The Teflon Queen PT 3

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by Silk White

  The Teflon Queen PT 3

  A Novel by Silk White

  Editor: Kesha Buckhana

  Cover design: Davida Baldwin

  Typesetter: Harriet Wilson


  Copyright ©2014 by Silk White


  Published 2014 by


  7311 W. Glass Lane • Laveen, AZ 85339

  on Smashwords

  twitter @good2gobooks


  All rights reserved, therefore no part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission expert in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For more information, contact publisher. This novel is a work of fiction. All the characters, organizations, establishments, and events portrayed in this novel are either product of the author’s imagination or are fiction.

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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  ThirdLane Marketing: Brian James

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  ISBN: 9780989185981

  Books By This Author

  Married To Da Streets

  Never Be The Same


  Tears of a Hustler

  Tears of a Hustler 2

  Tears of a Hustler 3

  Tears of a Hustler 4

  Tears of a Hustler 5

  Teflon Queen

  Teflon Queen 2

  Teflon Queen 3


  To you reading this right now. Thank you for stepping inside the bookstore, stopping by the library, or downloading a copy of The Teflon Queen 3. I hope you have enjoyed this read from top to bottom. My goal is to get better and better with each story. I want to thank everyone for all their love and support. It is definitely appreciated!

  Now without further ado Ladies and Gentleman, I give you The Teflon Queen 3. ENJOY!


  “Come on we have to go…,” Randy said looking over both shoulders in the mall as he held a firm grip on his daughter’s hand and pulled her along.

  “But daddy I’m tired,” Ashley whined. Her little twelve-year-old legs were tired and needed a rest. She didn’t quite understand why they had to move so quickly.

  Randy glanced over his shoulder one last time before slipping off into the men’s room. Once inside the bathroom Randy grabbed the garbage can and slid it in front of the door.

  “Daddy I’m tired. Can we...”

  “Shut up!” Randy snapped as he shoved his hand down in his pocket and removed a thumb drive. “Ashley listen to me carefully,” he said squatting down so he could look his daughter in the eye. “No matter what happens, you keep this with you at all times. I don’t care what happens. Do you understand?”

  Ashley nodded her head up and down.

  “What did I just say?” Randy quizzed her.

  “No matter what happens to keep this with me at all times,” Ashley repeated with a scared look on her face.

  “And don’t show it to no one! You hear, and I mean no one!” he stressed as he slipped the thumb drive down into Ashley’s front pocket. “I love you,” Randy said as he hugged his daughter tightly. Seconds later the bathroom door came crashing open and in stepped five hard faced men.

  “Randy! Randy! Randy!” the leader of the pack spoke. He was a Caucasian man with a rugged beard. “You really disappointed me and you really disappointed Mr. Clarke.”

  “What do you want from me?” Randy asked.

  “Don’t play stupid with me. You know what the fuck I want!” the leader barked. “Hand it over and everyone can walk away from here alive,” he lied.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Randy said with a straight face. Without warning, the leader of the pack removed a .45 from his shoulder holster and slapped Randy across the face with it, sending blood splattering all over the bathroom mirror. He then grabbed Randy by the collar of his shirt and pressed the barrel of the gun an inch deep into his temple.

  “Last time I’m going to ask you! Where... is... it?” the leader asked through clenched teeth.

  “Hold on! You ain’t gon get it if you kill me,” Randy protested. “Let me speak to Mr. Clarke and see if we can work something out.”

  “Mr. Clarke is done talking. He already made you an offer. You declined and now here I am,” the leader told him. “Now you got to the count of three to give me what I came here for or else I’m going to splatter your brains all over this bathroom,” he threatened.

  “Come on this really isn’t necessary,” Randy, pleaded.

  “One,” the leader began counting off.

  “Please don’t do this; please,” Randy begged.


  Having no other options, Randy grabbed the leader’s wrist and tried to wrestle the gun out of his hands. “Ashley run!!!” he yelled as the other gunmen removed their guns and aimed them at him.

  Ashley quickly took off running. When she reached the bathroom door, she looked back and witnessed her father’s head get blown off. After Randy was already dead, the gunmen pumped his body with a dozen more bullets just for wasting their time. Tears slid down Ashley’s face as she took off out the men’s room never looking back.

  The leader searched Randy’s dead body for what he was looking for and when he came up empty it just pissed him off even more. “He must of gave it to the little girl. Find her and bring her to me!” he ordered as he watched the rest of the gunmen exit the restroom in search of the little girl.

  Ashley ran through the mall blindly. She had no clue where to go or what to do without her father. All she knew was that someone murdered her father and those same men were now after her trying to kill her. As Ashley ran through the mall she spotted a mall security guard standing by a sneaker store trying to rap to a Spanish woman who was pushing a stroller.

