The Teflon Queen PT 3

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The Teflon Queen PT 3 Page 8

by Silk White

  “Aww man,” Ashley whined as she quickly broke down the sniper rifle in a matter of seconds like an expert. Angela was amazed at how fast the young girl was able to learn as much as she had in such a short period of time.

  “Let’s get washed up and ready for dinner,” Angela said as the two strolled through the woods headed back towards the house.

  “What’s for dinner?”

  “I was thinking fried chicken and coconut rice,” Angela answered.

  “Can I help you cook?” Ashley asked with a smile on her face.

  “Sure why not,” Angela replied. Every time she looked at Ashley, she realized that she was all that the little girl had and she made it her responsibility to look after and protect her by any means necessary.

  Once back in the house the two prepared dinner and sat down Indian style on the floor and enjoyed their food. They might not have had much but they were happy. Angela tried to go out and buy Ashley some toys and video games so she could play like a regular kid, but Ashley was anything but a regular kid. Other kids her age were into toys, cartoons, and pranks, but not Ashley. All she cared about was how to assemble and disassemble a rifle in one minute flat, and how it would feel to take a human life. She wondered if it would be as cool as it looked on TV. She was determined to experience what it felt like to take a human life. Ashley felt like the harder she trained and the more experience she had, she would be prepared when it came time to kill.

  Once the two were done eating they both took turns polishing the other one’s fingers and toes. Angela chose the color red and Ashley chose silver.

  “I’m about to hop in the shower real quick. What are you going to get yourself into?” Angela asked as she stood up and stretched.

  “I think I’ll just play this,” Ashley said holding up a video game. Angela grabbed the video game and read the title out loud. “Hit Man!” All she could do was shake her head. “Knock yourself out and I’ll be back in a second.”

  “Wait before you go. Let’s take a picture,” Ashley said pulling out the camera that Angela had just brought for her. Usually Angela was against pictures. In her line of work something as simple as a picture could do a whole lot of damage, but tonight she figured why not. Angela placed her face up against Ashley’s face and smiled as Ashley snapped the picture.

  Ten minutes later Angela entered the bathroom and stripped down butt naked. She hurriedly stepped into the shower and let the water from the showerhead assault her face. The hot water felt good as it sprayed directly on her face. As Angela stood in the shower her hand found its way down to her clit. It had been so long since she’d been with a man. After dealing with James she called herself staying away from men period. Regardless of the fact, she still had needs and there was a strong fire building up between her thighs.

  “Shit,” she moaned as she flicked her fingers across her clit at a fast pace. Then she inserted two fingers inside of her slice while still using her thumb to massage her swollen clit. “Eeeww,” she moaned louder. Her fingers moved as if they had a mind of their own or were possessed. Her breathing quickly went from regular to choppy as she felt her legs become weak. She hadn’t realized how bad she needed this, how bad her orgasm cried to be released, how bad her body desired to be touched in all the right places. “Oh my God!!!” Angela’s hand shot out and roughly grabbed the shower curtain as her orgasm erupted in a series of waves. Her fingers slowed down as her body finally came to a calm. “Damn,” Angela laughed as she stepped out of the shower. She slipped on a matching black thong and bra set and slipped the thumb drive down into the front of her draws as she looked at the bruises that were on her face. They were clearing up nicely. She moved her wet hair from her face so she could get a better look at her face when her device started to go off signaling that someone had stepped through the trip wire that was set up all around the house. Then all of a sudden the lights in the entire house went out. “Shit!” Angela cursed as she grabbed her 9mm that rested on the edge of the sink and rushed out of the bathroom. As soon as she stepped foot out the bathroom, bullets started ripping through the house from each and every direction. Angela quickly dropped down to the floor and called out to Ashley. “Stay down!!!” she yelled as she army crawled over towards the stairs. Just as she got ready to slide down the stairs, the front door came busting open and several men ran in the house carrying assault rifles. The first two gunmen entered the house without a problem. The next man that tried to enter through the front door, Angela put a bullet through his head killing him on site. A few seconds passed as twelve men all came running through the front door all at once. Out of the twelve Angela was able to take three of them out immediately. Her eyes adjusted to the dark quickly as she eased her way down the steps. Angela didn’t know how many men were inside of the house or how many more surrounded the house. She continued on down the stairs as the sound of Ashley screaming could be heard throughout the house.

