The New World (The Last Delar)

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The New World (The Last Delar) Page 6

by Matthew Cousineau

  "Ven, you made it! I didn't think you were going to . . . ohhh, this is great!" But he looks into his cousin's eyes and knows there is something wrong.

  "Cousin, I am going to be in so much trouble for this. I know mother saw me sneak out."

  "Yeah, mine did too, but it is worth it. I have not been able to stop thinking about the treasure all night." Ven brushes past Taeau and heads to their fort's opening as his cousin speaks.

  "What's wrong with you?"

  "Look, Taeau, I don't care about Stripes and his crew . . . there are much more important things going on."

  Taeau looks at his cousin with a blank stare, "Well, what do you mean? What could be more important than this?"

  "Look . . . there is a meeting today at the hall, and there might be a war. My dad is going to need my help. I am going to take my half of the treasure to protect my family when my dad leaves."

  Taeau walks over to his cousin and puts his arms around him. "Look, you are my family and your fight is my fight. I will help you and your dad. My father is going to that meeting too, so you're right. We should get our stuff and help out our dads." Ven nods his head as they walk into the unspeakable, leaving Carn behind to stand guard. Ven feels slightly better knowing that his cousin understands how he feels. They both sit in the fort dividing the treasure, and a new courage builds inside each of them. They both begin to understand that there is nothing that could ever keep them apart.


  The Hall of Eel is filled with both Meno and Salali. Most of the adult males in the city have gathered together, speaking to each other with suspicion and apprehension. They were instructed to attend this council unarmed as a sign of peace to their enemies, but in the minds of both the Salali and the Meno peace will not last. Both Chiefs sit in their thrones dressed in their ceremonial attire, smoking and watching the men in the room. Black Claw stands between the chiefs. He wears the helmet of Eel and passes out orders to his captains and various warriors. The Meno farmers, the Salali gatherers, and city warriors converse with each other, renewing old bonds as the dark cloud of war gathers around them. It is always like this when the days seem darkest; old grudges are forgotten, and new, stronger alliances are formed.

  Dirty Hands talks to a fellow farmer about the strange things that he has seen, and he catches a glance from his brother and nods his head in response. Dirty Hands knows that his brother is glad he is attending the meeting. Black Claw's small gesture makes Dirty Hand’s feel like a member of the city once again, a feeling he has not had since his first son died. The door opens slightly and closes again. A Meno guard swiftly walks into the room and approaches Black Claw. The hall becomes silent, and all eyes are on Black Claw. The Captain nods his head and signals for the guard to go back to his position by the door. The hall remains silent and Black Claw raises his hands and speaks loudly.

  "Ush-Ka is at our door and requests admittance into the Hall of Eel. Does anyone object to his admittance?" Silence reigns, and Red Fist rises in response.

  "Admit our guest, and may this council bear the fruit of peace and not the thorns of war."

  Everyone in the hall stands shoulder to shoulder on either side of the path leading to the Chiefs; farmers and gatherers behind the warriors who proudly stand like walls to the thrones. They stand together united as brothers creating a lane for the Wicked King, Ush-Ka, and his men to walk toward the thrones. All eyes settle on the doors as they open. Beams of sunlight filled with dust disturbed by the gathering streak across the hall. The Wicked King walks in followed by Ush-Ka and two bodyguards. The bodyguards are men of the Nossa, castaway barbarian Vikings who have no home. These Nossa bodyguards are dressed only in loincloths and their bodies are covered in red war paint, with white paint splashed over their heads. Ush-Ka walks up to the Chiefs and bows his head in respect. Through his long rotted teeth, he spits his first words with a sneer: "Such a grand turnout! I am pleased to see you honor your future king with such respect."

  The room erupts in anger and Black Claw steps down from between the Chiefs and approaches his enemy, shouting and pointing to Ush-Ka’s master. "Tell me Beast, by what right does your King believe he has ownership over our lands? Did he bleed with our ancestors as they fought and forged our great city?"

  The room again begins to echo with talk as the men nod their heads and point toward Ush-Ka, agreeing with their captain. General Ush-Ka looks to his master who yawns with boredom.

  "I do not speak to lowly tree rats," he hisses. "I ask the Chiefs to swiftly punish this rodent's insolence and without mercy. Anything less I will take as a personal insult."

  The room erupts in shouting and fist-shaking. Red Fist is the first Chief to speak. "This is the Captain of our city whom you insult, General. You will show him respect while you are inside our borders."

  Ush-Ka chuckles, "Captain? This is your Captain? Well, if this is the greatest warrior you have, then you are in greater need of our King's protection than I perceived." Ush-Ka turns and points to all the Meno and Salali in the hall. "Those who swear allegiance to the greatest and most powerful King in this world will be under his protection. They will be allowed to work on his majesty's lands. Lands that he will generously provide to his loyal subjects. Those who prove their worth will receive his blessing, but those who oppose him will burn in the ashes of his fury. This is not a threat but rather an offer and a DEMAND! Do not be so foolish as to let courage fill your chests . . . my Lord has the means to destroy your city, and I will do as my King commands. My new brothers, submit to the new master of the world and live under his rule . . . in peace . . . or oppose him and die."

  Black Claw opens his hands and flashes his large thumb claws. "We do not need your protection, nor do we need permission from your farce of a king to work our own lands." The hall erupts in yelling in support of Black Claw. The men stomp their feet and the Salali scratch the ground and brandish their claws toward Ush-Ka and his men. "And as for his fury, it is you who should be worried about ours, Dog!"

  Ush-Ka turns toward the chiefs, turning his back to Black Claw. "Chief Grey Back, you have been read the terms. You will bind your allegiance by signing the scrolls with the ink of your blood. This act will prove your oath to your new Lord and allow your people to live."

