Winter Princess: A reverse harem novel (Daughter of Winter Book 1)

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Winter Princess: A reverse harem novel (Daughter of Winter Book 1) Page 9

by Skye MacKinnon

  I nod. “When do we start?”

  “That’s the spirit, lass,” Arc booms. “And ye’ll start with me.”

  Chapter Ten

  I meet Arc outside, behind the house. There’s not much around the little cottage: bare, low hills, moorlands, and in the distance, the sea. It’s beautiful in a very simple way. I take a deep breath, enjoying the tingle of the salt air in my nostrils. I could get used to this view. Everything is so quiet here. After living in the city all my life, this is very different. Good different.

  I wonder what the Realms will be like. I imagine them looking like something out of a fairy tale, with a touch of middle ages thrown in. No electricity, no streets, no cars. But maybe I’m totally wrong about that. I mean, there’s magic, right? Who says magic can’t power a house. Maybe they’ve even got internet over there.

  Well, first I have to get through those Stones, then I’ll be able to find out.

  Arc is standing with his back to me. His kilt is moving gently in the breeze, as is his ginger hair. His broad shoulders are relaxed as he looks into the distance. He’s gorgeous, in a rugged, hard sort of way. Not as hard as Storm though, who is the master of grimness.

  I run towards him and jump up, hugging him from behind. My magic purrs inside me. Yes, I admit, satisfying the bond between me and the guys feels nice. Too nice, almost.

  “Lass, good to see ya,” Arc says with his deep voice, smiling.

  I rub my hands, looking at him expectantly. “How do we start?” If I didn’t have as much self-control, I’d be jumping up and down from excitement. I’m finally going to explore my magic!

  “How much do ye know about what I can do?”

  “Ehm, I know you can change memories; you did that to my neighbours after I... well, after my magic exploded. But that’s pretty much all I know.”

  He sighs. “I dinnae like meddling with people’s minds. Too much can go wrong, too much ta mess up. But sometimes I have nae choice. But I can do other things. Reading people’s mind ta tell if they’re lying.”

  “Oh, I can do that,” I interrupt.

  “Ye can?” His bushy eyebrows arch in surprise.

  “I’ve always been able to. Only with humans though, I think. At least I can’t do it with you guys.”

  “That’s cause we’re shielded. Maybe ye can try with Chesca later on. Demons are quite similar ta humans in this matter. Most mages are shielded. Gods cannae be read at all.”

  He smiles. “One less thing ta teach ya. What ye really need ta learn though is how ta shield yer own mind. Some demons can take control of mages if they dinnae shield enough. And I dinnae want ta imagine what a demon possessing ya could do...”

  I shiver. No, neither do I. And thinking back to when those mages kidnapped me, I realise how important this shielding is.

  “How do I do it?” He smiles at my enthusiasm. Arc seems very smiley today. I hope it lasts. I love his dimples.

  “Let’s sit down.” He motions me to a group of boulders. Good thinking; the ground is far too squishy and wet to sit on.

  When I’m seated on a stone opposite him, he begins his explanation.

  “Close yer eyes. Relax yer body. Focus on yer limbs. Are they relaxed? Let go of any tension ya feel. Now, breathe in - hold - and breathe oot.” I feel like he’s turning into some kind of yogi. His usual deep voice has softened, taking on a calm, peaceful tone. I could listen to him for hours.

  I follow his instructions, breathing deeply, focusing on how my breath expands my rib cage and then deflates it again.

  “Now, imagine an island. It doesn’t have ta be big, it could be just a small piece of sand in the middle of the ocean. Imagine sitting on this island, just like ye’re sitting now. Ye’re relaxed. Listen ta the sound of the waves. Listen how they become louder, wilder. They’re turning into a storm. Ya have ta protect yourself from the elements. Imagine a dome of glass, covering your entire island. It doesn’t have to be high, but it needs ta touch the ground everywhere. There cannae be holes, no places for the water to enter.”

  I’m feeling a bit like Robinson Crusoe, sitting on my tiny island under a palm tree. It’s hard to focus; my belly is full of butterflies that flutter with every word Arc is saying. That bond will be the end of me.

