His Scottish Pet: Dom of the Ages

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His Scottish Pet: Dom of the Ages Page 6

by Red Phoenix

  “Did I please you well, Master?” Buchanan asked, staring at him with those luminous green eyes.

  “Aye, pet,” he answered with a satisfied snort. “Your Master is well pleased.”

  She grinned at him, her eyes sparkling. An innocent smile that caused his heart to skip a beat. If he wasn’t careful, he could fall for this girl. He got up abruptly and cleaned her off before leaving the cottage to retrieve her clothes. Once in the barn he headed straight to Eventide. “I don’t want to hear it.”

  Eventide shook his head from side to side, letting out a low nicker. It seemed suspiciously like laughter to Ryce.

  “I had no other choice. Laughing at my expense is not allowed, you pompous ass.” He smacked him on the hindquarter and Eventide tried to side-kick him, but Ryce easily avoided his hoof. “Nice try, old chap. Now you’ll get no grain with your supper.”

  His dark stallion rolled back his ears and snorted angrily.

  “There is a reason I am the Master.” He threw in an ample amount of hay, before gathering Buchanan’s clothes and heading back towards the cottage. He hesitated at the door. Remember she is your pet, nothing more, he chided himself.

  To help keep that at the forefront of his mind, he entered and insisted, “Put the leash back on after you dress and wear it whenever you are in my home.” He could tell she was hurt by the expression on her face, but it was absolutely necessary. They both needed that visual reminder of her place.

  “I will be visiting Avril tomorrow to thank her for your clothes.”

  Again, that hurt expression returned on her face. Further proof he was doing the right thing. “Understand, pet, you and I have an arrangement of convenience. You are my property. It gives you no rights over me.”

  She bowed her head. “Yes, Master.”

  He asked firmly, “Do you want out of this arrangement?”

  She immediately looked up in desperation and shook her head vigorously. “No, Master, no!”

  “Fine, then we will continue on with your lessons tomorrow once I return.”

  Buchanan smiled at him through the tears forming in her eyes. Once again he was overcome with a disconcerting feeling of tenderness for the girl.

  “Make supper, pet. Your Master is hungry.” He took his claymore off the mantle to clean and polish it. This ‘arrangement’ was only going to cause him trouble.

  Ryce heard Eventide neigh loudly from the barn as if in agreement. Insufferable horse.

  His Pet’s Pleasure

  The day came, it was inevitable… Ryce unwittingly put himself in harm’s way, exposing the nature of his curse to Buchanan.

  He’d taken her on a ride with him to get her out of the cottage. He knew it was stifling her young spirit to be confined to his home for fear of being discovered living alone with him. A day out seemed a reasonable solution.

  Eventide was navigating a thick section of fallen trees when an adder struck at his feet, only missing by inches. The great horse reared and both Buchanan and Ryce flew into the air before falling hard to the ground. Eventide’s massive hooves landed repeatedly on the snake, quickly eliminating the venomous threat.

  Ryce was racked with pain, but looked over at Buchanan to make sure she was all right. She seemed dazed, but slowly got to her feet and brushed herself off. He, however, was pinned to the ground. He looked down to see the sharp end of a tree branch protruding from his chest and a pool of blood quickly soaking his shirt.

  His struggle for breath alerted him to the fact his lung had been punctured by the limb.

  Buchanan screamed when she saw him. “No! No, Master Leon! You can’t be hurt. Please, no!” She pulled off her tartan and pressed it against his chest, tears streaming down her face.

  In gasping breaths he told her, “Go back… Get water boiling… I will… come.”

  She looked at him in horror, automatically switching to her Scottish dialect. “Ah’ll not leave ye!” She began sobbing uncontrollably as blood continued to pour from the wound. He could read the panic on her face and knew of only one way to stop it.


  Her tears stopped momentarily and she looked at him.

  Calling her by her given name had the effect he was counting on. His gasping for air was getting worse and he knew it frightened her. “Do… as I say… I will… come… I need hot… water.”

  The terror painted on her face was enough to break his heart. “I don’t want to leave ye here to die!”

