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BANG Page 15

by Blake, Joanna

  Why should she be surprised? It was a common occurrence. At least, it used to be.

  I frowned.

  “Nevada this is Jen. Jen, Nevada.”

  Nev smiled and nodded.

  “Hi Jen.”

  Jen was staring at Nevada with a cold look.

  “I know who she is.”

  Jen turned around and grabbed her bag from the lounge chair.

  “See you around Clay.”

  Nevada’s mouth dropped open a bit as she watched Jen walk away. But my eyes were on Nev. God was she a sight for sore eyes.

  Her bikini top was nothing overly revealing, but fuck if she didn’t fill it out like a Victoria’s Secret model. Her tummy was flat and tan. I could almost reach out and rub my palm over it…

  But I didn’t. I had some self-control after all. Less than usual with this girl though.

  She cleared her throat and I lifted my eyes to hers. She’d caught me staring. I smiled at her, unconcerned. She was going to have to get used to that.

  “Earth to Clay, come in Clay.”

  “Do you want some iced tea?”

  She shook her head quickly, pulling the grungy looking beach towel off her shoulders,

  “No, I’m good thanks.”

  I watched her walk over to one of the lounge chairs. Not the one next to mine as I’d hoped. No, she’d chosen one as far from mine as she could get. She spread out her old beach towel and sat down on it.

  “You know, we have towels here. Big white fluffy ones.”

  She gave me a look and kicked off her tennis shoes. I watched hungrily as she started unbuttoning her jean shorts. I knew she felt funny about using any of the services provided by the staff. Her mom was one of them and she didn’t want to make extra work for them. I knew her reasons but it still annoyed me.

  She started shimming her shorts over her gorgeous hips. My mouth went dry as her ass and thighs came into view. Mother nature had been very, very kind to Nevada.

  Excessively kind.

  It almost wasn’t fair.

  I jumped into the pool abruptly, trying to distract my dick. Which had gotten hard almost instantaneously the moment she’d started undressing.

  Fuck, that was fast.

  I swam a few laps and then over to the edge of the pool near her lounge chair where she was reading a beat up old paperback. I hooked my arms over the edge and grinned up at her legs. Her long, surprisingly tan legs.

  That’s right. She went to UCLA. Sunny all year round. Even more so than Sonoma.

  “My eyes are up here Clay.”

  I laughed. I loved that she wasn’t intimidated by me. Never had been. Lots of girls were, even the rich and beautiful ones.

  “I know where they are.”

  She rolled her eyes at me. And went back to her book. So I went back to perusing her amazing, perfect, delicious looking body.

  She kept ignoring me. It wasn’t just a show either. She was genuinely trying to read her book.

  So I did what any reasonable guy would do.

  I splashed her.


  I grinned and ducked under the water. When I came up she was saying something.


  She glared at me.


  “So did you get a job? In your little short shorts?”

  She scowled.

  “No. But I think I found something. I might start helping out around here if it doesn’t pan out.”

  My stomach sank. I did not want her to be a servant here. Still, it would make her at my beck and call… that could be fun. But she would be out of reach then. There was an unspoken rule about messing around with the help.

  As it was, she was kind of in a gray zone. Not that it was going to stop me from getting what I wanted. Nothing ever did.


  “Where what?”

  “Where did you find a job?”

  She sighed, looking embarrassed.

  “The club.”

  “Wait, my club?”

  She nodded sheepishly.

  “It was the only place that would take me without experience.”

  It was absurd, the shot of lust that went through me at her words. I wanted to be the one to give her experience. Even though I knew that’s not what she meant.

  “I’m sure you’ll get it. Do you want me to put in a good word?”

  She looked alarmed.

  “No, absolutely do not do that.”

  “What’s wrong Nevada? Don’t want to owe me any favors?”

  She frowned and started to gather up her things.

  “Come on, don’t be like that. Come in the water. You know you want to. It’s hot as hell out here.”

  She gave me a look and sighed, setting her things back down.

  “You would know.”

  I laughed. She’d basically just called me the devil. I probably deserved it though hardly anyone would ever say something like that to me. The girl had sass to spare. I leaned against the back of the pool and watched her gracefully dive in.

  I’ll admit it.

  I was hoping her top would come off.

  No such luck.

  She did a few laps. I was surprised at how good her strokes looked. She looked like an excellent swimmer. Actually, as far as I could tell, she did everything well.

  It was kind of funny that I’d never noticed that before.

  “Did you swim at school?”


  She was treading water in the deep end. She smiled at me and dove under the water. She came up again in the shallow end.

  “Party much?”

  “Not really. My mom would kill me if I didn’t keep up my grades.”

  Good. For some reason I liked hearing that. Even though I usually hated goodie two shoes. Not that that’s what she was exactly…

  “Got a boyfriend?”

  Now she rolled her eyes at me.

  “No Clay. God, you sound like someone’s dad!”

