A Witch's Destiny

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A Witch's Destiny Page 10

by E. J. Bennett

  Immediately it set to work as all the other followers were paralyzed and Blackclaw was only left with Amy’s twin sister who wasn’t affected because of who she was.

  Moving swiftly Vanir released Divina while Aiden confronted Blackclaw. He had a quick jolt of guilt as he realized she was the girl he had flashed his canines at who then passed out. He didn’t know she was Aiden’s offspring.

  Blackclaw lunged himself at Aiden and he was received with bullets laden with a powerful potion mixed by Amy. He dropped to the ground withering in pain. Aiden was glad he was getting at Blackclaw. The witch helped Blackclaw up and they both retreated.

  “I will kill all of you I promise you,” he said as he retreated to the inner house under a protective shield created by his ex wife’s evil twin.

  “I will be waiting,’’ Aiden said with some joy and a wink. He would talk the bastard out one day soon.

  Aiden turned to his daughter and embraced her warmly. He checked her body for any injury.

  “Are you alright pumpkin?’’

  “Am happy to see you dad’’ Divina said as she hugged her dad tightly.

  “Sorry to break the reunion but we have to go now’’ Vanir said.

  “No, we can’t just leave, I saw some girls down there in a cell, we have to rescue them too.’’ Divina said willing to head back into danger to save someone else’s life. Even though she had just come close to losing her own.

  “They are fine my dear,’’ Vanir said with a little smile. She would make a fine witch he though as he looked at the relief on her face.

  Chapter 15

  Kane drove into the magnificent compound that was hidden within wood. He had travelled out of town to get some explanations on his recent dreams and fantasies about Divina. Hell he didn’t even know the girl. Yet his dreams were out of control. He needed some answers and after meeting some mediums he was left with questions rather than answers. He alighted from his black sedan and moved quietly to the front door noticing his nephew looking at him from the window overhead. He pushed the door slightly and breezed in with a smile

  “I missed you’,’ Kane said while dropping his bag on the floor with a loud thud.

  “So did you get some answers?’’ Byrd asked inquisitively.

  “More questions than answers,’’ he said a little dejected.

  “Kane you have to let that girl go you know that right?’’

  “Stop trailing her around,‘’

  “Please not again am tired, ‘’ Kane said looking away from him.

  “Am begging you not to cause any trouble for us, remember why we moved here in the first place?”

  “First I moved here and you followed. Second, there is something special about this girl I can’t help or hide my feelings,’’

  “You really need to control this feeling of yours if you want to survive.” Byrd said with a stern look.

  Realizing that he wasn’t going to win the argument with his nephew, he complained of jet lag and moved towards his room saying quietly,

  “I will find out why this Divina is special at all cost,” He needed answers or she was going to drive him insane. He feared she already had. They may just be dreams but still he felt like he had been given a taste of her and now he was hooked.

  Divina descended the stairs and saw her parents in a deep discussion. They immediately stopped when they saw her and she guessed that something was wrong, or about her.

  “What’s wrong dad, mum?’’ she asked quietly dreading the answer yet needing to know.

  “Well err nothing, ‘’ Amy replied.

  “Please don’t hide anything from me again,’’ she pleaded looking at her dad she couldn’t do with anymore lies and secrets. Look at what the last lot had done to her.

  “Well it is nothing really honey,’’ Aiden said gesturing to Divina to hug him.

  Amy and Aiden hugged their daughter and they were happy that their girl was alive and safe. Divina broke the hug and said,

  “Dad, Mum there is this guy I always have dreams about,’’ she said quietly not sure how to really tell them that she was having the most sensational dreams ever.

  “Yes continue,’’ They both chorused eagerly waiting for her to spill the beans.

  “Well am always errm close in all the dreams,’’ she said shy fully.

  “Close?’’ Aiden asked with a little frown.

  “Yes I mean we do things,’’ she chipped in her cheeks already burning hot with embarrassment.

