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Silvertongue Page 22

by Sidney Wood

  “You didn’t tell me Noah had a gorgeous brother!” Her eyes were wide, but she couldn’t disguise the smile still fighting for control of her face.

  Ulie laughed and pushed Amy toward the stairs. “You’re welcome! Now, let’s get you changed. We can’t go camping while you’re wearing that get up.”

  “Camping? It’s October!”

  “Heck yeah! Hold on tight babe, you’re in for a whole weekend of campfires, booze, and sleeping bags!” Ulie swatted Amy’s butt and the two ladies ran up the stairs.

  Slipping into a pair of Ulie’s jeans, Amy whispered, “He’s a Navy Seal!”

  Ulie giggled and threw her a shirt.

  “And Jesus, did you see his pecks?” Amy pulled the faded Motley Cue t-shirt over her head.

  Unable to contain her glee, Ulie stepped close, nearly touching their noses together. Her eyes were open extra wide. “You! Are! Welcome!”

  Amy snorted, making Ulie laugh and jerk forward accidentally bumping their noses together. They reflexively reached out to steady each other, still laughing as the bedroom door opened.

  “Hey, we’re ready to…” The brothers stood in the doorway, mouths gaping.

  “What?” Ulie said, looking over her shoulder. Amy giggled and pulled her closer, teasing the boys.

  Noah’s lips moved slightly, but no words escaped. His eyes darted back and forth between Ulie and her friend. Rob shrugged, but he had turned bright red again. His eyes were locked on Amy.

  Ulie frowned at Noah and closed the bedroom door, barring the men from coming in. “Boys,” she said.

  Amy rolled her eyes and they both doubled over, laughing uncontrollably.


  Noah and Rob’s family cabin sat on a secluded parcel of land, only accessible by a little-used dirt road behind Noah’s house. They crammed into the single cab truck for the ride, with Rob driving and Ulie sitting on Noah’s lap. Knowing it would turn him purple; Amy suggested she sit on Rob’s lap while Noah drove. Rob immediately snatched the keys and climbed in the driver’s side. Ulie had a good laugh over that. When they arrived, Ulie couldn’t wait to get out and look around.

  The old cabin belonged on the cover of an outdoor magazine. Each log, including the massive beam supporting the roof, had been cut and hand stripped by Noah and Rob’s grandfather when he built the cabin in the 1950’s. According to Noah, their father grew up in the cabin and lived there until the mid-seventies. After the men’s grandparents died, the family kept the cabin as a vacation home, spending part of each summer there. Noah took pleasure in showing it to Ulie and Amy.

  A set of crossed, handcrafted snowshoes, adorned the front exterior wall above the front doorframe. “Our grandfather used them to hunt and trap during harsh winters. Sometimes the snow reaches several feet deep,” Noah told the ladies.

  Higher up, sun bleached caribou antlers were nailed to the ends of roof beams. The main beam sported a set of moose antlers spanning nearly six feet. “My dad shot that moose right over there.” He pointed toward the tree line.

  “It was the biggest moose he or our granddad had ever seen,” said Rob.

  Inside, they showed the ladies vintage oil paintings, courtesy of their late grandmother, and rustic iron tools hanging on each of the interior walls. An oxidized saw blade stood in one corner, stretching from floor to ceiling. There were two bedrooms, with hand-carved, four-post beds. Rob hurried to point out that he planned to sleep on the couch.

  His ears turned purple each time he looked at Amy.

  Once the tour concluded, they unloaded the pickup and stowed their gear. As the ladies got settled, Noah uncovered a pile of neatly stacked firewood. The woodpile, kept safe from the elements by a thick brown tarpaulin and the eaves of the cabin roof, extended the entire length of the old building. Rob took a hefty armload inside the cabin while Noah took another load to the fire pit out front.

  Amy watched as Rob prepared the potbelly stove, adjusting the flu on the chimney and adding several pieces of dry kindling. In a matter of minutes, a crackling fire heated the stove and he closed the creaky cast iron door. She could already tell they had a lot in common, and she wanted to ask him about his time in the military. Shared experiences would make talking to him less daunting.

