
Home > Romance > ScandalandSin > Page 13
ScandalandSin Page 13

by Lynn LaFleur


  She stood and headed for the stairs. Rye caught up to her before she descended the first step. He took her arm, but she jerked it away from him. Her eyes flashed with anger.

  “I have nothing more to say to you.”

  “Alaina, I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just—”

  Her humorless laugh cut him off. “For someone who didn’t mean to hurt me, you did a poor job.”

  “Look, I told you I don’t trust Rufus. He’s recently divorced and probably looking for wife number four.”

  “Do you think I’m going to fall at his feet over dinner?”

  Put that way, Rye had to admit his disapproval of her dining with Rufus seemed extreme. “No, of course not. But Rufus is filthy rich and will be even richer when Bella dies. You’re sinking a lot of money into this place and—”

  “And you think I’m looking for a rich man to replenish my bank account?”

  “It’s what Alesia would have done.”

  Pain flashed through her eyes now. She looked away from him, but not before he’d seen the sheen of tears. He knew it wasn’t fair of him to mention Alesia, yet he couldn’t help seeing the similarity. Alesia would have gone after Rufus in a heartbeat. Alaina’s acceptance of his dinner invitation seemed to follow the same path as her sister.

  “I’ve told you I’m nothing like my sister. You can’t seem to understand that. Well, understand this.” She dropped her tools and supplies on top of his feet. They didn’t hurt him because of his work boots, but he still jumped back in surprise. “I quit. You have your father’s blueprints and my ideas. I’m outta here.”

  She turned and hurried down the steps. Rye didn’t catch up to her until she’d almost run down the stairs to the ground floor. She tripped on the bottom step and would have fallen if Dax hadn’t caught her.

  “Whoa!” he said, laughter in his voice. That laughter soon vanished when he looked at her face. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

  “Ask your stupid brother.”

  Without looking at Rye again, Alaina pulled away from Dax and turned toward the back of the house. Rye stood next to Dax and watched her storm out the back door. She revved the engine of her car, the tires spewing gravel and dirt as she sped away.

  Dax faced Rye, hands on his hips and a scowl on his face. “What the hell did you do to her?”

  Rye didn’t need his brother jumping down his throat too. “Why are you assuming I did anything to her?”

  “Because she was crying. A woman doesn’t cry for no reason.”

  “Who was crying?” Griff asked, walking up behind them.

  “Alaina. Rye did something to hurt her.”

  Griff turned to Rye, a scowl matching Dax’s on his face. “What did you do?”

  “Why is it automatically my fault?”

  “Because Alaina is one of the sweetest women I’ve ever met and she’s crazy about you. She wouldn’t hurt you for the world.”

  “Yeah,” Dax agreed with a nod. “And don’t you dare spout any shit about her being Alesia’s sister.”

  Rye never would have believed his brothers would gang up on him like this. “You’re taking Alaina’s side without even hearing what happened?”

  Dax and Griff looked at each other, then back at Rye. “Yes,” they said at the same time.

  “I don’t believe this,” Rye muttered.

  “What did you do?” Griff asked again.

  “I told Alaina I didn’t want her going to dinner with Rufus.”

  He waited for his brothers to agree with him. Neither said anything. “Y’all think that was wrong?”

  “Rufus invited her to dinner?” Dax asked.

  “Yeah. She said he wanted to discuss business with her. The only business he could want to discuss with her is making her wife number four. I told her that.”

  “And told her not to go with him.”

  Rye nodded.

  “You blew it, man.”

  “Telling her not to go to dinner with him was like a red flag waved in front of a bull,” Griff said. “Alaina is independent and headstrong. She doesn’t like to be told what to do.”

  Rye didn’t realize Griff had spent enough time with Alaina to know her so well. “And you know this…how?”

  “We’ve talked. She told me she was sorry about Jana and…” Griff stopped, looked down a moment, then looked back at Rye. “She’s a special lady, Rye. Don’t fuck things up and lose her. You’ll regret it the rest of your life.”