  “Help! Help!” Ashley yelled as she ran up to the security guard. “They just killed my father and now they trying to kill me!” she said out of breath.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down for a second,” the security guard said smiling down at the little girl that stood before him. “Now who’s after you?”

  “Some men with guns!” Ashley told him, but for some reason the guard wasn’t taking her serious.

  “Where are your parents?” the security guard asked with a cheesy smile. Seeing that the security guard wasn’t going to be any help, Ashley took off running again.

  “Crazy ass kid,” the guard spat, until he saw four men running in his direction. “Hey!” he yelled with authority. “No running in the mall!”

  “Oh I’m so sorry sir. I was just trying to find my daughter. She ran away,” the gunman lied.

  “I just saw her run that way,” the security guard said pointing in the direction that the little girl had ran.

  “Thank you so much,” the gunman said as he fired two bullets into the guard’s stomach and laughed as the security guard crumbled down to the floor.

  Ashley continued running even after she heard two loud thunderous shots go off that sent the entire mall into a frenzy. A mini stampede broke out. Ashley smartly did her best to blend in with the crowd in an attempt to get away from the gunmen without getting noticed. Ashley saw a door to h
er right with a big sign over the top that read EXIT. She quickly went through the door and it lead to a set of stairs. Ashley ran down the stairs looking back over her shoulders. She continued to run until she crashed into someone.

  “Are you okay?”

  Ashley looked up and saw a woman with blonde hair and a pair of dark shades covering her eyes standing before her.

  “Please help me,” Ashley cried. “They killed my father and now they’re trying to kill me,” she said to the woman.

  “Who’s trying to kill you?”

  Before Ashley could answer, the staircase door busted open and a man with a mean looking scowl on his face started heading down the stairs in an aggressive manner.

  The woman with the blonde hair quickly stationed the little girl behind her to keep her out of harm’s way. “Hey what’s going on here?” she asked the man with her hands raised in surrender.

  “Bitch!” the gunman growled as he pulled a 9mm from the small of his back, cocked it, and aimed it at the blonde haired woman’s forehead. “Turn around and leave before you get your head blown off!” he threatened while still walking.

  Without warning the woman with the blonde hair slapped the gunman’s hand, sending the gun flying in the air. She swiftly moved behind him and threw him in a chokehold catching the gun with her free hand. Before the gunman got a chance to say a word, she pulled the trigger sending his brains flying out the back of his skull. She then tossed the gunman’s lifeless body down the stairs as if it was a piece of trash. The sound of the staircase door busting open again grabbed her attention. Up at the top of the steps she spotted three men who had entered the staircase all carrying guns.

  The woman with the blonde hair raised the 9mm and fired off three shots in a rapid succession. Seconds later three bodies toppled down the steps awkwardly.

  The woman with the blonde hair turned to Ashley and extended her hand. “I’m Angela, come with me if you want to live.”

  Ashley looked down at all the dead bodies, then back up at the woman with the blonde hair, and reluctantly took her hand.


  Teflon Queen 3

  Chapter 1


  The leader of the pack entered the staircase and immediately pulled his .45 from his holster when he spotted four of his comrades sprawled out dead lying lifelessly on the steps. He pulled out his cell phone and made a quick call. “Keep your eyes open it looks like the little girl has got some help. Shoot on site. I repeat, shoot on sight,” he said and then ended the call. After he ended his call, the man with the beard stepped out the staircase and into the parking lot. His eyes immediately scanned from left to right as he moved swiftly through the lot until he spotted a woman with blonde hair shutting the back door to her car. It was something about the woman with the blonde hair that didn’t sit right with the man with the beard.

  “Excuse me ma’am!” he called out, but the woman kept on moving as if she didn’t hear him. “Ma’am! Ma’am!” he called out moving faster towards the vehicle. When he made it a few feet away from the vehicle, he saw the little girl he was looking for. She looked back at him through the back window. Without thinking twice he raised his gun, aimed it at her head, and pulled the trigger; taking out the whole back window. At first the man with the beard was going to let the little girl live; that was until he saw his dead comrades laid out in the staircase.

  Angela threw the car in reverse and stomped down on the gas.


  “Keep your head down,” Angela said in a calm tone as shattered glass rained down on top of Ashley’s head. She looked up and saw a man with a thick rugged beard running full speed towards the car. Seconds later bullets rained through the front windshield leaving holes the size of golf balls.

  With the car still in reverse, Angela grabbed the 9mm from her lap and returned fire right from the front seat causing the gunman with the beard to duck and dodge to keep from taking an unwanted bullet. Angela tossed the gun back down on her lap and looked out the shattered back window as she tried to steer her and little girl to safety. She didn’t know who these men were or how many of them there were out there.

