Powertools Complete Series

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Powertools Complete Series Page 46

by Jayne Rylon

  Morgan stretched, basking in the late afternoon sun that poured through the oversized windows in Kate and Mike’s living room. Sparkles danced across the surface of the pool outside, making the walls glitter. Thank God for the privacy fence the crew had installed pronto after Mike moved in.

  Someone had laid out the sprawling feather mattress in the middle of the floor. She’d pit stopped only to use the restroom, brush her teeth and strip down before collapsing onto the soft nest complete with the cozy patchwork quilt Kayla had sewn for their friends’ Christmas gifts last year.

  Beside her, Joe snuffled, then rolled to his side, enveloping her in the shelter of his embrace. The furnace of his chest alleviated the need for any covers. She kicked them off. Naked felt more and more comfortable to her. The crew had changed her irrevocably.

  A smile spread across her face when she reached out blindly behind her. Hard, hot muscle filled her palm.

  “Watch what you’re grabbing there, girly. The good stuff is down and to the left.” Mike’s sleep-roughened drawl had her cracking up. She couldn’t stop giggling. Especially not when the foreman took advantage of her sprawl to tickle the spot on her hip that set her off every time. The crew hadn’t let her off the hook since they’d discovered the sensitive area.

  She shrieked. Jerking around, she retaliated by pinching his nipple with just enough twist thrown in that it couldn’t be entirely pleasurable.

  “What’s wrong?” Joe bolted upright. Fight or flight kicked in. He grabbed Morgan, tucked her beneath his arm, and searched for imminent danger.

  “Calm down, tiger.” Kate half-smiled around a yawn as she reached across the pile from the far side of Mike to pat Joe’s calf. A soothing litany poured from her as easily as if she’d rehearsed it a million times. “No one’s coming after Morgan. You’re safe. We all are. Even Dave is pulling through. There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

  “Dave!” Morgan clutched her hands over her heart, afraid her chest might rip open when a spear of agony pierced it. Breath locked in her lungs.

  “Quit it, you two. He’s hanging in there.” Mike switched from playful to serious in an instant. “That stubborn motherfucker is not going to quit on us. It won’t be easy, but I honestly think he’s going to be okay. I know it. Deep down. Don’t you give up on him, okay? He deserves better from us.”

  “You’re right, he does. So much better.” Tears dripped off Morgan’s jaw onto her bare breasts. “I’m a horrible damn friend. I didn’t remember. I forgot he was hurt. Alone. In that awful room.”

  “You just woke up, Mo.” Joe tipped her face toward him with two fingers beneath her chin. “After being sick and exhausted and scared shitless. Your mind is probably trying to protect you. You should let it.”

  Kate and Mike huddled closer, coming to kneel beside her. “Dave is never by himself. None of the crew is. We’re all there with him. Thinking about him. Loving him. Even if we’re not touching.”

  “I know you ladies probably going to rip my balls off for saying this…” Mike angled away from Kate and Morgan just a bit. Enough to put his impressive family jewels out of clawing distance when he continued, “But these pregnancy hormone jobbies… They’re making you temporarily insane. I mean that in the nicest way possible. We won’t hold it against you, seeing as how we adore you and all. Holy shit, though. What purpose could this possibly serve in nature? Kate’s kind of coming around now. You’re in the thick of it, Morgan. Right at the worst possible time. Believe me, this is not the calm, rational woman I know and love. You even said damn. You never curse.”

  “Tell them what you told me at the hospital.” Joe dropped his forehead on her quivering shoulder. “I could see you didn’t believe me. Get some more opinions.”

  “What is he talking about?” Kate took Morgan’s hand. None of them were fazed by their lack of clothing anymore. They had nothing to hide from each other, she reminded herself.

  A confession lodged in Morgan’s throat. She had to try to several times to spit it out. “If it weren’t for me, Dave never would have gotten hurt in the first place. And now I’m so fucking self-centered, all I thought when I woke up was thank goodness I feel better. Dave isn’t going to be okay any time soon. He’s not going to wake up pain-free for…a very long time.”

