The Teflon Queen PT 3

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The Teflon Queen PT 3 Page 3

by Silk White

  Mr. & Mrs. Chamber both slipped ear pieces in their ears before exiting the B.M.W.

  Frank stepped foot in the restaurant and immediately his eyes quickly searched each face. His eyes stopped when they landed on a woman with shades on indoors and a child who sported a baseball cap that blocked part of its face. The baseball cap was low and it was hard for him to tell if the child was a boy or a girl. “Two tangos match the description at 3 o’clock,” he said in a light whisper. His words registered in Kate’s earpiece.

  She quickly glanced in that direction without making it obvious. “Hard to tell,” she replied.

  “Hi, welcome to Denny’s. Two?” the hostess asked like she loved working at the restaurant for tips.

  “Yes and we’d like a booth please.”

  “Sure, right this way,” the hostess said as she escorted the couple to a vacant booth. “Is this okay?”

  “This is perfect. Thank you,” Frank replied with a charming smile. Once they were seated, they discreetly looked over at the woman with the dark shades on and the child trying to see if they had located their targets.

  “You think that’s them?” Kate asked.

  “Hard to tell, but I think so,” Frank replied. “I’m about to make a move.”

  “No. I got this one,” Kate said. “Just cover me.”

  “Got you,” Frank said as he removed a 9mm from his holster, cocked it, and passed it to his wife under the table. He knew if she pulled out the tech-9, it would draw too much attention.

  * * *

  “Thank you,” Angela said politely as the waitress sat their food down on the table. “You sure you going to be able to eat all that?”

  Ashley nodded her head up and down with a smile on her face. “I told you I was hungry,” she laughed.

  Angela hated to admit, but she was kind of enjoying Ashley’s company. This was definitely something different.

  “I bet you I can eat all this food in three minutes,” Ashley challenged with a grin.

  Angela looked down at Ashley’s full plate. “You gon eat all that in three minutes? No way!”

  “Wanna bet?”

  “No. What if you choke?” Angela said laughing. “Then what?”

  “I’m not going to choke,” Ashley said. “Me and my dad used to do this all the time.”

  “That’s a lot of food. I don’t think you can eat all that in three minutes.”

  “Okay well if I do, then you have to take me to get some ice cream,” Ashley said.

  “And if you don’t?”

  “Pick something.”

  “Okay if you don’t eat all the food in three minutes, you won’t complain about us being in the room all day.”

  “Bet,” Ashley said sticking out her pinky. Angela looked at her pinky with a confused look on her face.

  “It’s not a bet unless we lock pinkies,” Ashley said with a smile as she held out her pinky.

  “Bet,” Angela said as she locked pinkies with Ashley. “Okay you can start eating.... Now!”

  Immediately Ashley dug down and began to devour her food. The site of the little girl eating her food like a savage brought a smile to Angela’s face. As Angela watched Ashley eat her food, she looked up and noticed a white man and a Japanese woman acting as if they weren’t watching her and Ashley’s every move. Angela spotted them as soon as they entered the restaurant. Everything about them screamed trouble; from the way they walked, even down to the clothes that they wore.

  “All done!” Ashley announced with her jaws filled with food.

  Angela looked down at her watch. “Two minutes and thirty seconds.”

  “Told you I could do it,” Ashley smiled.

  “Drink some juice so you don’t choke. Then I need you to come with me to the bathroom,” Angela said with her tone changing from friendly to serious.

  “Is something wrong?” Ashley asked with a nervous look on her face.

  “No,” Angela replied as she rose up from her seat, grabbed Ashley’s hand, and escorted her to the woman’s bathroom. Once inside the bathroom, Angela quickly checked to make sure that they were in there alone. She then rushed over towards the window and opened it. “Listen, I’m going to need you to hide in this last stall until I tell you to come out. Understand?”

  Ashley nodded her head up and down. She didn’t know what was going on, but she knew something was definitely about to go down.

  “If anything happens, I want you to jump out this window and find someone that can call the police for you. You understand?”

  Ashley nodded her head up and down.

