Axxios and Braxxus

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Axxios and Braxxus Page 1

by Alana Khan

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen


  Galaxy Pirates Sextus Sneak Peak


  Who’s Who


  Galaxy Gladiators Alien Abduction Romance Series (BBW Menage)

  Book Six

  by Alana Khan

  Axxios and Braxxus

  Present Day

  In space aboard the spaceship Lazy Slacker, formerly known as the Leaf on the Wind

  Chapter One


  Dr. Drayke hurries into medbay, his indigo eyes dart to the clock as if he’s already stayed too long. “I came to check on Braxxus. Any changes?”

  “None. His breathing is still shallow, no signs of consciousness,” I say, looking over at the silver alien lying comatose in the hospital bed nearby.

  The blue doctor has lost at least fifteen pounds in the last week; he tells me not to worry, it’s the effect of the bonding process with his new mate. He almost died a handful of days ago because of his race’s biological mating demands. I don’t exactly understand the specifics, but it sounds like he and Nova have to mate several times a day or he’ll get ill and possibly die.

  Even though his patient is near death, the doc only breezes in for about five minutes twice a day to check on him. Otherwise, he’s in his cabin with Nova. For him to have lost that much weight, they must be having sex like twenty times a day. Heck, if I’d known I could lose fifteen pounds in a week, I would have tried the sex diet, too.

  “I want to thank you again, Miss Brianna. I’m sorry I’ve been so unavailable.” The features on his handsome face have always been sharp, but with his recent weight loss, his cheekbones protrude dramatically. “This urgency to join with my new mate is bound to diminish soon.”

  “TMI, doc.” He gives me a quizzical look; the subdural translators we all wear must have failed on that one. “Too much information,” I amend.

  “You Earth females are so shy about bodily functions...” he says, but he’s already distracted by the information on his medpad, his finger tracing rapid patterns on the screen.

  “Can you stay here for fifteen minutes?” I ask. “I just want to run to my cabin and take a shower. Seriously, I’ll run. I just need a quick break—I hate to leave Braxxus alone.”

  His magenta lips pull down in dismay as he hails Braxxus's twin on his wrist comm. “Axxios, can you come to medbay? Don’t worry, nothing’s seriously wrong.”

  His hands are trembling so slightly a casual observer wouldn’t notice, but I do.

  “I’m so sorry, Brianna. I’m virtually useless at this point in the bonding process. On my planet, we take a complete lunar cycle away from our duties after our bonding ceremony. It’s all I can do to be away from Nova for ten minimas without pain, tremors, and what she calls ‘brain fog’.

  “As thrilled as I am to have bonded with the woman I love, this process has taken me away from my post and put an undue burden on you. This won’t last forever. I’m trying to juggle my needs with my duties. I know it’s not fair that the extra responsibility has fallen to you. I apologize.

  “Call me if his condition worsens. In the meantime, his brother will be here in a few minimas to give you a respite.” With that, he dashes out of medbay.

  Great. Axxios will be here in a minute. Just what I want...not.

  Two months ago if I was asked if I believed in aliens and spaceships, I’d have said I only believe in hard science. That was before I was kidnapped in my sleep and taken aboard this ship as a breeding slave. That night, ten random Earth women were kidnapped and each of us was thrown into a cell with an alien gladiator slave.

  I wasn’t given much time to adjust to my new circumstances. Within half an hour of boarding the ship, my neck was adorned with a pain/kill collar, I was equipped with a subdural translator, and I was ordered to breed with my new cellmate—upon punishment of death. Axxios and I were forced to mate every morning in our tiny cell.

  Within two weeks we overthrew our captors, and now we’re fairly safe, except our former owners, the most dangerous cartel in the galaxy, are pursuing us. But right now, the MarZan crime ring isn’t my biggest concern. Right this minute, the gorgeous, golden male on his way to medbay is.

  Axxios. He’s possibly the most handsome male I’ve ever laid eyes on. He’s definitely the most handsome male I’ve ever had sex with. Sex in every possible position, at every time of day, to every level of mind-numbing bliss that could be imagined. Yeah, that male will be here in a moment, and I’ll have to share this cramped ten by ten exam room with him. I’ll be breathing in his delicious woodsy smell and trying to avoid the molten look of desire in his gorgeous turquoise eyes.

  I consider sneaking out and running to my shower before he gets here, but I hate to leave his brother alone for even a minute—he’s gravely ill. It will be so much easier on me if I don’t see Axxios, though.

  Against my will, my traitorous mind replays the details of what happened in our tiny cell the first time we were forced to mate. In fast forward I remember how scared out of my mind I was that first day, how unfailingly kind he was, how he made the whole enforced mating thing less horrifying than I’d ever thought possible.

  Then my mind bombards me with pictures of how, despite the circumstances, the sex was life-altering. I don’t know if it was our chemistry or his skill, but things happened in our little bunk I never would have believed possible. Physically, it was bliss—even under the worst circumstances imaginable.

