Shadows of Memories (Baxter Academy)

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Shadows of Memories (Baxter Academy) Page 15

by Charles, Jane

  “Oh my God, where did you learn to do this?”

  I simply chuckle.

  “Seriously. I’ve had massages before. You’ve got skill.”

  “I got training as a massage therapist. There was a time I wasn’t sure I wanted to be a firefighter.”

  “You may have missed your calling.”

  “I still do this sometimes.”

  She lifts her head and I push it back down. “Where? I’ll be sure and schedule appointments.”

  “I volunteer at the nursing home. It helps relax some of the more agitated patients.”

  Her head tilts, but she doesn’t lift it again.

  “Mostly in the memory care unit.” Shit, I didn’t want to bring that up. I didn’t want her to be thinking about dementia or Alzheimer’s because then she’d think of Nana, and get all tense again.

  “That’s nice.” She sighs.

  “You aren’t going to sleep are you?”

  “I’m trying not to.”

  “Well, we can’t have that.” I get off of her. “Roll over.”

  “Can I have the towel first?”

  “Nope.” I toss it on the floor.

  At first I don’t think she’s going to, but slowly Jenna turns onto her back, her eyes shut tight. “Even with your eyes closed, I can still see you.”

  A lovely crimson flushes into her cheeks.

  “It’s the most beautiful sight I’ve seen.” I add more oil to my hands and begin working her arms.

  Jenna lets out another sigh

  I stay mainly to the limbs, plotting my course. Her breaths are even and deep. “You’re not asleep are you?”


  I move to her breasts, weigh both, gently squeezing. Her nipples harden. My mouth waters, but it’s not time. My hands slide down her stomach and to her sides, across her hips and to the small patch of curls. She’s already glistening with dampness and the massage has come to an end. Leaning forward, I nip at one of the rosebud nipples, teasing it with my teeth while I open her legs further, settling between them.

  I’m so hard I could enter her right now and probably come as quickly as I did before. I bite back a groan and work my way to the apex of her thighs. Her musky scent assails me. I breathe deeply through my nose and find her core.

  Jenna’s squirming and I have to anchor her with my hands while I feast. Her moans become louder and louder. As soon as I think she’s there, I back off. She was so tightly wound that I knew almost instantly that it wouldn’t take long and I want this to last.

  “Cole, please.”

  “Please what.”

  “I need….”

  Her clit’s swollen and I lick it, one, two, tree and she stiffens, crying out before falling back on the bed.

  I give her a second. Her breaths are heaving, breasts rising and falling with each one.

  I blow on her and she jerks.

  I blow again and she moans. This time I stretch her, not that she needs to be any more prepared, and return to my feast. She’s so sensitive that it takes nothing before she’s crying out again.

  I’m so hard that I’m about to come. That’s what her cries have done to me and I crawl up her body and grab a condom out of the drawer. My hands are shaking as I try to get the damn package open.

  Once it’s on, Jenna surprises me by pushing on my shoulders and rolls me to my back, coming over me, impaling herself on my cock with a groan.

  I roll her back, taking control and loving her with every inch of my body, heart and soul until my orgasm explodes from me with more power than the one earlier. I tried to last, I really did, but Jenna wasn’t going to come with me.

  I pull the blankets over us and she snuggles into my arms.

  “I tried to wait for you. Sorry.”

  She tilts her head up and looks at me. “Wait.”

  “To come when I was in you.”

  She smiles and lays her head back on my chest. “Don’t ever do that.”


  “It doesn’t happen that way for me. Never has.”

  In a way it’s a relief. At least I’ll know in the future.

  “I’m pretty sure I don’t have a g-spot.”

  Supposedly all women do. “That doesn’t mean I won’t keep trying to find it.”

  She laughs and then nips at my nipple. “If you must.”

  We snuggle further into the covers. I’m exhausted, but I can’t go to sleep with all these candles burning and pull myself from the bed with reluctance and blow them out in the bathroom and in here and join her in the bed again.

  “I think I’m falling in love with you Jenna Ferguson.”

  “Me too, Cole Harper.”


  “It’s not fair that you get to stay in that bed while I have to get dressed and go to work.”

  I grin at him. Cole’s a bit grumpy but I don’t think it has anything to do with going to work, or waking up for that matter. After the alarm woke us, he was ready to get down to business again, until Dylan called and said he’d be down in about twenty minutes so they could grab a cab to the train station.

  “When are you getting back to town?”

  “The brunch is at eleven and then Alyssa and Justin are going to open their gifts before loading everything up and heading to North Carolina.”

  “I heard the guys from his unit are going to help them transport.”

  “I guess that’s what soldiers do.” It’ll save them a ton on shipping because there’s no way they can fit all those boxes into one car.

  Cole dresses and shaves while he drinks his coffee. I’m not getting out of this bed until I have to. I’m not even sure I can walk. We had sex one more time in the middle of the night. This time it was slow, easy and wonderful. He’s not the only one falling in love. I’m already there.

  “The water’s drained if you want another bath.” We didn’t realize we never let the water from the tub until this morning. Luckily there’s a separate shower and Cole took a quick, and I mean, really quick one.

