Live Like There's No Tomorrow (Summer Lake Book 12)

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Live Like There's No Tomorrow (Summer Lake Book 12) Page 3

by SJ McCoy


  After Ben and Angel had left to go and deal with some problem over at Four Mile, Missy looked around at her friends.

  “I do not like that woman!” said Emma.

  Pete laughed. “It doesn’t matter if you like her or not, Mouse. It’s whether Ben likes her that matters.”

  “Of course he doesn’t!” Emma scowled at him. “He’s just waiting for Charlotte to be free, and I wish that woman would back off! I want to get Charlie here.”

  Missy sighed. “We can’t interfere, Em.”

  “I’m not interfering! I’m being selfish! This baby’s going to be here soon, and I want Charlie to be her godmother—or at least one of them. I thought they’d be all sorted out by now.”

  Missy nodded. “Yeah, you’d just found out about the baby when we got married. After they saw each other at the airport, I sure as hell didn’t think it’d take them nine months to figure it out.”

  “Do you think she’s changed her mind?” asked Gabe.

  Emma glared at him. “No! Of course she hasn’t.”

  Gabe held his hands up. “Sorry! It just seems odd to me that it’s taken her so long.”

  Missy shrugged. “I haven’t spoken to her in months myself. It didn’t seem right for me to know what was going on with her when Ben didn’t, but the last time we talked she said she was getting herself completely straightened out. She and Alastair had filed for divorce, and she was working on herself too.”

  “Maybe she’s left it too long,” said Pete.

  Missy put a hand on Emma’s arm; she looked like she was about to explode. “I doubt it. I think we’re all just getting anxious because of Angel.

  “Why though?” asked Dan.

  Missy looked at him. He really didn’t get it.

  He shrugged. “She’s just a woman who works for him. Yes, they seem to have a lot in common, and yes, she’s good-looking, but Ben must have met a lot of women like that over the years. Why would Angel be different? Especially now when it looks like there’s hope for him and Charlotte. It just doesn’t make any sense to me.”

  Missy shook her head. “You don’t get it, because you’re oblivious to the devious ways of some women, hon.” As she spoke she remembered his ex-girlfriend, Olivia. That was a devious woman if ever she’d met one.

  “But she doesn’t seem devious, she seems very nice.”

  “Exactly! The devious ones always do.”

  Jack nodded. “It’s true, Danny.”

  “And how would you know?” Emma looked up at him.

  Pete laughed. “Give him a break, Em. He’s just agreeing. We all know it’s true. Even I will admit that Angel does seem a little too perfect, and a little too sweet, to be true.”

  “But what if he likes her?” asked Smoke. “Would that be so wrong?”

  Missy looked at him and considered his words for a long moment. “No. It wouldn’t be wrong at all. We’d just have to get used to it. What matters most is that Ben’s happy. We’ve just all believed for years that Charlotte was the only one who could ever make him happy. If it turns out that she can’t and that Angel can then we’ll accept it.” She shot a look at Emma. “Won’t we?”

  Emma stared back her and then nodded slowly. “Of course. I only want to see him happy and he’s the only one who knows what—and who—will make him happy, but,” her bottom lip quivered, then she took a deep breath, “like I said, I’m being selfish I suppose. If he decides he wants Angel, then I’ll have to give up on the dream I’ve had for him all these years.” She looked around at them all. “I know that’s silly, but it’s true. My picture of how we all end up, has always included Ben and Charlotte being together. How could they throw it all away now when they have the chance of getting it back?”

  Missy patted her hand. “They’ll do what’s right for them. And we’ll support it.”

  Emma nodded and snuggled into Jack’s side.

  “Anyway, I thought you had some news to share?” Pete asked.

  Missy smiled, she’d almost forgotten with all the talk about Ben and Angel. “I do! Chance is coming.”

  “That’s great, when?” Renée smiled at her. “I’ve been hoping he’d come visit again soon.”

  “I don’t know for sure yet, but sometime in the next few weeks. He’s got things under control at the ranch and he wants a break.”