  * * *

  When the lights went out Ashley instantly froze up. She wasn’t sure what was going on or what was about to happen, but whatever was happening she knew it wasn’t good. When the front door came crashing open, out of reflex Ashley screamed. She quickly shot up to her feet and grabbed a knife from off the counter and tried to make a run for it. She had only made it a few steps before a gunman roughly grabbed her by her shoulder. Ashley quickly spun around and sliced the gunman’s arm forcing him to release his grip. Ashley tried to escape towards the basement door but the gunman stuck his leg out and tripped her up. She hit the floor hard. The impact caused the knife to slip from her hand. She speedily hopped up and opened the basement door and flung herself down the steps before the gunman could get a hold of her. She rolled and tumbled over and over until she finally hit the floor. “Argh,” she groaned as she struggled to lift herself up from off the floor. She looked up and saw four gunmen trotting down the stairs. Ashley quickly looked around for anything she could use as a weapon. Over to her left she spotted a shovel. She quickly crawled over towards the shovel. The first two men got it the worse. Ashley swung the shovel as if it were a baseball bat and hit the first gunman across the face. To her right a gunman tried to reach out and grab her, but Ashley quickly sidestepped his attempt and fired off a kick that landed between the man’s legs sending him crumbling down to the floor. She drew back and went to take his head off with the shovel, but stopped when she felt the barrel of a gun being pressed to the back of her head.

  “Move and I’ll blow your head off!” the gunman barked.

  * * *

  Angela eased her way through the house when some movement coming from her left grabbed her attention. It was a man with a large caliber machine gun in his hand. She dropped to one knee as she raised her weapon and fired off a single shot. The bullet whipped the gunman’s head back as it tore through his face. Angela quickly stepped over the body and searched for the next target. As she moved through the living room a figure crept up on her from behind and looped a string of wire around her neck and began trying to strangle the life out of her. The quick maneuver caused Angela to drop her gun as her fingers immediately tried to stop the wire from choking the life out of her. Angela quickly threw herself back, driving her attacker into the wall with a loud bang. Still her attacker held a tight grip on the wire. As the two fought and struggled crashing all throughout the living room Angela spotted the half empty wine bottle that sat on top of the counter. She reached out and grabbed the bottle by its neck and swung it back where his head would be. It connected with a satisfying “thunk”! She swung it again and this time feeling it break against his skull. Ignoring the pain from the wire around her neck, she stabbed behind her head with the jagged edge of the broken bottle, again, and again. Then she heard a muted exclamation as a warm gush of blood sprayed against her upper back. The grip on the wire loosened as Angela bent forward flipping the dead man’s body over her shoulder like a rag doll. Thick nasty blood covered her hair and face, but Angela paid the blood no mind as she quickly went to pick up he
r gun when another gunman appeared out of nowhere and almost walked right into her. The darkness was altering his vision. Once the gunman figured out what and who was in front of him, he tried to aim his gun at the target but her hand moved in a blur as she delivered an open palm blow to his nose breaking it on impact. The gunman reached for his nose with both hands dropping his machine gun. With the reflexes of a cat Angela caught the gun in mid-air and opened fire, sending several bullets into the gunman’s stomach. She turned just in time to see movement coming from her right. Angela did an army roll and came up firing, painting the wall with the gunman’s brains. Two more gunmen sprung from around the corner. Angela emptied the rest of her clip on the first gunman. The bullets riddled and rocked the man’s body making it seem as if he was break dancing. The next gunman ran towards Angela and opened fire. A bullet grazed Angela’s cheek as she jerked her head back just in a nick of time. The gunman fired off another shot just as his legs were swept from up under him. His head violently bounced off the floor and he quickly scrambled back up to his feet and threw a punch that missed Angela by a mile. Angela threw a quick jab that hit the gunman dead in his mouth. It wasn’t a knockout blow, but it was a blow that filled his mouth with blood.

