Toe? Tongue? You have a preference?” I ask the punk that stares up into my eyes like I might be the one to save him. No, I’m the one that will end him and enjoy every last second of it.

  “Toe? Since when do you go for feet?” Ruger chuckles.

  “I don’t but you look like you pretty well got everything else.” I nod toward the fuck that sits in the chair with the pleading eyes. There isn’t anything that can touch me. Not those eyes, not the cries, nothing.

  “Hawk thinks we have a rat amongst us. This little fuck was found lurkin’ around the compound.” Ruger fills me in. I nod my head as I lean down, coming eye to eye with the little shit.

  “We have a rat? You know who it is?” I ask touching the tip of the knife to his temple. His body shivers but he doesn’t speak. “You’re a fun one,” I chuckle.

  “It’s a cop. You have a fuckin’ cop! It’s not me!” He finally screams in my face. I press the blade into the side of his head a little harder until blood slowly seeps from the surface.

  “A cop huh? Why you around here then if it ain’t you?” I ask pressing harder. The kid flinches. I know he isn’t the cop. He’s too young.

  “I was supposed to check on the cop. Make sure she was good!” He cries as I shove the blade in further. I jerk my eyes to Ruger’s. They are on fire and I’m not far behind. I shove the blade all the way in and relish in the noises that escape him before the life slips from his body. Pulling the blade free, I shove it into his chest a few times to finish him off. I open my mouth and inhale deeply. Sucking in the essence of his death like it’s the air I breathe.

  “This is bullshit!” Ruger roars next to me. My eyes are still closed, my body relaxing. I finally open my eyes and look down at the blood that now stains my hands and smile.

  “You seen that bitch with Ratt? I don’t like her.” Ruger curses under his breath before looking at me and saying, “Hawk’s checked her out. She’s clean. One of the whores?” I shrug not listening to any more of his ramblings. I know she’s not clean. No way. She better hope for her sake that I’m off on this one or she will be in this dungeon enduring every bit of pain I can inflict upon her. I toss the knife onto the table before walking toward the door. I want to see this bitch. I want to look her in the eyes with the blood of her little friend on my hands.

  I leave the dungeon, not stopping to talk to anyone even as Smokey calls out to me, I head toward the clubhouse. As soon as I step inside my heart picks up its pace. She stands there with a beer in her hand smiling like she belongs here. I smirk when her eyes find mine. She watches me before her eyes slowly trail to my hands. Her mouth slowly parts as she looks back at the devilish glint in my eyes. She sees it. How? I don’t fucking know but in this goddamn second, I know she sees me. Not this me. Not the monster me. No, she sees what Taby saw. The flicker of her eyes brings back a million memories. My chest tightens. Ratt looks up and his eyes narrow. I have to shake my head to rid the thoughts. There’s no way in hell that she can be a cop and see me. None at all.

  “What the hell is goin’ on?” Hawk’s voice calls from next to me. A slow smirk comes back as I drag my gaze to his.

  “We have a rat. A cop.” His eyes hold their own rage as mine slip back to her. That cold calculating monster that I have become slowly seeps through my veins ready to take what he thinks is rightfully his. Whether she is now or not, the monster doesn’t care. He will have her one way or another.

  Chapter 3

  I take slow deliberate steps as Hawk roars behind me. I don’t listen to his little rant; my eyes are on her. She watches me not saying a word but holding tightly to Ratt as though he can save her soul. No one can. When I’m close enough, I reach up and spread the blood from my fingers over her lip. She tries to back away but I take a step closer, pinning her against the wall. Her breathing is rapid, the fear rolling off her in waves. I like that she’s afraid.

  “You’re the newest bitch we have around here and now I hear we have a cop too. You wouldn’t be a pig would you, darlin’?” I ask as I shove my bloodied finger in her mouth. Lia gags and almost throws up before I pull it free. She grabs at the hem of her shirt and wipes her mouth and tongue all the while still gagging. I just smirk.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Ratt steps in between us clearly pissed now. His hands are balled at his sides.

  “That little lurker Ruger had says we have a cop. I think it’s your little play toy,” I tell him. My mind reels with ideas as to who it may be if it isn’t her but that won’t stop my line of questioning just yet.

