The Gothic Line

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by Mark Zuehlke

  8th Princess Louise’s New Brunswick Hussars War Diary, Aug.–Sept. 1944. RG24, vol. 14209. National Archives of Canada.

  11th Canadian Infantry Brigade. “The Smashing of the Gothic Line.” University of Victoria, Special Collections, Reginald Roy Collection.

  11th Canadian Infantry Brigade Headquarters. “The Attack on the Gothic Line and the Capture of Coriano, 30 Aug–14 Sep 44.” RG24, vol. 10982. National Archives of Canada.

  11th Canadian Infantry Brigade (Headquarters) War Diary, Aug.–Sept. 1944. RG24, vol. 14159. National Archives of Canada.

  5th Canadian Armoured Brigade. “I—Account of Ops from 30 Aug to 14 Sep 44.” University of Victoria, Special Collections, Reginald Roy Collection.

  5th Canadian Armoured Brigade (Headquarters) War Diary, Aug.–Sept. 1944. RG24, vol. 14056. National Archives of Canada.

  5th Canadian Armoured Division (GS Headquarters) War Diary, Aug.–Sept. 1944. RG24, vol. 13796. National Archives of Canada.

  5th Canadian Armoured Division. “Operations: The Gothic Line.” Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  1st Canadian Infantry Brigade (Headquarters) War Diary, Aug.–Sept. 1944. RG24, vol. 14077. National Archives of Canada.

  1st Canadian Infantry Division War Diary (GS Branch), Aug. 1944. RG24, vol. 13728 and Sept. 1944. RG24, vol. 13729. National Archives of Canada.

  48th Highlanders of Canada Regiment War Diary, Aug.–Sept. 1944. RG24, vol. 15297. National Archives of Canada.

  Gibson, T.G. (Brig.), “Account by Brig T.G. Gibson, Comd 2 CDN INF BDE, on the Action from 23 Aug to Sep 44.” RG24, vol. 10883. National Archives of Canada.

  Governor General’s Horse Guards (3rd Canadian Armoured Reconnaissance Regiment) War Diary, Aug.–Sept. 1944. RG24, vol. 14200. National Archives of Canada.

  Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment War Diary, Aug.–Sept. 1944. RG24, vol. 15073. National Archives of Canada.

  “History: Royal Canadian Engineers First Canadian Infantry Division, 1 Aug. 1944–1 Oct. 1944.” RG24, vol. 10883. National Archives of Canada.

  Hobeck, Leutnant. “Letter to Mr. Bayerlein.” 12 Dec. 1944. Trans. Alex McQuarrie. In possession of the author.

  Horsey, R.M. (Maj.). “Account by Maj. Horsey, OC ‘D’ Company Carleton & York Regt of action in area of R Marano 7–14 Sep 44 and action at R Ausa, 18–19 Sep 44.” 145.2C6.011 (D1), Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  Irish Regiment of Canada War Diary, Aug.–Sept. 1944. RG24, vol. 15086. National Archives of Canada.

  Italian Campaign–Sicily and Southern Italy, July 1943–April 1945. Condensed from an Official Historical Sketch prepared by the Canadian Army Historical Section. N.d., n.p. Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  Johnston, I.S. (Brig.). “Appreciation on a possible attack by 11 Cdn INF BDE Gp on Montecchio posns on the Gothic Line.” RG24, vol. 10983. National Archives of Canada.

  Lanark and Renfrew Scottish Regiment (1st Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment) War Diary, Aug.–Sept. 1944. RG24, vol. 14587. National Archives of Canada.

  Landell, K.D. (Lt. Col.). “Report on Ops 1 CACR 28 Aug–20 Oct 44.” 141.4A1011 (D1). Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  Lord Strathcona’s Horse Regiment (2nd Canadian Armoured Regiment) War Diary, Aug. 1944. RG24, vol. 14192 and Sept. 1944. RG24, vol. 14193. National Archives of Canada.

  Loyal Edmonton Regiment War Diary, Aug.–Sept. 1944. RG24, vol. 15115. National Archives of Canada.

  McAndrew, William. “Canadian Land Forces Staff Course: Operation Olive Battlefield Study, Eighth Army at the Gothic Line.” Kingston: Department of National Defence, 1984.