  A hiccup interrupted her. Mike, Joe and Kate stared. Mike sputtered but didn’t formulate a response quick enough to keep her from unburdening herself. “I put him there, and I didn’t even remember. He could be the man who gave us a child. Look how I repay him. Not by caring for his wife—by detracting from her support, by letting some mild discomfort take me out of the loop, by even forgetting he needs me this time!”

  By the end of her tirade, she was shouting like the guy outside the sketchy gas station in the heart of downtown, who ranted that civilization was doomed because people drank too many Slurpees. Waving her hands and foaming at the mouth would be the next stop. As if having an out of body experience, she could see it happening, yet couldn’t stop herself from escalating.

  “Shh. Cupcake, calm down.” Joe tried to avert disaster. It was far too late for sensibility.

  “You’re not listening to me! I fucking nearly got our friend killed and then FORGOT he was alive and suffering!” Every dog in a three-block radius barked and howled when she really hit her stride.

  “Oooo-kay.” Mike abandoned logic. “Enough is enough.”

  The men exchanged a look over her head. Joe nodded.

  “Oh, no. Whatever you’re doing with that mind-meld bull, you just quit it right now.” She wagged her finger at them. “It isn’t going to work, misters.”

  “We’ll see about that.” Mike pounced. He ensnared her legs, keeping her from thrashing when Joe pressed her backward. Neither of them treated her roughly. Their infinite care couldn’t be confused for leniency though.

  “Do you know how adorable you are when you’re pissed?” Joe’s placating murmurs only riled her further.

  “This isn’t a joke, guys.”

  “It’s hard to take you seriously when you spout such nonsense.” Mike shook his head. “If you weren’t pregnant, I’d already have you over my knee.”

  Morgan shivered.

  “Yeah, that’s right. You like being spanked, don’t you?” He pinned her legs with one arm so that he could stroke himself a few times. Then he turned to his wife with a wink. “Do you want in on this or are you still feeling this morning?”

  “Go, have fun.” Kate patted his cheek. “Help her relax before she shatters.”

  The foreman kissed his wife. His hands roamed until she winced into his mouth. “Sorry, babe.”

  She retreated, sitting with her shoulder blades propped on the coffee table, which they’d shoved aside to make room for their bed. “No, it’s me that should be sorry. It’s just that everything is super-sensitive right now. Morgan, you’d better enjoy this while you can. I think I’m going to watch from over here.”

  Mike lunged for Morgan, devouring her mouth in a heated kiss. The intensity with which they joined had Morgan forgetting about her desire to break free and continue her rant. Some of the steam bled from her as Joe grounded her in reality. Sensing her surrender, his hands on her wrists loosened, then travelled up her arms. He cupped her breasts, massaging in the lingering moisture from her tears.

  She groaned. Kate was right. The light touch already felt a million times more potent than usual. Soon it would be overwhelming.

  The sound brought Mike’s attention back to her. His eyes shone when he saw what Joe did to her, how she’d splayed her legs and arched her spine at the barest beginnings of contact.

  “It’s been a little bit now since Kate could enjoy me going down on her.” He licked his lips. “Can you handle it, Morgan?”

  “Let’s find out.” She abandoned everything other than the bliss the two men above her bestowed. They knew exactly how to distract her from life’s worries. How could she say no?

  Mike started at her knee, nibbling a trail up her th
igh. Joe held her shoulders at an angle so she could watch. She wanted more. Wanted to give him something in return. She reached for his hard-on with a clumsy grab, close enough Mike caught her intention. He paused his journey to instruct Joe. “Give her your cock. She wants to taste you.”

  Joe grabbed several pillows. He arranged them beneath her, then shuffled closer to her side on his knees. She angled her head toward him, opening her mouth and stretching her neck until he fed himself to her inch by inch.

  The head of his cock felt warm and soft against her tongue. She flicked the muscle over his firm shaft, savoring every curse, sigh and groan that dropped from his lips. When Mike reached the apex of her thighs, she gasped, allowing Joe to advance further into her mouth.

  As if he could sense her desperation, Mike didn’t screw around. He buried his face in her pussy and ate as though she were his favorite meal. One of his broad fingers followed quickly, burrowing inside her drenched pussy.

  “Love watching him play with you.” Joe groaned. “Almost as much as I love the way you suck me, cupcake. Having him here means we both get what we want. That’s right, just like that.”

