The Teflon Queen PT 3

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The Teflon Queen PT 3 Page 12

by Silk White

  “I didn’t come here for all that,” Wayne said quickly taking a step back. “I just came to talk.”

  “Step the fuck off!” Capo said dismissing him. “Me and you ain’t got shit to talk about.”

  “I just wanted to come over here and tell you that I love you like a son. I always have and always will” Wayne told him. “I came over to see if we could maybe renew our friendship. I miss how we used to be.”

  Capo hopped back up on the bar and continued on with his work out as if Wayne wasn’t even there.

  “Listen Capo I have a business proposition for you,” Wayne said leaning in and whispering. “I need your help and we can both get paid.”

  “Fuck outta here,” Capo said waving him off. “Why don’t you go get one of your Muslim brothers to help you out,” he said with a smirk as he dropped down and began his push-ups.

  “I hired the Muslims for protection, but this is business and besides you know those Muslims be trying to act like they’re so righteous. I need someone that I know I can trust,” Wayne said. “Somebody that knows how to get money, somebody that ain’t afraid to go out and get it.”

  “Stop beating around the bush” Capo huffed. “How much is the job paying and what do you need me to do?”

  “Listen,” Wayne said looking over both shoulders before he spoke any further. “All I need you to do is have someone drop something off with one of my people’s once a month.”

  “How does this work?” Capo asked. He wasn’t the type to turn down free money.

  “I’ll have someone drop a package off to your peoples and all they have to do is drop it off to someone else,” Wayne said making it sound so simple. “Each drop off is paying ten thousand.”

  “What’s the catch?” Capo asked. He knew this deal sounded a little too good to be true, not to mention his trust level for Wayne wasn’t as high as it used to be. He wanted to be sure that Wayne wasn’t trying to jam him up.

  “No catch,” Wayne smiled. “Listen Capo I don’t want no drama with you. I got nothing but love for you and I just want us back on the same team.”

  “A’ight give me a few days and I’ll think about it,” Capo said then spun off leaving Wayne standing there alone.

  Capo wasn’t sure of what to make of the proposition that Wayne made to him. One part of him felt as if he shouldn’t trust Wayne, while another part of him felt as if he could use the money and he knew that Kim could definitely use the money. Capo’s plan was to go to his cell and think about it for the next two days and then give Wayne an answer. As Capo headed back to his cell he thought about all the good times that him and Wayne had and all the fun times the two shared together. Out of all the years of doing business with Wayne, Capo couldn’t think of one time that the man ever did any funny business.

  Capo’s thoughts were rudely interrupted when he stepped foot in his cell. In his cell his cellmate sat on the toilet taking a shit. Capo’s face immediately crumbled up when the foul odor assaulted his nostrils. “Damn nigga flush that shit!” he barked.

  “I ain’t finished yet,” his cellmate countered matching Capo’s tone. He was sick and tired of Capo talking to him like a child. He had a shank hidden under his pillow and he planned on using it on Capo as soon as he got done handling his business on the toilet.

  “Nigga why is you sitting on top of shit? Flush that shit! You got the whole cell smelling crazy!” Capo fumed.

  “Nigga I’ll flush it when I get done!” his cellmate capped back.

  “So you ain’t gon flush that shit?” Capo asked. Before his cell mate even got a chance to reply, Capo had already stole on him. He wasn’t the type to go back and forth with a clown over some dumb shit. The punch stunned his cell mate, knocking him clean off the toilet bowl.

  “Nigga! Don’t you ever you built like that! Faggot!” Capo barked and each time he stomped his cell mate’s face even further into the floor.

  “Clown!” Capo shouted and gave the man one last stomp. He stood back and looked at his cellmate laying on the floor unconscious with his ass hanging out. He walked over to the toilet and flushed it. Capo then grabbed his cellmate by the ankles and dragged him out of the cell, leaving him lying unconscious on the tier. Once the rest of the inmates saw the unconscious man sprawled across the tier with his ass hanging out they immediately began going crazy, yelling, and screaming with excitement.

