Forever Faith (Downtown Book 6)

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Forever Faith (Downtown Book 6) Page 4

by T. J. West

  Inhaling my last bit of my second cig, I continue staring at the amazing calm ocean, thinking of the shitstorm that’s gonna erupt the second I hit American soil, when Faith’s pure angelic voice interrupts me. “A penny for your thoughts?”

  “Nah. Just lookin’ at the view.” Instead of looking at my wife, my eyes watch the ripples of the calm waves as they land on the shore.

  “Wrong view, rock star.” With her finger, Faith turns my face to look up at her.

  I sigh. “Sorry babe.” I pull her gorgeous body down onto my lap. She’s dressed in this fucking amazing, tie dye short ass light blue dress; her shoulders are bare and all I want to do is pull down the fabric and suck on her sensitive nipples. Ever since getting pregnant, my wife’s tits have been extra sensitive and are growing bigger every day. Not that I didn’t love her tits before, but now that she’s carrying my baby… goddamn, they’re fucking marvelous.

  As much as I’m loving this time with Faith, she can still see right through me, sensing my worries. “Are you going to tell me what’s wrong?”

  I cup the back of her head and lower her mouth down to mine. “Don’t wanna ruin our honeymoon. I’ll get ready so we can go to dinner.” Talking about possibly meeting up with Howard is the last thing I wanna discuss. But Faith is not one to let things go.

  She pushes me back down and traps me by straddling my thighs. “Lucas, no. The only way you’ll ruin our honeymoon is if you’re not honest with me.” She sets her small hands on my face. Her brows are knit together and her eyes are filled with compassion and concern. “Is this about Stax?”

  She’s right. I need to be honest and talk this shit through. Faith’s the only one who will understand. “Yeah. I know you told me to not think about it, but I can’t help it. That conversation with Howard has been swirling in my head like a tornado.”

  Her face relaxes a bit after getting that out of me. “Okay, so… Are you considering going to that meeting?”

  “Would I be out of mind, insane if I was?”

  “No, baby, no. Of course not. You’re human after all. You have every right to consider this opportunity. Meeting with Howard won’t hurt you.”

  “But it’ll hurt the guys, and June.”

  Fuck. It’ll crush June. She’s managed to make JINKS one of the biggest bands in the country and here I am considering meeting with another music label.

  “Look, I can’t make this decision for you, but maybe see what Howard and Stax House has to say and then move forward. You’ll only go insane if you don’t go.” When Faith says it like that, it makes sense.

  A day after we get home from Cancun, I make the call to Howard White. Although I feel as guilty as fuck, I’ve gotta do this. The next day I drive up to L.A. I didn’t want any special driver taking me up there just in case word got out. Keeping this a secret from the band and June is a must. They’ll be beyond hurt to learn I’m meeting up with another label behind their backs. However, with Faith’s love and support, I know I’m doing the right thing for myself.

  I’ve driven past Stax House Music on many occasions but never dreamed I would actually be going inside the building. Walking inside the modern and stylish lobby it gives off this cold, sterile feeling I’m not too fond of. Lots of gray and black artwork are on display and a stainless steel reception desk is the focal point of the place. I don’t really fit in, but I’ll make the best of it.

  I’m greeted by a young woman as soon as I reach the reception desk. Right away I’m told to go to the fortieth floor. Riding up all these stories in this massive building, my heart is rapidly beating fucking crazy. What lies ahead, I haven’t got a clue.

  “Lucky Jones, welcome!” Howard immediately addresses me as I enter his office.

  We shake hands. “Thanks. Nice to meet you in person.” Howard looks more like a guy who works in the White House with his dark blue, three-piece suit, and flag pin on the lapel of his coat collar, than someone who works in music. Not quite sure how that makes me feel. Definitely not at ease.

  “I heard you just got married and are expecting. Congratulations.”

  Internally, I’m shaking my head at hearing this. “News travels fast, but thanks.”