  Morgan hollowed her checks, enjoying the taste of her husband. He was right. Not many women could relish the thrill of pleasuring their men without sacrificing some ecstasy of their own.

  The rhythmic flick of Mike’s tongue zeroed in on her favorite spot. She aided him by wriggling her hips until his mouth aligned perfectly. He hit the bulls-eye. Her eyes flew open wide.

  When they did, she caught sight of something she hadn’t expected. Two men stood above their playground, arms crossed, legs spread. She squealed and attempted to dive for the covers. With Mike between her legs and Joe supporting her head, she didn’t get very far.

  Kate gasped.

  The distress was enough to shake the guys from their ministrations. But they didn’t panic. Joe laughed when he recognized his cousin and Alanso, peering down at them.

  “I’m positive I locked our damn doors,” Mike growled at the duo of sexy mechanics. Still, he didn’t release Morgan. Joe kept her impaled on his cock. Knowing the men couldn’t help but stare, she should have been embarrassed. Instead, she couldn’t deny a fresh gush of wetness bathed Mike’s still-embedded fingers.

  Eli, who looked enough like Joe to really rev Morgan’s engine, grinned wickedly. “Minor details, friend. We heard some suspicious sounds and thought maybe you needed a hand.”

  Alanso might actually have blushed. “Not like, a hand in this. Like, it sounded like maybe Morgan was hurt. Though, I think you all have been holding some info out on us.”

  Mike looked to Joe. They were his family. Morgan knew the foreman was leaving the call to her husband. Would he be ashamed they’d caught him allowing his wife to fuck around with another man? She couldn’t stand to dishonor him.

  “Shh, Mo.” He didn’t have to look at her to feel the difference in her posture. “I love you and I don’t give a fuck who knows about the crew. It’s not like we’re hiding our relationship. But guys, we’re kind of in the middle of something here. So if you don’t mind…”

  Tall, dark-haired and devilishly handsome, Eli turned serious. “Will you share your story with us later? I think we might…benefit from hearing your experiences. Sorry to have interrupted your fun, kids. See you back at the hospital.”

  When he turned to leave, Alanso lingered, unable to stop his gaze from flicking between Morgan, Kate, Mike and Joe.

  “Diaz,” Eli barked. “Move it.”

  “Coming, Cobra,” he answered yet didn’t budge.

  Joe peered down at Morgan. She knew instantly what he was asking. Something about the uncertainty in Alanso’s naked gaze had hit her low and hard too. She nodded.

  They looked to Mike and Kate together. Both of them added their assent.

  “Wait!” Joe halted both men with his command.

  Eli spun on his heel. Morgan had never seen the feral gleam lighting his dark eyes before. “What are you saying?”

  “Talking could never have the same impact as seeing for yourself. Stay. Watch. Learn.”

  Morgan adored the inherent control Joe wielded. Mike slapped her husband on the shoulder, transmitting his approval with two hard claps.

  “Come here, boys.” Kate patted the seat she’d made for herself. Plenty of room remained for the two newcomers to share. “Might as well strip down too. I’d bet a hundred bucks you can’t keep your hands off your junk once you see… No sense in getting all messy, huh?”

  Alanso glanced between Eli and Mike as though afraid they lured him into a trap.

  “I’m not going to kill for you for looking at my naked wife.” Mike’s laugh boomed through the room. “If I didn’t trust you, you wouldn’t still be here. Go ahead. Do what she says. Let her coach you through your first time.”

  “It’s been a hell of a long time since I was a virgin.” Eli stopped just short of rolling his eyes.

  “This is a different league,” Joe assured the men.

  They didn’t waste any more time debating.

  Morgan sighed when Eli whipped his fitted black T-shirt over his head. Similarly built to Joe, his muscles rippled while he dispatched his jeans in the next instant. Alanso seemed stuck. His body froze as his stare winged to Eli.

  “Don’t make me undress you like a child,” Eli growled at his mechanic.

  If Morgan wasn’t mistaken, the man might enjoy such treatment. She whimpered.

  “Shh, sweetheart.” Mike settled deeper between her legs, returning his focus to her saturated folds. “Commercials are over. Now back to our program…”

  Eli snorted.

