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Silvertongue Page 6

by Sidney Wood

  Miranda beamed, sliding into her chair at the table.

  If the girl excelled at anything, it had to be eating. Ulie sipped coffee as she observed her daughter scarfing down her breakfast.

  Miranda looked at the clock as she chewed. “Gotta go!” she said. Leaving half a plate of food behind, she shouldered her backpack and raced out the door.

  “Bye!” Ulie shouted.

  The door slammed, cutting off Miranda’s reply.

  Alone in the house again, Ulie shivered at the thought of tending to Chuck’s needs that evening. She walked upstairs. Spending time with Miranda had helped, but not enough to stave off the dread in her stomach. Ulie needed to escape, at least for a while. Climbing into bed, she re-read Noah’s latest message. His words were exactly what she needed.

  “Baby, you’re going to get tired of hearing me say this…you’re stunning! When I woke up this morning, you were the first thought to enter my mind. You always are. I had no idea when I opened your message that I’d be set on fire so early in the day. Do you have any idea what you do to me, the way my body reacts when I see yours?”

  She did. Ulie burned for him. She quickly found her favorite picture of Noah and let her eyes linger on his handsome face and delicious body. She loved every picture he sent, especially that one. She couldn’t get enough of his eyes, his strong jaw, and those muscles…mmm. Ulie wanted his powerful arms around her.

  The heat of their exchanges had turned up considerably since they began sharing photos. Ulie often told Noah how much she craved his body. He shared how she made him swell and harden. She wanted to see. She wanted to hold it in her hand and feel it happening. At the core of her being she yearned for physical contact. Ulie craved that intimate connection, to have Noah reach all the way inside, touching the depths of her spirit.

  “Ulie, I’m burning for you. My furnace is turned all the way up and I’m at max pressure. That may sound corny, but it’s true! I’m so hard, I’m throbbing, and it’s all because I’m thinking of you. I looked at your photos again and I can’t help it. I’m ready for you. I want you.”

  As if his words were the last barrier holding her hunger at bay, Ulie shifted her hips, pushing her panties down to expose the delicate flesh of her mound. A trimmed patch of silky hair, just below her panty line, gave her fingers a delightful change in texture as they gracefully slid to her sweet spot.

  “I need relief. I’m going to go take a shower and think about you as I scrub my body. I may pay a little more attention to ‘him’ since you aren’t here to help me, but maybe I’ll be good and wait. I don’t know yet. All I know is that I can’t think straight after seeing your gorgeous body. I can’t wait to be next to you, lover. I want to make you feel as good as you make me feel. I want to make love to you every day.”

  Ulie sucked in breath as her fingers gently plied at her sensitive skin, already producing slippery dew. She moaned her desire for Noah, letting the phone fall to her pillow. Ulie used her newly freed hand to caress her body as the rest of her fingers worked magic between her legs.

  Feeding the beast within her slowly, Ulie teased her body the way a considerate lover would, provoking the toe curling, limb trembling responses she didn’t get from her husband. Ulie imagined Noah as that kind of lover, a partner that gave her scintillating erotic pleasure. Eyes closed, she slowly let the sensations build and nearly crest, but denied herself the little death she wanted so badly. As she explored the upper limits of her tactile senses, time slowed. Noah touched her and caressed her from the inside, consuming her relentlessly from a thousand miles away. Nothing else mattered.

  “I need you Ulie,” Noah huskily whispered in her ear.

  The voice had to be fantasy, of course. Ulie had never heard Noah’s adult voice, and she didn’t remember his adolescent voice either. It didn’t matter. As the muscles of her limbs and back tensed, Ulie felt as if she floated weightlessly above the bed. Her toes curled as she fingered herself to the breaking point. Head spinning from overindulgence and oxygen overload, she cried out. The intensity of her body’s rigid flex seemed unbearable, nearly eclipsing the pleasure between her thighs.

  The wave crashed.

  As if falling from a height, Ulie collapsed on the bed, the tension immediately evaporating. Her muscles unclenched and the sensation of exquisite pleasure within her little flower radiated to encompass her whole body. Ulie’s toes tingled and her fingers hummed as every cell in her body cried out in relief and joy. The overstimulated muscles surrounding her most sensitive spot twitched, rocking her pelvis.