  Another dude with a suit approaches me. “This is Jack Harrison. He and I are representing Stax House.”

  “Mr. Jones, it’s a pleasure.”

  We shake hands. “Just Lucky. Nice to meet you.”

  “Please, have a seat.” Howard waves his arm over to a gray couch. I make myself as comfortable as I can, shaking my foot as I rest it above my opposite knee. Howard and Jack take a seat in the chairs across from me. “As you know I’m one of the producers but Jack here is Vice President of Stax.”

  Holy shit.

  “You’re the VP? Seriously?”

  “The one and only. You seem rather surprised.”

  “Well, yeah. Didn’t expect to meet the VP.” I nervously chuckle.

  “Well don’t be, this is a good thing, my boy.” He laughs like I’m not supposed to be flipping out right now. How can I not? This is the VP of Stax wanting to talk with me. “I’m just going to cut to the chase here. Stax House is offering you twenty million dollars to record with us under a five-year contract.”

  What in the fuck?

  Am I having some sort of an out of body experience here? “You’ve caught me off guard. Did you say twenty?” Although JINKS has made millions with BT2090, I never thought Stax would offer this much to one person, let alone me.

  “You heard right, Lucky,” Howard answers. “And in this span of five years, we also want you to do a reality show. This reality show would be worth more than twenty mill.” Now I’m really caught off guard. A freaking reality show? “Making music, making money, I’d say you’ve hit the jackpot.” Howard can’t stop smiling, yet for me I don’t know whether to be honored or pissed off. I never pictured myself doing some reality crap show.

  But I am curious to know what else these two guys have up their sleeves. “What kind of reality show are we talkin’ about?”

  “A singing competition,” Howard says.

  “Like The Voice?”

  “Even better. This would be a show for aspiring bands from all over the United States, called Band-aholic.”

  Band a what?

  “It’s going to be the biggest band competition you’ve ever seen. Stax House is honored to sponsor and produce it. We’ll be even more honored if you were a part of it,” Jack explains with hopefulness.

  I’m somewhat interested, but this all sounds too good to be true and may not work with my schedule. “When would this show take place? I have a tour coming up this summer in Europe.”

  Howard cuts in, “The tryouts start October twentieth.”

  I have a suspicious feeling in my gut that something ain’t right here. “So, let me get this straight… The only way I would be part of this show is if I hand myself over to you as a solo artist.”

  “That’s the deal. Twenty plus million dollars in your name,” Jack points out but with no guilt on his face whatsoever.

  When I don’t react, Howard then says, “Think of those dollar signs, Lucky. You’ll be a very rich man and the most famous singer around! The fans will fucking eat it up and the ratings for this show will be over the roof.”

  I think they want me more for the show than as their signed artist. “I’m not sure if I’m up to that kind of commitment and leaving my band for a reality show.”

  “We know it’s a lot to consider, but this is an opportunity of a lifetime. Anyone would kill to be you right now,” Howard says.

  “Why can’t JINKS be a part of this? Why just me?”

  “Because Stax wants you and only you.” Jack points to me.

  “I’m not a singer without my band.”

  Howard shakes his head. “You’re wrong. While playing with Justin Heart, you’ve shown us that you can sing without your band. You have a gift and we want to show it off by giving you this deal and the reality show.”

You would be a fool to not take this deal, Lucky. You’re worth a lot of money.” Jack pushes his warning on me.

  Not cool.

  “I need time to think about it.”

  “Absolutely,” Howard agrees, but the look on his face shows me he wanted me to say yes right at that moment. “We wouldn’t want it any other way. But don’t take too long. We have another artist, Lee Rockford, who will snatch this opportunity up in a heartbeat if you back out. But you’re our first choice. We want you.”

  “A REALITY SHOW?” I’M TAKEN by surprise.