  “Call her,” Dax said. “You know you won’t be able to think straight until you talk to her.”

  His brothers were right. He didn’t want any bad feelings between Alaina and him. He cared too much for her to leave things unsettled. “I’m gonna take a walk.”

  Rye walked out the back door and far enough away from the house so no one would hear his conversation. Unhooking his cell phone from his belt, he punched in Alaina’s number. Four rings later, he received her voice mail. Disappointed not to get her, he listened to her message while trying to decide what to say.

  “Alaina, it’s Rye. I’m sorry for the way things ended between us today. Call me, please.”

  He snapped his phone shut and replaced it in its holder. He had no choice now but to wait for her to contact him.


  Alaina tossed her purse on her dresser. She removed her earrings as she stepped out of her heels. She’d taken a shower before her dinner meeting with Rufus, but felt as if she needed another one.

  She didn’t like him. She’d figured that out before they’d finished their salads. He made her think of a slimy snake in the bushes, waiting for a mouse to scamper by so he could attack it.

  The thought of when he’d touched her hand made her shiver in disgust.

  “Hey,” Kelcey said, sticking her head in the door. “You’re home early. I didn’t expect you here until after midnight. How was your dinner?”


  Kelcey entered the room. “You had a shitty meal at Emma’s restaurant? That’s impossible.”

  Alaina waved a hand in the air, as if to erase Kelcey’s question. “No, the meal wasn’t shitty. It was wonderful, as always. The time with Rufus Olinghouse was shitty.”

  Kelcey crossed the room and sat on the bed. “What happened?”

  After slipping off her dress and bra, Alaina pulled a huge T-shirt over her head and joined Kelcey on the bed. “I agreed to meet Rufus at the restaurant because he said he had a business proposition for me.”

  “What kind of business proposition?”

  “He wants to buy Stevens House from me.”

  Kelcey’s eyes widened and her mouth dropped open in obvious surprise. “You’re kidding.”

  “Nope, I’m serious.”

  “How did he react when you turned him down?”

  A chill passed through Alaina when she remembered the anger in his eyes before he masked it. “He wasn’t happy. He was still cordial, but I could tell he was angry at my refusal. Kelc, I don’t think I’ve ever eaten so fast in my life. I just wanted to get away from him. I felt almost…dirty being close to him.”

  Alaina recognized that look on Kelcey’s face…the one where she clenched her lips and that little furrow formed between her eyebrows. “What are you thinking?”

  “I can’t help but wonder why he offered to buy that particular piece of property from you. According to what you’ve told me, his grandmother owns thousands of acres around Lanville. She’d probably give him anything he wants.” She tapped one forefinger against her lips. “There has to be something there, something he wants.”

  “But what? The house was almost falling down before the Colemans started working on it. It sits on twenty-two acres, and that’s nothing but weeds and a few scraggly trees. Besides, like you said, Bella owns tons of property.”

  “Maybe you should ask Rye about the place. Maybe he knows something you don’t.”

  Alaina hadn’t told Kelcey about what had happened earlier with Rye. “I can’t do that.”

  “Why not?”

  Before Alaina had the chance to answer Kelcey’s question, her cell phone rang in her purse. She’d given Rye’s number a distinctive ringtone over the weekend, so knew right away that he was the caller.

  “Are you going to answer that?” Kelcey asked.

  “It’s Rye.”

  “I repeat—are you going to answer that?”

  Alaina shook her head. “We had a fight. I’m mad at him.”

  Kelcey’s eyes softened in sympathy. “Maybe he’s calling to apologize.”

  “This is like the fifth time he’s called tonight.”

  “Then he’s definitely calling to apologize. Talk to him, Alaina.”

  The ringing stopped. “It went to voice mail. Problem solved.”