  Jack smiled at Emma. “That should cheer you up.”

  Missy had to laugh at the way Emma’s cheeks turned pink. “I don’t know what you mean!”

  They all laughed. Emma’s crush on Missy’s big brother still seemed to be going strong after all these years.

  Chapter Three

  “You didn’t need to come over here with me,” said Angel. “You should have stayed and had breakfast with your friends. I can handle the delivery.”

  Ben rubbed his hands over his face. “I know. I just can’t get out of the habit of thinking I have to handle it myself.”

  Angel smiled and came to put her hand on his shoulder. “It must be a hard habit to break, but I hope someday you’ll get used to the idea that you’ve got me now.”

  Ben froze. Was she talking about more than work? He stepped back from her. “Thanks.”

  She smiled brightly. “No problem. I’m here for you.”

  He nodded. He’d wanted to get away from the gang and all the awkwardness at breakfast, but he’d been too hasty. He should have sent Angel over here by herself. She was right. He didn’t need to come with her.

  When they had the delivery handled, they walked back to the reception desk. “I’d better get back over there.”

  Angel nodded. “It’s going to be a busy one for you, isn’t it?”

  He nodded. It always was.

  “Do you want to grab some dinner with me tonight?”

  Ben stared at her.

  She smiled. “We were going to go over the marketing plan, remember? I figure if we do it over dinner we can kill two birds with one stone.”

  Ben got a grip. Just because the others thought Angel was no good for him, didn’t mean he needed to get weirded out around her. She was great at her job, she was easy to work with, and when he wasn’t too busy worrying about what other people thought, she was fun.

  “Yeah, that’s a good idea.”

  “Great. I’ll come find you when I get done here.”

  Ben nodded and made his way out. He looked out at the lake as he made his way across the parking lot. It was hard to believe that this place was now a reality. Not so long ago it had just been an idea. It was odd to look at the lake from the opposite side. He smiled. It was odd, but good. Just because he’d been used to the original resort all his life, didn’t mean he couldn’t appreciate and enjoy the new lodge. The resort owned a piece of his heart and always would. It took a lot of work, much of it because the place was old. It needed ongoing maintenance and still threw up some nasty surprises occasionally. This new lodge had its own problems, but they were few and minor by comparison. Everything here was shiny and new and inviting.

  He stopped when he reached his truck and turned back to look at the lodge. It was beautiful. He sighed as an odd thought struck him—Charlotte was like the resort, and Angel was like the lodge.


  Charlotte let herself back into her flat and hung up her dripping coat and umbrella. She went through to the kitchen and put the kettle on, then turned it off again. A cup of tea was a good idea, but a glass of wine sounded like a better one. She poured herself a glass and took it through to the living room where she flopped down on the sofa.

  She was glad she’d had lunch with Alastair. He’d be fine, she had no doubt about it. He was a good-looking guy. He ran a very successful business, he had money, he loved to travel, he was fun and engaging. He was a good catch for any woman—any woman whose heart was still available. She felt a little protective of him. Whoever he did meet had better be good to him, or they’d have her to answer to. Even as she thought it, she was aware of the irony—she hadn’t been that good t
o him.

  She turned the TV on and stared at it as she let her mind wander. She’d been waiting for this day ever since she’d said good-bye to Ben at the airport in Vegas. She was free. She was no longer a married woman. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Would he still want her? The divorce had taken so long, much longer than she’d expected, but Ben had said he didn’t want to talk to her while she was still married. She picked up her phone and stared at it. She could call him. She could call him right now and tell him she was ready. Her heart hammered in her chest. What if he wasn’t ready? Of course he was. He had to be.

