Wolfe's Sight

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Wolfe's Sight Page 8

by Shelby Lynn

  “We are leaving this place, Chad. However, you will have to stay here for a little longer until I can find us a place to stay. So I need you to be good for me. If you're good—then you can drink.” It was the easiest way to control this man. Fury looked longingly at the pulse in Chad's neck. He wished he could quench his thirst. Although, his thirst was for blood, it was for so much more as well…

  “One drink and I'll be good, Fury,” Chad whined to the man before him.

  Fury walked over to the man, slowly taking him in his arms. He carefully nestled his face into his neck for easier access. Still not knowing why he was being gentle with this man. Sure, the sex was good, but he could have hot sex with anyone, he thought sarcastically. What was it about these wolves that seemed to pull the Demons in? He needed to find out before it was too late—for him.

  If his king ever found out they would both be dead. He gently pulled Chad’s head away from his neck breaking the contact. With almost a whimpering sound from his blood-bond, he let him go. He looked into his eyes and once again took control. This would last until he took his blood once again. He'd spent far more time here than what was safe. It was time to transport back to the human realm and get the plans underway.

  “I will be back soon. Do not let anyone inside. Do you understand me?” Fury asked the dazed man.

  “Yes—I understand,” Chad told him.

  With one last look at the man before him, he transported back to the human realm.


  Ethan stretched, he was feeling better than he had in several days. He was so happy to have his mates sleeping on either side of him. Ethan took a moment to really look at his mates closely for the first time without their knowledge. They were both beyond handsome. Their bodies a work of art, he thought. If only he was talented enough to bring their perfection to life in some way or form.

  Some of his doubts were coming back, as he looked at these two amazing men who were his mates. What did he truly have to offer them? Ethan battled with these thoughts inside his head.

  His thoughts woke up his mates, and they took in Ethan’s panicked look.

  Teddy looked over at his handsome man. “Ethan, I know you can do anything that you set your mind to. I have no doubt in my mind or heart that you are an amazing man. We want you to do something that will make you happy,” he said, trying to reassure his mate.

  Wolfe looked over at his mates, he was truly blessed. Just watching Teddy trying to ease Ethan's feelings made his heart swell in love. He knew the time had come to tell Ethan about his work as well. It would be up to him whether he traveled also. That would have to be his choice.

  “Ethan, it is time for me to tell you about my job. Well, I say job but it's more like my destiny and a huge part of my life, now our life. From the time that Alpha Haven accepted me into the Pack, I have helped rescue abused Pack members all over the country. It is something I am really good at. I had not planned to give it up. When I first met Teddy today, I told him about my calling. I asked him to go on the road with me whenever duty called,” Wolfe told his second mate. Then he went on to include him in the conversation as well.

  “Now you are also part of that decision. This will affect you as well—depending on what you decide to do. I just wanted you to know and I'll never force you—either of you—to go on the road with me. I'll be happy no matter what the decision turns out to be,” Wolfe told them both.

  “Can I have time to think about it, Wolfe?” Ethan asked.

  “Take all the time you need. We have the rest of our lives, my mates. Now is anyone up for a little shower play this morning?” Wolfe asked with a quirk of his brows in suggestion.

  “I am so ready, my mates,” Teddy said as he threw off the covers to show them his cock already standing at attention.

  “It is my turn to return a little love,” Ethan told his mates. That was all the encouragement his mates needed to jump out of bed and race to the shower.

  When Ethan followed at a little slower pace—he entered the bathroom to the sound of running water. As he looked around the bathroom, the room had been designed with spaciousness in mind. The shower was huge—thank goodness. For three men to comfortably shower together, it would need to be. He took one of each of his mate’s hands and pulled them into the already warm shower. Turning them both to face him, he slowly bent down on his knees. It was the perfect position to take their hard cocks into his hands.