  Giving Alaina the don’t-be-stupid look, Kelcey stood and walked to the dresser. She pulled the cell phone out of Alaina’s purse and handed it to Alaina. “Call him. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Kelcey left the bedroom, closing the door behind her. Alaina stared at the phone in her hand. She didn’t have to listen to her housemate. Rye had practically ordered her not to see Rufus. That kind of caveman attitude did not sit well with her.

  Except that Rye had been right. She never should have gone to dinner with Rufus. And she didn’t like these bad feelings between Rye and her.

  She unlocked her phone and punched in Rye’s number.

  Chapter Fourteen

  April 26, 1937

  I saw him outside the café with Ruthie. They stood against the building, but were in plain sight. Anyone could have seen them together, seen the way he ran his fingers up and down her arm. Ruthie batted those long eyelashes at him and kept licking her lips, as if begging him to kiss her.

  I wish Laura was here to see him flirting with a woman who had the reputation of sleeping with any man who asked her. Then maybe Laura would realize what a horrible man he is.


  He answered after the second ring. “Hey,” he said softly. “Did you just get home?”


  “Alaina, I’m sorry for hurting you. That stupid shit about not trusting you… It isn’t true. I swear it.”

  She wanted to believe that, yet she couldn’t. Despite his apology now, his hesitation earlier today when she’d asked him if he trusted her proved he didn’t. Not completely.

  She’d tell him to go to hell if she didn’t truly believe he cared for her, and believe that caring could turn into something stronger in time.

  “I’m sorry it took me so long to call you back. I was really pissed at you.”

  “You had a right to be pissed. And you don’t owe me an apology. I owe one to you for being such an ass about Rufus.”

  “You were right to be an ass. He gave me the creeps. I’ve never eaten a meal so fast in my life. I couldn’t wait to get away from him.”

  “Did he hurt you?” he asked, his voice now sharp, intense. “If he did I swear—”

  “No, he didn’t hurt me. He offered me seventy-five thousand for Stevens House. That’s the business he wanted to discuss with me.”

  Silence. She didn’t blame Rye for not knowing what to say. Rufus’ offer had shocked her speechless too.

  “If he wanted the house, why didn’t he get it from his grandmother before she sold it?”

  “That’s what I asked him. He never actually answered my question, just gave me excuses about being out of the state on deals.”

  “Alaina, I don’t want you…” He stopped. She thought she heard him blow out a breath before he spoke again. “I’d rather be with you if you see Rufus again.”

  “You don’t have to worry about that. I have no intention of seeing him again.”

  “Good.” She heard the clink of ice cubes against glass. “Did you finish your laundry and banking and paying bills?”

  “I’m all caught up again. My Visa is back to zero, at least until I find another shoe sale.”

  He chuckled. “What is it with women and shoes?”

  “It’s in our genes. We can’t help loving shoes.” She stuffed a pillow behind her back and leaned against the headboard. “What are you doing?”

  “Watching the baseball game.”

  “Who’s winning?”

  “To be honest, I don’t know. I’m not paying attention to it.” His voice lowered, turned more husky. “I keep wishing you were here with me.”

  Her chest felt tight as her heart seemed to swell. She wished she could tell him how much she loved him, yet knew he wasn’t ready for that. Their relationship was too new for declarations of love.

  “Give me your address and I’ll drive to your house.”

  Logically Alaina knew it would be silly for Rye to drive to Dallas tonight when she planned to go back to Lanville tomorrow morning, even though she would love to see him. “You don’t have to do that. I’m taking back my resignation, if that’s okay. I want to come back tomorrow and work on my house.”

  “It’s way more than okay.” His voice dropped back to the soft tone he’d used earlier. “I’ve gotten used to falling asleep with you in my arms. That big bed is going to feel very empty tonight.”

  “So is mine.”

  “Will you stay with me tomorrow night?”

  “Yes,” she said without hesitation.

  “Great.” She could hear the smile in his voice. “Bring plenty of clothes so you don’t have to go back to Dallas for a while.”


  Silence again for several seconds, then he asked, “Where are you?”