  I need to focus.

  Taking another deep breath, I imagine a dome, and when I breathe out, I drop it on top of my island. It almost crushes me, but it’s just high enough so I can stand up. Apparently, I can destroy things even in my imagination. I really need to get to grips with all this magic stuff.

  “Do you have that dome?” Arc asks, his voice soft and gentle.

  I nod, trying not to lose focus.

  “Good. Now let’s test how strong it is. I’m going to try and break it. Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt ye.”

  I steel myself against his coming onslaught, thinking he’ll try to crush the flimsy dome I have erected around me. Instead, nothing happens. The waves continue to beat against the glass, but no more than before.

  I relax a little. Maybe my dome is strong enough to withstand Arc’s powers? I’m a demi-goddess after all, maybe my powers are stronger than those of a Guardian.

  I smile - and shriek as I suddenly notice Arc sitting next to me on the sand.

  He frowns at me. “Ya failed. Let’s try again.”

  He disappears into thin air, leaving me shocked and disappointed into myself. Pride comes before the fall, etcetera.

  I shake off the feelings of rejection, and focus on my dome again. I look for any holes or cracks he might have used to enter. And yes, there’s a large cleft at the bottom of the dome where water is slowly pouring through. Damn it, Wyn. Focus. This is no game, even if there’s a hot Guardian involved.

  This time, I make sure there are no cracks. My dome is smooth and strong.

  “Still not good enough,” Arc rips me from my jubilations. He’s sprawled out on the sand next to me, taking in the view. Waves are crashing against the glass, some even manage to roll over the dome completely.

  “What did I do wrong this time?” I whinge. “I thought I had everything covered.”

  “Did ya think of what happens underwater?”

  I huff. No, I didn’t.

  “So, it’s not supposed to be a dome, but a sphere? Why didn’t you say so?”

  “Because then I couldnae have done this.” He pulls me against himself and crashes his lips on mine. I know this isn’t real, I know this is just happening in my mind, but it feels real. I part my lips slightly, and Arc takes that as an invitation to nudge them open further, entering my mouth with his tongue. We merge, our mouths pressed together, our minds entangled. It feels beautiful. His lips are soft and firm against my own, his hands are gripping my hair, pulling me even closer against him. With a final touch of his tongue against my own, his lips leave my mouth, travelling downwards, leaving kisses on my chin, then my throat. I moan and lean back into his arms that are holding me in place. I close my eyes, revelling in the feeling of his hot breath on my skin. His tongue is trailing lower, drawing circles on the nape of my neck. I moan softly and in response, he gently bites my skin.

  “Open yer eyes,” he whispers hoarsely. When I do, his mouth descends on mine again, giving me a heated kiss, before breaking apart. I’m breathless, waiting for him to come back, to touch me again, more, everywhere.

  He smiles. “Look down.”

  I do and - holy fuck, my shirt has gone! I’m naked, from the waist up; no bra, no shirt, just my bare skin. He grins. “And this is why you shouldnae let me into yer mind.”

  Before I can protest, his mouth is on my right breast, suckling on my nipple. Why would I ever protest against that? I lean back, his hands still holding - I fall into the sand.

  He’s gone.

  I’m alone on my island, lying in the sand, half-naked.

  “Aaaaarc!” I scream in anger and frustration. He didn’t even have the decency to leave my shirt with me. There’s nothing to cover me with. Not even a giant palm
leaf I could use, Eve-style. I growl. That man is going to be killed slowly. Maybe I’ll even ask Chesca to help me. I’m sure she’d love a good Guardian torture followed by a Guardian roasting. Or dismemberment. Yes, that’s a good idea. Totally going for dismemberment.

  “Get ready, I’ll try again,” Arc’s voice comes from far away.

  I’ll show the bastard. He’s not getting in here again. My magic moans in disappointment. Shush, girl. Pride over pleasure.

  I extend my dome downwards until the edges meet. I glue them together, forming a perfect sphere. No one can enter now, not even from below. Not even Arc. I pour all my energy into the glass, making it stronger, unbreakable.

  He is not going to best me again.

  Every muscle tight and ready to act, I wait. No surprises this time, no matter how pleasant they may be.