  Ethan had never been one to take things slow as he pumped both of their cocks with a tight fist. The water a perfect lube and he found his rhythm. From the sounds coming from his mates, he was doing all right. When he looked up, both had their heads thrown back in passion.

  He leaned forward and took Teddy’s hard head into his mouth swirling around the thick rounded end of his cock. Ethan took his time to pay special attention to the sweet spot on the edge, and running his tongue repeatedly upon the spot. Only then to switch to Wolfe and do the same while keeping his rhythm going with his other mate. It was intoxicating to say the least. When he felt one mate about to come from the deep-throating, then he would switch to the other one. Until, they both couldn’t take it anymore and both came at the same time.

  The sound of his name on their lips told him they had loved it.

  Only his mates weren’t done.

  They each pulled him up with one hand. Dropping to one knee before him, they took turns worshiping his cock and balls. Shit—the pleasure was so intense he couldn’t even think. He lost track of who was sucking his cock, or playing with his balls and ass. He felt like a youngster when he came a few minutes later. There was something to be said about being taken care of by two men. He was just glad they were all his.

  Ethan’s mates gently washed him, taking extra time with his still slightly bruised body. They looked into each other’s eyes each with the same thought of him seeing Johnny for a checkup. It was amazing to hear each other’s thoughts.

  “You know, guys—I can still hear your thoughts as well,” Ethan told them with a laugh. He knew his mates were still worried about him. He was so blessed to have found these two amazing men. “I’ll go see this Johnny I see in Wolfe’s mind, if it will reassure you both that I am really okay. Something happened to me—when I changed. If this other Dream Weaver can figure it out, then I am all for it. I can tell how close Wolfe is to all the other members of the Pack. He just wants that for us as well, Teddy,” he told him.

  “I can honestly say I am going to love it here. As you can tell in my mind, Ashford has been my home base for quite some time,” Teddy told him happily.

  “I can’t wait to meet this Mandy you have adopted as your own. She sounds like a great person. You will have to explain to me about this Seer thing though. I don’t think Grammy ever told me the legend of this,” Ethan told them.

  “Let’s get dressed, mates, breakfast is calling to me. We can talk over breakfast and you’ll get to meet some of the Pack this morning. We also have a few visiting friends that stayed the night. Alpha Tyler and his mate, Shannon, along with their son, came here from the Cedarhill Pack for Mandy’s Ceremony yesterday. Tyler used to be the Beta of this Pack before he met his mate. It’s a long story, but we talk about it soon.” With a kiss for each of his mates, Wolfe headed toward his closet.

  Well shit, Ethan thought, he didn’t have any clothes.

  Teddy heard his second mate’s thoughts clearly. “Ethan, you can have any of my clothes you want, we are just about the same size. Right now, all I have is in this bag until I go to my apartment. We will send for clothes as soon as possible,” he said reassuringly.

  “Thanks, Teddy. I left with the clothes on my back and that was it. Hell—I feel like I’m a burden to you both,” Ethan said sadly.

  “Never say that, my mate. You are the best thing that has ever happened to Wolfe and me. We wouldn’t be complete without you now. You must feel it as well, Ethan,” Teddy told him with so much passion.

  Wolfe heard the conversation letting Teddy take the l
ead. He came back into the room and hugged them all together. “Teddy is right, Ethan. We are a triad now. We would never be happy without you. Your happiness is our only desire. Look deep into our minds, and you will see clearly just how much you mean to both of us. We are already falling in love with you my mate,” he told him softly.

  “As I am with both of you, my mates,” Ethan told them both. He just wanted to provide for them as well.

  “This is something we haven’t had the chance to talk about yet. I just don’t want either of you ever to worry about money. After Haven found me and brought me back to Washington with him, he helped me invest my money over the years. We are very rich, my mates, just from those investments. Without his help, I could never have done it myself. I am very thankful to be a part of this very special Pack. We take care of each other—never doubt that. Ethan, we don’t expect you to be rich. You could never work another day in your life and we would be happy. All we want is your happiness,” Wolfe told him with pride, and then went on to encourage him to follow his dreams.