  “Good! Now go hide in the stall,” Angela told her.

  * * *

  Kate watched closely as the woman with the dark shades and child got up and entered the bathroom. She waited fifteen seconds before she got up and headed in the direction of the restroom.

  Once Kate entered the restroom, Frank got up and walked over towards the restroom and stood outside to make sure no one entered or exited.

  Kate entered the restroom and immediately she spotted the woman in the dark shades standing at the sink washing her hands. Her eyes quickly scanned the entire bathroom. The child was nowhere in sight and the window was left wide open. “The little girl must of jumped out the window,” Kate said to herself as she walked over towards the sink next to the woman with shades and pretended like she was brushing imaginary dusk off of her suit jacket.

  Kate removed a rubber band from her pocket and placed her long hair in a neat ponytail as the woman with the shades began to dry her hands off with a few paper towels. “Angela right?” Kate said in an attempt to catch the woman off guard. The unexpected look that the woman with the shades gave her, told her that she was indeed no other than the so called Teflon Queen.

  With the quickness of a rattle snake, Kate snatched a 9mm from the small of her back and pointed it towards Angela.

  On point Angela caught Kate’s wrist causing the fire arm to discharge by accident. She bent Kate’s wrist backwards causing the gun to drop and slid up under the stall.

  Kate launched her head forward, breaking Angela’s nose with a vicious head butt. She gripped Angela’s throat with one hand and shoved her head back into the mirror with so much force that it shattered on impact. Kate threw another punch, but Angela weaved it and landed a hard left hook to Kate’s ribs.

  The two assassins then squared off in the middle of the bathroom. Angela surprised Kate by launching herself at her face leading with her elbow. She felt a satisfying connection with her jaw. The blow dropped Kate right where she stood and would have knocked out many of men. Thinking the fight was over, Angela got ready to head over to the stall when out of nowhere her legs were swept from under her and she fell backwards. Kate had sweep-kicked her and she hadn’t reacted in time. Realizing her error, Angela went with her momentum and rolled breaking her fall as best she could. The pain from the impact shot up her side as she landed on the hard bathroom floor, but she ignored the pain and quickly shot back to her feet.

  Angela stood to her feet and then suddenly a blinding flash of pain spiked up her leg from where Kate’s razor sharp knife had made contact with her leg.

  Kate rushed her, but Angela easily blocked the upward sweep of the knife and leveled a brutal strike to Kate’s throat. Her free hand clutched at her windpipe and with the other hand the two woman fought for control of the knife.

  Outside the bathroom Frank stood by the door with an unsure look on his face. He didn’t know exactly what was going on inside the bathroom, but he could hear what sounded like a good fight taking place in his ear piece. “Thirty seconds and I’m coming in there!”

  As the two woman fought over the knife, Kate could hear Frank’s voice coming in through her ear piece.

  “Are you okay? What’s going on in there?” She heard him ask with concern in his voice. As the two woman continued to fight over the knife, Kate saw Ashley step out the last stall holding her 9mm in her hand with a nervous look on her face.

Shoot her!” Angela yelled. “Ashley shoot her!”

  Ashley held the gun in a two handed grip. She didn’t have a clear shot at Kate. Besides her hands were trembling so bad that if she did take the shot, it was possible that she may of shot Angela by accident. Ashley stood there with the gun in her hand as she watched the two women fight for their lives. Without warning the bathroom door came busting open and in walked Frank. Not knowing what else to do, Ashley aimed the gun at the man, closed her eyes, and fired off two shots.

  Boom! Boom!

  Frank quickly jumped back out of the bathroom as two bullets landed in the wall inches away from his head. The two loud gunshots sent the entire restaurant into a frenzy. Diners ran and stepped on one another in an attempt to get out of the restaurant alive.

  Frank smiled as he removed a smoke grenade from his belt, pulled the pin, and tossed it inside the bathroom. He pulled his other 9mm from his holster as he heard the smoke grenade explode. On a silent count of three Frank entered the bathroom with his gun drawn. At first it was difficult for him to see but after a second his eyes began to adjust to the smoke. “Baby where are you?” he said in a light whisper as he inched further and further inside the bathroom with his pistol aimed straight ahead.