  Two minutes later four officers came and surrounded Capo’s cell. Already knowing the procedure, Capo turned around, placed his hands behind his back, and stuck them through the small slot so the officers could place the cuffs on his wrist. From there the officers escorted Capo straight to the box where he would be staying for the next few months.

  Chapter 25


  “That motherfucker tried to blow my head off!” Bone huffed as he poured himself a shot of Patron. “It was a whole army of them.”

  “I told you his crew was deep out here,” Mya said downing the liquid fire that sat in her cup in one gulp. “We have to figure out a way to take Scarface out once and for all.”

  “Yeah I know,” Bone said downing another shot. He knew Scarface had the upper hand because he was in his city right now. “We need to figure out a way to catch this fucker off guard.” The more Bone thought about the situation, the more it pissed him off. This whole beef started over Shekia. Bone put Shekia to sleep and Scarface called himself coming to her rescue and now here they were.

  “The way to get at Scarface is to go through his girl Shekia,” Mya told him. Deep down inside she was still mad that Scarface had refused to get rid of Shekia for her. Shekia had thrown a monkey wrench in her game plan. Mya had planned on using Scarface and in the end taking everything he had. Now Mya just wanted Scarface dead. She was afraid that when he finally ran into her that he would definitely kill her.

  “He still with that raggedy bitch Shekia?” Bone asked remembering how he had violated her.

  “Yup,” Mya said with a hint of jealousy in her voice. After she was rescued from the back of Scarface’s truck, she planned on going to Scarface’s house and violating Shekia, but after staking out at her house for a few days, she realized that no one was at the house. “I can’t stand that bitch!” she spat.

  “How do we find her?” Bone asked. He was sick and tired of playing games with Mya. All he wanted to do was find out where Scarface or Shekia was and handle his business. Bone was tired of fucking and doing sexual favors for the little bit of information that Mya was providing.

  “What’s in it for me?” Mya asked in a slutty tone.

  “What you want?” Bone asked with a phony smile on his face. Mya removed her boy shorts and spread her legs open wide. “Oh you know what I want.”

  Bone snatched Mya from off the couch and lifted her up like she had the weight of a baby. He lifted her high with her legs opening, resting on both sides of his neck and the heat of her vagina in his face. Bone expertly licked and sucked on Mya’s clit. They stumbled toward the wall. The wall was stopping Mya from falling to the floor. Bone held her up, felt one of her hands on his head, heard the other grabbing at the white wall, slapping the wall until she found her balance. Her hands were sliding and knocking glass-framed pictures off the wall. Photos were crashing down to the floor and glass was breaking. Bone’s lips and tongue were pressed against her pussy. Mya’s weight pressed down on his mouth. She moved on the hardness of his chin, moved on his chin as she held him tightly and moaned. She gyrated and grind on his face. “Ooooooh My God!!!” Mya yelled as she wrapped her legs around the back of Bone’s neck and announced her orgasm. After her eruption Mya went limp in Bone’s arms. She arched her back and threw her head back with her head hanging down lifeless.

  Bone quickly put Mya down and roughly and forcefully entered her from behind. She held her breath for a moment. Her nostrils flared, her back arched, and her legs tightened. She let out a slow, pain-filled sigh. Bone plunged in and out of Mya at a fast pace. His moan was abrupt and g
uttural. Bone sank deep, came out and sank deep again. Each pump was more intense than the last. Each moan was louder and each stroke devastating. Bone moved deeper inside Mya. He held her waist, made her sit, tried to fill her up, and make her feel every inch of his hardness. He wanted to fuck the life out of her, wanted to fuck her brains out, wanted to fuck her into a coma. Bone roughly snatched Mya up to her feet and tossed her against the wall. He stayed behind her and dipped to get a good angel. He pressed her breast flat against the wall thrusting in and out of her deep and steady. Mya took her right foot and wrapped it around Bone from behind and then did the same with her left foot. He held her up as she craned her neck, reached for his face, and kissed it. Bone fucked Mya like he hated her, like he wanted to hurt her, until he finally exploded inside of Mya.