  McDougall, Colin (Maj.). “The Crossing of the Foglio and the Minefield–31 Aug 44 and Crossing the River Marrecchia–20/21 Sep & 21 Sep 44.” 145.2P7011(D3). Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  McDougall, Colin. (Maj.). “Report by Major Colin McDougall, OC B Coy, PPCLI.” Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  Mackenzie, Don (Lt. Col.). “Report on Ops of 48 Highlanders from 25 Aug 44 to 8 Sep 44.” 145.2H3013 (D1). Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  “Olive: The Battle for the Gothic Line and the Advance into the Po Valley—1 CDN Corps Narrative of Events.” RG24, vol. 10779. National Archives of Canada.

  I Canadian Corps War Diary (Gen. E.L.M. Burns), Sept. 1944. RG24, vol. 17507. National Archives of Canada.

  I Canadian Corps War Diary (GS Branch Headquarters), Sept. 1944. RG24, vol. 13687. National Archives of Canada.

  Perth Regiment of Canada War Diary, Aug.–Sept. 1944. RG24, vol. 15136. National Archives of Canada.

  Potts, Gordon. “Battle Narrative: 25 Aug–29 Aug 44, Royal Canadian Regiment” and “Battle Narrative: 14 Sep–22 Sep 44, Royal Canadian Regiment.” 145.2R13.011 (D3). Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  Princess Louise Dragoon Guards (4th Canadian Regiment) War Diary, Aug.–Sept. 1944. RG24, vol. 14205. National Archives of Canada.

  Princess Louise Fusiliers War Diary, Aug.–Sept. 1944. RG24, vol. 15154. National Archives of Canada.

  Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry War Diary, Aug.–Sept. 1944. RG24, vol. 15157. National Archives of Canada.

  Robinson (Maj.). “Report of Conversation which Historical Officer had with Maj. Robinson BM 3 Cdn Inf Bde, on the subject of S Martino–S Lorenzo Fighting 16 to 18 Sep 44 on 8 Oct 44.” 145.2R19011 (D1). Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  Royal Canadian Artillery, I Canadian Corps. “Report on Operations During Period 25 Aug–28 Oct 44.” 142.2013 (D1). Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  Royal Canadian Dragoons (1st Canadian Armoured Regiment) War Diary, Aug.–Sept. 1944. RG24, vol. 14188. National Archives of Canada.

  Royal Canadian Horse Artillery (1st Canadian Field Regiment) War Diary, May 1944. RG24, vol. 14409. National Archives of Canada.

  Royal Canadian Horse Artillery (1st Canadian Field Regiment) War Diary, Aug.–Sept. 1944. RG24, vol. 14410. National Archives of Canada.

  Royal Canadian Regiment War Diary, Aug.–Sept. 1944. RG24, vol. 15210. National Archives of Canada.

  Royal 22e Regiment. “Account.” RG24, vol. 10883. National Archives of Canada.

  Royal 22e Regiment War Diary, Aug.–Sept. 1944, RG24, vol. 15329. National Archives of Canada.

  Seaforth Highlanders of Canada War Diary, Aug.–Sept. 1944, RG24, vol. 15257. National Archives of Canada.

  2nd Canadian Infantry Brigade (Headquarters) War Diary, Aug.–Sept. 1944. RG24, vol. 14079. National Archives of Canada.

  2nd Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery War Diary, Aug.–Sept. 1944. RG24, vol. 14419. National Archives of Canada.

  17th Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery War Diary, Aug.–Sept. 1944. RG24, vol. 14528. National Archives of Canada.

  Smith, Basil. “Memoirs of a Quarterbloke.” Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment, Canadian Army Overseas. Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  Spry, D.C. (Brig.). “Letter regarding 1 LAA Regt RCA, 20 July 44.” RG24, vol. 10983. National Archives of Canada.