  I turn off the rolling tape of hot sex with golden boy currently looping in my head and decide to bail on Braxxus and scurry to my cabin before his brother arrives. It’s too late. I hear Axxios's footsteps, then see him crash through the double doors of the medbay at a jog.

  “Braxx is all right? Where’s the doc? Is something wrong?” He glances at me, eyes wide in fright, then his attention flies to his twin. He slides into a chair on the other side of the bed and grabs Braxx’s hand. Stroking his brother’s forehead, his eyes fill with concern. A blind man at twenty paces could see how much Axxios loves his brother.

  And therein lies the problem. As kind as he’s been to me, as hot as the sex, as much as he wants to continue the “relationship” we have, he’s never looked at me with that level of affection. And I don’t want to keep having sex with him without it.

  He spears me with his piercing blue gaze. “Why’d the doc call me? What’s wrong?” His brows furrow in worry.

  “Nothing’s wrong with your brother. I need a shower, and someone has to watch Braxx. Dr. Drayke is busy with Nova and couldn’t stay. I’ll be back in half an hour.” I bolt out the door.


  Braxx looks so frail. Looking at him used to be like looking in the mirror, only seeing my reflection in silver rather than gold. Now he’s so thin, the skin on his face is tight, hugging the hollows of his bones. His muscles are distressingly slack. Gods, I couldn’t bear to lose him again.

  An annum ago we were both captains in the Mythrian fleet, doing our family proud. Ambushed by our enemy, my ship was damaged. I was taken prisoner moments after I saw my brother’s ship explode. The psychic connection all Mythrian twins share was severed. All those months I assumed he was dead.

  Through a luc
ky fluke, we found him a week ago in a slave pen on Aeon II. Beaten, abused, and with a deep stab wound in his back, he was slated for death. He’d been thrown into an outdoor stall like an animal.

  I can’t imagine his pain—lying there in filthy straw, soaked in his own urine, dying. When we rescued him he was covered with sores over most of his flesh, but his back was the most alarming. Dr. Drayke did everything he could despite the distraction of his bonding sickness, but Braxxus has never regained consciousness.

  Not only did I think he was dead for the last annum, but the loss of our psychic connection has also been devastating. He and I shared it as far back as I can remember. For months after it was severed I felt a heightened sense of isolation as well as grief so crushing I thought I would die. I imagine it was the same for him.

  I should feel guilty asking Brianna to be the only one on board to care for him. I know it’s been a strain on her, but I trust no one else to tend him so diligently.

  I smooth the silver hair off Braxx’s forehead, then lean down to kiss it. My brother, my gem. The only person in this galaxy I’ve ever loved. A drop of liquid falls on his cheek and I realize I’m crying. I don’t even want to think about the pain of losing him forever.


  I hate to interrupt him, I’m like a voyeur, standing in the doorway watching this touching scene of brotherly love. I feel so selfish, but I wish he could turn even half that much affection my way. I’d happily settle for half. Hell, I’d settle for a quarter. But I have too much self-esteem to settle for none. Which is why I can’t bear to be in the same room with him. Because my body yearns for his touch, and my mind knows I can’t afford to want something he can never give me.

  Chapter Two


  I feel Brianna’s presence before I see or hear her. My body’s tuned to her frequency, like an instrument. I love my twin so much, I’m not ashamed she saw me crying over him. Perhaps she understands, although she’d never comprehend the extent of a Mythrian twin bond.

  I kiss Braxx on the forehead again, then turn to face her. My cock hardens immediately; my body responds reflexively to her. She’s beautiful—the sexiest female I’ve ever seen. I’d rut with her five times a day if I could. But she refuses.

  I’d love to sheathe myself in her right this minima. It would turn my mind from my fears about Braxxus while giving us both pleasure. Her back is straight, her face is like stone, and she’s avoiding my gaze—as usual.

  “I can take it from here. I’m going to give him a sponge bath,” she announces as she fills a basin with water. “Then I’ll give him a massage. It’s the one thing I’m competent doing; lord knows I’m no nurse,” her words are light, but I can hear the tension in her voice.

  It’s like watching a bad play where the actors are busy doing bits of business, but their actions don’t fit their emotions.

  “I wish you wouldn’t avoid me, Brie. I could use some comfort.”

  Her hands shake, and the water from the basin spills back into the sink. She makes a quarter turn so that her back is fully toward me.

  “You could use some comfort? Or some sex?” She sounds hurt even though we’ve had this discussion and I’ve explained it more than once.

  “Sex is comfort to me. And I’ve watched you, Brie. It is to you, too.” I don’t understand her resistance.


  It’s hard to hide your inner feelings from a man you’ve opened yourself to, who’s delved into your private spaces. He knows my weakness. I’d hoped he’d be consumed with his brother’s health today, and just let me go about my business. But I should realize by now he’s relentless.