  It was a long day without my husband. While I tried to catch up on hotel business, Lucas went up to Los Angeles for that meeting with Howard White. He didn’t get home until late. We hadn’t talked all day except when he was coming home, but he wouldn’t tell me anything about the meeting, except he was only up there for an hour and then the drive back in traffic was a fucking nightmare—his exact words to me. So when he explained to me that Stax House offered him this reality show plus a solo artist contract, I wasn’t expecting it.

  While dinner is simmering on the stove, Lucas and I are on the couch snuggling. With his arm tightly wrapped around my waist, I’m leaning into him with my legs curled up.

  “Not just any reality show, a band competition called Band-aholic.” He says it like he just drank a bad glass of milk.

  I don’t blame him. The title isn’t catchy at all. “Band-aholic. Seriously?” I laugh.

  “That’s what I was thinkin’ too. Dumb ass name.” He groans.

  “So, I take it you’re not going to do this?”

  “Are you kidding me? These punks only want me for the show. It’s either sign along with the show or no solo deal.”

  He sounds a little disappointed, so I get the feeling he may have wanted this solo contract after all. “Did you want this contract?”

  Rocking his head side to side he says, “A part of me did, but not with a show like Band-aholic attached to it. Hell no. And certainly not without JINKS. I’m a fucking asshole for even considering quitting on them. I can’t and won’t do it. I wouldn’t be Lucky Jones without my guys.”

  I hate when he talks down about himself. “You’re not an asshole,” I scold him, lightly slapping his chest. “But can I be honest and say how relieved I am to hear you say this?”

  He blinks. “What? But I—”

  I place a finger over his lips. “Listen to me. I’m your best friend, your lover, and wife. I stand by you no matter what decisions you make in life. Your decisions reflect on me and if they make you happy, then they make me happy too. No right or wrong here, Lucas. But, I am happy that you’ve decided to not leave JINKS. You wouldn’t be the same without them. Lucky Jones would be just that… Lucky Jones.”

  In one swift move, my sexy husband kisses the life out of me. “God, I fucking love you,” he tells me against my lips.

  The kiss leaves me breathing heavily. “I love you too, rock star.” Helping Lucas achieve greatness is all I want. However, I wouldn’t care if we were broke and living in his van. As long as we had each other nothing else would matter.

  The next morning, before my appointment with my obstetrician and while Lucas was down in the gym, I get a text from June.


  Me: What’s with the yelling text?

  June: Can we meet or not?

  Me: We’re leaving in an hour for my OB/GYN appointment, so you’ll need to come to my place

  June: On my way.

  Wonder what’s going on? Maybe she’s coming over to show me her big rock of an engagement ring? On my honeymoon, she called me and screamed out her exciting news. I thought I wasn’t going to be able to hear for a week. She was deliriously happy, and I couldn’t have been more excited for her. June and Phillip deserve some happiness.

  Five minutes later and my doorbell is ringing like crazy. June sure got here fast. When I open the door, I barely get my hello out. “Hi—” June comes storming into my suite like a bat out of hell.

  “Where’s Lucky?” she asks with this angry tone I’ve never heard come out of her before.

  I close the door behind me. “He’s down stairs in the gym. Shit, June-bug, what’s wrong?” She’s glaring at me with such hatred in her eyes.

  “This is what’s wrong.” She hands me her phone. What I see and read is not what I had expected. It’s a picture of Lucas walking outside of Stax House Music, along with the Vice President of Stax House, Jack Harrison. They’re shaking hands. The title at the top of the picture says: Lucky Jones makes deal with Stax House Music. JINKS may be no more and Bitch Tours 2090 will lose their finest.

  Oh, my God.

  How could this have happened? “June… Uh, I’m sorry, I don’t know what to say. But this is something you need to talk about with Lucas. Not me.” Handing her phone back, June yanks it away from me.

  “You better believe I’ll be talking with him,” she sneers at me. “But do you have any idea how fucked up this is? Your husband went behind my back and JINKS to make a deal with another label.” She starts pacing my living room with an angry stomp from each boot heel. “After all I’ve done for him and JINKS… Fucked up!” she shouts, throwing her hands up in the air.