  “The two tangos jumped out the window. I went after them on foot. Get the car, pull around, and try to cut them off!” Kate’s voice cracked through his ear piece. Immediately Frank took off and headed for the car.

  * * *

  Detective Washington sat in his unmarked car when he got the call about a shooting at a local Denny’s restaurant that wasn’t too far from where he was. “Shit!” he cursed as he gunned the engine and rushed towards the restaurant. His mission was to stop as many innocent people from getting shot as possible. If he had to take a wild guess, he was sure that The Teflon Queen was somewhere in the area and had something to do with this madness.

  Before Detective Washington reached the restaurant he stomped down on the brakes just barely missing a woman and a small child who ran out into the middle of the street. Next a Japanese looking woman ran across the street brandishing a fire arm. Detective Washington quickly hopped out his car and removed his Glock from the holster. “Freeze!”

  The Japanese woman spun around with a Tech-9 in her hand. Without warning she opened fire.

  Detective Washington quickly dove over the hood of his car as the loud sound of bullets ricocheting and pinging off the body of his car sounded off loudly. “Shit!” he cursed as he quickly called in for back up.

  * * *

  Angela grabbed Ashley’s hand, when she heard the loud sound of gunfire erupt behind them in several short burst. She quickly ran towards the first car she saw and fired a bullet through the passenger side of the windshield as a warning shot. “Outta the car now!” she yelled with a look on her face that said if the driver didn’t comply she wouldn’t hesitate to shoot him. The driver quickly hopped out of the car and took off in a sprint.

  “Come on!” Angela said as she hopped behind the wheel and watched as Ashley hopped in the back seat. “You know the routine; head down” she said as she stomped down on the gas pedal. As Angela sped away from the scene she saw the Japanese woman began to chase after the car, but with each second that passed the Japanese woman’s image began to shrink smaller and smaller.

  “Who were those people?” Ashley asked peeking her head up from the back seat.

  “I have no idea and I don’t want to find out,” Angela said as she swerved through traffic like a maniac. She was trying to put as much distance between them and the killers as possible. What bothered her the most was that she was clueless of who the two killers were and she wasn’t sure if there were even more of them out there. “Why are these people after you?” Angela asked glancing back at Ashley through the rearview mirror.

  “I don’t know,” Ashley lied. Her father had given her specific instructions not to tell a soul about the thumb drive.

  “Listen Ashley I need you to think really, really, hard. These killers are after you for a reason and I need to know what’s going on so I can protect you.”

  Ashley let Angela’s words sink in for a second and just as she was about to spill the beans, several bullets ripped through the back windshield. Shattered glass showered down on top of Ashley’s head as she felt the car swerve from left to right.

  “Keep your head down!” Angela yelled as she stomped down on the gas. In the rearview mirror she spotted a black sleek B.M.W. speeding up on them from the side. Angela took a closer look and spotted the Japanese woman hanging halfway out the passenger side window with a machine gun clutched in her grip.

  Angela quickly grabbed the silenced .380 from off her lap, stuck her arm out the window and fired off five shots in rapid succession. The five shots caused the B.M.W. to slow its pace a little and that gave Angela a little time to come up with some type of plan.

  Several more bullets from the Japanese woman’s gun tore through the car’s frame and blew out the front tires. The tire blowout caused the car to swerve uncontrollably.

  “Aw shit!” Angela cursed as she gripped the steering wheel as the car took flight and left the road. The car crashed through a series of smaller trees before coming to rest at a larger one with a big bang.

  * * *

  Frank quickly pulled the B.M.W over to the side of the road after witnessing Angela’s car swerve recklessly off of the road and down into the woods. He wasn’t the one for all the games. Frank pulled his 9mm from its holster and screwed a suppressor on the nose of the handgun and then he proceeded down into the woods with Kate in tow.