  “Fuck off, Draven! You always on some shit, brother.” His hands come up to rest on my chest, shoving me back a step before turning to his girl. I don’t let him get that far. I grab the back of his neck, spinning him to face me. My right fist connects with his jaw, blood spurting from his mouth. I rain punches down on him until we’re being pulled apart. I smirk as I wipe the blood from my own lip where he got a few blows in.

  “Keep her on a leash, Ratt,” I say as I point at Lia. I know something is off with her. I may not know what and she may not be the fucking cop amongst us but there is something she isn’t saying.

  “Walk with me, Draven,” Hawk snaps loudly when I keep starring that little girl down. Giving her a quick wink and pursing my lips into a kiss, I walk behind Hawk.

  “What the hell is with you today?” He asks as we make our way down the hall toward his office.

  “I don’t like the little bitch. Somethin’s off with her,” I tell him the same thing I’ve been telling the others. I step into Hawk’s office behind him and close the door before sitting in the chair in front of his desk. I watch him walk around and take a seat before he sighs.

  “I checked into her. She was clean. Lia South. No priors,” He shrugs. That means shit to me. I don’t buy it.

  “No priors and she’s hangin’ around with Ratt?” I ask further proving my point. Hawk grabs a bottle of bourbon, pouring himself a glass before looking back up at me.

  “I get it, Draven. You don’t trust anyone. You want me to call in someone else to check her out?” He asks knowing me all too well. I shake my head before I sigh.

  “I’ll check her ass out myself. No need to drag people in it. You got word on the drop for next week?” I ask as I lean back in the chair. I watch Hawk as he swallows his drink in one gulp. Setting the glass on the desk in front of him, he nods.

  “Yeah. I’m sendin’ you as lead down to the Mexico border. I don’t want any shit with Gomez,” He says. I like that I’m on lead.

  “Gomez knows better than to fuck us over after what I did to his brother,” I chuckle as I remember that night. We run a lot of cocaine through Gomez. His brother thought he could take us on one of our drops. He cut us off halfway home with our shipment and ambushed our guys. Luckily, we don’t travel as a large group on drops for that very reason. He took out a few of our guys and when the rest of us showed up, we fought back. I took Omar Gomez to the dungeon and did some unthinkable things to him before shipping him back to his brother in three bags. We haven’t had an issue since. Nor do I see one in the near future.

  “That shit was brutal even for you. We run with an extra crew this time. I don’t want any issues this round since we have more ridin’ on it.” I nod my head before shoving out of my chair.

  “I’m goin’ to get some pussy,”
I tell him. Hawk laughs as I walk out of the office and grab the first bitch I can find. Wrapping my hand around the back of her neck, I shove her to the floor in the hallway before unbuckling my jeans. I look down and watch as Shay licks her lips before I shove my dick in her mouth.

  “Bite me this time and I’ll slit your throat,” I tell her as I fuck her mouth. She gags as she takes me. Just like I warned her, no teeth are involved.

  Chapter 4

  Another day, more darkness. Another sunrise, another death. That’s the way I look at my mornings. Someone has to die. It’s the natural order of life, right? I like being the one that kills them. I like playing my part in the circle of fucking life. There’s a certain order that has to happen for this world to sustain itself and for us to keep rising. Sadly, for some, that means the end of their life. Me? No. I’m not even close to the end of mine yet. Some days I’ve felt it. I’ve felt the devil himself wrap his claws around my heart and squeeze but he always releases me. He releases me with more venom and hate than one person should be able to hold within them but after the repulsive things I’ve done, I deserve it.

  I watch the guys load up the van as I smoke a joint. I’m mentally preparing myself for this run. Nothing is better to clear your head than a ride on the open road but there’s also something darker in it. You know at any time you could be ambushed. We’ve seen it happen. You could be taken down in the blink of an eye if you don’t have your mind in a stellar position. Mine always is. It’s flawless in a way. While most people would run from danger, I run toward it. I open my arms wide and accept my fate should it be my time to go. It never has been though.

  “You look like shit, motherfucker,” Smokey says as he slaps a hand on my shoulder. I just smirk.

  “I always strive to look my best.” I inhale the essence before blowing out a ring of smoke. “You ever regret the things you did in the past? Want to take back any of it?” I look toward him awaiting his answer. His eyes close before he opens them, looking back at me.


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