Forever Faith (Downtown Book 6)

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Forever Faith (Downtown Book 6) Page 8

by T. J. West

  “Nope, no crying!” June hands me a tissue, but I can also hear her crying through my thick tears.

  “I can’t help it.” I sniff and dab my nose. “These baby hormones make me so weepy.” Scooting over, I give her a hug. “You’re the greatest best friend, June-bug.”

  “After what I put you through? This isn’t and wouldn’t be enough.” What happened between us isn’t even on my mind anymore. I’m just so happy to share my baby with her and to have her by my side. “Next, I’ll be organizing your co-ed baby shower! What do you think?”

  “Simply perfect. Thank you.”

  We spent the remaining day watching TV and doing our girly activities. I had a such a nice time with June I couldn’t bring up the Danny and Lucas topic. Some things just need to be left unsaid.

  WHEN FAITH TOLD ME ABOUT Danny being offered a contract with Stax House, I thought I was gonna lose my shit. But for Faith’s sake, I remained calm, which most likely will turn into rage when I get my hands on Danny. Since security at his apartment knows me, they allow me to go up without calling him first. Not sure if they’re doing Danny or myself any favors by not warning him that I’m going up to kick his ass, but it’s happening.

  The second the elevator doors open, I march into the living room and find Danny in the kitchen making coffee. From the emotionless look on his face, I can tell he knew I was on my way over here. I get up in his face. “You’re a real motherfucker,” I sneer at him.

  “Takes one to know one,” Danny sneers back.

  Not being able to control myself any longer, I swing a hard punch to his cheek. “Piece of shit!”

  He goes down on his ass, but immediately gets to his feet. “Makes two of us.” He then pops a good one to my eye, sending me a few feet backward.

  The pain is unfucking real, but I don’t give a fuck. We’ve had this coming for a long while now. “Lyin’ to me about Stax.” I push him.

  He pushes me back. “Yeah, well, now you know how it feels.”

  “Gonna kill you.” I’m so fucking angry. More angry than I’ve ever felt in my life. I swing another punch, but this time right in his gut.

  He grunts and hits his refrigerator with his shoulder. “Bring it, asswipe,” he replies, winded.

  I’m next with another blow to the face and on my ass this time. “At least I’ll be able to wipe my own ass because by the time I’m done with you, you’ll be in a hospital bed gettin’ asswiped by a nurse.” I get to my feet and reel him a new one on the other side of his face. We’re at each other like two pitbulls in a cage, crashing into furniture, breaking shit. It ain’t a pretty sight.

  “Danny! Lucky! Stop!” I believe that was Harmony, yet too busy to even care and notice.

  “Mess up that pretty boy face and nobody will recognize you.” Danny tries to swing at me again, but I’m able to move out of the way this time.

  “Not likely,” I say, tired as fuck but I keep on fighting him, giving him another good punch to the gut.

  We get to wrestling and both fall to the floor. One punch here, one punch there. We’re both a fucking mess.

  Straddling Danny and ready to punch the ever loving fuck outta him, I’m taken and lifted up from behind. “Break it up, you two!” Wayne angrily tells us. He’s got his hands firmly wrapped around my arms and Slim has Danny. We’re both practically growling at each other while contained from killing one another.

  “Get off me.” I struggle to get out of his grasp.

  “Calm down!” he yells in my ear.

  My adrenaline is coursing through my chest so it’s hard to calm down, but Wayne’s right. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath and slowly come to the realization that bulldozing one another ain’t getting us anywhere. Wayne leads me to the couch and Slim brings Danny over to his recliner. Even Jason is here.

  When did they all show up?

  “Harm, will you get a couple ice packs?” Jason asks. My face is throbbing something awful. An ice pack will feel good.

  “What in the love of fuck, bros?” Slim says.

  Out of breath, I point to Danny. “He… This douche had a call from Stax too. Never… Never told us.” I’m handed an ice pack and put it on my eye.

  “Is this true, Danny?” Slim asks, shocked.

  “Yeah, but I said no right away.”

  “Doesn’t matter!” I shout, almost ready to tear into him again.

  “Like hell it doesn’t, you fucking traitor, ” Danny shouts back.