  Frank spotted Angela’s vehicle sitting idly in front of a big tree. The car was wrecked and the chances of someone surviving a crash like that were slim to none. He held a firm two handed grip on his pistol as he eased his way towards the vehicle. Just as he started to walk up on the car, a down pour of rain dropped down from the sky making it difficult for Frank to hear any sudden movement. He reached the driver’s door and aimed the business end of his gun through the window ready to pull the trigger, but to his surprise the vehicle was empty. “It’s empty,” he said looking over towards Kate. A silent bullet pinged loudly inches away from Frank’s face hitting the body of the vehicle. Frank and Kate immediately took cover behind the vehicle. They didn’t know where Angela was, but they knew she was somewhere close by. They couldn’t see her, but she could definitely see them.

  “The rain is making it hard for me to see,” Kate said as she slapped a fresh clip in her Tech-9.

  “We’ll just have to smoke her out,” Frank told her. “On the count of three!”

  At the count of three, Kate sprang from behind the car and opened fire into the trees while Frank raised his head just above the vehicle looking for any type of movement.

  Kate swept her arms back and forth as she held her finger down on the trigger. While the bullets were flying Frank spotted movement from the corner of his eye.

  “Target moving three o’clock!” Frank said as he took off in that direction. He trotted at a cautious pace not wanting to run into a bullet. As Frank moved, suddenly his legs were swept from up under him sending him crashing down flat on his back. He hit the ground hard and raised his gun to fire off a shot, but his hand was quickly slapped away sending the gun flying out of his hand. A knife was then jammed down into his shoulder.

  Frank ignored the pain as his hand shot out and grabbed Angela by the throat. He tried to squeeze the life out of her.

  Angel could feel the life being squeezed out of her. She quickly grabbed the handle of the knife and gave it a strong turn.

  “Arrrgh!” Frank growled as he released his grip from around Angela’s throat and snatched the knife out of his shoulder.

  “Ashley run!” Angela yelled as she spotted the Japanese woman moving in their direction at a quick pace. Without thinking twice Ashley did as she was told. Fear was making her legs move faster than they had ever moved before.

  Angela quickly ran and dived behind
a large rock as Kate opened fire trying to take her head off.

  “I got her! You go after the girl,” Frank told his wife.

  “Be careful,” Kate said as she took off in a full sprint after the little girl.

  Frank gripped the knife that he ripped from his shoulder tightly as he inched his way towards the rock that Angela hid behind. He quickly sprung around the corner with the knife in his hand ready to attack, but once again Angela was gone.

  “Fuck!!!” Frank cursed as he pulled his back up weapon from the small of his back and took off in the direction he had last seen his wife running in.

  * * *

  Kate sprinted through the woods full speed until she finally caught up with little Ashley. She grabbed her by the back of her shirt and tossed her face first down into a pile of leaves. “Where is it?”

  “Where’s what?” Ashley faked ignorance. She was rewarded with a slap to her face for her answer.

  “Where is the disk, chip, or thumb drive that your father gave you before he died?” Kate asked in a more firm tone.

  “My father didn’t give me anything,” Ashley lied.


  She was rewarded with another slap, a back hand this time.

  “Listen kid,” Kate said grabbing Ashley by the collar of her shirt and jamming her Tech-9 into the child’s rib cage. “One bullet from this gun will put your brains all over these bushes out here. Please don’t play with me. Tell me what I need to know and I’ll be on my way, but if you keep playing with me I’m going to have to hurt you,” she warned.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” a voice said from behind a tree. When Kate looked up two bullets exploded into her rib cage and back area sending her crumbling down to the ground.

  Detective Washington stepped from behind the tree with a smoking .45 in his hand. He was the type to shoot first and ask questions later. “Are you okay?” he asked looking down at little Ashley.

  Ashley nodded her head up and down. Detective Washington looked down at the Japanese woman who was squirming around on the ground in agony. He quickly kneeled down and hand cuffed the woman’s hands behind her back. Then he called in for back up as he hurriedly escorted Ashley out of harm’s way and out of the woods. He would come back for the Japanese woman later. His main priority was to get the little girl to safety.


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