  “Have sex?’’ Amy asked with her eyebrows raised and her mouth slightly hung open.

  “C’mon mum,’’ Divina said giving her the weird look.

  “His name is Kane and he lives in this town,’’

  “Really?’’ Aiden said more concerned than before now.

  “Well my dear you have to be careful’’ her mother said. Looking at her Aiden who also wore an expression of alarm on his face.

  “And tell me the next time this happens’’ Aiden said.

  With that they all went into the kitchen to prepare dinner.

  BACK AT Blackclaw’s compound. Blackclaw was seen pacing up and down in the courtyard while his subjects continued to wallow and shiver in fear. The last time Blackclaw was this angry he killed one of his own with just a swing of his sword. No one wanted to die. They all wanted to live to enjoy the benefits of being under Blackclaw, the most dreaded ruler of the vampire world.

  “I want that girl dead at all cost!’’ he bellowed his hands clenching into fists at his fury.

  “She must not fulfill her destiny,’’ he warned them all.

  Darren stepped forward and bowed to Blackclaw indicating he had a solution.

  “You better have something worthwhile to say or your head will be used as a football,’’ Blackclaw said, still pacing up and down.

  “My general I have a suggestion,” he said cowardly in fear taking a few paces back.

  ‘’yes go on,’’ Blackclaw said with blood shots eyes. He stopped midstride ready to hear what the idiot had to say.

  “The best way to get the girl is through her friend,’’

  “What do you mean?” Blackclaw asked.

  “Divina would do anything for her friend especially if she was in danger,’’

  “So what are you suggesting?’’ Blackclaw replied impatiently. Why couldn’t the moron just spit it out without taking the long route?

  “Get her friend, turn her and send her to kill Divina,’’ he concluded with a grin on his face.

  “That’s a good plan. It wouldn’t cost me a thing,”

  “Get the girl and bring her to me,’’ he instructed his followers.

  “If you mess this up Darren,” Blackclaw extracted his claw and rand it across his neck while holding a menacing look upon his face. Darren gulped as he nodded and turned to do the bidding of his general.

  MELISSA WAS LYING ON the sofa in her parent’s living room watching a program on the satellite that was teaching about girls’ empowerment.

  “Well this is good,’’ she thought.

  The thought of not seeing Divina for a good few days now crossed her mind and she stretched across the table to get her phone and dialed Divina’s cell. The summer was supposed to be the two off them hanging out and partying. Yet she had hardly seen the girl.

  “Ding ding,” the phone rang on continually.

  “Hey Melissa,” Divina finally answered the phone.

  “Hey Pumpkin,’’ Melissa answered her. She had once heard Amy call her that. She had found it funny, they way Divina had rolled her eyes at the baby name.

  “Divina where have you been? No calls?’’ Melissa interrogated the girl. She needed her friend. Boredom had set in and she wanted to have some fun.

  “Been busy, lately,’’ Divina said not willing to discuss her ordeals with Melissa. How could she? It would only bring her trouble. Keeping her distance was for the best.

  A tap was heard on Melissa’s door and she moved to answer the door still talking to

  “Hey Darren, this is a surprise come in.’’ She said delightfully. She had met him a few times when she had been to the city to see Divina. Yet he had Divina had split more than two years ago.

  “I wasn’t expecting you. I am just talking to Divina on the phone,’’ she said gleefully. Perhaps he had come to confess his is undying love and she could watch a romance unfold with her own eyes instead of on a TV screen.

  The mention of Darren’s name sent shivers down Divina’s spine, she tries to warn Melissa.

  “Melissa listen to me don’t-” she was about to warn her before Melissa cut in.

  Don’t worry Divina,’’ she replied.

  “You don’t understand Melissa don’t-’’

  Darren rushed to Melissa and grabbed the phone from her hand in the process knocking Melissa out with one meaty fist.

  “Hello Divina, I got her,’’ Darren said with some excitement and a manic laugh.

  “Darren! Please don’t do this, she is-” She couldn’t complete her sentence as the phone went dead.