  The gunman took a step back, reached down in his pocket, and extracted a switchblade. The blade snapped open and he lunged at Angela. She dodged the knife and kicked the gunman but he was ready for it. She felt the stiff muscles in his stomach tighten for the blow as he tossed Angela down to the floor. She quickly hopped back up to her feet and got ready to lunge towards the gunman when she felt something sharp stinging the bottom of both of her feet. She looked down and saw that the broken glass from when the gunmen had shot the windows out had cut up the bottom of her feet. Angela reached down and grabbed the string wire that the first gunman had tried to use on her. The gunman threw himself against her and she felt a stab of pain as the blade nicked her lower back even as she twisted to stay clear of it. She kneed the gunman and wrapped the wire around his neck. The muscles in Angela’s arms bulged as she pulled against both ends of the wire until the man stopped moving. Angela grabbed her 9mm from off the floor and continued on throughout the house in search of little Ashley. For a second she felt like her heart would stop when she heard Ashley scream followed by the sound of three different guns being fired. All the noise seemed to be coming from down in the basement. Just as Angela reached the basement, the front door busted open and in walked Frank wearing all black, with a big assault rifle in his hand and a pair of night vision goggles covering his head and eyes. Angela disappeared around the corner as several bullets tore through the wall where her head was seconds ago.

  Frank quickly went after Angela. He sprang around the corner ready to fire, but Angela wasn’t there. He quickly looked around as he heard the back door slam shut. He ran at a fast pace to the door and snatched it open. Immediately he spotted a woman’s figure in a green glowing light running out towards the woods. Without hesitation Frank opened fire swaying the gun back and forth taking out anything in its path. Frank flipped the switch on his M-203 turning his automatic rifle into a grenade launcher. He fired a grenade in the area he had last seen Angela. A big explosion erupted followed by several trees and tree branches falling. Frank quickly stuffed an oversize grenade in the gun and fired another grenade. The second explosion lit up the entire woods as well as set several trees on fire. Frank quickly scanned the woods area with his night vision goggles looking for any sign of movement. After scanning the woods for two minutes Frank figured Angela had to be dead and headed back to the house.

  Frank stepped foot back in the house and yelled out to his soldiers to meet him out front. “Yeah no one would be able to survive two grenades,” Frank said trying to convince himself that The Teflon Queen was in fact dead. What he really wanted was for Angela to stand her ground and fight him man to woman so he could look in her eyes as she took her last breath, but instead Angela had ran off and died like a coward.

  Several seconds later several of Mr. Clarke’s men exited the house with a little girl in their possession. Frank removed his goggles to get a good look at the girl to make sure they grabbed the right one.

  “Angela is going to find me and kill you!” Ashley growled looking Frank in the eyes.

  Frank laughed loudly as he turned and slapped the shit out of Ashley. “You stupid little fool! Angela is dead and you’ll be joining her in just a few hours,” he told her. “Now where’s this thumb drive that I’ve been hearing so much about?”

  Ashley looked at Frank and didn’t say a word as if she didn’t speak English. The one thing that she had learned from Angela was to keep her mouth shut. If she wanted to become an assassin, she knew she would have to start acting like one. Frank drew his hand back and slapped the shit out of Ashley again. “Oh you want to play tough? Well guess what?” he said not giving her a chance to answer. “I have ways of making little shits like you talk.” Frank looked up at the soldiers that stood around. “Time to move!”

  Mr. Clarke’s men duct taped Ashley’s wrist and feet together and placed a black pillow case over her head and tossed her in the back of a black van as if she was a piece of trash. Before Frank left, he turned and fired a grenade into the house before hopping in one of the van’s as it peeled away from the house leaving the entire house in flames.