  Stacey, C.P. (Col.). “Report No. 141 Historical Section Canadian Military Headquarters: Situation of the Canadian Military Forces Overseas, Progress in Equipment (Jan.–Dec. 1944).” 18 July 1945. Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  ———. “Report No. 143 Historical Section Canadian Military Headquarters: Canadian Operations in Italy, 4 Jun 44–23 Feb 45.” Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  ———. “Report No. 187 Historical Section Canadian Military Headquarters: Operations of 1 CDN Corps, 4 Jun 44 to 24 Sep 44—The Breaking of the Gothic Line and the Capture of Rimini.” Department of National Defence. University of Victoria, Special Collections, Reginald Roy Collection.

  Steiger, A.G. (Capt.). “Headquarters Corps Witthoeft (Venetian Coast Command).” SGRII 207 (Steiger)
. Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  ———. “The Fight for the Apennine Position and the Improvement of the Western Alps Position.” SGRII 255 (Steiger). Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  Stursberg, Peter. Broadcasts from 14 Sept. 1944 to 4 Oct. 1944. CBC Radio Archives, Toronto.

  Tellier, Henri (Maj.). “Account by Maj. H. Tellier, OC ‘A’ Company R22e Regt.” 145.2R19011 (D3). Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  3rd Canadian Infantry Brigade. “Account of the Operations in Italy, 29 Aug–21 Sep 44.” RG24, vol. 10883. National Archives of Canada.

  3rd Canadian Infantry Brigade (Headquarters) War Diary, Aug.–Sept. 1944. RG24, vol. 14085. National Archives of Canada.

  3rd Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery War Diary, Aug.–Sept. 1944. RG24, vol. 14435. National Archives of Canada.

  Trudeau, L.F.g (Maj.). “Account by Maj. L.F. Trudeau, OC ‘C’ Coy r22 Regt.” 145.2R19011 (D3). Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  12th Canadian Infantry Brigade (Headquarters) War Diary, Aug.–Sept. 1944. RG24, vol. 14162. National Archives of Canada.

  21st Tank Brigade (British). “Report on 1 CID Support at Gothic Line.” RG24, vol. 10990. National Archives of Canada.

  Vokes, Chris (Maj. Gen.). “The Adriatic Front–Winter 1944.” Vokes Papers, Royal Military College of Canada Massey Library.

  ———. Canadian Operations in the Mediterranean Area, July–Sept. 1944: Extracts from War Diaries and Memoranda (Series 27). 20 July 1944. Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  ———. Operations 1st Canadian Infantry Division. “The Gothic Line—Phase Three: The Break-through the Gothic Line and the Pursuit to the Conca.” RG24, vol. 10883, National Archives of Canada.

  Westminster Regiment (Motorized) War Diary, Aug.–Sept. 1944. RG24, vol. 15283. National Archives of Canada. “The West Nova Scotia Regiment,” RG24, vol. 10883. National Archives of Canada.

  West Nova Scotia Regiment War Diary, Aug.–Sept. 1944. RG24, vol. 15289. National Archives of Canada.


  Blake, Tom. Interview by Ken McLeod. Vancouver. N.d.

  Brown, Ted. Correspondence with author. 30 July 2000.

  Bulger, Victor. Correspondence with author. 13 April 2001.

  Creighton, Donald. Interview by author. Richmond, BC. 4 Oct. 2000.

  Crofton, Pat. Interview by Ken McLeod. N.d.

  Dodd, G.T. Memo to Dr. Reginald Roy. University of Victoria, Special Collections, Reginald Roy Papers. 15 Sept. 1962.

  Dougan, John Alpine. Interview by author. Victoria, BC. 9 Oct. 2000.

  ———. Interview by Ken MacLeod. Victoria, BC. N.d.

  ———. Interview by Tom Torrie. University of Victoria, Special Collections, Reginald Roy Papers. Victoria, BC. 27 July 1987.

  Eastman, Gerald. Correspondence with Dr. Reginald Roy. University of Victoria, Special Collections, Reginald Roy Papers. 8 March and 14 Nov. 1962, 13 June and 15 Aug. 1963.

  Ferley, Zeke. Correspondence with Dr. Reginald Roy. University of Victoria, Special Collections, Reginald Roy Papers. 12 Nov. 1963.

  Galloway, Strome. Correspondence with author. 8 June 2001.

  ———. Interview by author. Ottawa. 6 May 2000.