  “Goddamn it, enough!” Slim yells, causing us both to shut up. “We’ve all had enough of this fucking fighting. Don’t you see, you two douchebags? This is exactly what Stax House had up their ass all along. They wanted to break us up and ruin our reputation with BT. We can’t let them win.” Well, when he puts it that way… Hell, he may be right. “Who the fuck cares anymore who got called, who got curious, and who didn’t tell who. We’re a family. Are you two gonna allow some fucked-up record company that’s going under, mind you, get the better of us? It ain’t worth it. We have better things to do like get ready for our Euro tour. Fighting one another isn’t the answer.”

  “Please, guys. Let’s move on,” Wayne pleads.

  Then Jason chimes in. “If you can’t do it for yourselves, then do it for us. For JINKS. For our fans.”

  And just like that, all the anger, betrayal, and backstabbing shit disappears. We can’t go on continuing being angry at one another. We’ve got fans who are counting on us. I just hope Danny will come to his senses and agrees to let this be a thing of the past. “Yeah, they’re right,” I say to Danny. “Whad’ya say, Danny-boy? Shake on it and let’s forget this ever happened.” I walk up to him with my hand out. He looks at it with hesitation in his eyes. I’ve never met anyone so goddamn stubborn.

  “Danny, please?” Harmony begs him. She stands next to him with tears in her eyes. Seeing us fight, I’m sure it scared her to death. I feel like a fucking idiot now.

  Danny nods then gets to his feet. “Fine. Yeah, alright.” He takes my hand and grips it hard when he says, “Promise me, though, that you’ll never consider leaving us again?”

  “You have my word, bro.” A wave of relief follows right after. “Sorry about the cheek.” I chuckle.

  “Yeah well, your eye isn’t lookin’ that much better.”

  “I think I’ll live.” We both laugh and continue to hold our ice packs on our faces.

  “Finally!” Wayne shouts. “How ‘bout some pizza and beer for old times sake?”

  Although it’s still roughly morning, a beer sounds great. “One beer for me, then I gotta get back to Faith.”

  Two months later…

  THE DUST HAS FINALLY SETTLED within the band. We’re all getting along better and preparing for our tour next week. We’ve been waiting for this trip for years and it’s finally gonna happen. Among other good news, this morning Faith and I found out the sex of our baby. We’re pretty stoked with the results and asked the gang to come over to the suite for a gender reveal celebration. My wife is looking more gorgeous every day. Pregnancy looks amazing on her. It’s true what they say about how pregnant women glow. Faith is glowing like a fucking princess. She’s now five months along and has a belly the size of a small watermelon. The doctor approved of her going on tour with us, but was concerned about the flying. So with that, we’re taking an OB/GYN with us. Can’t be too careful, since by the time the tour is over she’ll almost be eight months.

  We just finished up dinner and now onto dessert, but everyone is getting anxious with our reveal. “Okay, we’ve all been dying to know. Tell us, tell us!” June says excitedly. She sits close to Faith on the couch with a sparkle in her eyes. She looks like she’s about ready to see her favorite band in concert.

  “Yeah, come on girlie, don’t keep it to yourselves,” Lyric pipes in.

  Faith and I are looking at each other with big ole grins on our faces. We’re enjoying making our friends wait with anticipation. They’re not good at it.

  “Dude, say something,�
�� Slim says impatiently.

  They’ve waited long enough. “Okay! Calm the hell down, guys.” I laugh. “Go ahead and tell them, baby.”

  Faith clears her throat then smiles with a radiance in her eyes. “We’re having a boy.”

  Immediately, the girls scream, almost blowing out my eardrums, but I don’t blame ‘em. The second we were shown the little man’s weiner on the sonogram machine, I couldn’t have been more fucking proud. I wanted to jump up and down like a clown on a pogo stick. Fucking hell, we were having a boy.

  “Holy fuck! Two boys down. This is awesome,” Wayne shouts.

  One by one, the guys clap me on the back, congratulating me, and then giving Faith a hug and kiss on the cheek. The whole room is bursting with happiness. It’s fucking great.

  Once everyone settles down, Lyric asks us, “Have you thought of any names?”

  “Oh my God, totally. Tell us,” June begs to Faith.