  I’ve never been in a real relationship before. Well, I guess I’m not in a real relationship even now.

  I went from a chubby kid to a fat adolescent. I heard one of the other women on board good-naturedly refer to me as a BBW. That term doesn’t really resonate with me. Especially the second “B.”

  Growing up overweight in America with all the size zero models and skinny actresses makes it hard to feel pretty, even if they’ve come up with a new, politically correct name to describe me. You can only be called names, not picked for teams in P.E., and not asked to dance at school events so many times before you get the message that you’re not attractive, that you don’t measure up.

  I got the message loud and clear. That’s why I’m not surprised Axxios doesn’t want much to do with me if we’re not in bed. The fact is, though, I can’t bear to feel rejected—or used. Even now, I have to clench my jaw to contain the torrent of hurt, angry words that are ready to spew from my mouth.

  “Lie with me, Brianna,” his tone is rough with yearning, his eyes penetrating mine.

  I stop pretending I’m filling this freaking basin with water and just stand facing away from him, my back ramrod straight.

  “Lie with me in the other exam room. We’ll hear Braxx if he stirs.”

  I swallow, my mouth dry with desire at the sound of his deep, persuasive voice.

  I turn off the water, still presenting my back to him while avoiding the mirror in front of me. Mirrors are my enemy. I’m outflanked—enemies in front and behind me.

  It’s funny how I’ve developed the ability to look in a mirror and see only what I need to. I can notice if there’s spinach in my teeth, or if my mascara ran, without seeing my double chin or plump cheeks. Right now I can avoid my own reflection even as I see his as he rises from his chair and stalks toward me.

  His skin is as golden as an Egyptian statuette. His body is as muscled as a heavyweight fighter. His face is as beautiful and aristocratic as a Calvin Klein model—only more masculine. My body betrays me even as I force myself to stand straighter and avoid his image in the mirror. My nipples have already risen to firm peaks against my bra. My core is already clenching in empty need. I’ve lost the war before I’ve even waged the first battle.

  “Lie with me, Brianna. Let me make you feel good.” His hand touches my shoulder so lightly you’d think I could ignore it, but I can’t.

  “I’ve asked you not to do this, Axxios. I’ve begged you.” I’m looking down at my hands in the sink, still clutching the stupid metal basin. I order myself not to glance in the mirror, his beautiful face will undo me.

  His fingers slowly trace from my shoulder up to the exposed skin of my neck, then pause there, transferring their warmth to me. His hand reaches in front and grasps the vulnerable column of my neck. His touch is butterfly soft. An uninitiated observer would have no awareness of how deeply sensual this is. I imagine he can feel my carotid hammering in double time.

  He bends achingly slowly, sweeping my long hair off my neck and then plants a soft, warm kiss on the delicate skin. He must know he’s won when I lower my head, giving him better access to that exquisitely sensitive spot.

  His lips are still pressed to my skin as he groans, “So warm, so soft, Brianna. So beautiful.”

  He has to feel me stiffen. He knows I hate that word. I forbade him to use it when we were locked in that tiny cell together, but he never obeyed my edict.

  “So beautiful,” he says again, just to assert his dominance. But at this moment I don’t care. He’s talking to the part of me that wants to believe his pretty lies.

  His humid breath stirs the wispy hairs on my nape. He nips me there with the blunt surface of his teeth. Every nerve and synapse in my body has been flipped to on from the securely off position. At this point, we both know my agreement with his proposition is just a formality.

  “Lovely Brianna. Lush Brianna. I know every delicious curve.” His hands lodge at the widest point of my hips, then wend their way slowly to the indent of my waist, skim up my sides, and come to rest on my shoulders. Instead of ordering him to stop or slapping his hands away, I simply wonder when my body gave allegiance to someone else. It’s certainly not obeying my orders to stand down.

  “Look at us in the mirror, Brie. Look how beautiful we are together. Your lovely pale flesh contrasts against my gold. We bel
ong together.”

  He has to know I won’t do it. That would break the spell. With my eyes closed, I can feel attractive, if just for a moment. With my eyes closed, I can pretend I belong in the arms of this gorgeous male. The mirror, my enemy, would ruin everything. So I run away from it and turn in his arms to face him.

  Tactical error! I realize immediately this position is so much more dangerous. The tips of my breasts graze his broad chest. His hard cock pulses against my abdomen. And if I open my eyes I’ll be face to face with the most devastatingly gorgeous turquoise eyes I’ve ever seen.

  “That’s right,” he croons. His hands span my waist and press me even closer. “Let me give you pleasure.”

  He bends to kiss me. His lips on mine. I still haven’t said yes, although at this point we both know it’s a foregone conclusion. His mouth is soft, his tongue probing. He’s still in polite questing mode. The minute I give my consent, things will change. He’ll unleash his full, wild sexuality on me. Every nerve in my body is on high alert, waiting for that. I know how overwhelmingly sensual that will be.


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