  Gildersleeve, Wilf. Interview by author. West Vancouver, BC. 5 Oct. 2000.

  Gower, Don. Correspondence with author. 25 June 2000.

  Green, R.W. Correspondence with Dr. Reginald Roy. University of Victoria, Special Collections, Reginald Roy Papers. 11 Sept. 1962.

  Gregg, J. Milton. Correspondence with author. Oct. 2001.

  Haley, Jack. Interview by author. Victoria, BC. 24 Aug. 2000.

  Hammerstrom, Percy. Correspondence with Dr. Reginald Roy. University of Victoria, Special Collections, Reginald Roy Papers. 12 Sept. 1964.

  Hoffmeister, Bert M. Interview by B. Greenhous and W. McAndrew. Directorate of History, Department of National Defence. N.d.

  Hurley, Ron. Interview by author. Vancouver. 4 Oct. 2000.

  Johnson, Alon. Interview by author. Victoria, BC. 6 Oct. 2000, 9 Jan. 2002.

  ———. Interview by Ken McLeod. Victoria, BC. N.d.

  Kinloch, David. Memo to Dr. Reginald Roy. University of Victoria, Special Collections, Reginald Roy Papers. 1962.

  ———. Correspondence with author. 23, 30 Nov. 2000.

  ———. Interview by author. Vernon, BC. 3 April 2001.

  Letcher, Jack. Transcript of taped recording. University of Victoria, Special Collections, Reginald Roy Papers. 1962.

  Logan, Rodman. Correspondence with author. 28 June 2000.

  Loten, Thomas A. Correspondence with author. 24 April 2001.

  McGregor, Gordon. Interview by author. Victoria, BC. 3 Jan. 2001.

  Milroy, W.A. Correspondence with author. 5 Sept. 2000.

  Montemaggi, Amedeo. Correspondence with author. 19 Nov. 2000, 25 May 2001.

  ———. Interview by author. Rimini, Italy. 23 Oct. 2000.

  Monti, Oviglio. Interview by author. Rimini, Italy. 21, 22 Oct. 2000.

  Mortensen, Gordon. Correspondence with author. 8 May 2001.

  Nikiforuk, Dan. Interview by author. Sidney, BC. 27 Dec. 2000.

  Poulin, Tony. Correspondence with author. 23 Feb., 28 Sept. 2001.

  Poulin, Tony. Interview by author. Ottawa. 10 May 2000.

  Rankin, Harry. Interview by author. Vancouver. 15 Oct. 2000.

  Reid, Donald. Correspondence with author. Oct., 6 Dec. 2000.

  Reynolds, Garnet. Correspondence with author. Oct. 2000.

  Sawdon, Robert. Correspondence with author. 2 Nov. 2001.

  Shuter, Ted. Correspondence with author. 27 March 2001.

  Smith, Don. Correspondence with author. 15 Aug. 2000.

  Stone, James Riley. Interview by William S. Thackray. Victoria, BC. University of Victoria, Special Collections. 13, 20 May, 3, 10, 17 June 1980.

  Stubbs, Raymond E. Correspondence with Dr. Reginald Roy. University of Victoria, Special Collections, Reginald Roy Papers. 7 Aug. 1963.

  Tellier, Henri. Correspondence with author. 18 July, 22 Aug., 23 Sept. 2000.

  Thomson, Sydney. Interview with author. Salmon Arm, BC. 27 May 2000.

  Trépanier, Fernand. Correspondence with author. Oct. 2001.

  Waldron, Eric. Correspondence with Dr. Reginald Roy. University of Victoria, Special Collections, Reginald Roy Papers. 21 Sept. 1962.

  Warton, Bill. Interview by author. Vancouver. 4 Oct. 2000.

  Wheeler, Gerry. Taped recollections provided to author by family. 2000.