  She turned her phone over and over in her hands as she calculated the time difference. If it was five o’clock in the UK, then it was nine in the morning in California. She closed her eyes and imagined Ben and all their friends. Where would they be? She doubted they’d still be hanging out at Pete’s cabin. Emma had told her that they all met up for breakfast at the resort on the weekends. She hadn’t seen the place in over ten years. She wondered what it would be like now. Ben would no doubt have improved the place. Hopefully she’d get to see for herself soon. She put her phone back down on the table. This was not the time to ring him. Saturday was changeover day. He’d be busy, she didn’t want to distract him—or was it really that she didn’t want him to be more focused on work than her when they finally did get to talk again. She’d call him tomorrow. Sunday was a better day. Maybe she should send him an email first? Yes. She’d do that. She was determined to think about Ben in everything she did. Surprise phone calls and last-minute decisions were her thing. Ben didn’t work that way. It would be better for him to read an email first and to have time to think before they spoke. Her heart started to race again. What if he’d changed his mind? What if he’d decided they didn’t have a future—only a past?”

  She sat up and took a sip of her wine. If that was the case, she was sure he’d rather have time to think about how he was going to tell her that. She’d send him an email and ask if she could call him tomorrow.


  “Hey bossman!” Kenzie let herself into the bar and grinned at Ben. “What are you doing here? I thought you were going to take the evening off?”

  “I am.”

  “So get out from behind my bar, you’re making the place look untidy.”

  Ben laughed. “Thanks! Technically, it’s still my bar for another ten minutes, you’re early.”

  Kenzie made a face at him and let herself back out. She climbed up onto one of the stools and banged on the bar. “Service!”

  “Yes, madam, what can I get you?”

  “I would love a Margarita, but since I’m working in ten minutes, you’d better just get me an orange juice.”

  Ben got her drink and put it down in front of her. “On the house.”

  “Why thank you, kind sir. And what have you been up to with yourself? And more importantly, what do you have planned for your night off? Is the gang coming in?”

  Why did he feel guilty? This was ridiculous. Having dinner with Angel was work, not pleasure. He met Kenzie’s gaze, but didn’t get chance to answer the question. His heart sank as Angel made her way through the early crowd and came to stand beside Kenzie who gave her a dirty look.

  “What are you doing here?”

  Angel smiled, though how she managed it Ben had no clue. Kenzie hadn’t had a pleasant word for her since she’d arrived. “I’m here to have dinner.” She looked at Ben. “Are you ready?”

  Kenzie swung her head to look at him, the look of horror on her face should have been comical, but Ben didn’t feel much like laughing. He nodded. “The bar’s all yours, Kenz.” He picked up a couple of menus and a couple of beers and let himself out.

  Once he and Angel were settled in one of the booths, she raised an eyebrow at him. “If looks could kill, you could bury me right now.”

  Ben sighed. “I’m sorry.”

  Angel smiled. “It’s hardly your fault, is it? And to be honest, I don’t blame her. It’s sweet really, she cares about you, and she thinks she knows what’s best for you.”

  Ben nodded. He didn’t know what to say.

  Angel held his gaze. “Unfortunately, she doesn’t think I’m what’s best for you. None of them do, do they?”

  He shook his head. He could hardly deny it.

  “What do you think, Ben?”

  He stared at her.

  “Sorry.” She gave an embarrassed little laugh. “I shouldn’t have put it like that, should I? I mean I know you’re still holding out for Charlotte. I don’t stand a chance.” She reached across the table and took hold of his hand. He was so startled he didn’t even pull it away. He just looked at her fingers wrapped around his. “Do I?”

  He shook his head. No! She didn’t. She might be hot and smart and fun and great to work with, but … she wasn’t Charlotte!

  “Okay. I’m sorry. I had to ask. Would you like me to leave now?”

  He shook his head again, then cleared his throat. He needed to find his voice—and fast. “Of course not. I don’t want you to leave. We’re having dinner. We’ve got work to do. And more than that, we’re friends. And if … if I wasn’t still so messed up over Charlie, then you would stand a chance. Without a doubt.” The words surprised him as they came out. He’d been denying it to everyone, especially himself, ever since Angel had arrived. If he hadn’t been in love with Charlotte since he was ten years old, then yes, Angel was the kind of woman, if not the woman he would fall for.

  Angel squeezed his hand, making him realize she was still holding it. “Ben …” The way she smiled at him sent shivers through him. No woman had ever looked at him that way. Except Charlotte. “Thank you.”