  Although she hid it behind a rough exterior, Amy had the same hang ups as most humans. Meeting people made her nervous, especially out of uniform. Pulling two cold beers from the ice chest she an Ulie lugged in, she popped the tops off.

  “Hey, big guy,” she said. “Want some of this?”

  Rob nearly fell over.

  When he turned around, his face shown beet red, his eyebrows arched. He looked like he expected to see her standing there buck naked.

  Laughing, but not missing a beat, Amy stepped toward him and shoved one of the beers into his large hand.

  He took it, smiling sheepishly.

  “Thanks,” he said. He tipped it toward her in a pseudo salute and took a drink.

  Amy saluted him back with her bottle and drank. “So far, so good.”

  Outside, Ulie leaned into Noah as the kindling in the fire pit ignited the larger logs on top. Wisps of smoke rose above the snap and pop of dry wood burning. Ulie sighed. She missed campfires and Alaska’s endless wilderness. She closed her eyes and breathed. “This is home,” she thought.

  Something cold touched her nose, and Ulie opened her eyes. Delighted, she saw tiny snowflakes floating down as the late October air gave her cause to hug Noah closer.

  Ulie looked over her shoulder, observing Amy and Rob laughing together and sharing their first beer in the family cabin. Ulie suspected there would be more firsts in the cabin over the weekend. Huddling into Noah, she watched as more snow drifted slowly to the ground.

  The weekend had just begun, yet her time in Alaska was coming to an end. Work and school were waiting. “Only a few more months,” whispered.

  “Did you say something?” Noah nuzzled the top of her head.

  Ulie tilted her head back. “I was just thinking about how long the next few months are going to seem.” Her eyes pled with him for reassurance as her mouth turned down at the edges.

  Noah smiled warmly and leaned down, kissing her.

  Ulie felt him fumbling for something in his pocket, but he didn’t stop kissing her, so she turned into him and kissed him more passionately. Noah’s mouth turned up in a smile, and Ulie felt one of his powerful arms pull her waist to him. Soon both arms were wrapped around her and he lifted her off the ground.

  That evening, Ulie’s phone buzzed several times in her pocket as she sat near the campfire listening to one of Rob’s stories. He loved talking about the men he served with, and the shenanigans they got into during training or on trips overseas. He didn’t regale them with stories of heroism or give gory details. His stories were about the good times and the funny parts of Seal life. Noah and Amy shared stories too, and Ulie felt grateful to be part of their inner circle.

  Pulling out her phone, she saw that the messages were all from Noah. She cast him a sideways glance and opened the messages. A soft, sweet ache touched her heart, and the smoke must have affected her because a tear rolled down her cheek. Several photos of her and Noah, including a selfie of the two of them kissing by the fire pit earlier, were accompanied by a text message.

  “My love, I don’t want to be apart from you for a minute, much less several months. But I love you enough to want you to achieve your dreams. Memories like these will keep us company during our time apart. I will never let you go, my beautiful secret.”

  Ulie read and re-read the message, then smiled devilishly as she typed a reply. Shoving the device back into her pocket she watched Noah with anticipation.

  His phone buzzed a moment later and he read the message. His face turned red and he abruptly stood. “Okay, I think it’s time to call it a night.” Taking Ulie’s hand, he pulled her to her feet. He gave a quick nod to Rob and Amy and dragged Ulie to the bedroom. She giggled all the way.

hat the heck was that about,” said Rob.

  Amy shrugged. “I don’t know, but I’m ready to go inside if you are. I’m not tired though, if you want to stay up and talk some more.

  Face instantly red, Rob said, “Uh, yeah. I mean, yes. I do.”


  In their bedroom, Ulie slipped her t-shirt over her head as Noah watched. “Is the camera where you want it?”

  Noah nodded his head up and down sharply and licked his lips. He sat at the edge of the bed and didn’t speak. His eyes were fixed on Ulie’s nearly bare body.