  A confused Divina prayed silently for the safety of Melissa. Still holding the phone to her ear tears welled in her eyes. What was she to do? They had taken Melissa. She wasn’t a part of any of it.

  Chapter 16

  Back at Blackclaw’s compound, Melissa woke up with a big headache and pains running all over her body. She opened her eyes slightly to see Darren and the other followers of Blackclaw jumping around in the courtyard. She wondered where she was but was too tired to move or say anything. Blackclaw entered from the inner room and the courtyard fell silent as he walked towards Melissa.

  Instantly she got the impression that he was the ring leader. He looked like death himself with his sheer white skin and ugly veins that poked out over his face. When she caught a flash of his red eyes she screamed. A blood curdling scream that sent her whole body into a frenzy.

  Before long her energy was spent and Blackclaw gave her a cunning smile.

  “How are you feeling lil girl’’ he asked in a not so caring tone.

  “Please don’t hurt me,” Melissa said forcing the words out of her mouth.

  “No worries little girl. On the contrary, we are here to help you. Mellissa! You have been empowered,’’ he said to the cheering of his followers.

  “What do you mean?”

  Melissa pushed herself from the floor and as she stumbled to her feet, she noticed the bite on her neck it pulsated like crazy.. She wondered what it was as she looked around the courtyard searching for familiar faces, she saw none except Darren and she looked at him expecting some explanations but none was forthcoming. She was blind folded and was moved to a van to take her home.

  DIVINA MOVED WITH EXTREME caution as she approached Melissa house, she was surprised to have gotten a call from Melissa telling her that she was afraid and she didn’t know what was happening to her. She immediately jumped out of bed and promised Melissa that she would come over to her house as soon as possible. There she was walking cautiously because she knew going to Melissa’s house could be a trap but the distress in Melissa’s voice was poignant for her too discard. She parked her Peugeot very close to the lawn and alighted from the vehicle sensing a presence watching her in the vicinity. She shrugged off the feeling of being scared because she had been taught some powerful spells by her mother that was capable of paralyzing any supernatural beings even Blackclaw. Coupled with that, Aiden had taught her some moves in physical combat, she was more than ready. She felt more powerful than before. No longer the helpless witch. She was ready to end the shit that had been handed to her.

  But unknown to Divina, Kane was there. He was desperate for some answers and he was hoping to talk to her in the expectation of getting some answers on the way his live had been rotating round the same spot especially his dreams. Watching from a good distance he noticed the way Divina turned briefly to look around and he wondered whether she had seen him.


  “No she can’t. She isn’t a vamp’’ he concluded for himself. He watched as she held her body rigid like she was expecting a fight. What could have gotten her back up? He asked himself.

  Divina got to the front door and tapped the wood quietly reciting the spells her mom had taught her. This was a case of praying for the best but expecting the worst. She was eager to see Melissa safe and at the same time she knew it could be a trap laid for her by Blackclaw and Darren.

  “Come on in Divina,” Melissa said ushering her friend in with a forced smile. One look and Divina knew something was wrong. She was deathly pale.

  Divina hesitated before going in but she eventually entered and quickly took a glance at the room trying to find any clue of a vampire or a werewolf fight. She saw none. She hugged Melissa tightly and exclaimed,

  “Oh Melissa thank God you are safe’’ still holding unto her friend in a death grip.

  She noticed that Melissa was not chatty and ebullient as expected, for she knew Melissa very well. She was called the “talker’’ in high school because of the life she could inject into a boring group and especially how she could persuade and lift a down trodden spirit but this Melissa was nowhere close to that. Divina wondered what was wrong with her friend.

  “Hey Mell’s have you become a melancholy? Like really what’s wrong?”

  Melissa tried to explain but it was to no avail. She broke into uncontrollable tears. Divina couldn’t understand.

  “Darre ... Darren your ex’’ she said as tears continued to drop from her eyes and trickle down her hollow cheeks.