  He said again, his voice getting weaker, “Go… now…” He took another breath and added, “Run.”

  She pressed her mouth against his, her lips salty from her tears, and then got up and ran back to the cottage. When she was out of sight he called Eventide to him. The horse was jumpy from the stench of his blood, but Eventide was a noble steed and fought his natural instincts to run. The stallion bowed his head, allowing Ryce to grab onto the reins with both hands.

  “Back!” he grunted.

  The horse pulled back, but stopped when he felt resistance.

  “Back… Eventide!”

  The horse mustered his strength and Ryce felt the branch dislodge from his chest. The blood quickly filled the void, causing him to cough up bountiful amounts of crimson—the reason he needed Chrisselle far away.

  He fell onto the mossy ground and closed his eyes. Once upon a time, he would have panicked. The pain, blood loss, and the struggling for every breath would unnerve any man. But he’d been through it too many times to react now.

  Even as he lay there, his body was repairing the damage. It was his curse, a body that could not die. One that forced him to live on as those around him succumbed to nature’s time-honored rule—where there was life, death was not far behind.

  Eventide nudged him with his nose. Ryce’s eyes flickered open. “It’ll be… fine, old man. Just… give me a bit…”

  The sun was ready to set before he was able to get to his feet. His steed knelt down so that he could climb onto his back. He held on tight as Eventide made his way without being directed. It was a hard and grueling journey, made more painful with each jolting step. He would have stopped to recover, but he knew that Chrisselle must be frightened. He hoped she’d stayed at the cottage like he’d ordered.

  Thankfully she had. The girl cried out the instant they broke through the trees. He assumed she’d been waiting outside for hours hoping for his return. “You’re alive!” she sobbed in relief.

  He grunted with pain as he slid off his trusted friend and let Chrisselle help him into the cottage. She guided him to the bed and then fetched the boiled water. Her hands were shaking so badly that she almost spilled it on herself.

  “There, there, pet… Master is fine. No sense in being careless.”

  She went to peel back his shirt, but he stopped her. “I can care for myself.”

  Chrisselle’s reaction was unexpected. She sat on her heels and began crying hysterically. When he asked what was wrong she howled, “That is what faither said, but he deid!”

  Ryce closed his eyes. The ghosts of her past were rearing their heads. He was unwilling to cause her any more pain.

  “Fine. You may dress it.”

  She got back to her feet, brushing away the tears before she came to him. “Thank you, Master.” She made a little hiccup sound as she tried to calm the sobs still remaining. She peeled back his shirt and gasped, then she smiled. “I thought it was much worse.”

  He chuckled softly and began coughing. “It looked worse than it was. Did I not say I would be fine?”

  “Aye,” she said in astonishment. Chrisselle gently cleaned the wound and bandaged it, asking him to turn over so she could attend to the entrance wound. “It’s a miracle.”

  “Not a miracle, simple luck,” he corrected. But now the doubts would begin… She’d seen the size of the branch, the large amount of blood. The wounds bore no resemblance to what should have been.

  “Nae,” she said, lightly brushing her hand over the bandage.

  He gr
abbed her wrist and said more harshly than he meant, “I do not have patience for your foolery. Get me soup and feed my horse.”

  Her lip quivered as she went to carry out his tasks. Ryce looked up at the ceiling. What is unnatural will eventually be perceived as evil. It had played out time and time again.

  No matter, he would keep the bandages on, redressing them himself, and act sore for a number of days. It was possible Chrisselle would buy it if his acting was convincing enough. Chrisselle? Why in God’s name was he thinking of her as Chrisselle now? Idiot! He made a mental note to no longer think of her by her given name. She was simply his pet.


  Fate seemed to be conspiring against him. A few days later, Widow Kegan came bursting through the door. “What’s going on, Ma…” She stopped and stared at his pet. Her eyes narrowed. “And who is she?”

  Ryce was reclining on the bed, but got up with the proper amount of discomfort to be convincing. “This is my pet. She is under my care.”

