Axxios and Braxxus

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Axxios and Braxxus Page 7

by Alana Khan

  “Um, expose yourself from the waist up and lie here.” I motion to the edge of the bed near Braxx.

  When he’s lying down, jumpsuit not even rolled down fully to his waist, muscles stiff as a board, I bend over and halfheartedly rub his neck.

  “There you go.” I stand up after thirty seconds. “That’s all there is to it. Those white bears on my favorite vid are calling to me. Gotta go.”

  “I may have been in and out of a coma, but I know you did more than that. If memory serves, you did shoulders, scalp, arms, legs, and I seem to remember some action on my butt—that felt great by the way.”

  My mouth is suddenly dry. This is really happening, and there’s no graceful way out. I either have to fess up and admit I have bad blood with this male’s brother or force my way through this massage.

  I glance at the small computer screen in the corner, note the time, and promise myself I can tolerate six hundred seconds of this. After ten minutes I’m going to bolt.

  I nudge Axxios's big body closer to the middle of the bed, take a deep breath, and straddle his sexy, beefy, golden ass.

  I pull the top of his jumpsuit down to his waist and can’t help but admire the shimmering gold of his skin. His body is perfection: wide shoulders tapering to a narrow waist—the perfect masculine “v” shape. When we used to bunk together I’d wondered if Mythrians' body temperatures ran warmer than humans; he was always like a furnace next to me. I can’t help but notice the delightful feel of my hands on that expanse of toasty skin.

  Axxios and I were lovers for months. My body responds to this like I’m Pavlov’s dog, only it’s not my mouth that’s salivating, it’s my core. My fingers press into the cords of his huge neck, working the muscles underneath his flesh. I move to shoulders and instinctively begin working a knot that starts in his right shoulder and ends at his scapula.

  This must feel fantastic because he moans in pleasure. He must regret that noise, because every muscle in his body tightens, especially his glutes, which stiffen under my ass.

  I refuse to pay attention to the sexy man lying under me, or glance over at Braxx who I’m afraid might be enjoying this way too much. I simply check the time on the clock, certain my ten minutes must be up.

  Nope. Only two minutes have passed. Four hundred and eighty seconds to go. I continue to work his neck and shoulders, then move my thumbs up his spinal cord all the way to his scalp.

  Sex with Axx was always so hot and fast and furious, we never actually progressed to the soft, snuggly afterglow moments where a lover would play with her partner’s hair. His long golden hair is like spun silk in my hands. His breath leaves him in a heavy huff. I’m intimately acquainted with every facet of this male’s arousal cycle. It usually starts with these changes in his breathing. I imagine his cock is already hard underneath him, pressed to the bed.

  Shades of a few days ago where prim and proper Brie just wants to escape the room, and Wanton Brie’s body wants to gallop toward the goal line. I look down and see my nipples in hard points through the fabric of my plain black t-shirt. My breath has quickened, and it’s not just because I’m exerting myself. It’s not my fault! I’m performing foreplay on a sex God.

  I’ve been so consumed with giving this massage while tamping down my desire, I didn’t notice that Braxx has climbed onto the bed and straddled Axx’s thighs behind me. By the heat emanating off his gorgeous silver body, I’d clock his chest about two inches from my back. This is ridiculous! I need to put a stop to it.

  Braxx’s hand reaches out and innocently sweeps my long hair over my shoulder so he has access to my neck. Crap! Did Axxios share his secret weapon with his brother? Or did Braxxus just stumble onto one of my most vulnerable erogenous zones?

  His thumbs press along my spine as he leans forward and whispers hotly in my ear. “Is this the right pressure, Angel? Too hard? Too soft?” There’s that new tone to his voice, the raspy, deeper, sexy tone.

  “Just right,” little Goldilocks says instead of what she should be saying, which is to tell him to get his deliciously warm hands off of me. But I don’t, because Wanton Brie is taking over, and sensible Brie’s vocal cords are paralyzed.

  I’m having trouble paying attention to two things at once. I’m still on a fool’s errand, trying to massage Axx, as well as focusing ninety percent of my attention on Braxx’s gentle pressure on my aching muscles.

  Braxx leans down, his cheek less than an inch from mine as he observes my strong fingers.

  “Show me, Angel. Show me exactly what you want.”

  I glance at him and my core clenches with desire. He’s beautiful. For a moment I try to choose which is more appealing, silver or gold, but it’s a ridiculous quest. They’re both handsome males. I think if I gave the word, all our clothes would be in a pile on the floor in ten seconds and I would be the filling in a very sexy sandwich.

  “Show me, Brie,” Braxx prompts.

  I dig my thumbs along Axx’s scapula. The irony doesn’t escape me that in my house growing up we used to call this area of the body “angel bones.” My mom told me this is where wings would be attached if we were angels.

  Braxx leans forward and puts strength into his movements. “Like this?” He bends in, his warm breath fanning my ear.

  “Umm-hmm.” I nod. My resolve to keep them both at bay has been decimated. My pulse is pounding in my clit. I glance at the clock. My ten minutes aren’t up yet. My resolve didn’t even last ten freaking minutes.