  Faith laughs and pats June’s knee. “We’re still thinking on it. So be patient.”

  “Hey, boss, open the sparkling cider, please?” June asks Phillip.

  “Sure thing, beautiful.” He kisses her on the cheek then retrieves the cider. Phillip’s been a tad quiet today. I’m sure it has to do with the fact that he and June have been trying to get pregnant. Lately, things don’t look very promising. They’re talking about surrogacy now. Whatever they decide, I hope it works out for them.

  Glasses are handed to each of us and Phillip goes around filling them. June raises her glass, so we follow suit. “Cheers to our baby mamas, our upcoming baby boy band, and to our ever-growing family.”

  The rest of us repeat, “Cheers.” And then drink down the sweet bubbly cider.

  “Baby boy band, June?” Wayne asks with curiosity.

  June chuckles. “Yeah, with all these boys arriving we may need to start a new band. How awesome would that be? It could be called, Mini-Me JINKS.”

  “Crazy lady,” Faith tells her with laughter in her voice.

  “Crazy is my middle name and proud of it.” She downs the rest of her sparkling cider.

  “What about you two, Melody and Wayne? You’ve been quiet on names too,” Lyric asks.

  Then Harmony adds, “You’re right, they have been. Even I don’t know this and I’m your sister. Spill it, Mel.”

  Melody winks at Wayne. “I know you’re dying to tell everyone, hot stuff, so you do the honors.”

  “Thanks, sweetness. Our boy’s name will be, Zane Lucas Priest.”


  I didn’t expect one of my best friends to name their son after me. “What the…” To say I’m surprised is an understatement.

  Wayne walks up to me. “We love ya, man. Without you, JINKS wouldn’t be here.”

  “I don’t know what to say. It’s a fucking honor. Thanks, bro. Mel.”

  “Our pleasure,” Melody replies.

  Two and a half years later…

  MOVING FROM MONTGOMERY SUITES INTO a six-bedroom home in Mission Hills has made a huge difference in our lives. I was used to being right there where I worked and only having to use the elevator to get to my office, but since we now have our son, Axel, Lucky and I needed to find another home. Raising our little boy in a hotel wasn’t ideal. He needed a back yard where he could run around and maybe have a tree house one day. Changes are meant to happen whether or not we are ready for them. And boy, has Axel changed our lives.

  Our little Ax man has been the light of our eyes. He was born shortly after the European tour with a full head of dark brown hair, and within a year, he settled with oceanic blue/green colored eyes. He may have my eye color but he’s all Lucas, inside and out. His very own mini-me.

  Being six months pregnant with our second child—a girl, and keeping up with a two-year old, who is a non-stop running machine, it can certainly be exhausting. After having Axel, I vowed to never get a nanny and to this day I still don’t want one. Money can get you a lot of things, but it can’t replace the time you get to spend with your children raising them yourself. I learned that from my own experience of being mostly raised by a nanny. I didn’t want that for my kids. I may be tired twenty-four seven, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Now, when I need a break, my mom and Gary will help me, and of course Lucas when he’s not away on tour or in the studio.

  Watching Lucas being a father is like seeing a sunset for the first time. He’s like a little boy in a grown man’s body; he takes everything in as if it’s his first day on tour. My husband is patient with Axel. He has an unconditional love for his son that I haven’t ever seen before. He’s kind, gentle, and playful. When Axel was born, Lucas was scared to death to hold him, but the second he cradled him in his arms, it was like he had done it a million times. The love he has for his little boy is something you can only witness in person. They are bonded like no other. I couldn’t have asked for a better father for my children.

  Potty training my little beast before his sister is born isn’t going as well as I had hoped. Just as I was going to walk over to Axel for a potty session, he decides to pull down his pull-up diapers and pee all over Lucas’s music notebook. I shake my head and sigh. “Axel Gunnar.”

  “Me pee pee?” He points to his mess with pride in his voice.

  I take his little hand and walk him away from the puddle, pulling up his diaper. “Yes, you pee peed, but not in the potty, mister. You peed on Daddy’s notebook.”

  “What about Daddy’s notebook?” Lucas asks, entering the living room.

  “Your son decided to do his business on your business.” I chuckle.