  He nodded and withdrew his hand, suddenly aware of Kenzie’s glare boring into him. She was standing behind the bar, hands on her hips looking as if she was about to explode. He shook his head, though what he was saying no to, he wasn’t sure. Was he telling Kenzie she had nothing to worry about? Was he telling Angel she didn’t need to thank him? Or was he telling himself that he was wrong? Angel didn’t stand a chance. How could she? His heart belonged to Charlotte. Always had. These past few months had been hard. Even harder than all the years before them. All that time he’d thought he’d lost Charlotte forever. The past few months had been a different kind of torture. He’d had hope, and at the same time hadn’t dared to hope.

  He looked at Angel. She’d arrived and had somehow quietly become a part of his everyday life. She ran the lodge efficiently, she worked the same way he did. They talked a lot. He’d told her about Charlotte. She’d told him much about her own life.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “Nothing.” He sighed. “Everything. Everyone’s giving me a hard time about our friendship. Everyone’s giving you the cold shoulder because you’re not Charlotte. I guess you’re just the wrong person at the wrong time and it doesn’t seem fair to you.”

  She smiled. “Maybe the problem is that I’m the right person at the wrong time?”

  Ben raised an eyebrow.

  “From what you’ve told me, if I’d come along at any time in the last five years or so, everyone would have been happy to see us together. If I’d met you before you saw Charlotte again …” She let her words trail off, leaving him to fill in the blanks for himself.

  In one respect, she was right. His friends would have been happy to see him meet someone he liked. On the other hand, it wasn’t what other people wanted for him that mattered. It was what his heart wanted, and his heart had only ever wanted Charlotte. He met Angel’s gaze. “There’s no point wondering what might have been. We have to deal with what is. I love Charlotte. I’m waiting for her. I like you, I’m not denying it, but I love her.”

  Angel nodded sadly. “I know, and I’m sorry I brought this up. Sorry, and not sorry too. It’s a relief to be able to talk to you about it. I like you, I think that much has been obvious from the start. I can tell you like me too, at least a little bit. But,” she shrugged, “if it isn’t meant to
be, it isn’t meant to be. So, let’s get back to work, shall we?” She reached into her purse and pulled out the laptop that she carried everywhere with her. “I want to talk you through the promotion schedule.”

  “Great.” He was relieved to get back onto solid ground.


  “What’s wrong with you tonight, lover?” Chase leaned on the bar looking concerned.

  Kenzie smiled. “Nothing. I’m fine.”

  “You don’t seem it. Every time I look over here you’re shooting daggers over at Ben and Angel.”

  Kenzie scowled at him. “How is it that you remember her name? You never remember people’s names. What’s so special about her?”

  Chase rolled his eyes and gave her a stern look. “Don’t Kenz. You’re pissed at her, because you don’t think Ben should be spending any time with her. You’re not pissed at me—so don’t take it out on me, okay?”

  She sucked in a deep breath ready to snap at him, but he smiled his sexy smile and winked at her. She blew out an exasperated sigh. “Okay, okay! I’m sorry. I shouldn’t take it out on you, but you let me! You’re my safe place.”

  The way he smiled, made her relax. Knowing that he loved her the way he did made her feel all soft and mushy inside. She shot a look over at Ben and Angel. “I just don’t like it. It’s not right.”

  Chase sighed. “Only Ben can say what’s right for him and what isn’t. We’ve talked about this before.”

  Kenzie nodded. “I know, but I’m too invested in him getting back together with Charlotte. I like her. Ben’s spent his whole life waiting for her. I can’t see their great love story get ruined now, not by some uppity bitch worming her way in!”

  Chase laughed. “She’s not an uppity bitch.”

  “Don’t you go defending her!” Kenzie glared at him, but he just laughed again.

  “I’m not defending her. I’m defending Ben and defending reason. You’re only upset because you want him to be happy, right?”

  She nodded.

  “Well, don’t you think he’s the one who best knows what—and who—is going to make him happy?”


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