  I bit my tongue and let the relief wash over me. I wasn’t sure why I cared. Even if she’d had a boyfriend, it wouldn’t stop me from trying. I’d been about to say something about how dad’s didn’t always automatically give a shit. Mine sure didn’t.

  She didn’t need to hear that though. Even an insensitive dad was better than not having one. I knew that.

  I also knew people at school at made fun of her for having a single mom. And for being poor. And for being flat chested.

  Well, they’d be eating their words when they saw her this summer, that much was for sure.

  And if she was at the club, everyone would see her.

  She’d be beating guys off with a stick.

  Fuck. I didn’t like the sound of that at all. And what if she chose one of them instead of me? It seemed unlikely with all the years she’d obviously adored me, but who knows? Maybe her school girl crush was gone for real.

  I got out of the pool and lay back, thinking and watching her.

  It was going to be a long summer. I just hoped it was a long summer of sex with Nevada.


  I’m not going to lie. It was gratifying to see Clay so taken with me. What’s not gratifying is how damn sure of himself he was.

  He was just flirting with me anyway. I doubted he actually meant anything by it. He could, and probably did have fifty girls as speed dial booty calls. And that was so, so not my style.

  Especially considering the fact that I was a virgin.

  But I would rather die than tell him that.

  I would just have to avoid him as much as possible. That’s what I kept telling myself anyway. I just wished he wasn’t so achingly beautiful. In a not-fair-knows-he’s-God’s-gift-to-women kind of way.


  I spent another hour at the pool, just because I couldn’t seem to bring myself to leave. Besides, once I was working it wasn’t not like I will have time to just lay around and swim or sunbathe. Not like all the other kids in this town.

  Sometimes it was hard being the only not-insanely-rich kid in this town.

  But I was a big girl. I knew life isn’t usually fair. If it was, Clay wouldn’t look like a Greek God. And I’d have a tree that grew money. As it was, I was going to just have to suck it up.

  As usual.

  Finally, I realized my shoulders were turning pink. If I stayed much longer he’d start to get even smugger, if that was possible. Not that I wasn’t enjoying myself. Clay could be very charming if he wanted to be.

  And right now, he clearly wanted to be.

  Betsy brought out sandwiches and I took it as my cue to leave.

  “Hey, aren’t you hungry?”

  I was, but I wasn’t about to take food from the staff. I knew they got the left overs anyway so it’s not like it would go to waste.

  “I’m good. See ya.”

  He was frowning at me as I wrapped my damp towel around me and slid into my shorts. They fit perfectly and were so soft. At least I could rock denim, even if it wasn’t designer stuff.

  “Stay, it’s still early.”

  “Yeah but I need to pound the pavement. I need money for next year.”

  “Don’t you have a scholarship?”

  “Yeah for tuition. But everything else is on me. And my mom.”

  He was staring at me with those piercing blue eyes of his. I could tell he’d never thought about having to pay for books or food or anything.

  Fuck, was he pitying me?

  “It’s no big deal. Anyway. Have a good day.”

  He was still watching me when I turned around and looked back.

  Chapter Six


  “So are you entering this year?”

  I shrugged. I knew he meant the club’s tennis tournament. It was a big thing around here and now that I was 21, I was eligible for the adult competition.

  There some excellent players at the club so it might be worth my while. Plus, winning would guarantee me ass for days. Years really.

  Not that I needed the help. Except when it came to the one girl I wanted…

  “Holy shit, is that Mouse?”

  My head swiveled so fast I heard the air move. There she was. Nev was in town with her friend. I could never remember her name.

  But Mouse?

  Mouse was not the right name for Nev anymore.



  Ice Queen.

  She’d been ignoring me since the day at the pool. I could see her sometimes, swimming early in the morning or in the evening. I knew she was deliberately staying away from me.

  What I didn’t know was why.

  I’d thought about trying to catch her down there but I’d thought better of it. She’d come to me eventually. They always did.

  I hoped so anyway.

  Otherwise, I was going to have to step up my game.

  I was going to get into her pants this summer.

  Come hell or high water.

  “Jesus, Mouse looks gooooooood.”

  I glanced at Brett. He was annoying me, even if it was an understatement. Nev looked more than good. She looked phenfuckingnominal.

  This time she was wearing a skirt. A demure, fluttery skirt that looked like it could fly up in a breeze. I started hoping for a breeze.

  I smiled at her when she looked my way. Her friend immediately dragged her over to say hi. I almost laughed. The plain girls were so predictable.


  “Clay, you remember Frannie right?”

  “Frannie. Right. What are you guys doing?”

  “Celebrating! I’m taking Nevvie out for ice cream.”

  I tilted my head, staring at the blush that tinged Nevada’s cheeks.

  “What are you celebrating Nevvie?”

  She glared at me, glancing at Brett and Peter.

  “I got the job.”

  “At the club?”

  She nodded.

  “Brett, Peter say hi.”

  “Hey Mouse.”

  Brett kicked Peter.

  “Hey Nevada. You look, ah, different.”

  She looked at him like he was an idiot. Which he was. It was hard not to like her in that moment.

  A lot.