  “If you want to go to school to do something you would love—then it’s your choice.”

  Teddy looked at his second mate, his gaze filled with love. “Ethan, you are amazing just as you are. I only want you to follow your dreams as well. I have been lucky enough to do something I love. It is a lot of hard work in its own way, and it didn’t happen overnight. I was given a chance—and let me tell you I grabbed with both hands to make it work for me. With a lot of trial and error, I now have a good following with my work. Like most things in life, it’s a chance. What have you dreamed of always doing?” he asked, not wanting to pry.

  “Creating things with my own two hands, making something that will last a lifetime. I used to carve these figures out for Grammy every year for her birthday. We didn’t have a lot of money so we would always make each other gifts. She adored all those figures I gave her. I used to always think I would love to go to school and really learn how to create something worthy of her,” Ethan told them, thinking back to the happy times with his only family.

  “Well that sounds like the perfect place to start when you are ready. You have all the time in the world to decide. Now how about you putting on those clothes Teddy’s holding. I know your mates are kind of possessive of that glorious naked form, and want to keep it for themselves,” Wolfe said with a growl.

  “Yes—it is all ours!” Teddy replied before handing the other set of clothes he had with him. His own stomach was starting to growl in protest to the emptiness.

  Wolfe watched his mates get dressed with a little sadness for the now covered perfection before his eyes. He knew this was just the first of many days with his mates. One of the main things he wanted to talk to them about over breakfast would be their new home. Something they all would plan together now. Knowing the Alpha Mate, he already had several plans for them to look at.

  “Is everyone ready?” Wolfe asked.

  “Yes,” they said in unison, and both of them laughing at each other. They were already sounding like an old married trio.

  They followed Wolfe back downstairs to the smells that were leading their way. When they walked through the door, it was to an already full kitchen. It was a good thing the place was huge, because there were over ten people already in the room. There were many congratulations going around to them from all sides. Wolfe took it all in stride as he kept his mates within arm’s reach.

  He came up to a couple talking to Lucas by the stove.

  “Alpha Tyler, I would like to introduce you to my mates. This is Teddy Ramsey and Ethan Clarke. Guys, this is a really good friend of mine and his Alpha Mate, Shannon. They are from the Cedarhill Pack I was starting to tell you about earlier,” he told his mates.

  “It is wonderful to meet you both. I am so happy for you, my friend,” Tyler said with an arm clasp in welcome.

  “Now, mate, let me get a word in,” Shannon teased. “It is great to meet you as well. Welcome to the world of our craziness, and if I’m not wrong, we are now three Dream Weavers stronger. My counterpart welcomed yours as you came into the room,” he told them.

  The men all stood there in shock for a moment.

  “I take it this is news to you all. Well, when your counterparts feel it is time to come forward then you will know as well. Sorry to just spring that on all of you. If it were me, I would want to know. Ethan, if you have any questions I can help with, just let me know. I will be in California most of the time, but I’m only a phone call away. Garrett is the go-to leader here, and you will never find a better leader, though don’t let him hear me say that. He just might get a big head,” Shannon teased.

  Ethan could tell right away that he was amongst friends. Damn, he couldn’t believe his mates were like him now. What was he? What were they? He guessed they would find out soon enough. Just then, Alpha Tyler’s phone rang. When he looked at it, a puzzled frown came upon his face.


  Tyler heard his phone ring as his mate was talking to Wolfe’s mates. When he looked at it, he knew something was up. It was Sammy calling. There was no way Sammy would call unless something was very wrong.

  “Sammy, what is wrong?” he said, not bothering with the pleasantries.

  “Alpha, I have something I need to tell you. It can’t wait. I know you are taking a vacation and if this weren’t important, I would never bother you. My dreams cannot be ignored. I am getting ready to board a plane for Washington. I knew I would back out if I didn’t make the plans right away,” he told his Alpha in desperation.

