by Sara Ney
A friendship with a woman I haven’t even met in person.
So, Chelle, thank you.
And thank you for introducing me to other brilliant, funny, foul mouthed woman whom I respect, admire, and have come to trust; without the Book Swappers, I probably still wouldn’t know what the *bleep* I was doing. They give me insight, laughter and advice on a daily basis. Although, also thanks to Chelle, they think I like porn. But… whatever. I soooo don’t.
Thank you Murphy. Reading your comments in my manuscripts is like reading short stories themselves. You’re an incredible artist, wordsmith, and editor. A true industry professional. I hope that someday, I can return the favor and teach you a bit of knowledge that helps you in some, small way, as you’ve certainly helped me. Wait. Are you editing this shit right now? Youu are, arew’t you.?
Chelle and Murphy. Every day you help me grow and become a better writer. Mostly by saying things like “No. NO! Just, no.”
Of course, a big thank you to the husband, who is amazing, supportive, and proud. He supplies me with all the Starbucks I need to stay awake during the day so I can write, and doesn’t comment on the fact that I stay up all night reading. My beautiful girls, who are incredible, funny, and beautiful. Talented and smart. Like moi.
Abby. My muse. Thank you for reading and reading and for the feedback. Somewhere out there is a guy who will make you blush, but for all the right reasons—and for once, you will stare at him for more than 3 seconds before looking away. You’re brilliant and clever, and I’m so glad to know you and call you my friend.
This book is for you.