  The contact of Mike’s soft laps around her clit had Morgan arching in his hold. She grabbed Joe’s ass and tugged him closer so she could devour his erection. If she wasn’t mistaken, he’d gone harder knowing the other two guys watched her servicing him.

  Lyrical muttering in Spanish had her smiling around Joe. In her peripheral vision, she saw Alanso practically rip his black sleeveless tank from dark tan skin. The colorful tattoos covering his arms continued across most of his torso.

  Damn. He was gorgeous.

  Kate would make out today. Her friend grinned, then reached up to unbutton Alanso’s black cargo pants. He didn’t protest when she stripped them down to his ankles along with sexy, bright blue briefs that looked amazing in contrast to his complexion.

  “Come on, honey.” Kate purred, “Take a seat next to me and get comfy. You too, Eli.”

  Mike increased the pace of his tongue before withdrawing his finger to trace Morgan’s opening. When his hand returned, he inserted two fingers, stretching her with little scissoring motions of the digits.

  “Christ.” Eli didn’t screw around. The instant he settled, his hand wrapped around his shaft. He winced, then looked as though he might spit in his palm.

  “Hang on.” Kate stopped him. “That’s not necessary.”

  She reached into a drawer in the coffee table and withdrew some lube. Ever a gracious host, she went as far as to drizzle some of the cool gel onto her fingers to heat it. She rubbed her palms together, smearing the slippery substance between her hands. When satisfied, she reached out.

  Alanso flinched when she would have grasped his straining cock in her hand. “Is that okay? Will Mike care?”

  The foreman lifted his head long enough to reassure their visitors. “She’s free to do what feels right in the moment. It’s how we roll. Quit worrying. Enjoy.”

  Kate smiled. “I won’t bite unless you ask. Promise.”

  Eli puffed out a breath. Color stained his cheeks as arousal overran logic. “Give me some of that please, baby.”

  “My pleasure.” Kate went for broke. She reached out with both hands simultaneously, filling each with a steely cock. She giggled when the men jerked, shoving themselves deeper into her hold. “That’s nice. I like the way you feel. So hard. You like seeing Morgan laid out like this, don’t you?”

  “Fuck, yeah.” Alans
o’s hips flexed, straining to get closer to her grip.

  “She’s pretty when she comes. Of all the crew’s women, she’s always girly and cute. It’s kind of sickening, really. That bitch.” Kate laughed.

  “You fuckers have been living in paradise all this time and you didn’t bother to tell us?” Eli growled. “We’re going to talk about this later, Joe. When I can think again. I might have to kick your ass.”

  “Is that any way to treat my husband’s best friend?” Kate paused in her stroking, teasing the men.

  “Shut up, Cobra.” Alanso panted. “If she stops now, I’ll die.”

  Morgan lost track of their banter when Mike redoubled his efforts. Getting serious, he sucked on her clit. For every increase in pressure, she matched his motion on Joe. Her husband began to shake in her hold.

  “Oh, Joe’s going to lose it soon. He loves to come in Morgan’s mouth.” Kate glanced over her shoulder.

  Just hearing the effect she had on the man of her dreams was enough to ratchet Morgan’s enjoyment through the roof. She shuddered, then clenched on Mike’s embedded fingers.

  “Morgan’s right there, Joe. It’s okay. Stop holding back. Take her over the edge with you.” Mike helped Joe gauge the timing. They would shatter together.

  She switched her stare to her husband. The desperation in his gaze motivated her to let him off the hook. She concentrated on Mike’s mouth and the wonderful sensations he imparted. Then she reached up and fondled Joe’s balls.

  They came together.

  Pleasure erupted through her mind. Colors danced like a kaleidoscope in front of her eyes. She moaned, though with her mouth full the shouts were muffled. Her heels drummed on the mattress. Every muscle in her body went taut, shuddered, then melted, utterly relaxed.

  Joe took a similar journey. Throughout the storm of her passion, Morgan suckled his cock, draining him dry even as her pussy nearly crushed Mike’s fingers.

  “You’re right, she’s so sweet when she surrenders.” Alanso’s reverent whisper cut through the haze of Morgan’s lingering arousal. She felt relaxed for the first time in weeks.


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