  Noah’s phone stood on a tall dresser, angled toward the bed, as it recorded them in video mode.

  Unfastening her bra, Ulie let it fall to the floor. She danced silently, swaying her hips and turning a slow circle to give Noah unfettered access to her physique. Only her panties kept her from being entirely naked. She stepped between Noah’s legs and bit her lip. “Uncover me,” she instructed.

  A growl came from deep within Noah’s chest as he looped a finger through the elastic waistband on each side, cupping her ass as he slid Ulie’s panties to the floor. He looked up at her with hungry, smoldering eyes. An unexpected smile broke across his face and he winked. “You’re absolutely stunning, baby. Making a video might be your best idea yet.”

  “Don’t for a second think this is all for you, cowboy,” she said. Ulie took Noah’s hand and brought him to his feet. “Your turn.” She gave him a light shove and sat on the bed, watching as he stepped forward and turned to face her.

  He chuckled but did as she instructed. The mirth swiftly left his face as he eyed her, naked and waiting for him on the bed. He was a wolf and she his prey. Ravenous for her touch, Noah stripped off his shirt and dropped it beside him. He clenched his jaw, eager to move closer and take what she willingly offered. Instead, he played his part, teasing her by unzipping his jeans slowly. He watched her cross and uncross her legs in expectation and licked his lips again. Noah pushed his jeans to the floor and kicked them aside. Walking forward, he exhaled sharply when Ulie spread her knees apart. His hands shook with an overpowering craving to take her in his arms and crush her to him. He stepped closer.

  Ulie grasped the sides of his boxer briefs and tugged them down, pushing them to the floor and helping Noah step out of them. When she tried to take him in her mouth, he gently picked her up and carried her to the center of the bed. “Here,” he said, pointing to the camera.

  Ulie smiled, embarrassed that she forgot. “Every great movie needs a director.”

  Noah crawled on the bed and lay back. Ulie leaned over him, lowering her lips to his. As her mouth opened and their tongues found each other, her body pressed against Noah, fusing to him.

  “I want to taste you,” Noah whispered as he kissed her neck and chin. “I can’t wait.”

  “I want the same,” Ulie said. “And I don’t want to wait either.”

  Nodding, Noah lifted her, guiding her to turn around. Ulie eagerly complied, straddling him backward with her knees on either side of his head. She took his thick pole in her hands and stroked it, bringing Noah to his full rigid potential. She swayed and rocked, rubbing her breasts on his member and relishing the hotness. A moan escaped her lips and she bit down to silence herself. Sound carried in the small cabin.

  Noah’s large hands pulled her hips downward, making her spread her knees apart and dip toward his chest. Ulie trembled with pleasure as his tongue found her. Noah lapped enthusiastically.

  Noah felt the hot wetness of Ulie’s mouth envelop his shaft. His stomach tensed involuntarily, and his toes curled. He snaked his tongue deeper into Ulie, pressing his face against her sumptuous bottom and jutting his lower jaw for maximum reach. He growled. The sensation of her body’s subtle quivers and shakes thrilled him. Knowing she felt the same excitement and sensual overload nourished his ego. He moved his head side to side, trying to push deeper as his arms, fully wrapped around her waist, pulled her to him. She couldn’t squirm away if she wanted to, but he knew from her increased vigor as she serviced him, that she didn’t. She wanted more, just as he did.

  The camera, still perched safely on the dresser, continued recording as Noah picked Ulie up again and turned her over. She reveled in the feeling of weightlessness as he manhandled her with his gentle, yet powerful body. He centered himself above her and pressed his hips against hers and Ulie welcomed him in. She tilted her hips and used her hand to guide his massive root into her tiny opening. His tongue, and her own labors, made her wet with slippery dew. Still, Noah took his time entering. Taking her by millimeters, he advanced and retreated several times before indulging fully in her well of pleasure.

  Between breaths, Ulie half-whispered, half-moaned, “I need to confess something.”