  “Argh!” Bone groaned as he emptied himself inside of her box.

  “I know you didn’t just cum inside me!” Mya said with an attitude. “You know you didn’t have a condom on!”

  Bone sighed as he grabbed the bottle Ciroc from off the coffee table by the neck. “My bad,” he said easing from behind Mya.

  “I swear to God, I better not get pregnant!” Mya continued her rant. When she turned around, Bone busted the bottle over her head sending a spray of broken glass all over the place.

  “Shut the fuck up bitch!” Bone said as he broke out in a drunken laugh. He was tired of playing games with Mya. She was playing with the wrong one.

  “Why are you doing this?” Mya asked as blood leaked from a gash in her head. Bone cocked his leg back and kicked Mya in the face causing her head to jerk back violently.

  “Asking me why this and why that,” Bone spoke out loud to no one in particular. He kneeled down and placed the sharp, rugged end of the bottle up to Mya’s neck. “Bitch you got five seconds to tell me everything you know about Scarface and Shekia!” Bone growled. For the next ten minutes he listened to Mya spill her guts telling him everything he needed and wanted to know about Scarface and Shekia. Once Mya was done spilling her guts, Bone jabbed the broken bottle in her neck and watched her bleed out. Before Bone left he made sure he cleaned out Mya’s pocketbook just for the hell of it.

  When Bone stepped outside Mya’s crib, he slid right into the Benz that awaited him curbside.

  “How’d it go?” Mike Murder asked with a smirk.

  “Like taking candy from a baby,” Bone replied with a smile.

  “I was sick and tired of that bitch playing games,” Mike Murder said shaking his head. He wasn’t the one for all of the games. If he was Bone, Mya would have been dead a long time ago. “What’s the next move?”

  “We kill Scarface and that bitch Shekia,” Bone said as the two men busted out laughing.

  Chapter 26


  Shekia sat on the couch at her best friend Sandy’s house crying her eyes out. She loved Scarface to death, but being with him was beginning to be too dangerous. One day everything was cool and the next day someone was shooting up her house. When Scarface got out of jail he promised Shekia that he would no longer be participating in any type of street activity and three days later their house was being shot up. Shekia was afraid that the next time she wouldn’t be so lucky. She was afraid that the next time a shootout took place that her and the baby that she was carrying in her stomach would end up on the receiving end of a stray bullet and that was a risk that she wasn’t willing to take. There wasn’t a love in this world that was worth dying for or losing her child for that matter. The more Shekia thought about the situation, the more she cried, and the more she was finally starting to realize that Scarface was never going to change. He would never be the type of man that she wanted and needed. The streets had a strong hold on him. The hold was so strong that not only was it bringing him down, but Shekia was afraid that it might pull her down as well.

  “Girl I don’t even know why you crying over that sorry, no good ass nigga,” Sandy said in a salty tone. She was the queen of the man bashers. When any one of her friends were having man problems, her first suggestion was to leave the man alone because all men were no good in her eyes. “All he gon do is call back talking all that bullshit about how he gon change and how he’ll never hurt you again,” Sandy said shaking her head. “That’s what’s wrong with women today. They all think that they “need” a man so they put up with all their bullshit hoping and praying that one day their man will figure it out and get it right.”

  “But Scarface is different,” Shekia said, but Sandy quickly cut her off.

  “You see that’s your problem right there.” Sandy gave Shekia a sad look. “Every woman seems to think that they man is different. Shiiiiddd,” she said drawing out the word. “The only thing different are they’re names and sometimes those aren’t even different,” she huffed.

  “Well I don’t know what type of men you used to dealing with, but Scarface ain’t like that,” Shekia said in a matter of fact tone.

  “Child please,” Sandy said waving Shekia off. “His name is Scarface. That’s enough said,” Sandy said and began dying laughing at her own joke. All Shekia could do was shake her head. This was just the reason why she hated telling Sandy when something was going wrong in her and Scarface’s relationship. Sandy had been cheated on and dogged out so many times that in her mind all men were dogs, but the truth of the matter was all her life Sandy kept on dealing with the same type of man over and over expecting different types of results.