  “Alright—Sammy, when will your plane touch down at the airport?”

  “Arrival time is six-fifteen p.m.,” said Sammy.

  “I’ll meet you there, Sammy. Then you are going to explain to me what the hell is going on!” responded Tyler.

  “Yes, sir,” was all he said before hanging up. Sammy took a moment to close his eyes and breathe deeply. His world had just turned upside down.

  If his dream was to be taken for truth, then they were in danger from a powerful witch. Unbelievably, he was the only one who might be able to stop her.

  Chapter Twelve

  Magnesia was furious as she exited the vortex. The king had an agenda of his own. Damn it, she had clearly read his intentions as she walked into the vortex. Yes—she was useful to him, but he would like nothing better than to drain her of her blood and magic. No one double crossed her and got away with it! Now it was time to bring about her other plans, and unfortunately, they involved a paranoid Alpha. It looked like a road trip was in her very near future.

  She walked up the stairs to the Pack house. Magnesia could feel the stares of the more brave members of the Pack. The fear ran deep in this Pack. She could feel it even as far away as she was from them. The shame was almost as strong from the men—with their inability to protect their families from the evil that had enveloped their Pack. She drank it all in with a sigh of pleasure. It seeped into the magic cloak she wore around her at all times. After all these years, it was like an invisible second skin. It kept the good magic in the world from finding her, unless she was within their magically bound territory.

  There were very few good magic users these days. Their numbers had dwindled with the switch of power. Good magic was like a drug for the dark magic users. Many, many had died at her hands, she thought with glee. It had been over twenty years since she had come across the last one. Yet—the memory was still clear in her mind of how orgasmic it felt. Even sex magic wasn't comparable. Hell—who was she kidding? She hadn’t had any sex for many years either, she thought will a cackle. She was an old woman. If she wanted, a spell would turn her into a beautiful young woman.

  Magnesia had found over the years the aged look brought her even more prestige. People feared the old witch, and that was what she preferred. She walked forward and knocked on the front door of Pack house. She could hear grumbling from the other side. It seemed the Alpha was a little on the lazy side as well. No surprise there! A few moments the doo
r flew open. The grumbling Alpha was standing on the other side.

  “Hell—it’s you,” he grumbled, before going to say, “Did you find him?”

  “As a matter of fact I did.” She would have liked nothing better than to turn him into a bug, and squash him with her boot.

  “Great, I’ll leave immediately then to bring him back here, and then you can do your thing,” he said to her excitedly. His mind was already at work on the ways he could torture Ethan for making him desire him so much. Even now, he was all Alexander could think about. The thought of him touching his hard body had him rock-hard. In fact, only the sound of the witch’s voice kept him from embarrassing himself.

  “No, I am coming with you. Knowing you, wolf, you would kill him before you got him back here.” They were all so predictable. It was really getting boring! Why was she always stuck with the idiots!

  Shit, it wasn't as if he could tell the witch no. So he turned back to say, “Alright, but we leave immediately. Will that be a problem?” Alexander asked the witch, really not caring one way or another if she agreed. His mind was set on one purpose—to destroy the object of his desire. He had to find him, before the freak of nature made these feelings even more profound.

  “Young man, I have everything I need right here in my bag.” She wasn't going to have some smartass wolf tell her what to do! If she weren’t in a hurry to get there as well, then she would have made him wait. He definitely needed to be brought down a step or two. Hell, at least she didn't have to put up with his two idiot friends. One dumbass was more than enough!

  Only moments later, he came back into the room with a bag and started pacing the room for no apparent reason. She couldn’t help wondering what the hell he was doing! Magnesia decided to ask after a couple of minutes went by. “Alpha, what the hell are we waiting on?” she asked in frustration. Magnesia was more than ready to use a little magic in this situation.


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