  “Really? Now?” Noah stopped, fully sheathed inside Ulie and pressing heavily into her. He could feel the pit of her core as her pelvic muscles hugged him tightly. “Whatever it is, I don’t care. It won’t change how I feel about you.”

  Ulie drew her knees up to bring him in deeper. Her head swam with desire, but she needed to get it out. “I…I used to have a name for you.”

  Noah heard her words yet couldn’t tear his attention away from the sensation of being inside her. “Uh, huh.”

  “I was angry and hurt, and I made up a name to remind myself not to trust you.”

  His eyes, clear and focused, found hers. His brow furrowed. “Go on. I’m listening.”

  “I called you Silvertongue.” Ulie bit her lip, waiting for his response. She trusted Noah, but she knew her news would be hurtful. She wanted to scream at herself for telling him. “I shouldn’t have said anything!” she thought.

  Noah maintained the severe look of concentration, his brow scrunched, and his lips turned downward. Pushing back, he slowly pulled out, leaving Ulie terrified that he might leave.

  “Silvertongue,” he said, raising his eyebrows slightly. His features softened, and he delicately touched her face as he slid down her body. “I can live up to that name.”

  Noah’s head disappeared between her thighs, turning the fearful pounding in Ulie’s chest to flutters of ecstasy and passion.

  “Oh…” The words were cut off by intense moaning.

  From between her legs, Noah said, “Lover, you have to keep it down.”


  His tongue went back to work with a vengeance, lapping, probing, and teasing Ulie’s trove of pleasure inducing nerve endings.

  Ulie slapped a hand over her mouth, unable to stop calling out as Noah took her with his mouth. She flushed a deeper shade of red, imagining Amy and Rob listening from the other room.

  Ulie bit her lip hard enough to detect the salty taste of blood, but even pain couldn’t keep her silent. Holding it in was impossible and she moaned louder. Noah’s skillful hands multiplied the effect, squeezing and caressing, pushing and pulling. He turned her body, reaching long arms to tease her nipples and finger her mouth. He lifted her hips high off the bed, pushing his tongue deep into her while she experienced the sensation of falling. Noah pulled her to him, dragging her lower half off the bed as her slender legs hung over his shoulders and she gripped the bedding tightly with outstretched arms. Ulie fell silent, unable to moan or cry out as he tortured her with extreme pleasure and varied sensations. The moment of climax drew nearer, and Ulie’s ability to think and speak were undone by Silvertongue and his masterful manipulations.

  True to his name, he exploited her wants and desires to achieve a wholly one-sided end. But it wasn’t his ending he worked toward. His cunning works of sensuous art were all for her. As her body trembled and quaked, and her silence broke in a desperate moan of intense release, Silvertongue rose quietly from between her thighs and returned her bodily to the center of the bed.

  Face glistening with the product of her pleasure, Noah met Ulie’s eyes. He burned with unconcealed yearning for her. His muscled chest glistened with sweat and heaved with every breath; veins bulged from his powerful arms. “Now,” he said, climbin
g onto the bed and positioning himself over her. “Where was I?”

  As Noah gently entered her hot, wet opening, Ulie answered. “You were right here, lover.” She kissed him. “Right where you belong.”

  Note from the Author

  Thank you for reading my book. If you enjoyed SILVERTONGUE, won’t you please take a moment to leave a review at your favorite online retailer?

  Thank you!

  ~ Sid

  About the Author

  Sidney Wood is a career military and law enforcement professional with a degree in business and a background in engineering. He lives in Alaska’s scenic Matanuska-Susitna Valley.

  Titles by Sidney Wood



  Blood Stripes Series:

  Book 1 - Devil Dog

  Thicker than Blood Series:

  Book 1 - Stronger than Bone

  Book 2 - Hammer and Stone

  Path of Jen Series:

  Book 1 - Bloodborne

  Book 2 - Reborn

  Short Stories:

  The Well

  Coming Soon:

  Joshua Bug (Paranormal Thriller)

  Path of Jen 3

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  Thank you!




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