  “Show me, Brie. Show me how to make your body feel good,” Braxx prompts, his tone persuasive.

  My thumbs move up Axx’s spinal cord, then back and forth between upper back and hairline. It’s so surreal to feel the same actions performed on my neck and spine at the same pace, in the same place as what I’m doing to the male underneath me.

  With a mind of their own, my fingers comb through Axx’s golden hair. Braxx does this to me, only slower, which ups the erotic factor by ten.

  “Is this relaxing, Brie?” Braxx whispers as he plants soft kisses starting at the crown of my head, then down until his lips reach my bare neck.

  His tiny kisses morph into full-lipped nips as he adores that area with his ministrations. I hear the soft, wet sounds his lips make as he pulls the tiniest bites of skin into his mouth with his nibbles.

  I suck in my breath quietly, as if it’s a secret that I’m fully aroused. I picture what an interloper would observe if they opened our door. They would see Brianna, her hair a brown curtain spilling over the side of her face. They’d see me sandwiched between spectacular silver and gorgeous gold.

  Perhaps I am an angel. I certainly feel as if I’m in heaven. Sensible Brie has long since left the building, and Wanton Brie is allowing herself to feel the fire licking along her veins.

  “That’s right, Brie. Show me just where to touch.” His hands skim up my sides from my waist, gently touching the outer curve of my breasts, then chastely landing in my hair again.

  “Teach me,” he says as his hands repeat the same movement, only this time they brush a bit more of my breasts.

  My nipples are as hard as diamonds. They desperately want to be plucked.

  The third time his hands sweep the outer curve of my flanks, I twist a bit to the right and his hand grazes my nipple. I can’t control my sharp hiss, my quick intake of breath.

  “I see, Angel,” his voice is warm and tender and compassionate. His hands skim down, only the next time they slide up they’re under my t-shirt. He repeats his first movements, completely avoiding my aching buds. Liquid heat pools between my thighs as I focus on my need. It takes two more complete sweeps up and down my skin before I press my nipple into his palm. Even though I’m still wearing a bra, the sheer sensuality of this moment is so overwhelming my eyes flicker closed and I pump my needy clit against Axx’s hard ass.

  “Your body is perfect, Angel,” Braxx breathes into the shell of my ear. My channel has to be dripping wet as well as clenching in desire.

  Axxios chooses
this moment to flip from his front to his back. My core is now pressed directly on the ridge of his cock, which is hard as a steel rod. I open my eyes and am face to face with his gorgeous turquoise gaze. His lids are heavy, he’s highly aroused—I know all his signs.

  Braxx scoots closer, his pelvis presses against my ass. He’s kissing and licking my neck and ears. I have goosebumps.

  Why can’t I have this? In less than sixty seconds all three of us could be naked. I could impale myself on Axx’s cock, lean over and kiss his warm lips and give Braxx access to whatever part of me he wants. My body loves this picture—loves this whole idea. It wants to sprint toward release. It wouldn’t take much to start spasming in pleasure.

  Then Sensible Brie pulls the plug on this fantasy and pushes Wanton Brie out of the driver’s seat. I look at Axx with all the anger and hurt I can muster. I shake my head, dislodging Braxx’s lips.

  I scramble off the bed, not even bothering to explain. Pulling my t-shirt down, I finger comb my hair, slide my shoes on and bolt out the door and down the hall to my room.


  The cabin is silent after Brie escapes. Silent except both Braxx and I are panting like animals after a race.

  “I need to know what happened between you two,” Braxx demands, sounding more like a gold than a silver. The muscles in his face are tight, his nostrils flared.

  “We were forced to mate after she was abducted.” I shrug.

  “Tell me why she can’t bear to look at you. Why she hates you.”

  “Females can be inscrutable, Braxx. I’m not certain. She wants something from me. She doesn’t understand the way of Mythrian twins. She wants emotions I can’t give.”

  “Did you explain that?”

  “Yes. No. I don’t know. I thought I did.”

  “Let me ask it another way, do you think she understands it?”

  I don’t even hesitate to answer, “No.” I shake my head. “She doesn’t understand it at all.”

  “So she doesn’t understand about golds. Does she understand silvers?”

  “No. I didn’t even know you were alive until a handful of days ago.”

  “Why didn’t you tell her about the angel? Why didn’t you talk about your past when you were locked in a cell together? You know she’s our bondmate, Axx. How did you drack this up so completely?”

  “This is why golds have silvers, gem. We need you. I need you. I don’t do emotions. Except with you, Braxx. I love you. You’re right, I have dracked this up completely.” I hate that I’ve messed this up, more for Braxx than myself. If I’m cracking apart inside over this I can only imagine how terrible he’s feeling.

  “We need a plan, Axx. We need a plan and we need one quick.” He pointedly looks down at his loincloth and I see his erection straining against it.

  “How long have you known, gem?” my tone is low and serious.