  “It’s ok Mellissa,’’ Divina said hugging her tightly and shhing her in a way a mother would.

  Kane who has been heaving on their conversation couldn’t help but come closer to the window sill and wondered what was wrong with the two girls.

  “Why are humans this dumb?” he thought.

  “Stop crying and explain what is wrong,” Divina spoke warmly.

  Melissa sat Divina down and explained to her how Darren abducted her, took her to a strange compound and how she was unconscious all through.

  Unknowingly to Melissa, Divina had passed through the same ordeals some weeks ago. She knew how she felt, and Melissa was just too innocent she needed to comfort her friend.

  “Darren is a nitwit,’’

  “He will be dealt with don’t worry’’ she said hugging Melissa once more.

  The exchange of emotions led to a flurry of other emotions in Melissa having Divina there was comforting but she was feeling somewhat different. Melissa rested her head on Divina’s neck and she could literally feel the veins in her neck pumping blood. She has been craving for blood since the she had got back from Blackclaw’s camp.

  Melissa tried to pull away from Divina but Divina would have none of it and she held on tightly unto Melissa. Unable to free herself from Divina, she gave in to the urge. Melissa bit into Divina’s neck.

  “Ouch Mellissa,’’ Divina withdrew holding her neck with blood pouring out. She looked at Melissa who had blood dripping from her mouth and chin and eyes as wild as a feral animal.

  “Am sorry Divina I couldn’t help it am sorry,’’

  “What the hell Mellissa you want to kill me?’’

  “Am sorry I just keep on craving for blood,” she said as she lunged herself at Divina with super speed.

  Divina was dumbfounded and reluctant to use the spells she has been taught by her mother on her own friend. Melissa was on Divina and both were frantically trying hard to subdue the other. Melissa was like a crazed animal growing and grunting. Her jaw and teeth snapping at Divina.

  “Melissa stop! This isn’t you!’’ Divina pleaded with her.

  ‘’I can’t help it,’’ Melissa’s eyes spread with blood shots and Divina gulped. She couldn’t hurt Melissa. Yet she may not have a choice. What did they do to her?

  As Melissa was going in for another bite, Kane who had been watching quietly from outside barged in and pushed Melissa away with his super strength. He
helped Divina and Mellissa was unable to control herself as she lunged herself at Kane but she met his fist with her jaw. She dropped to the floor and cowered in pain. Kane straightened himself and turned to Divina,

  “Stupid girl didn’t you know?” he asked.

  “Know what huh,” she responded in fear. She didn’t know what was happening to her friend.

  “She is a vampire dummy,’’ he said sarcastically and he restrained Melissa with a chain he found nearby.

  “Vampire, how?” Divina was more confused than ever.

  “You don’t know what a vampire is?” he said almost emotionless.

  “I know, and a vampire can only be subdued by a supernatural being not human,” Divina replied to him but she was confused on how her friend became a vampire.

  Kane took a good look at Divina and he was amazed by her beauty. She is a well-rounded girl who could bring any man to his knees.

  “This is a poison,” he said aloud holding a vile that Divina had dropped on the floor.

  She nodded at him and noticed the way Kane kept looking at her and she knew something was going through his mind but she could care less about herself right now. Melissa was hurting bad and she wanted to help her friend.

  “Please help my friend,’’ she begged Kane.

  Kane couldn’t resist her plea he moved towards Melissa and bit himself. He gave her some of his blood. .Mellissa sucked deeply into Kane’s wrist and after a few minutes she was relieved. She was back to normal. Or if you could call the not a feral animal but still a vamp normal. She looked at Divina and was ashamed of herself it was written in her pitiful eyes.

  “I’m so sorry Divina,” she said quietly

  “It’s alright Mellissa I understand,’’ Divina didn’t really understand, but what else was she supposed to say. Her best friend had just tried to kill her.

  “Darren did this and he will pay for it.’’ Divina gritted her teeth as white hot rage took over every pour of her body.


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