The Forsaken Call

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The Forsaken Call Page 40

by Jamie Murray

  The monster was barely twitching, but Jameson turned to see a large chunk of the beast's torn flesh had fallen on top of Luke's lower half, crushing his legs from a little over the knee and down. Jameson turned to help him, but Baloric shouted, "Kill the Forces, Jameson!"

  The Forces was inexplicably still moving, so Jameson turned back to it and swiped his sword through its flesh several times. The beast could no longer yell and, as he continued to tear through it, he discovered it was beginning to crumble around him. He knew that meant the Forces was dead as it turned to ash.

  He dropped his sword and fell next to Luke who was trying to sit up, calling out angrily and painfully as he did. The slab of flesh which was lying over him was also crumbling, covering him in ash as well, and Baloric soon joined him by his side, instructing him not to move as he finished drawing out the remaining parasitic Forces from inside him.

  "I'm sorry I couldn't get there in time," Jameson said anxiously, apologizing to pretty much everyone. "Nothing has been going well for me lately."

  "I'd take this pain over the parasite any day," Luke admitted in such a good natured tone that Jameson suspected he was lying.

  "Nobody died," Baloric mumbled in a tone that was quite the opposite of good natured.

  49. I Don't Think He'll Let Me

  Chapter 49

  The process of getting out of the Shrine proved to be even more arduous than getting inside of it, especially after Baloric assessed both of Luke's legs were severely broken. He managed to extract the parasite from Luke in its entirety, but appeared grave as to how the rest of their mission would go. Jameson tried to keep them thinking about their immediate problem of all getting out of the Shrine in one piece instead of worrying about how they would get into the remaining four Shrines.

  Baloric took charge again and sent both Raven and William ahead of them to return to the complex. Their mission was to bring the carriage to the Shrine since Luke would obviously be unable to ride a horse at all.

  Using lengths of rope in the large room of the Shrine, they tied one end to a stable rock on the top of the ledge and then tied the other end securely to Luke. Jameson remained at the top, optimistically reporting that the gas appeared to be dissipating, as Baloric climbed back down to monitor Luke's injuries, making sure they weren't aggravated any more than they already were. Baloric kept him steady and as comfortable as possible as Jameson struggled to pull him up from the top. It quickly became almost an overwhelming task, considering the scraped palms, and pain Jameson had in his chest from being hit and in his knee from his original tumble before even entering the Shrine. However, he tried to focus on his friend's needs and found the strength somewhere in his weary self to get Luke up over the ledge with minimal additional pain involved.

  He watched as Baloric began collecting up the rope very methodically, and then disappointingly recalled that they were going to have to do it all over again once they reached the other end of the hallway in front of them.

  In spite of his own pain, Luke continuously apologized for being such a burden, though Jameson assured him that he should only be concentrating on himself.

  "Cyrus would be good to have around right now," Jameson said as he and Baloric both had to work together to get Luke off the ground.

  "Why?" said Baloric in an extremely skeptical tone, as if his real question was, "Why would we ever need Cyrus?"

  Jameson knew Baloric had no memory of his encounter with the Ancient Lorne, and therefore did not know the actual truth that Cyrus was the Protector all along. Still, Baloric himself had admitted he was too hard on Cyrus, and Jameson wondered if just then was the best time to bring it up.

  "He's strong," Jameson answered. "I think he'd be able to carry Luke."

  "Oh," Baloric said passively, perhaps agreeing but unwilling to admit it.

  They reached the open room that was supposed to have the massive fire illusion in it, but the flames were gone. Baloric hypothesized that it had something to do with the inner workings of the Shrine itself and that they shouldn't let it bother them as they pressed forward.

  The hallway on the other side of the room seemed even longer than it was when they first entered. Luke remained almost totally silent throughout the entire trip and, when Baloric and Jameson finally lowered him to the floor, they discovered a bit of blood trailing down his chin. Apparently, he had been biting his lip so hard that he had caused himself to bleed.

  "I'll climb up again," Jameson said, reaching for the rope Baloric had around him.

  "No, you were barely able to pull him up the first time around," Baloric said, grabbing onto the nooks in the wall and beginning to climb up. "You need just as much rest as he does."

  Jameson took him by the shoulder to make him stop. "Baloric," he started, feeling a little awkward with what he was about to say. "I think I should go up."

  Baloric only turned his head and locked eyes with Jameson at first. Calmly, he let go of the wall and stood up straight. "What are you saying?" he questioned, a distinct edge in his voice.

  "It's just—" Jameson hesitated. "Well, we both know you're not strong enough…"

  He trailed off, hoping that would be a sufficient response.

  However, it was certainly not sufficient enough for Baloric. "I'm not strong enough to do what, exactly?"

  "You know," said Jameson. "I mean…no offense or anything. But—you're not exactly…physical. Do you know what I mean?"

  "No," said Baloric. "Explain it to me."