  Tears streamed from the corners of Ulie’s eyes, wetting her hair and the pillow, and she laughed at the spectacle. She was out woefully of practice with things like intimacy and desire. Ulie wanted to be loved again in the real world, not just in their fantasy. She wanted to look into Noah’s eyes as they made love, to see how much he wanted her back.

  With shaking hands, Ulie picked up her phone and typed a reply. “I love when you call me Baby, and I love hearing about what I do to you! Never stop telling me that. I wish I had responded earlier. I’d tell you to do it! In the shower I mean. I want you to touch him and then tell me about it. I touched myself as I read your message, and I feel like I’m floating. You do that to me. I may have to go take a warm bath and think of you some more…can you send me another picture? I love seeing you, any part of you. I can’t wait to meet ‘him’ in person .” Send.

  “Two more weeks,” she told herself. “Just two more weeks.”

  Chapter Nine (September)

  Noah’s skin crawled as he strode toward the one place in the city he least wanted to visit. Anchorage is a big place for Alaskans, sprawling for miles and miles, but the core of downtown is small and, in your face, as you drive south on the main highway. Noah kept his head ducked as he walked into the Anchorage’s largest sex-themed store. It fronted the highway, so every person driving through town, in or out, could see him enter.

  Once inside, his hackles came down a bit, yet the purpose of his visit still made him grimace. No matter how many times he blamed it on nerves or alcohol, Noah couldn’t shake the embarrassment. During his brief, yet intense, physical relationship with the parts girl at the Harley shop, Noah experienced erectile dysfunction for the first time in his life.

  Everything worked fine in the beginning. All systems were “Go.” The trouble came when he brought her back to his place after their first date. Noah had no forewarning; his body responded normally to her all evening. He spent half the night trying to hide his erection as they laughed, teased, and touched during the date. Once they got back to his place, she wanted to go directly to the bedroom. Everything still seemed normal.

  At the foot of the bed, he unzipped her black dress, kissing her neck, shoulders, back, and hips as he lowered the garment slowly to the floor. Kneeling, he pulled her panties down as she bent over the bed eager for his touch. She had the taut body of an exotic dancer.

  Her skin, sun-kissed and smooth, blazed under his touch. Every inch of her flesh begged to be kissed. He worshiped her thighs and round, luscious ass cheeks with squeezes, hungry kisses, and nips; and all the while he didn’t notice anything amiss.

  She crawled onto the bed with feline grace, urging him to join her by flashing a sultry look over her shoulder. Watching the small tattoo on her lower back swaying above her perfect ass elicited a primal growl from Noah. He shucked his clothes, meeting her on the bed to continue what he started a moment before.

  Rolling to her back, she spread her legs with a smile, inviting him in. Noah started by kissing her breasts and stomach, working his way down her body. He pleased her orally for several minutes, enjoying the way her hands clutched his head and her body bucked as he tested her limits. Moaning she begged Noah. “I want you inside me.” She lifted his head, emphasizing her need for the real thing.

  Happy to comply, Noah crawled forward to rest over top her. His hips pressed into hers and that is when he noticed something amiss. His erection had wilted,
leaving him completely limp. As she continued writhing under him, cooing for him to enter her, Noah struggled to remedy the situation. Nothing worked. At last, he rolled over and apologized.

  “This has never happened before. I don’t know what’s wrong.”

  To his surprise, she didn’t give up or get upset. Instead, she smiled, and crawled on top of him. “I will fix him,” she said with the same sultry look she delivered earlier. Taking his flaccid shaft in her mouth, she began to suck and lick it, gently jerking up and down. She fondled his balls and licked them as well. Not only did it feel amazing, but her visual performance drove Noah insane. Eventually, she got him hard enough to push his way inside, and they had mediocre sex. Noah just couldn’t stop worrying about losing his erection and failing to please her.

  That night had plagued him ever since.