  “It won’t be the same.” I snuggled further into the bed and bunch the pillow beneath my head and sigh. “They’ll never be the same.”

  He chuckles as he scrapes stubble from his chin.

  “Will you call me after you check on Nana?” Though I’ve tried to relax and enjoy myself, concern for Nana is constantly hovering in the back of my mind and has been growing since I woke. I should just go home with Cole, but I have further bridesmaid obligations. I’m just feeling uneasy because I’ve spent every day with her until yesterday. That’s all. I’m sure she’s fine and if Cole says she isn’t after he checks on her, I’ll hop a train and skip the rest of the after-wedding stuff.

  “Will do.” He checks his watch and frowns. “I better get going before Dylan is up here wondering what’s keeping me.”

  “Does he know I spent the night?” Dylan’s my best friend but I don’t really want to answer awkward questions.

  “He will if he comes in here.” Cole leans forward, kissing me. I try to keep it chaste. He may have brushed his teeth but I haven’t. He doesn’t relent until I allow him to give me a proper goodbye kiss. “I love you, Jenna. I think I really do.”

  Just hearing those words warms my insides. I can’t believe they’re coming from Cole either. “I think I love you too.”

  There is no thinking about it. I’ve fallen hard. I may have thought I was in love in high school but that childish emotion is nothing compared to what I’m feeling right now.

  Someone starts pounding on the door. It’s probably Dylan and even though we are best friends, I don’t want him to see me like this.

  “Coming,” Cole calls out. “I’ll call after I see your grandmother.” He gives me another quick kiss. “Be safe going home.”

  “Are you going to tell me or not?” Dylan demands.


  It’s early evening and were sitting outside in front of the fire station with nothing much to do. This is the third day of unseasonably w
arm weather and we’ve been watching people do their yard work and uncover plants. A lot of people are grilling. You can smell it in the air and my stomach grumbles. I hope dinner’s ready soon.

  The sun feels good and I’d like to think spring is already here and that Jenna will like riding on the back of my bike.

  “About last night!”

  I didn’t tell him who was in my room, but he should be able to guess. Jenna’s the only person I danced with at the reception and I’m not ever sure I talked to another female, besides the bride and Alexia. Does he really think I’d have someone else in my room?

  He’s been asking questions ever since we got on the train but I’m not saying a thing. Last night was special. No, it was fucking incredible and I don’t want to spoil it by talking to her best friend, even if he is a guy. It’s not like she’s some chick I hooked up with on a booty call.

  “You better treat her right.”

  I face him. “You know I will.”

  “I don’t want to see her hurt.”

  “I love her.”

  Dylan stills and surprise and disbelief cross his face. “Are you fucking serious?”

  “As a heart attack. I’m in love with Jenna.”

  “Did you tell her?”

  I can’t help but grin. “Yeah. The feeling is mutual.” Damn! It felt so fucking good to hear her say those words. I’m not ready to commit to a wedding or any of that yet, it’s way too soon, but I don’t see us ending either.

  The alarm sounds from inside of the station and we both jump to our feet, rush inside and get into our gear. Two fire trucks are being sent and Dylan and I take our seats in the rear facing jump seats and strap in as the engine pulls out, lights and sirens going.

  We didn’t get an address, but prepare ourselves to battle a fire.

  When the engine turns down the street Mrs. Ferguson lives on we share an “oh shit” look. I hope it’s just a coincidence, but my gut says otherwise. The rig starts to slow as we draw closer and finally stops. I jump down to the sight of flames coming out of the front of Jenna’s grandma’s home.

  “When does Jenna get back?” Dylan yells over the noise as we head to the house.

  “She should be on her way now.”



  “Do you know who lives here?” The chief calls.

  “Yeah,” Dylan and I both answer.

  “How many?”

  “One,” I call into my radio as we reach the door. My stomach knots and I hope she got out. She was fine not five hours ago. What the hell happened after Dylan and I left?

  We pull the masks down and Dylan pushes the front door in as the guys follow with the hose, aiming it at the flames. I switch on my oxygen and follow him into the lower portions of the smoke filled house. The living room is a loss and I assume the office with Jenna’s books is destroyed too. Flames have gotten to the dining room and licking their way into the kitchen. Mrs. Ferguson is nowhere to be seen.

  “Not in the back yard.” One of the firefighters transmits over the radio. Someone always goes around the perimeter to check to see if anyone got out or find out if anyone is still inside.

  Dylan points up the stairs.

  We need to hurry. If the guys can keep the flames from moving further into the house, we have a chance. The smoke is so thick that I can barely see, but I have to find Mrs. Ferguson. Jenna would never forgive herself if something happened to her and she wasn’t here to prevent it.

  “In here.”

  I follow Dylan and find Mrs. Ferguson collapsed just inside a doorway at the top of the stairs. A towel on her arm. I go to remove it and realize she’s burned. Did she start the fire?

  I lift her in my arms and carry her back downstairs, following Dylan who is trying to lead us back out through the thick, black smoke.