  “Under your care? You mean you’re coupling with her!”

  Ryce moved towards Kegan unhurriedly, knowing how important it was to gain control over her. “As I stated, she is a pet, Kegan. Nothing more.”

  “Pet? I see a collar around her neck, but what does that mean?”

  “I care for her needs.”

  “And she cares for yours, I’ll wager.”

  “Does it matter?” he asked coolly.

  “Aye, it does!”

  He stood before her, exuding shameless confidence. “It has no bearing on you.”

  Kegan folded her arms and stated, “I don’t appreciate you coupling with others.”

  Such blatant disrespect could not be tolerated, but he did not want to incite her wrath and risk Kegan telling others about the girl. He remained calm as he explained, “Exclusivity has never been part of our arrangement, Kegan.”

  She glared at his pet. “But I don’t condone a girl living here alone with you. It’s not proper. Not proper, I say!”

  “I’ll not have you questioning me on this.” He understood Kegan’s need for correction, reassuring her that she was still his slave. “As your Master I cannot abide such poor behavior.” Ryce slapped her cheek. She looked shocked at first, but then relaxed and became focused on him. “Do you understand, slave?”

  “Yes, Master Leon.” She added quietly, “So, you still wish to play together?” Kegan glanced over at his pet who continued kneeling with her head bowed, not making a peep.

  “Yes. However, I’ve had an accident and must postpone tonight’s entertainment.”

  Kegan frowned. “An accident?”

  “Had you not noticed I was in bed when you barged in?”

  She opened her mouth to make a quick retort, her jealousy easy to read. Ryce scowled at her and her mouth snapped shut.

  He continued, “I fell from the horse and damaged my shoulder. In two weeks’ time I should be fully functional. I’ll need to be to carry out what I have in mind for you.”

  She smiled coyly. “You have plans for me, Master?”

  “Yes, but the next time you enter my residence again without permission it shall be the last.”

  “Yes, Master,” she replied with the proper humility.

  Ryce was discouraged that he had no food to offer her children when he dismissed her. Hunting had not been an option and he was running low as it was. “Return in two weeks exactly at noon.”

  He noted her hesitation, her reluctance to leave him with the girl. When Kegan turned to go she had the impudence to glare at his pet.

  “Slave, how you treat my pet reflects directly on me,” he rebuked. “Apologize to her now for that look of disrespect.” He then added for emphasis, “You may address her as Master’s pet.”

  Ryce watched her inner struggle play out on Kegan’s face, but she eventually turned to the girl and said in a forced voice, “I am sorry for my disrespect, Master’s pet.”

  He opened the door. “You may leave now.”

  As she exited, Ryce wondered if Kegan would prove more trouble than she was worth. “Tell no one of the girl.”

  She looked at him strangely, but answered, “Yes, Master Leon.”

  He shook his head as he watched her leave. Ryce had assumed being older and possessing such an independent spirit, her jealousy would not control her.

  He closed the door and turned towards his pet. He asked her to stand and look at him. “You did well. I am proud of the way you conducted yourself during the unexpected intrusion.”

  “Thank you, Master.”

  The rush of being discovered had Ryce aroused and Chrisselle’s obedience had only served to fuel the fire. “I wish to teach you a new trick today, pet.”

  Her eyes sparkled luminously at the suggestion, but she bowed her head before she spoke. “I would be honored, Master.” He found it curious, as he had not instructed her to bow.

  “My cock has been neglected as of late, but that shall be remedied this moment. Take off your clothes and come to the bed.”

  He pretended stiffness as he lay down, grunting in pain for her benefit. She rewarded him with a worried glance while she slipped off her underclothes. As she walked towards him, he was able to appreciate her blossoming body.

  The girl was still lean, but her breasts and hips were beginning to fill out. She had the look of a woman now, curves hinted at and a light red mound that beckoned to him. He held out his hand and guided her onto the bed. “I will teach you a new way to please me.” He ran his index finger over her pink lips. “It involves this.” He inserted his thumb into her mouth and held her cheek possessively. “Your mouth is mine.”