  As he walked in the store, Noah avoided asking for help. He ignored the purple haired girl with facial piercings behind the counter and walked the isles quietly, searching for a remedy of some sort. An emaciated young man with jet black hair and a patchy smattering of wiry red scruff on his chin approached him as he scanned the shelves.

  “Can I help you find something?”

  Noah found it impossible not to watch the guy’s chin whiskers move when he spoke.

  He hesitated, scowling as he eyed the guy and he weighed his options. “Uh, I’m looking for some, uh, I don’t know, pills?” He hoped his obvious discomfort communicated what he didn’t want to put into words.

  Young Mr. Chin Whiskers nodded thoughtfully, and asked, “Are you looking for something to help you with stamina, or is it to help you get hard?” The kid had a great poker face.

  Noah likened the experience to asking someone at Walmart if they had any whitening toothpaste. The normalcy allowed him to relax a notch. “Well, I suppose it’s a little of both. Mostly I just want to make sure I don’t have a problem with, um…getting it up. I had an episode a while back that I don’t want to repeat…ever.”

  Nodding again, Noah’s scruffy chinned helper led him to the glass showcase and passed him off to the purple haired girl. “Candy, this gentleman has had some ED issues and needs something to help him get it up and keep it up.” Shooting Noah a smile, he went off to help the next uncomfortable customer.

  Noah’s face contorted into the cantankerous Clint Eastwood glower that landed him in hot water at the courthouse, but Candy met his gaze unimpressed. Below her purple hair, she had heavily painted cat eyes and thick black lipstick. She chewed gum as various forms of silver jewelry poked out of her face, including a stud right between her eyes.

  “Are you interested in pills or something physical like a cock ring?”

  Noah choked and nearly walked out right then, but he held it together replying, “Pills, please.” His frown deepened.

  Cocking her head to the side, the girl pointed at the glass case between them. “These are the most popular kinds here, but there are a bunch of others. Some people say they get headaches, but these are supposed to have fewer side effects and work great.”

  “How much are they?” Noah asked, trying to make sense of the images and text on the bottles. His nerves were shot; everything jumbled together. Finally, he looked at Candy for help.

  “This one’s eighty-nine and this one’s ninety-nine; both have twelve pills.” An eye roll would have matched her tone perfectly.

  Noah raised both eyebrows. He expected to spend about half that much.

  “There are cheaper pills over there,” she offered, pointing at the next showcase.

  “Nah, that’s okay,” Noah replied. “I’ll take the black bottle.” He pointed at the most expensive pills. He wanted to get out of there quickly, and with something that worked. Expensive seemed like the best bet.

  “Good choice.” Candy said. “I’ll ring you up over here.”

  Noah walked out in the same manner he walked in, head down and fast. Palming one of the huge pills, he popped it in his mouth and washed it down with water from a bottle on the seat next to him. “Okay, let’s see if this works,” he mumbled, starting the truck’s engine and idling out of the parking lot.


  The next day, Noah tossed a baseball with Luke in the back yard.

  As he stretched to catch a high throw by Luke, Noah’s phone buzzed. Snagging the ball, he tossed it back. He knew the message came from Ulie and checking it would be a mistake. The medication worked, maybe too well. Just thinking about her made him rock hard.

  Noah recalled the picture Ulie sent him last night.

  With or without a supplement, she aroused him, but with it, the photo of Ulie’s bare breasts and playful smile nearly knocked him down. When he selected the photo, and his eyes feasted on Ulie’s unclothed body, his member grew exponentially, threatening to burst the seams on his jeans. It bordered on painful, and he bent over to relive the pressure. At first, he found it funny, but after a while realized there were unforeseen consequences. He couldn’t leave the house, not like that. Noah finally took matters into his own hands, so to speak.

  An odd thing happened when Noah finally climaxed. He expected the erection to subside as it always did, even as a hormone filled teenager. This time, he stayed fully engorged, ready to do it again without any need for a pep talk or additional foreplay.

  “Damn it,” he cursed under his breath. The pill was still affecting him and memories of Ulie triggered a noticeable reaction. “Uh, sorry, Bud. I need to run inside for a minute.” Trying not to make the reason obvious, he jogged for the door.