  “Well, it’s just a little piss.” He kisses me on the cheek then goes to Axel and lifts him up, and flips him over his shoulder causing him to squeal with laughter. “Come on Ax man, let’s go to the big boys’ room. I’ll show you how to piss in the right spot.”

  With his belly over his father’s shoulder, Axel chants out, “Piss, piss pissss.” I can’t help but laugh at how cute my son and husband are. They’re two peas in a pod.

  After cleaning the pee mess and after Lucas takes Axel out in the back yard to play on his jungle gym, June pops in for a visit. “I come bearing decaf and your favorite, cinnamon rolls.” In her hands she’s holding the box of rolls and coffee.

  “Thank God! You certainly know how to help my horrible cravings.”

  “Well, it’s Saturday so who cares.” We travel into the kitchen nook and plant ourselves at the table. There’s a window in my kitchen nook overlooking the back yard. Lucas is chasing Axel around the yard like he’s chasing after a headless chicken. I can see our son laughing while trying to outrun his dad. The scene is too funny for words.

  They’re both so freaking adorable.

  “Feels so good to have this morning to myself.” June sighs as she shifts in her seat and opens the box of cinnamon rolls.

  A month after Axel was born, Phillip and June finally tied the knot and continued to try for a family. While they debated over and over again, they decided to hire a surrogate to carry their baby. Applicant after applicant, they almost lost hope until Harmony offered to help them. Through lots of discussion and tears, they accepted Harmony’s gracious offer. It took a couple tries before Harmony was able to stay pregnant, but now a year later, June and Phillip have twin boys: Julian and Jasper. Having Harmony carry those boys for June had to be the most selfless, most amazing thing I have ever seen. She went through so much to give June and Phillip their family. So much so, Harmony and Danny decided that kids and marriage aren’t for them. They’re happy just being a couple and living day by day. In my eyes, Harmony is a hero. She stepped up and helped my best friend’s dream come true. Although the twins are a handful, June was meant to be a mother.

  Devouring my roll and taking a sip of coffee, I ask, “Phillip doesn’t have to work?”

  “We had a long talk last night. He’s vowed to never work on the weekends again. He wants to spend more time with us.” For months now, Phillip has busied himself in work instead of helpin
g June with the boys. His job has taken him away from what’s truly important, and as a result, put a strain on their marriage and being a father to those beautiful blue-eyed, blond hair boys. I know Phillip loves his family more than anything, but I’ll be honest and say that I wasn’t so sure June was going to put up with it any longer.

  It’s a relief hearing this. “That’s great, June. I’m so glad he’s finally come to his senses.”

  “Yeah, he’s realized that weekends are for family time only. He’ll have to make a lot of changes though, but we’ll make it work.” June had to sacrifice a lot to become a mother; giving Harmony the choice to carry her babies, hiring more staff at BT2090, cutting her hours, and so forth just to make sure she was there for her family. It only makes sense Phillip does the same. It’s not like they’re hurting on money. He just needs to learn how to let some things go, namely control.

  “Good. I’m happy for you.” Just then, we see Axel strip from his shorts down to nothing, running away from Lucas like a little mad man. June and I laugh at this hilarious scene. Lucas catches up to him then takes his hand and leads him inside the side kitchen door. While we’re both still laughing, Axel releases his hand from his dad’s when he notices June.

  “Ax, wait up you’re butt naked,” Lucas tells him with a laugh.

  Axel raises his arms for June to pick him up. “Nat Ju, up.” He loves his aunt June to pieces.

  Although my son is naked from the waist down, June lifts him onto her lap. “Hey squirt.” She kisses him on the top of his head.

  “Me pee pee wit dis in pot pot.” Axel points to his little St. Peter. He’s so damn proud of his somewhat accomplishment.

  June laughs. “Oh, you did, did you? Well, give me a high five on that!” Axel slaps his tiny hand against June’s. She gives him a small squeeze afterward.

  “Hey June,” Lucas says.

  “‘Morning, Lucky.”

  “Come on, champ. Let’s get you dressed.” Lucas lifts Axel from June’s lap. “You don’t wanna be danglin’ your middle leg in your aunt’s face.” June and I both silently laugh as we watch my two favorite boys exit the kitchen.


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