  Angela made flying through the parking lot in reverse look easy. In a flash, she stomped down on the brakes and cut the wheel hard to the left causing the car to fishtail sending her body crashing into the door. She then swiftly threw the gear in drive and gunned the engine. “Keep your head down,” she said over her shoulder. Before Angela could make it out of the parking lot, she spotted another gunman up ahead.

  Without warning, the gunman opened fire on the vehicle that headed straight for him. Angela kept her head low and kept her foot on the gas. The vehicle ran dead into the gunman sending his head crashing through the front windshield. His body did several flips and summersaults through the air and then violently came crashing down on the concrete.

  Angela looked back in the back seat and saw a scared Ashley looking up at her. “Just keep your head down and you’re going to be fine.” As soon as the words left her lips Angela heard a loud thump on the roof of her car. Seconds later a gloved hand shot through the driver’s door window shattering the glass and grabbed Angela forcefully by the throat. Angela quickly reached down on her lap, grabbed the 9mm, raised it, and fired off four shots up into the roof of the car. Immediately the hand that was wrapped around her throat released its grip.

  Ashley sat in the back seat and watched as the dead body slid awkwardly off the roof of the car. She wasn’t too sure of what was going on, but she was thankful for the stranger with the blonde hair who had come to her rescue.

  Angela cut the wheel hard to the right and then quickly stomped down on the brakes when she saw a parked car up ahead blocking the exit. Four gunmen hopped out the car all holding automatic weapons.

  Angela smoothly slid out the front seat of the car, moved towards the back door, and snatched Ashley out of her seat. They moved swiftly between all the parked cars until they reached a pickup truck. “Hide under here,” Angela whispered as she helped Ashley hide under the pickup truck. “I’ll be back for you in a second.”

  Ashley remained quiet and replied with a simple scared head nod, but her eyes begged Angela not to leave her.

  “I’ll be back. I promise,” Angela said as she removed a silenced .380 from her shoulder holster and quickly moved along through the parking lot.

  The first gunman never knew what hit him. A throwing knife penetrated his rib cage from behind, piercing his heart causing him to slither down to the ground bleeding. “One down and three more to go,” Angela said to herself as she crept through the parking lot in search of the next gunman.

  The next gunman stood near a parked car fumbling around in his jacket for his cell phone when a silenced .380 slug blew through his skull fragmenting on impact, and sending several chunks of lead shredding through his cerebrum. He never knew he was dying, he’d merely stopped being alive. His stay on earth ended before his body even hit the pavement.

  Angela moved through the parking lot with the quietness of a cat. The third gunman stood with his back to her looking for any signs of movement in the opposite direction. A woman’s hand quickly covered his mouth as a knife was plunged down into the side of his neck.

  The last gunman moved throughout the parking lot in a low crouch. He didn’t know who the blonde hair woman was, but the one thing he did know was that she was extremely dangerous. He took one more step and then froze up like a statue when he felt the cold steel of a pistol being pressed to the back of his head.

  “Why are y’all after the girl?” Angela asked placing the final gunman in a choke hold.

  “She has something that belongs to my boss.”

  “Who’s your boss?”

  “Names aren’t important,” the gunman growled. “What’s important is that you know that you’re going to die when my boss finds out about...”

  A bullet to the gunman’s head silenced him forever.

  Ashley lay on the cold concre
te floor underneath the truck. Something inside of her was telling her to try and make a run for it, but fear kept her frozen still. She almost shit her pants when she felt a hand grab a hold of her ankle. Ashley fixed her mouth to scream until she looked and saw that the hand belonged to the woman with the blonde hair.

  “Come on we gotta go,” Angela said as she rushed Ashley over towards the empty vehicle that the gunmen rode in. Once they were inside the vehicle, the tires burnt rubber as they peeled out of the parking lot.

  Chapter 2


  Mr. Clarke sat in his office listening to the man with the beard explain to him what went wrong. He was pissed off, but did his best to remain calm. “So please explain to me how a man and a twelve year old child managed to escape several men who call themselves killers?”

  “Sir, Randy wasn’t a problem and neither was the twelve year old child.”

  “Then what was the problem?” Mr. Clarke asked with a raised brow.

  “This woman came out of nowhere; some woman with blonde hair and dark sunglasses. Whoever this woman was, she was a professional,” the man with the beard explained.

  “You said the woman had blonde hair and dark shades?” Mr. Clarke repeated with a worried look on his face. There was only one woman he knew who fit that description. He quickly turned on his computer and pulled up a picture of Angela and then turned the monitor towards the man with the beard. “Is this the woman from the mall?”

  The man with the beard looked closely at the monitor and instantly his face turned into a frown. “Yeah that’s her. Who is she?”

  “Her name is Angela, but the underworld knows her as The Teflon Queen!” Mr. Clarke announced with a look of stress plastered across his face. He knew that if The Teflon Queen was now in the picture that things were sure to get messy. “Fuck! I need that thumb drive!”


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