  “Well all men aren’t the same,” Shekia said and left it at that. Sometimes she just needed someone to listen and not give an opinion all the time.

  “I’m sorry girl,” Sandy said catching on to Shekia’s attitude. “You know I got nothing but love for you. I just hate to see you go through shit like this because I know you’re a good woman.”

  “I understand,” Shekia said as the tears began to flow again. Sandy embraced her, giving her a tight hug. She hated to have to see her best friend go through all this, but at the moment all she could do was be there for her girl.

  “Don’t worry, things are going to get greater, later,” she told Shekia. Sandy had to calm down, because she was beginning to get pissed off as if she was the one in the relationship taking the abuse. “How about we go out and get a drink?”

  “No can do!”

  Sandy laughed. “What you pregnant or something?” When Shekia didn’t answer she knew that things had quickly gone from bad to worse. “Noooo Shekia, please tell me that you’re not pregnant?” she asked with a suspicious raised brow.

  Shekia’s tears only confirmed what Sandy had already assumed. “I need a drink!” Sandy stormed over to the kitchen and a minute later returned with a glass of wine in her hand. “Girl what have you been over there doing with yourself?”

  “I had just found out that I was pregnant right before my car accident,” Shekia told her. “At first I was happy about it, but then Scarface came home and told me that he’d been hanging around his ex….”

  “Niggaz keep a side bitch sniffing around,” Sandy said cutting in and rolling her eyes.

  “But now I don’t know what to do,” Shekia said. “I love Scarface to death. He’s a good man, but I’m just afraid that he may be here today and gone tomorrow.”

  “What you need to do is get you a “real” man and stop fucking with them stupid ass street niggaz,” Sandy spat. The more Shekia told her, the more upset Sandy was becoming.

  A loud knock at the door startled the two women. Sandy walked to the door and snatched it open with an attitude. Seeing Scarface standing on the other side of the door only pissed Sandy off even further. “What are you doing here and what do you want?” she asked sucking her teeth.

  “I need to talk to Shekia. I know she’s here,” Scarface huffed. He hated the fact that he even had to have a conversation with the man hating chick, but at the moment he didn’t have a choice.

  “She doesn’t want to talk to you right now so why don’t you just step the fuck off!” Sandy went to shut the door in
his face, but Scarface quickly jammed his boot in the door before it could close.

  “Look bitch, stop playing! I need to speak to Shekia!” Scarface said forcing his way inside the apartment. “Shekia where you at!?” he yelled throughout the house.

  “Get out of my house right now before I call the police,” Sandy threatened as she pulled out her cell phone.

  Scarface was about to go off on Sandy, until Shekia showed up. “Put that phone down,” Shekia told Sandy and then turned and faced Scarface. “What are you doing here and what do you want?” she said rolling her eyes at Scarface.

  “We need to talk,” Scarface barked as he grabbed Shekia’s hand and led her outside. He was sick and tired of playing games with her. He needed to know what was what.

  “What?” Shekia said with her arms folded across her chest as she purposely avoided eye contact with Scarface.

  “So this what we doing; the back and forth thing?”

  “I’m not doing anything,” Shekia countered.

  “So that’s it? We over just like that?”

  “Scarface we’ve had this discussion over and over again and honestly I’m sick and tired of fighting and going back and forth with you about the same thing,” Shekia told him. “And honestly if I don’t leave, things are never going to change.”

  “Never going to change?” Scarface repeated. “I’ve changed everything for you! I told you that I was done with all that street shit!”

  “Yeah that’s what you told me, but what you showing me is two different things,” Shekia spat.

  “You ain’t give me a chance to show you anything,” Scarface countered. He knew that if he wanted to get Shekia back, he would definitely have his work cut out for him especially since she had been talking to Sandy for hours. “Why don’t you come back home so we can talk?”

  “Come back home so we can talk or come back home so I can get shot?” she said sarcastically. “I don’t even feel safe around you. A man is supposed to make a woman feel safe and protected and I don’t feel that with you.”


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