  I look out into the waves still crashing against my sphere. The sea is boiling, dark waters are fighting for dominance. Is that... yes, there’s someone out there, in the water.

  A large body, naked, fighting against the waves.


  He reaches my protective orb, his fists pummelling the glass. His face is desperate, he’s trying to speak but that would mean he’d open his mouth to the water. He’d drown. He’s scratching the glass, trying to get a grip on it. I run to him, placing my hands against the glass. His eyes meet mine, wild and full of fear. He’s drowning. I need to help him.

  I concentrate. I built this sphere; I can break it. With as much force as I can muster, I slam my fist against the glass, breaking it.

  The dome collapses.

  Water enters, quickly overwhelming me. Arc has disappeared. It’s just me, the waves, and my last breath.

  I open my eyes with a gasp. The first thing I do is check whether I’m dressed. I am, thank the Gods.

  Arc is watching me from the stone he’s sitting on.

  “You shouldnae have done that,” he says sadly. “No matter what ye see in your mind, ye can never let down your barriers. Understand?”

  “But you were drowning,” I splutter.

  “It wasn’t real. Demons will show ya all kinds of things ta trick ya.”

  I nod, embarrassed. I failed his test. Damn it. Why does that affect me so much? Why do I care so much what he thinks of me?

  “Come on, let’s try it with the others. Keep your barrier up, alright?”

  I nod, still a little downtrodden.

  “Don’t look so sad, lass. Nobody expects ya to be perfect from the start.”

  “But I need to be able to do this tomorrow, Arc,” I argue. “I don’t have the time to practice again and again.”

  “Aye, I ken. That’s why we’re practicing with Chesca.”

  I gulp. Maybe I’m not so keen now.

  I follow Arc back to the cottage. The other three Guardians are sitting in the kitchen, having tea and what looks like scones. Someone else has joined them, a man, just as beautiful as them. I assume that’s the Guardian Chesca is trying to be good (or better, less evil) for.

  He gets up when we enter the room and does a half bow.

  “Princess, it’s an honour to meet you.”

  I smile, unsure of what to do. I promise myself that one of the first things I’ll do in the Realms is to learn basic demi-goddess etiquette.

  “The honour is mine,” I reply, remembering a line I’ve heard before in fantasy films. All that binge watching is finally coming in handy.

  “Wyn, this is Aodh, a fellow Guardian,” Storm introduces the man. “He is Chesca’s...”

  “Fiancé,” Chesca interrupts from behind us. She squeezes past, managing to rub her bum against Arc. Damn that demon. She slides onto Aodh’s lap. “We got engaged last month.”

  “Congratulations,” Storm sighs.

  Arc leans down and whispers into my ear. “They get engaged every few weeks, then split up again. We’re no longer taking it very seriously, and I doubt Aodh is.”

  Aodh smiles patiently. “Would you like some tea, Princess?”

  I nod. “And please call me Wyn. I don’t feel like a princess yet.”

  “That will come,” he says sagely. “You’ll grow into your role once you’ve spent some time in the palace.”

  “If we ever make it there,” I mumble while reaching for a scone. They look delicious. I wonder if Chesca made them. Somehow, I can’t imagine her standing in the kitchen, cooking and baking. But then, what do I know about demons. Maybe they’re quite domesticated.

  I smirk and take a bite. Okay, it was definitely Chesca who made them. They’re disgusting. I think she used salt rather than sugar, and added a hefty dose of vinegar. I’ve never eaten anything so rancid.

  The guys look at me expectantly. Only now I see that they haven’t touched their own scones. Thanks for the warning.

  I swallow with determination, then smile at Chesca. “They are delicious, did you make them?” She nods, her expression brightening. “Yes, do you like them?”

  “Words fail me,” I reply, trying to keep a straight face. Frost is hiding his face in his tea cup, trying not to burst out laughing. The other guys aren’t faring much better; all are looking slightly choked. Even Aodh seems to be having trouble not to grin.

  Oblivious, Chesca beams at me. “Do take another, sweetheart, I’ve got more in the living room.”

  Please kill me now.

  Luckily, Arc comes to my rescue.