  A lot more than I wanted to.

  “Thanks I guess?”

  Brett meanwhile was digging himself into a deeper hole.

  “Yeah, you look hot. Like mega hot.”

  She rolled her eyes at him. I was choking back a laugh. Life was about to get very interesting for little Miss Nevada Jones. She did not know what was about to hit her.

  But not with any of these idiots.

  With me.

  “Yeah okay, we’re gonna go and get ice cream now.”

  “Cool. There’s a party this weekend at the lake. Saturday. You should come.”

  Nevada looked noncommittal. Her friend though, looked over the moon. This was something to remember. If you wanted to get to Nevada, you went through Frannie.

  “Bye Nevvie. Bye Frannie.”

  Her friend tittered as I waved at them coquettishly. I barely noticed. Like every other red blooded male in the vicinity, I was busy watching Nevada Jones walk away.


  “He likes you! I know he likes you.”

  “No he doesn’t. He’s just like that.”

  “Like what?”

  I shrugged.

  “He’s a player.”

  “But he likes you. Trust me.”

  “I’m sure he wouldn’t kick me out of bed. Then again, he probably would. Especially since I have no clue what the hell I’m doing.”

  Frannie wiggled her eyebrows at me.

  “Maybe he could teach you. Guys like that.”

  “Um, no. I’m not about to give my V card to a manwhore. No matter how pretty he is.”

  Frannie sighed dramatically.

  “He is pretty though. Admit it. You can’t have outgrown your crush that fast.”

  I sighed. She had me there.

  “Maybe not. But still, it’s not going to happen.”

  “Uh huh. Talk to me in September. Do you want sprinkles on your cone?”

  I nodded. I loved coming to the Sweet Shop on Main street. We’d been coming here since we were kids. We more or less always got the same thing. Chocolate ice cream for her, and a vanilla softie cone for me. With chocolate sprinkles. Every time.

  It was kind of predictable, I know. But it was also comforting. And cheap.

  Frannie came from a wealthy family but she had her own problems. They just had nothing to do with money. Being heavy, shy and completely left to her own devices at home had made her socially awkward to an extreme.

  Add to this her crazy kinky hair, ‘the nest’ as she called it. She never even bothered to do anything with it. Not after a disastrous flat iron incident at the age of 13 which left her with a singed forehead and hair that broke off at different random lengths all over her head.

  Of course, no one who saw her as ‘Freaky Frannie’ had any clue what a sweetheart she was. Or how smart. Or insightful. I couldn’t have asked for a better friend.

  My mother looked after both of us most weekends growing up. Fran was practically a sister to me. And she knew all about my school girl crush on Clayton. We used to spy on him with his friends by the pool.

  She wasn’t going to drop it, I knew.

  As much as I loved her, I wished she would shut up about it. I was confused enough as it was.

  We got our cones and stepped out into the street. I was licking the side of my cone when I saw him. Clay was across the street with a group of people. A girl was hanging on his arm. But his eyes were on me.

  On my mouth.

  Oh God.

  He lifted his hand and rubbed it across his lip. I could tell what he was thinking. He was thinking about kissing me.

  And more.

  A lot more.

  I had a sudden feeling that I was in deep trouble.

  Because I was thinking the same thing.

er Seven


  I stared around the room at my father and Claire’s anniversary party. The event was to celebrate ten years of wedded bliss. As per usual with my father, it was a complete farce.

  For one thing, they hardly ever touched each other. Except when someone was taking a photo. Then they inevitable moved towards each other slightly, and touched each others arms or something.

  It was phony looking as hell.

  Claire might be the perfect society wife but they had zero chemistry.

  I saw Nev’s mom Dana talking with some of my father’s business partners. Then I glanced at my dad. Then I glanced back.

  He was staring at her. And not in an impersonal manner. My Father looked almost… soft.

  A shot of recognition went through me at that expression. It was a lot like the way he used to look at my mother.

  Holy shit.

  My father was in love with Dana?

  I felt an immediate sense of resentment. He couldn’t be bothered to love his own son. Or his own wife. But he loved his fucking executive assistant / property manager???

  I downed my drink and headed to the bar. I winked at the bartender and grabbed the bottle of bourbon and some ice for my glass. Then I went outside to sit by myself on the patio.

  The light was getting dim. Softly glowing lanterns were strategically placed outside on the veranda. I could watch the shit show going on inside and be more or less left to my own devices.

  People came and went as I slowly worked my way through the bottle. I was starting to feel good, almost as if none of this external bullshit could touch me. That’s when I saw her.

  Nevada was working her way through the room, a silver tray in her hand. Her beautiful face was blank but I could tell she wasn’t enjoying this. Her hair was tied back neatly in a french braid.

  And she was wearing a uniform.

  A fitted black skirt with a white blouse. A tiny little apron covered her front. Black patent leather pumps were on her feet.

  Dear Jesus.

  My dick lurched to attention, which was admirable considering how drunk I was. It pressed against my pants, practically clawing it’s way out to get to her.


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