  * * *

  Angela rolled over and removed the tree branches and debris from her body as sat up and saw one side of her house go up in flames. “Shit!” she cursed when she thought about Ashley. She took all her strength and picked herself up off the ground and ran back towards the house. She hoped and prayed that Ashley was still alive but deep down inside she doubted that she was still alive. Angela entered the burning house and was glad to see that the fire hadn’t really spread due to the fact that she didn’t have much furniture. She started with the basement then worked her way up to her bedroom. Angela quickly grabbed a pair of jeans, a shirt, and several large stacks of money from the safe that sat in her closet and stuffed it down inside of her duffle bag. She then ran over to her gun closet and filled it with several different types of guns and plenty of ammunition. Once she had everything that she needed, she made a bee line for the back door and disappeared into the woods before the cops showed up.

  A few miles down the road Angela found a low key looking motel and checked in. She needed time to sit down and come up with a plan to figure out what her next move was going to be. She figured if they hadn’t killed Ashley that she would be safe as long as she had possession of the thumb drive. Angela had no clue what was on the thumb drive but whatever it was, it had to be very important or either worth millions. Angela opened a BC powered and took it dry to help with the pain and then hopped in the tub. Her body needed to soak in the hot water while she figured everything out.

  Angela rested her head on the back of the tub as her mind wondered about how the gunmen had tracked them down. Inside she regretted leaving Ashley downstairs alone knowing how serious the situation at hand was. She should have kept Ashley by her side at all times no matter what. A million thoughts ran through Angela’s mind as her body soaked in the steaming hot water. The first thing she had to figure out was how she was going to get Ashley back. From all of the events that had taken place it was safe to say that Ashley’s life was on the clock. Angela knew she only had but so much time to find Ashley before her abductors killed her.

  Angela stepped out of the tub and turned the TV on. She saw her face plastered all over the screen. Her picture sat in the right bottom corner of the screen with the words “Armed And Dangerous” written underneath. The reporter, reported about a gun fight that took place at the house Angela once called her own. Then a picture of Ashley popped up on the screen with the words “Missing” written underneath. Angela walked over and grabbed her duffle bag and sat it down on the bed. The first thing she pulled out was her twin .380’s. She screwed a silencer on both of the barrels. All the fun and games were over. If they were trying to pi
ss Angela off, they had succeeded and some blood was definitely about to get spilled.

  Chapter 17


  Detective Washington stepped pass the yellow tape and entered the house where Ashley was last seen. On the outside the detective was cool, calm, and collect, but on the inside he was furious. He didn’t know who the man in the suit was from the supermarket, but he planned on tracking him down and taking him out by any means necessary. The way he had opened fire and killed so many innocent people in the supermarket flat out disgusted Detective Washington. After doing his research on the dead Japanese woman, Detective Washington found out that her name was Kate Chambers. She was wanted in several different states and had been on the FBI’s most wanted list for a few years. She was married to a man named Frank Chambers. When Detective Washington pulled up a picture of Frank, it was a perfect match of the same mad man from the supermarket. A picture of Frank was sent to every police and law enforcement station in the state. Now all Detective Washington had to do was be patience. He knew that killers like Frank could only stay quiet but for so long and once he made another peep, Detective Washington planned to nail him.

  “Hey detective, come check this out,” a uniform officer called out. Detective Washington walked over and squatted down as the officer handed him a little girl’s shoe.

  “Ashley was here,” the officer said. “I just hope she’s still alive.” He handed the detective a zip lock bag full of different shell casings.

  Detective Washington looked at all the empty shell casings and looked around at all the dead bodies that lay around the property. Something wasn’t adding up. It felt as if something was missing from the scene. He just couldn’t pin point what it was. He needed some answers. Detective Washington looked around at all the blood that was splattered on the walls and could only imagine what had taken place in this house. After giving the house a thorough search, several guns as well as plenty of ammunition was found along with a few passports and fake ID’s; nothing useful just things that turned into more questions.


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