  “I’m afraid we don’t have much time. I’ve taught Wyn how to shield her mind, but she needs practice. Chesca, would you mind...”

  Still smiling widely, Chesca nods graciously. “Of course. Darling, look at me.”

  I only realise that she’s talking to me when Storm pointedly clears his throat.

  “Ehm, yes.” I shift in my seat until I’m facing her.

  “Is your barrier still up?” Arc whispers. I quickly check on my little island, and see with relief that a new sphere has formed around it. I give him a quick nod and he smiles at me reassuringly.

  Chesca leans forward, while still being sprawled out in her fiancé’s lap.

  “Close your eyes, pumpkin.” I almost choke, but manage to do as she says. Again, I find myself on my island. The sea has calmed a little, but it’s still rough out there.

  Slowly, a mist rises from the water, gathering around the edges of my sanctuary. From the mists, a woman appears. Chesca. Her wings are stretched out wide and she’s as naked as she was on the day she was born (or created, or crawled out of hell; whatever demons do to start their life). She gives me a seductive little wave. Well, seductive perhaps if I was into women. Or into demons. But instead of looking at her little sultry display, I think of my Guardians. All four of them, together, surrounding me, like on the ferry, but this time Crispin has joined the others. I breathe in their scent, their masculinity.

  Chesca has no chance against the force of my vivid imagination.

  Her features change from seductive to angry. She claws at my glass sphere, and while it shakes slightly, it holds. No cracks this time. Take that, demon bitch.

  * * *

  When I open my eyes, an angry demon is looking at me. But I’m more interested in the proud looks my Guardians are giving me. I passed the test. Yay me.

  Chapter Eleven

  I follow Frost outside. We’re not staying close to the cottage this time; instead, we’re following a well-trod path leading to a tiny loch. More of a big pond, really, surrounded by heather bushes.

  “I thought it would be easier to practice with a small pool of water rather than going to the sea,” Frost smirks and I smile gratefully. I have no idea what to do with water. On my birthday, it was ice and snow that attacked me. Is that the same as water magic?

  “To manipulate water, you first need to understand the essence of water.”

  I frown. “That sounds very philosophical.”

  Frost laughs. “You might like this bit. Undress.”

  “What?!” Not again. These boys are driving me crazy with their attempts at get
ting me to go nude.

  He sighs. “You can leave your underwear on. You could even leave all your clothes on, but then you’d be dripping wet afterwards, and I can’t have you get ill on the day before the battle.”

  He’s got a point. But I’m not going to concede that easily. “But it’s cold... It’s not like it’s summer,” I moan.

  He just smiles patiently. “Touch the water.”

  I give him a confused look but bend down and put a finger into the water lapping at the shore of the loch. I laugh in surprise. It’s warm! Perfect bathing temperature, actually.

  “Now, get undressed, we’re going for a swim.” True to his word, Frost pulls his shirt over his head, exposing his sculpted abs. Gorgeous. He catches me staring. I blush and turn my gaze away. No need to show him how much he affects me.

  When he slides down his jeans, I busy myself with my own clothes. I really don’t want to do this, but then... yes, I do want to. Before I can change my mind, I strip down to my underwear and run into the water, almost slipping on the muddy ground.

  The water is quite murky, which is good because it hides my body from Frost’s heated eyes. Yes, his gaze is following me, his expression hungry. He’s still wearing boxers, but now he’s putting his hands on the waistband and pulling them down - I turn away, staring at the water that has suddenly become very interesting. Fascinating. So much better to look at the water than at his... bits. Although I’m sure they’re impressive. Gah, no. The water is impressive. Exactly.

  “You can turn around now,” he laughs, very aware of my embarrassment. I slowly turn, making sure that it is indeed safe to look. He’s standing in the water, wading towards me. It’s like the water is parting way in front of him, making him appear a lot more graceful than I must have looked when I walked into the loch.

  I’m standing on muddy ground and I don’t even want to imagine what creatures might be looking at my toes just now. Or what creatures I’m standing on. Yucky. I should really learn how to walk on water like Frost did when he rescued me from the sea. But then, I’d be half naked. Okay, maybe not.


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