Heroes of Darkness: A Dark Dungeon Realm LitRPG Omnibus Collection

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Heroes of Darkness: A Dark Dungeon Realm LitRPG Omnibus Collection Page 9

by Wolfe Locke

  I can do this.

  Chapter 17: What Was Lost

  * * *

  The undead surged forward, but John was relentless. Wielding the Everburning torch in one hand, and the axe in the other, he made quick work of the undead. John used the item’s magical properties to repel and harm the undead.

  Each time one of the skeletons was hit with an attack bearing the holy attribute of the flames from the Everburning torch the undead would burst apart into fragments of bone. They never stayed that way for long. Almost as soon as they were scattered, the bones began the process of reforming again. But there was a brief window of time where they were immobile. Just piles of undulating, reforming bones. A moment I can use.

  John exploited that small window to light the third brazier. His determination fueled his tired muscles as he scattered enough of the horde to give himself a moment to breathe and the space to move. He quickly placed the torch into the brazier. A fire started up with a whoosh.

  Now, with half of the braziers burning once more, the cold air dissipated. The burning flames dramatically increased the heat in the room. Sweat began to run down John’s face as he continued to exert himself against the undead horde.

  The room was now brightly illuminated. There were no more dark corners for the undead to hide in. No more could any of the monsters lurk and wait for an opening. It was just him, and the horde. Each laid bare and revealed a struggle against life and death.

  Once again, the undead rushed him, the crimson aura about them increased in intensity. For a moment, John felt a sensation of dread pass through him. I need to be careful.

  Like he had many times before, John raised the Everburning torch and used the holy barrier to repel the dead and push them back, not wanting to get surrounded again. John braced himself as he headed towards the fourth brazier. But the undead changed. Instead of rushing him on the ground as they had been before, several of the skeletons were launched into the air, propelled by the force of some of the others.

  The undead smashed into the highest point of the holy shield cast by the Everburning torch. Though John had used it as a physical barrier while he smashed the undead, it now became his undoing. The weight of each skeletal that crashed into the shield caused him to further lose his balance, until finally the torch was sent careening sideways, falling uselessly to one side of the room. John was left exposed, and the torch was dangerously low.

  Before he could right himself, the undead were upon him.

  Only John’s reflexes saved him. After dropping the Everburning torch he pulled out his other thrice blessed axe in one fluid motion. He met the undead that now charged at him, bony hands outstretched as the teeth of grinning skulls clattered.

  Against the entire horde, John’s thrice blessed axes without the enchantment from the torch and enough of them had been temporarily turned to bones after knocking the Everburning torch away from him that he had a chance.


  As has been said, sometimes the only way out is through. Shatter that which is not hallow. Break that which is not divine. Carve thine path through the darkness.

  That’s exactly what I’ll do. John thought as he slashed and struck. Each blow sending shards of bone flying. Every shard laid still where it landed to never again reform. John was a flurry of movements as he moved among the undead, taking down the skeletons with his thrice blessed axes and moving on towards brazier. The power that imbued the sharpened blades was anathema to them.

  Over and over, he struck, shrugging off the few blows the undead landed on him. His resilience added by the Ring of Temperance. I should have tried this from the beginning. This is what the voice hinted at.

  John smashed the last skeleton that was in his way and retrieved the Everburning torch. It barely held a flame, but all he needed was a little. Using the gap that now lay before him, he walked through the shattered bones, and lit the fourth brazier. Unlike before, the torch was not completely renewed. John’s heart sank. It didn’t work. The flame on his thrice blessed axes went out.

  Although he had managed to fell some of the undead permanently, there were still many of the skeletons to contend with. He had cleared away about a third of them.

  Only two of the braziers are left. John moved, keeping the torch as closed to his body as he could. I won’t make the same mistake again. Soon, he stood in the center of the room, right where the torch had originally been. The two dormant braziers stood to each side of him. He had a clear line of sight to both. It was as if the undead were daring him to try and light them.

  The stand that the torch had originally been in was still there. John used it now, placing the torch back so that he could free up his hands while still being protected.

  Using one of his thrice blessed axes he cut a portion of his tunic into strips and began wrapping it around one of his arms.

  He sheathed his axes and once more grabbed the torch. I really hope this is going to work.

  John took the Everburning torch and held the little bit of fire to the cloth that he had tied to his arm. As he suspected, it was not as hot as normal fire, but it still burned. His Ring of Temperance flashed but kept him safe as the fire spread to his arm. He had worried that it might take on the quality of normal fire once it was separated from the torch, but it was the same.

  The fire burned on him, but he nor his clothing burned. Though the protection of the flames now extended to him, he did not know for how long the fire would last, or for how long the Ring of Temperance would keep him safe.