  “Okay, Dad,” Luke called after him. He tossed the ball high in the air, catching it in his mitt.

  In the kitchen, Noah frowned at his swollen crotch. “How long does this damn stuff last?” Shaking his head, Noah retrieved a cup and filled it with water from the dispenser on the fridge. He downed the water and took another look at his pants. No change.

  Chuckling at his predicament, Noah tried to think about something else. Out of habit, he grabbed his phone; the lock screen showed a message notification from Ulie.

  “Well, that won’t help the situation.” Noah pressed the button.

  “Hey, handsome! I just wanted to tell you that I’m thinking about you and I can’t wait to see you! Okay that is a lie. I’m a nervous wreck! How will we act around each other? Is it okay to touch you? Should I be okay with you touching me? What are the rules here? Ugh! I’m sorry for being a nutcase. I swear I’m not usually like this.”

  The bulge stiffened as he imagined their first touch. Smiling, Noah typed his reply. “Hey there, good-looking. I don’t think there are any ‘rules’ when it comes to this stuff. You should know, the first time we’re alone I plan to walk up, look you in the eyes, and take your hands in mine. You can also expect a long hug and maybe a kiss if you let me. I think we’re going to fit together as if we’ve been together for months. You’re going to have a good time, I promise. Does that help?” Send.

  The words flowed easily when Noah talked to Ulie. He didn’t always find a rhythm with other people, yet with Ulie, he somehow knew what she needed to hear. Not every instinct proved correct, but he learned from his mistakes. He wanted to make her happy, and he grew adept at reading her.

  “Aww, you’re the best. Thank you for being so sweet! I hope I always have you in my life.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, gorgeous.” Send. “Just get here safely.” Send.

  “Two more days!”

  Sticking his head out the door, Noah shouted, “Hey, bud? Are you hungry? I think I’m going to fire up the grill.”

  “Yes!” crowed Luke. Noah and his son shared a love for barbecue, no doubt about it.

  “Thank you, Jesus,” whispered Noah. Closing the door, he headed back to the safety of the kitchen.

  Chapter Ten (two weeks later)

  Nose glued to the window as the Chugach Mountains passed beneath the plane, Miranda’s mouth hung open. Miles and miles of untouched wilderness lay a stone’s throw from Alaska’s largest city
, making the approach into Anchorage breathtaking. Hundreds of jagged peaks and glaciers seemed close enough to touch as they descended.

  A little part of Ulie wished Chuck could see Miranda’s enthusiasm. He was a major prick, yet still Miranda’s father. She leaned closer to Miranda, peering over her shoulder.

  “We’re almost there,” she said, putting Chuck out of her mind.

  With each inconsiderate act, especially his post-gym rituals, Chuck had killed Ulie’s loyalty toward him. The bitter aftertaste of regret she used to choke on, fed by delicious fantasies of Noah, had vanished. She no longer cared about hurting Chuck, only Miranda.

  The plane touched down with a shuddering jolt followed by increased thunder from the engines and sudden deceleration. Ulie was closer than ever to seeing her secret lover.

  Miranda turned to her mom and squealed. “We made it!”

  Ulie smiled eagerly for her daughter, but inside, her heart pounded for Noah.

  As they taxied to the jet way, Ulie switched her phone on. Several message notifications popped up, but she didn’t dare open them with Miranda right beside her. “How would I explain that?” she wondered. Knowing the messages were there to read later gave her comfort. She put the phone back in her pocket and focused on getting to the baggage claim without losing Miranda or any of their belongings.

  Her mom and Ulie’s brother Steve waited just outside the secure area of the terminal. “It is good to be home, Mom,” Ulie said. They took turns embracing and walked together to the baggage claim.

  They spent the rest of the day getting settled in, catching up on family news and gossip, and showing Miranda photos of Ulie and Steve growing up together.

  “Mom! You had huge hair!” Miranda squealed in delight. Ulie’s senior picture could have been straight off an 80’s album cover.

  “Don’t remind me,” Ulie laughed, feigning embarrassment. “Besides, Steve’s hair looked worse!”

  “Hey!” he yelled from the dining room.


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