  I feel for her, I really do, but she doesn’t know the whole story. She’s never once read into an article without calmly discussing it with someone, because you can’t believe everything you read. I’m surprised at her.

  “You need to calm down before you jump to conclusions.”

  “Does this look like I’m jumping to conclusions?” She shows me the picture again and I can’t deny it looks bad. Really, really bad. “From the look on your face I’d say that I’m not. You know, I have a name for those that do shit like this: they’re called backstabbers.”

  I’m trying very hard to not get too worked up over this. My baby doesn’t need the stress, but her calling me a backstabber is pushing it. “Wow, okay. Obviously you’re super angry and need to cool down, so maybe you better leave before I lose my cool with you too.”

  She places her hands on her hips and continues to glare at me. I don’t even recognize my best friend right now. “You have the nerve to get mad at me, really? How could you both do this? It’s totally uncool. I would never have done something like this to either of you.

  Slowly walking toward her, my cool just went out the window. “You know what’s totally uncool? This right here!” I point to her face. I’ve never been so mad at June. “First of all, you need to talk to Lucas about this. I’m not him. Secondly, I stand by my husband with all things, good or bad. But what I won’t stand by is being accused of being a backstabber. It’s insulting. Third, I won’t apologize for any decision he makes, but let me make myself clear: we didn’t do anything to you or JINKS. Yes, he may have had a meeting with Stax House, but he only went there to talk. No decisions were made. Not even close. And how dare you take your anger out on me. We’ve been best friends for a long time, and not once have I thought you were a fucking bitch. Not until now. So before you go around making assumptions, grow up and think before you speak.” I feel my heart racing and I’ve got chills running up and down my arms. The energy in the room is raging with transparent fire. It’s unnerving what’s happening here.

  The way June’s looking at me, her ice-cold blue eyes could zap a hole in your head. “Grow up? Seriously?” she snaps at me. “You wanna talk about being a grown-up? I think you’re speaking to the wrong person about that. Grown-ups who have a signed label don’t go around talking and making deals with other labels before his contract is up without telling the other label first! He would breaching his contract with BT.”

  “He didn’t make any deal!” I yell at her.

  “It doesn’t matter!” she yells back. “He still went behind my back and you knew about it. Talk about being a bitch.”

  It’s like she slapped me across the face. I’m stunned. Turning my back on her, I walk to the door and quietly tell her, “You need to leave.�
� I feel detached from my body somehow. I’m numb.

  “Not until I talk with Lucky, I won’t.” She crosses her arms under her chest, determined to stand her ground.

  My eyes sting. Our friendship is falling apart right before me. “No, you seriously need to leave. This is business, June, so do your business at your studio.” My words come out hoarse because I’m on the verge of tears, but June doesn’t see or hear it.

  “Unbelievable.” She shakes her head. “Do you have any idea what kind of publicity this will do to my business?” She points to her chest. “I’ve worked damn hard to make it what it is today. And for this to happen? It hurts and makes everyone I currently work with, and upcoming artists, question me. Lucky is pushing me to the ground and you’re helping him.”

  “I said leave!” I scream. Then without fail, I lose it. Dropping to my knees by the door, I completely break down and hysterically cry.

  Not noticing Lucas had walked in, I suddenly feel his arms around me, comforting me. “What in the fuck?”

  WALKING IN ON MY WIFE crying out of her mind on the floor scared the shit out of me. What’s going on? Lifting her small body into my arms, I bring her over to the couch and have her sit on my lap. “Baby, what’s wrong?” She continues to cry into my chest, holding onto me for dear life. I look up to find June in a state of shock, I think. She’s standing near the door almost looking like she’s ready to hightail it. “June, why she cryin’ like this?”

  “I, uh…” Her words seem to fail her.

  Kissing Faith on the forehead, I place her on the couch so I can get to my feet. She huddles in a ball and cries face down into a pillow. I walk up to June pissed as hell. “You tell me what the fuck happened here.” I point to Faith.


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