  She leaned her head into his hand, obviously aroused by his dominance over her. He was tempted to slip his other hand between her legs to note her level of excitement, but refrained. It would be a gratuitous gesture as he already knew the answer. He removed his thumb and kissed her more aggressively than he had before. She did not resist, returning the exchange with ardor.

  The girl was an eager and willing pupil. It amazed Ryce the level of trust she bestowed on him given her past and he wondered if she would be ready to take him sooner than he first planned. Just the thought of that increased the blood flow to his shaft and he groaned.

  She mewed in response to his vocal pleasure and his heart quickened. The girl was intoxicating. Still kissing her, Ryce took her hand and guided it under his kilt. He placed his hand over hers and wrapped it around his cock with the amount of pressure he preferred. Together their hands moved up and down his shaft. He showed her the angle and speed that pleased him and then he let go.

  She stopped, but he growled huskily, “Continue.” She wrapped her small hand around his cock and mimicked his stroke. “Tighter,” he ordered.

  When she tightened her grip, he groaned in satisfaction. “Keep it up, pet. It pleases your Master well.” He lay back and let the sensation carry him to a higher level of arousal. There was a certain satisfaction in getting himself to the point where his balls ached in need.

  He felt her hand slow down and chuckled inside, knowing she was growing tired. “Faster,” he told her. Tiredness should never affect his pet’s performance. It was an important rule to establish. She returned to the vigorous pace and he lifted his hand and stroked her short hair in gratitude. She glanced up and smiled.

  He almost pushed himself over the edge wanting to test her endurance, but coming too soon would not accomplish his goal. “Enough, pet. Come back up here.”

  She crawled over to him, her curiosity easy to read. So much like a cat, he mused. Ryce grabbed her hair and pressed his lips to hers, ravaging her with his tongue. Showing her exactly how he would take her if he could.

  She whimpered in his mouth, a sound of complete surrender, and he almost lost control. Ryce pulled away, forcing his heart to rate slow down as he regained dominance over his body.

  “Now for these lips to please me further,” he said, tracing their delicate outline with his finger.

; “Like Avril?” she asked.

  “Yes, like Avril, although I am going to ask more of you.”

  She bowed her head. “Thank you, Master.”

  “Position yourself between my legs.” He watched as she moved back down and she stared at his rigid shaft.

  “Kiss and lick it, pet.”

  She leaned forward, giving him a view of her lovely ass. His pet kissed the head of his shaft so lightly it tickled. Then she trailed down the entire length of his shaft with those butterfly kisses. She followed it up by licking his balls far too gently.

  “I will not break,” he teased.

  She immediately licked with more force and his shaft responded accordingly. He enjoyed the feel of a woman’s tongue, but what he desired more was suction. “Wrap your lips around the top and suck it, pet.”

  Her lips returned to the head of his shaft and the warmth of her mouth encased him. “Ahhh…” he groaned. “More suction.” He felt the increased pressure and groaned again. Ryce knew his verbal cues would add to her enjoyment of this lesson.

  “Now I want you to grip the shaft and move your mouth up and down on it. Try to keep the suction steady. Please your Master with that mouth.”

  His pet used both hands to grip his cock and then she went down with too much enthusiasm, causing herself to gag. It was difficult not to laugh but he appreciated her determination to take all of him. He planned to teach her how to in the future, but for now he wanted to keep it simple. “Not so deep. Slow and steady.”

  She looked up at him from between his legs and nodded. She tried again, going shallow at first, until she became comfortable with the motion. The warmth of her mouth, the moistness, and the extent of the suction was causing a lusty ache. He groaned loudly this time and put his hand on the back of her head, helping her to get the depth and pace.

  He watched with pleasure as those pink lips went down on him repeatedly. Again, he could tell when she grew tired and the suction lessened. “More, pet, your Master is enjoying your mouth.”

  She repositioned herself and started up again, matching her enthusiasm of earlier. There was no doubt that his pet took delight in giving him pleasure. It would make for a harmonious relationship. She’s truly a find, he thought.


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