  “On my bed.”

  “What are you wearing?”

  His question surprised her. “What am I wearing?”


  She looked down at her body, not having a clue why he would ask such a thing. “A big blue T-shirt.”

  “Anything under it?”


  “No bra?”

  God, Alaina, you’re such a dunce. He’s starting phone sex! A delicious thrill shot through her body. She’d never had phone sex with a man. “No,” she said, lowering her voice. “Just panties.”

  “What color are they?”



  “Hip huggers.”

  She thought she heard his breathing quicken. “Do something for me.”

  “What?” she whispered.

  “Imagine I’m lying beside you.”

  His request made her pussy clench, her clit tingle. “Rye—”

  “Take off your panties.”

  She knew what he wanted her to do. She’d pleasured herself in between lovers, but she’d never done it in front of a man. The few lovers in her past hadn’t been adventurous enough to try anything new or different. With Rye, she would be willing to try anything sexual he wanted.

  Lifting her hips, she tugged on the waistband until it slipped to her thighs. She slid her panties down her legs and dropped them on the floor next to the bed. “Okay.”

  “You took off your panties?”


  “Touch your breast. But imagine it’s my hand on it.”

  Switching the phone to her left hand, Alaina slowly slid her right hand beneath her T-shirt until she cradled her breast. She lifted the heavy weight the way Rye would.

  “Are you touching your breast?” he asked.


  “How does it feel?”

  “Good.” She passed her thumb across the nipple. “Really good.”

  “Squeeze it.”

  She did as he ordered, kneading first one breast, then the other. Her mouth fell open as her breathing deepened.

  “Touch your nipple and imagine it’s my mouth sucking it.”

  A whimper slipped from her lips. Alaina thumbed her nipple over and over as she pictured Rye in bed with her, his tongue licking the hard tip. She imagined his hand sliding down her stomach to between her thighs.

  “Is your nipple nice and hard?”


p; “Is your pussy wet?”

  She touched her slick flesh and whimpered again. “Yes.”

  “Push two fingers inside you.”

  Her cream let her fingers easily enter her body. She moved them in and out, wishing it was Rye touching her instead.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “Fucking myself with my fingers.”

  She heard him groan. “Make yourself come for me. I want to hear it.”

  Alaina closed her eyes and let the mental images flow through her mind. It wasn’t her fingers inside her pussy, but Rye’s. It was him touching her, sliding his fingertips over the sensitive place in her channel. It was him who withdrew his fingers and let them glide over her clit.

  “What are you doing now?” he asked, his voice gruff.

  “Touching my clit.”

  “I want you naked. Lay down the phone and take off your shirt.”

  Once her T-shirt lay on the floor with her panties, she picked up the phone again. “Okay.”

  “You’re naked?”


  “God, babe, I wish I was with you. I want to kiss you so bad, I ache.”

  Alaina touched her mouth. She spread her juices over it as she thought about Rye’s lips pressed to hers, his naked body covering hers, his cock sliding into her pussy. It was always so hard, so big, when he took her. She licked her fingers and moaned at the taste of herself on her skin.

  “Tell me what you’re doing.”

  She almost told him, but stopped and asked him a question instead. “Are you touching your cock?”


  “Is it hard?”

  “God, yes.”

  She slid her hand between her thighs again. More cream oozed from her channel. She gathered it on her fingers and spread it over her clit. “Are you going to come?”

  “Not until you do.”

  Her pussy clenched at the thought of Rye sliding his hand up and down his rod, over the head, squeezing his balls. She’d love to watch him do that. “I’m close.”

  “Me too.”

  Alaina rubbed her clit faster. “Feels so good.”


  His voice sounded as if he had gravel in his throat. The sexy sound sent heat through her. Sweat popped out on her skin. Her breathing quickened into little pants.

  “I’m right there with you, babe,” Rye said. “I’m right there beside you, rubbing your clit, sucking your nipple, kissing your lips. I’m gonna come so deep inside you.”


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