  Jameson sighed heavily. "I'm not trying to start anything," he said, putting his hands up defensively. "I mean, it's not like it's a limitation or anything. It's just, you know, how you are, that's all…"

  "Jameson," said Baloric as he leaned against the wall and looked up straight with his eyes. "How do you suppose I've been functioning for the past ten years? Forgive me, I don't mean to gloat but…" He paused a moment and his eyes met with Jameson, distant and cold. "I—am—stronger—than—everyone." His words came out distinctly and separately, each enunciated perfectly. "Understand?"

  In response, Jameson only nodded. He felt weirdly shaken by Baloric's brief speech, but he was sure it was Baloric's intention. Baloric took hold of the wall and began scaling it as Jameson made eye contact with Luke, then looked back up at Baloric.

  Baloric checked over his shoulder and said, "Jameson?"


  "That includes you, and that includes Cyrus, all right?"

  Jameson nodded again. He found he didn't have any other reaction. As he watched Baloric swiftly climb the wall towards the distant square of light, he couldn't help but finally conclude that Baloric had changed a lot in ten years, and perhaps Jameson really was at fault for failing to conclude that until just then. Jameson could admit to himself that he often forced himself to view his aged friends as younger versions of themselves since he couldn't imagine them any other way, but Baloric's recent outburst only confirmed the very real truth that they had changed.

  Jameson knelt beside Luke and put a hand comfortingly on his shoulder. Over the years, Luke had changed a lot too, but he was still his good friend from ten years ago. As Baloric pulled himself up over the edge of the opening above them, Jameson realized that he had only known Baloric for a very few short days—a week, at the most—before they were separated. There was always the chance that he had really never known him in the first place.

  "I don't think you should cross him again," Luke commented quietly to Jameson, but very strained.

  "I don't think he'll let me," Jameson pointed out.

  Luke tried to laugh a little, but he was clearly unable to express too much cheeriness in the face of his injuries. Jameson commended his attempt and looked up to anticipate when Baloric would throw the rope down.

  "Do you think he feels threatened by Cyrus?" Luke whispered.

  "Why would he feel threatened by him?" Jameson questioned.

  Luke only shook his head to show he didn't want to elaborate. Jameson pondered Luke's musing a
nd considered the possibility: could Baloric really be involved in something as petty as that? Jameson couldn't help but entertain the idea that Baloric enjoyed the fame and love he received as the "hero" of various countries and couldn't stomach the idea that someone could come along and be superior to him.

  But Cyrus wasn't superior; not in every way, anyway. In a strictly physical sense, yes, Cyrus would have Baloric beat and for Baloric not to be able to acknowledge that seemed almost ridiculous. However, Jameson quickly reasoned that Baloric had a different definition of strength, which would involve all sorts of factors that Jameson had not considered. Maybe, on the most basic level, Baloric also felt some innate jealousy of Cyrus's physicality. Jameson glanced down at himself and wondered if Baloric had any jealousy of him too.

  In the end, Jameson decided it wasn't fair to judge Baloric's pettiness or lack thereof based solely on theory, so he dismissed the entire idea all together until he could have the opportunity to explore it further. Since Baloric's initial explosion towards Jameson back at the Angel's complex when he had first woken up, the two of them had not gotten the chance to exchange words one-on-one beyond fighting strategies, so he looked forward to at least talking to Baloric later.

  If Baloric would allow it, of course.

  "Good news, Jameson, Luke," came Baloric's voice as, moments later, his face came into view. "The others are on their way. The shadows outside seem to have disappeared, so they can ride the cart right up to the door of the Shrine. Give them a few more minutes and we'll be able to get you both out of there more quickly."

  "All right," Jameson called up.

  He felt a strange twinge of disappointment for some reason. He looked down at Luke as if he would able to interpret the feeling somehow.

  "I kind of wanted to see if he'd be able to do it alone," Luke said out of the corner of his mouth, his eyes still pointed up at where Baloric had disappeared from view again.

  And that was exactly it, so Jameson tried to keep himself from laughing as Baloric tossed the rope over the edge. Jameson caught it and avoided eye contact with Luke or else he felt he would start laughing again.

  Luke raised his arms so Jameson could tie the rope securely around him. As he tied the knots behind him and then Luke lowered his arms, their eyes finally met, and both of them nearly burst into hysterical laughter. Both regretted it, of course, because the sudden seize did no good for the pain in Jameson chest or Luke's broken legs.

  "What is so hysterical down there?" Baloric inquired curiously.

  "Nothing," they both called up, but their responses sounded more like pathetic moans as opposed to comprehensible language.

  With the situation feeling as absolutely impossible as it did, it appeared almost acceptable that they were laughing. Jameson sat down next to Luke and put his hands over his chest tiredly.

  "I think I want a ride to the top too," Jameson joked.

  "This is my ride," said Luke.