  We encounter more firefighters and hoses. They’re tackling the flames from two different directions and keeping it from spreading to the other half of the house. They step out of our way so we can get Mrs. Ferguson outside. As soon as I’m free from the house and danger, I drop and place Mrs. Ferguson on the ground. Dylan is beside me and we both tear off our helmets and check for breathing and a pulse. One of the EMTs with the department runs forward and I put the oxygen mask on her face before securing the strap behind her head.

  Her heart is still beating and we’re getting oxygen into her lungs. That’s about all can do for her right now and I hope it’s enough. More sirens are getting closer and I know one is the ambulance. Another is probably a cop or two to block of the street.

  “Nana,” Jenna screams. She’s home and terrified. Kian’s holding her back, his arms about her waist, practically lifting her off the ground to keep her from running forward, but it isn’t stopping her from trying.

  I step away for the EMTs to get Nana onto a gurney, loaded and taken to the hospital. They start rolling her to the back of the ambulance. That’s when Kian finally lets Jenna go and she rushes forward. I walk with Mrs. Ferguson and meet Jenna halfway. She doesn’t even look at me, not that I’m expecting her to.

  Mrs. Ferguson opens her eyes. They’re full of confusion and she tries to take the mask from her face.

  “Leave it on, Ma’am,” Tim tells her.

  She grabs at it anyway. Jenna stills her hands. “Leave it on, Nana.”

  Mrs. Ferguson frowns, but lets go of the mask.

  “Where are you taking her?”

  “General,” the other attendants answer.

  “I’ll meet you there.”

  I reach out and touch Jenna’s arm. She turns and sees me for the first time. “What happened?”

  “We don’t know yet.”

  “Is she going to be okay?”

  I can’t really answer that. “I think so.” She did wake up and is breathing. That’s always a good sign.

  Jenna turns back to the house and her eyes fill with horror.

  “We’ll put it out. Go be with Nana.”

  She stiffly nods her head. “Yes. I’ll do that.” It’s almost like she being a good soldier having been given an order. I would have expected her to melt into a puddle. Most people do lose it when their house is destroyed and a family member injured. It’s as if she’s suddenly grown steel in her spine and shut down all emotion.


  “I shouldn’t have left. I should have stayed. Nana, I’m so sorry I was not there.”

  They’ve finally let me see her. They have her strapped to a bed in the ER because she’s restless. There’s an IV in her arm and she won’t keep the oxygen on her face. There are second-degree burns on her arm, she’s suffering from smoke inhalation, and I still don’t know what happened.

  “Her room should be ready soon.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Nana, do you know what happened?”

  “Leaves. Poof.”

  It’s the same thing that she said before but it doesn’t make sense. How can leaves cause a fire inside the house?

  “She’s very agitated,” the doctor says as he comes in the room. “Most people are exhausted. I usually don’t need to tie them down.

  I shrug. I have no idea why she’s acting this way.

  “How old is she?” The doctor’s looking at the chart.


  “Any medical conditions I should know of? Maybe it’s medication…”

  “No. Other than high cholesterol, she’s healthy as a horse.” I’d mention what the doctor has prescribed, but I know she hasn’t taken it. She didn’t when I gave it to her so she certainly wouldn’t on her own.

  He closes the chart and looks at me. “What about mentally? Forgetful, diminished capacity.”

  How could I forget? “Her physician and I suspect dementia, but we don’t really have a diagnosis.”

  He nods. “That makes sense. Often, those suffering from dementia and Alzheimer’s, have anxiety and anxiousness in situations like this. It’s especially bad coming out of anesthesia.”

/>   “You don’t have to operate, do you?” I didn’t think she was hurt that badly.

  “No,” he’s quick to assure me. “I was just using it as an example.”

  Thank goodness.

  “We’re going to keep her for a few nights because of the burns.”


  “I take it that her house is a total loss.”

  I have no idea, but I assume it is. “Probably.”

  “That will give you time to find a place to live where she’ll be comfortable.” He checks Nana’s pulse. “How long has she lived in her home?”

  “At least fifty years. My grandfather built it for her.”

  “Is there any other place that’s familiar to her?”

  “She’s barely left the house in the past five or so years, except to get the mail, work in the back yard or when I take her to the store.”

  His frown deepens. “We’ll let’s see how she does in her room.”

  “Okay.” I’m not sure what he’s concerned about. All I want is for her to get better, though I’m kind of glad she needs to stay in the hospital since I have no idea where I could take her. My apartment has only one bedroom, and I’d gladly give her my bed and take the couch, but it’s only a temporary solution. I’ll need to find a two bedroom place until we can move back into the house.

  If we can move back into the house.

  Nana has fought the nurses at every turn. She didn’t want them to check and change her bandages. She wouldn’t keep the oxygen on and they’ve given up on the IV since she kept pulling at it and they were afraid she’d do more damage. The stent is still in her arm, but it isn’t bothering her as much as when the line that was running to it. We have to hold her down when they give her medicine, otherwise, they’re waiting for her to go to sleep before they hook the line back up to get fluids into her.


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