  Long enough. Long enough if you do not tarry. Once the braziers are all lit, the undead, and the torch will no longer be a concern. The others are waiting.

  Here’s hoping my aim is true then.

  John threw the Everburning torch in an arch through the air. In the moments that it sailed, the undead did not move. They simply tracked that beacon of light, unsure of what was happening. Then, it landed on the fifth brazier, and up it went in flames.

  Seeing that it had worked, John took off running toward the sixth and last brazier, holding his burning arm out in front of him as he passed through the undead. Those skeletons that stood in his way were not batted aside by the holy light from before but instead immolated in flames, rapidly turning to bone dust as he left their burning bones in his wake.

  The burning fire was barely felt by John. It was more of a sensation of warmth then pain, though the closer he got to the brazier, the less light shone from the Ring of Temperance. The sensation of warmth gradually gave way to pain, but John endured with his goal in sight, until finally, he thrust his arm into the last brazier, illuminating it.

  The undead roared a terrible scream and collapsed into a pile of bones as the fire went out on his body. John roared back, into the void and into the darkness, screaming in defiance at the dead and their god.

  John’s arm ached. He looked down and saw it was burnt, though not severely. The Ring of Temperance snapped and fell to the ground.


  You have squandered my gift. The gift of a goddess and thus have lost my favor.

  Petty. How petty. In front of him, the gate slowly lifted and revealed the path forward. I‘ll make it without you.

  Chapter 18: The Skeletal Champion

  * * *


  Sloppily done, but you have at least survived where others have not. The challenge is near its endpoint, though we still have much further to do.

  Now that the flames were gone and the undead had been defeated, John took a moment to examine his injuries. A portion of this simple leather armor had burned completely away, the skin underneath on second look was revealed to be slightly burned, but only to the 1st or 2nd degree. It hurts, but I’ll live.

  John’s other hand was thankfully completely unmarred.q He made his way towards the exit, mentally trying to prepare himself for the next challenge. At least I get a little bit of a rest when I’m heading down the staircase.


  Let us see how this floor has marred you.

  Hmm.. You seem to have lost some of the strength in your arms. Until you are healed, those burns will compromise your endurance.

  Interesting… a spark of the Everburning Flame now lives within you. Nurture this, and it will grow into useful power.

  STR = 10 - > 9

  WIT = 3 > 3

  END = 15 >11

  AGI = 7 > 7


  *Smite - Upon killing an unclean one, the spirit of what is sacred will be stored within your body. Use this power to amplify the holy effect of any attack you should unleash on the unclean.


  *Fear of the Dark

  *Burned Skin


  *Thrice Blessed Axes, Burnt Simple Leather Armor, Sovereign Medallion *


  Book: The Book of Keys

  Torn Page

  Broken Band

  Yeah, I need to heal myself. John thought as he passed through the raised gate and walked down the stairs, but quickly he realized this was not as the others had been. It was different.

  Instead of descending into darkness, John could see the next from where he was through an open doorway. He saw sand bathed in bright light.

  But, as John approached, he saw that this newest floor was not like the others.

  That’s new, and changes are always something to be wary about. John wasn’t sure what to expect. Once again, he readied his thrice blessed axes and carefully went down the steps. Ignoring the burning sensation of his arm.

  Once he reached the bottom of the short staircase, John saw that this challenge was not yet over. Scattered around widely around the room were the bones of what John assumed were giants. His heart started bounding. He knew exactly what was about to happen.

  There were no more braziers of torches of purity. Just normal torches that lined the walls.

  Across the room was the wooden door that John had become familiar with. While it stood open, almost mocking him, the doorway had iron bars over it.


  I grant a quest to you. Defeat my champion and seek me out below. Then you will know power everlasting.

  In front of him, the bones began to move. John watched as a giant undead skeleton formed before him. It was easily five times the size of those he had just dealt with, and the glowing light from its eyes was a hateful red.

  John readied himself once more. There would be no getting past this thing, this champion, until it was reduced to bone ash on the floor. The door sealed shut behind him. Here goes.

  The undead took a step toward John and he thought that the floor might cave in. Such was the size and weight of the monster.

  John had fought many monsters before. A large portion of which had been in this dungeon alone. I’ll just have to fight this one too, and I’ll win. He would fight this one too, and he would win.

  The massive skeleton launched itself at John, and he dove out of the way in a roll as a massive sword materialized in the skeleton’s hand, slicing sideways and sending grains of sand everywhere in a spread. John barely avoided it. He came up on the other side of the giant skeleton, hoping to do some damage, but the monstrous skeleton had an animalistic cunning about it and was prepared.

  The undead pivoted and swung one of its thick bony arms backward towards him. The giant’s fist slammed into John and sent him flying into a far wall.