  "I'll be right next to you to make sure you don't go swinging around," Jameson said. "You don't think about anything, okay? Just be and that's it."

  "All right, I'll just be," said Luke in a somewhat mocking tone.

  Within a few moments, Jameson could hear Louisa's appalled reaction to what had occurred within the Shrine. Despite her happiness that Raven was now the Resurrected Spirit, she couldn't help but focus on the bad parts, such as Luke at the bottom of a deep hole with two broken legs.

  "Ironically enough, it could have been worse," Baloric said. "We've got to pull him up. Everyone take a hold of the rope and we shouldn't have any trouble."

  "Cyrus, you do it," Louisa commanded.

  "I'll help too," Johanna offered.

  "It's all right, Jo," said Cyrus. "I can take care of it."

  "But I want to help…" Johanna said nervously.

  "Allow her to help," Baloric interjected.

  "Then, please, help me," Cyrus offered her some of the rope slack. Baloric observed her take hold of the rope excitedly, and then finally announced the situation to Jameson and instructed him to prepare to climb as they began pulling Luke up through the hole.

  Louisa stepped back away from the work, wanting to be as far away from anything involving sweat as she could.

  At the bottom of the hole, Luke was rising at a very quick pace. In fact, he began to rise so quickly that Jameson had to climb as fast as he could in order to keep up. They climbed over the edge of the Shadow Shrine's secret passageway in a very timely manner, and there were all kinds of various emotions swirling around upon their recovery. With business out of the way, they could now finally react to good news and be happy for one another.

  "You're the Spirit now!" Johanna exclaimed excitedly as she hugged Raven. At first, Raven appeared very standoffish, but she quickly warmed up to Johanna's extroversion and returned her gesture. Louisa and Erestina also appeared interested in this new member of the team and went over to investigate, naturally leaving the men behind.

  "We have to get him on the cart," Cyrus said as he easily lifted Luke up off the ground in an effortless sort of way, but with no malice in his ability to perform the task perfectly. Jameson tried to keep an eye on Baloric to see what his reaction would be, but Cyrus asked him to go into the carriage and create some lying down space where Luke would be safe from anything potentially falling and hitting him.

  When he got out of the carriage, he scanned the area for Baloric who was still standing in the same spot, thus far ignored, though he did seem contemplative. With Luke settled inside the cart, they wanted to move back towards the complex as soon as possible, so it began to move, encouraging other groups to catch up. Baloric sat up on the front of the cart, the reins of the horses in hand, facing forward and remaining quiet.

  Jameson was going to mount a stray horse and try to just avoid the pack, but then he spotted the obvious empty seat next to Baloric where he was sitting. He wondered if it was overly bold, especially considering their recent interactions, but he approached the empty seat and leaned on it, keeping his feet moving so the cart would not even have to stop moving to accommodate him.

  "What is it?" Baloric questioned since he couldn't help but notice Jameson's obvious attempt to get a minute to talk to him.

  "Um…" Jameson said slowly, and then decided to just go for it: he climbed up onto the empty seat and sat down confidently. "I just think there are some things we have to talk about."

  "I agree," said Baloric, looking at him out of the corner of his eye.

  "Can we talk about them?"


  "Yes, now."

  "Sure, let's talk."

  50. Generally Well Received

  Chapter 50

  Jameson sat quietly in the front of the cart, glancing over his shoulder occasionally to see where the others were. Raven and William were inside the carriage with Luke. He could see Cyrus on a horse but he didn't know where Erestina and Louisa were, though he could safely assume they were also on horses, just out of his view.

  He faced forward again, and eyed Baloric discreetly without looking fully at him, not knowing where to start. He knew whatever he said would probably come out sounding stupid and wrong, and he thus far was more interested in solving problems rather than causing them.

  "What are we going to do about Luke?" Jameson asked finally.

  Baloric made a slight displeased sigh but replied promptly with, "His injuries are pretty severe. I could heal him to almost new if the Life Stone worked. But, since it doesn't, we'll have to find the person who will become the Resurrected Life Spirit. If she holds the stone, I'll be able to heal Luke."

  He paused and looked thoughtful.

  "That's good, isn't it?" Jameson asked, a little confused with Baloric's expression.

  "Yeah, of course it's good…" Baloric replied, somewhat distracted. "I just don't know why I referred to the person as 'she.' I suppose there's a chance the Resurrected Spirit could be another woman, but it felt natural to say it."

  "The Angel did say th
at she knew who the Resurrected Spirits were going to be before she died," Jameson said.

  "Perhaps whatever she did to me was meant to convey that information," Baloric said as he leaned against the back of the carriage. "I just wish I could access it willingly…"

  "She seemed weirdly glad to see you," Jameson noted. "I mean, almost kind of in love with you, somehow."

  "She always acted like that around me," Baloric said, obviously reluctantly recalling that piece of his memory. Then he eyed Jameson and added, "You're not asking if the two of us had a relationship, are you?"


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