  Adams, Lt. Col. Fred Dean, 43

  Agira, 12

  Alexander, Gen. Sir Harold, 14–15, 31–33, 35–36, 40, 48–51, 53–59, 67, 71, 80, 95, 97, 103, 112, 122–23, 264–65, 337–38, 344

  Allard, Lt. Col. Jean, 193, 231–33, 239–41, 245, 247–49, 368–69, 372, 375–76, 379, 381, 383–84, 392–93, 396–97, 429–31, 443, 459, 461

  Allfrey, Lt. Gen. Charles, 82

  Ammanati, Bartolomeo, 21

  Ancona, 80, 82

  Anders, Gen. Wladyslaw, 83, 171

  Andrew, Pte. John, 403

  Andrew, Maj. M.W., 163, Angle, Lt. Col. Harry, 209, 227

  Anzio, 14–15, Appenines, 11, 14, 17, 49–50, 52, 54, 61–62, 65–67, 73, 80, 83, 85–91, 461

  Ardagh, Capt. Vern, 279–80, 292–93

  Arielli River, 163

  Aristodemo, Ciavatta, 73

  Armstrong, Capt. Gordon, 136–37

  Armstrong, Lt. Col. R.W., 100

  Arno River, 21, 24, 26, 29

  Arzilla River, 117, 132–33, 136, 139, 141–42, 145–46, 150, 155–56, 158

  Astor, Lady Nancy, 16

  Ausa River, 288, 367, 383, 408, 410, 413–15, 419–21, 425, 429, 433, 450, 454

  Avelino, 44

  Badoglio, Marshal Pietro, 28

  Banton, Maj. Don, 387–88

  Base, Lt. Gordon, 294–95

bsp; Bates, Capt. Pat, 115, 313, 388, 401–2

  Bayerlein, Obergefreiter Carl, 62–64, 68–70, 281–83

  Beal, Capt. George, 156–57, 401, 403–4

  Beelitz, Oberst Dietrich, 64

  Bell, Sgt. Billy, 201–2, 317

  Bellefontaine, Co. Sgt. Maj. Dave, 356–57

  Bell-Irving, Lt. Col. Henry “Budge,” 127–28, 136–37, 145, 149, 158, 160–61, 261, 270–71, 410, 413, 434, 460

  Bell-Irving, Henry Ogle, 127

  Benson, Lt. Court, 118

  Bentley, Tpr. George, 204–5

  Bernatchez, Brig. Paul, 162, 174, 179–80, 193, 309, 406, 460

  Besanigo, 334

  Besanigo Ridge, 289, 336

  Besanigo River, 315–16, 320, 322, 335, 341, 345, 355, 358–59

  Besanigo Valley, 355, 357

  Bishop, Tpr. Wallace Robert, 359

  Black, Lt. J.B., 112

  Blair, Maj. David, 411–12

  Blake, Tpr. Tom, 206

  Blanchet, Maj. P.M. “Frenchy,” 188, 200–2

  Boettcher, Tpr. Harold, 236

  Bogert, Brig. Pat, 178, 309, 374–76, 378–79, 383–84, 406, 417, 429, 460

  Bohan, Pte. J.H., 441

  Bologna, 54, 57–58, 66, 71, 108, 341, 447, 463, 467

  Bonnifant, Tpr. A., 223

  Borgo Lucrezia, 114

  Borgo Santa Maria, 167–68, 177, 230–32, 242–43, 248

  Boucher, Lt. F.X., 301

  “Bovey,” 433–34, 436–38, 445, 448

  Bradish, Capt. Ed, 140

  Brady, Maj. Allen, 274, 276–77

  Brescia, 54

  Brooke, Field Marshal Sir Alan, 32, 40, 52, 461

  Brown, Capt. George, 439

  Brown, Lt. Col. H.E., 180

  Brown, Lt. Lloyd, 361

  Brown, Lt. W.J., 257

  Buchan, Lt. Col. John, Lord Tweedsmuir, 33

  Burke, Capt. D.J., 256

  Burns, Lt. Danny, 311

  Burns, Lt. Gen. Eedson L.M. (Tommy), 31–38, 40–41, 43, 80–83, 91, 96–97, 107, 139–41, 148, 230, 264–65, 287, 304, 337, 340–41, 343–44, 349, 366–67, 383, 408, 445, 458–62

  Burt, Pte. A.W., 311

  Burton, Capt. L.G., 204, 395–96

  Butler, Lt. J.C., 24

  Ca Rastelli, 289


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