  Dazed and hurting, John finally recognized he was in the middle of an arena.

  In his stunned state, John could barely recognize the sensation of pain. Though he recognized his hands were still clutched around the thrice blessed axes.

  He made himself get back up. His mind foggy, he had only one thought. I can’t stop now. John ran at the giant undead.

  Its massive arms came streaming down at him, but John had recovered enough of his wits to get out of the way while moving closer into its reach. The skeletal arms shook the ground like an earthquake that caused the sand to stir, but John’s footing was sure. I won’t fall down again.

  Once he got close enough, John let out a roar and attacked with his thrice blessed axes. The edged weapon bit deep, shearing off long sections of bone and cutting straight into the marrow beneath.

  The skeleton roared and launched another attack with its sword. John jumped out of the way and moved in to strike again, but a massive bony hand grabbed him, pinning his arms. He tried to fight and to use leverage to pry the fingers open, but it was no use. The skeleton threw John, and he once again crashed into the wall of the arena.

  He thought he heard a snap. Maybe several. It was possible that he had broken a rib, at least a few other bones. John held out his hands. “Give me the pieces of the ring.”

  The broken parts of the Ring of Temperance appeared in his hand. “Please, just this once, help me again.” In answer, the two halves reformed, and John quickly put it on his finger. It dulled the pain to a point where John only felt only slightly uncomfortable.


  This one time, I shall assist you, to honor what you did for my shadow self, but know after this battle, you have forfeited my help forever. Whatever blessing remains in that ring when your battle is over is yours to keep. You will have no further favors.

  That was concerning. John could very well go on like the Gluttonous King had. The king had taken on massive amounts of damage and still came at John like he had not been injured at all. It was only after John had pried the ring from his finger that the king had felt the sting of his wounds.

  John made a mental note to make sure not to lose the ring. He was sure that the damage he had taken from the previous room, coupled with that he had taken now, would be too much to bear if he were made to feel it.

  I’ll have to use it sparingly and not squander it. This might be what’s keeps me alive. Still, he could not rely on it completely. Eventually, he would suffer enough damage to where his body just gave out or the blessing in the Ring of Temperance would become exhausted. But at least it numbs the pain and lets me keep going.

  He was pretty sure one crack that he had just heard had been part of skull shattering on the stone walls. I can’t afford to get hit again. That’s the only way to survive. The magic from the ring is keeping me together until I can heal.

  He had to remember. Durable but not invulnerable. I just have to beat this bastard.

  For the first time, John felt scared. I think I’m going to die here. Only a fool would have thought otherwise.

  Chapter 19: The Rite Anathema

  * * *

  John looked up at the giant skeleton, and that same feeling of dread spread through his body. The feeling that let him know he might not make it out of this alive. It was the same fear that he had felt too many times while in this dungeon. It’s ok. That’s the feeling that lets you know you’re still alive, and if you’re alive, you can still fight.

  Even then, the only things he could use were his thrice blessed axes. The magic of the Ring of Temperance was keeping his body together and was already more than he had asked for.

  He dodged out of the way of the skeleton’s swinging sword, not bothering to get another attack in. The thrice blessed axes had been wildly ineffective, and every attack had cost him. The damage he dealt to the giant skeleton was hardly worth the damage he incurred in return.

  If I can't harm it, how can I kill it?


  Ah. That’s the question, isn’t it. But you already have the answer. Something you’ve overlooked, perhaps. Though your trials may be terrible and harsh, they are not without a solution. A game without a way forward is no game at all. The answer lay with times.

  Always a riddle. But what does it mean? What have I overlooked?

  John didn’t have the time to stop and think it out, only that if what the voice said was true, the answer was likely something he had gained while in the dungeon. I killed the minotaur’s one at a time, and then the bigger one of the thr
ee by going for its joints. Maybe I could do something similar here, but I can’t really cut through the skeleton’s bones effectively.

  Wait? Is that the answer? I just need something that can cut the undead. Like, smite? Oh, man. I should have seen that awhile ago. It’s even an anagram of times too.

  “Smite,” John said, activating the ability with a command to ready himself once more. His axes at the ready as they began to glow with radiant power that was anathema to the undead.

  Once more into the breach. John charged at the skeleton, darting in close and dodging the strikes of its giant sword while staying away from the grasping arm. Each thrice blessed axe glowed brighter with power. I might only get one shot at this. He aimed for the same leg that he had wounded before, only this time he aimed slightly higher, believing he could slice all the way through.

  John ducked underneath another sword slash and brought one of his empowered thrice blessed axes up in a furious slash that bit into the undead giant's knee in a flash of power. The bone was disintegrated on impact and without the support for the weight of the rest of its body,


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