  “I've known since I opened my eyes and saw her. A blind man would know. How long have I been certain? Ten minimas.”

  “You got your first erection ten minimas ago?” I ask. He nods. “I thought you were dead, gem. I gave up hope several lunar cycles ago. When I met Brianna it was even more bittersweet, knowing she was probably destined to be our bondmate yet we’d never have her—not together.”

  Golds get erections from the day we turn gold. We rut. If there are females available, we rut a lot. Birantos are brought from off-world to meet our needs. Golds can be insatiable—I certainly was. Golds rut as often as we want, but we never bond. We only bond when both twins meet their bondmate.

  Silvers don’t sexually mature like golds. They don’t rut. They become truly sexual when they’ve met their mate. I look at Braxx’s loincloth, his cock bursting to break free. Biology doesn’t lie.

  “Axxios?” It’s Tyree’s voice over the comm. “Callista just tied down contracts for two cestus fights on Galgon. “By my calculations, that’s four days away. Before we take off, I’d like you to check all the coordinates.”

  “That’s in the Procul sector, right?”


  “Give me a few minimas,” I tell him and sign off. “I have a plan, Braxx.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “The cestus fights in four days will hopefully net us a load of credits. I’ll convince Captain Zar to take us to the nearby planet of Fairea afterward for rest and recreation. It’s been a hard couple of lunar cycles for all of us, especially the females. We all deserve a break. You and I went there years ago, remember? When we were seven or eight.”

  Braxx nods. “Gods we had fun. That planet was a renowned tourist spot. They have some sort of festival every day of the annum. We watched mronck races and cheered. Even our fathers relaxed a little. All the people were dressed in costumes. We were grays.” His voice sounds weaker when he adds, “Everything was easier then.”

  “This may sound crazy coming from your gold brother, but a female would find that...romantic, right?”

  Braxx thinks for a moment, then nods. “Probably.”

  I stand up and pull on a fresh jumpsuit. “You have six days, brother. Six days to do two things. First, I want you walking the halls, maybe even lifting some light weights in the ludus. I want you in shape to walk the huge fairgrounds when we get to Fairea. We’re going to have fun with our female. She’s going to see us in a different light.”

  He’s nodding, the corners of his mouth turning up into a smile.

  “And second?”

  “You’ve got to work on her, brother. She’s got to agree to go with us—both of us.”

  He frowns. “I don’t think that will be easy, Axx.”

  “You’re the first silver in Mythrian history to captain a starship, gem. I have complete faith in you.”

  Chapter Nine


  “Wow, Savannah.” I hike up the fabric on the bust of my dress so my boobs don’t spill out when I take a deep breath.

  Savannah is our resident U.S. Marine slash clothes horse. It’s always struck me as an interesting combo, but she seems totally at home in both roles.

  “You look hot, Brianna.” She winks at me and fusses with the yards of billowy skirt.

  “Hot? Really?” I wonder if the guys will think I’m hot, then mentally scold myself for even caring.

  “Yeah.” She nods.

  “Both your guys will be very interested. You’re all crazy about each other if your passionate looks are any indication, yet things are obviously tense between you. I just thought I’d give Mother Nature a little push. Did you know we all call you Braxxianna behind your backs?”

  I give her a questioning look.

  “You know, like Brangelina?”

  “For fuck’s sake, Savannah.”

  She pulls me in front of the only full-length mirror on the ship. It’s in a large room in the abandoned wing. All the women are putting last-minute touches on their dresses. Evidently planet Fairea is like a Renaissance Festival back home, except it’s three-hundred-sixty-five days a year—or however long their year is. It sustains the whole planet’s economy.

  People dress up in old-fashioned costumes. The males on our little ship just have to throw on the fancy leather gladiator kilt-like outfits they sewed for the first party we had after the overthrow. We women, however, needed to put in a lot of effort. We looked at a lot of pics on the Intergalactic Database and it seems there’s a lot of leeway, especially since there are so many species involved.

  We’re wearing dresses that would fit in at a Ren-Fest on Earth. Lots of decolletage, wasp waists, and full skirts. We found some Mirasian silk in a crate in the hold. Evidently, it’s hella expensive and quite sought after in the galaxy. Oh well, spoils of war.

  As I look in the mirror, I have to say I look pretty good. I should have been born in this time period. It nicely displays my assets—boobs! The nipped-in waist gives the illusion that I have a waist, and the full skirt hides my wide hips. I twirl this way and that, actually liking what I see.

  “You look grea
t, Brie. Let me help Zoey, I think she needs alterations and we have less than two hours until we touch down.”

  “Brianna!” Petra calls over the din of so many conversations. “Hair and makeup over here!”

  She sits me down in a hard little chair and brings out makeup and brushes.

  “We were kidnapped in our p.j.’s, Petra. Where did you get the stockpile of makeup?”

  “Every time we stop at a planet and they ask me to do my sexy rope routine to make money I pick up some supplies.” She tilts her head and shrugs. “You have such a beautiful complexion you don’t need much makeup. What hairstyle do you want?”


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