  Grey Back stands proudly and points his aging finger in the Wicked King’s direction. "And after we have given you everything we possess, including our sons and daughters, what then do we have left? I will tell you . . . nothing. We will have nothing. Take our lives if you must, but you will not take our honor or our freedom without a fight."

  Ush-Ka walks up and down the aisle, purposefully looking into the eyes of both races. "Hagur, Leaf, show these peasants what true warriors are." With these words Ush-Ka’s bodyguards begin to perform. They shout out the Nossa cry of war. They begin to do a war dance showing all in the hall their skills of combat while chanting and slapping themselves violently. This demonstration brings uneasiness to the room, and fear begins to fill the hearts of the men and the Salali. Ush-Ka can smell their distress, and he begins to smile.

  Black Claw tries to bring courage back to his men. "The only thing we need protection from is your master, your black-hearted king who orders you to slaughter the innocent and steal what is not yours. We will never become slaves working our own lands or in your cursed mines."

  "Do not dare insult the King in my presence, you powerless rat. You will accept the terms that are given or feel his wrath," threatens Ush-Ka.

  In defiance, Black Claw waves his claws in Ush-Ka's face. The hall echoes with the men's shouts, and the line begins to close in on Ush-Ka and his men.

  "SILENCE!" shouts Red Fist, and the hall becomes still.

  Grey Back rises from his throne and speaks. "You can tell your King that it was not with his father’s lives that these lands were secured. You can also tell him that these lands will run red with your men's blood if you do not leave our borders now and never return."

  The Meno and Salali start to chant a
nd dance around Ush-Ka displaying to him that they are also ready for war. Dirty Hands stays on the outside of the circle and looks around the room in fear. Ush-Ka turns and looks at his master and the King walks to his side.

  The Wicked King begins to speak in his native language and Ush-Ka translates, "I am a son of the one true God. I traveled across the great sea -- a feat that none before me has accomplished. I come from a land very different from yours. We worship the true God and live a civilized life unlike yours and your savage ways. I am offering you a chance to join me and convert from your pagan beliefs. If you do, God will bestow on you his blessings and I will guide you on a path toward a great civilization. Defy me and all my power and knowledge will rain down upon you like the fires of hell. There can be no victory against us, because the righteous hands of God guide us. So I ask you one last time savage chiefs: join us and bend to my will embracing the glory of God or be destroyed by my might."

  The hall rises in fury. The walls of Meno and Salali begin to close in. The Nossa guards and Ush-Ka surround their King and walk slowly toward the door. Once outside, Ush-Ka nods in the direction of the Nossa bodyguards before starting down the stairs following his master. The Nossa do not follow, and the guards look at each other in alarm.

  "You are no longer welcome here . . . leave with your general now!" yells a guard as he lowers his spear at the backs of the barbarians. The guards look down, hearing screams from below. They see Ush-Ka's men riding on Feather Runners. These bird like beasts have flightless wings, long jaws lined with razor teeth and a massive, flesh tearing talon rising from their feet. The men are attacking anyone who comes close and the guards watch in horror as teeth and claw attack man, woman and child.

  "WE ARE UNDER ATTACK! WARN THE OTHERS!" yells a Salali guard from the ground, just as a Runner overtakes him from behind and tears at his body. The Nossa warriors then attack the guards and the two sides battle for control of the door. A Meno guard manages to open the door to the hall and quickly yells a warning to the Meno and Salali inside.

  "The city is under siege, arm yourse- AARGH," a Meno spear pierces his stomach, and he falls in a pool of blood.

  "Protect the city! Arm yourselves!" Everyone looks blankly at Black Claw, for all the men in the hall are unarmed. A Salali reaches the wounded guard and checks to see if he is dead, when suddenly the door opens wide and a Feather Runner bursts into the room. The Salali crouching over the slain guard is helpless, as a leaping Runner tears him to pieces. The rest of the hall watches in disgust as he desperately cries for help beneath the teeth and claws of the bloodthirsty beast.

  The door then slams shut behind the intruders, and the room becomes silent. The Runners and their Nossa masters begin to creep slowly toward the Meno and Salali. Both sides are eyeing each other, waiting for the first move to be made. The soldiers standing behind the Runners smile in anticipation of the blood that will soon be spilt. One of them raises his whip high in the air and brings it down with a hard crack. A Runner lunges forward, and the massacre in the hall of Eel begins.

  Two Meno farmers fall to the ground, helplessly crying out for aid. As a Runner roars with the blood of the fallen farmer dripping from its teeth, Black Claw lands on the Runner's neck and drives his thumb claws into the beast's eyes.

  "Their eyes! Go for their eyes!" yells Black Claw as his thumb claws gouge out the Runner's eyes. The Runner roars in pain and squirms out of control, trying to free itself from Black Claw's grip. Black Claw is thrown to the side and the Runner falls to the ground, mortally wounded.

  Chaos reigns as the battle continues. Many of the Menoli's best and strongest are slain; the barbarian soldiers strike down unarmed farmers and gatherers as they whip their Feather Runners. Grey Back is the first Chief to fall in the onslaught. Two Salali desperately defend his dead body. At the loss of Grey Back, Red Fist takes control of the men and gliders.

  "Take the slain soldier's weapons and kill the beasts!" yells Red Fist in a final attempt at victory. "Black Claw! Out the window! Open the door and save the city!"

  Black Claw and a few gliders crawl up the walls and exit out a high window. They crawl around the tree to see the city under attack. The guards at the gate have come back into the city and are trying to fight their way up to the hall door. Black Claw yells out orders to his soldiers.

  "I will take the leaders! Kill the soldiers by the door and save our trapped brothers. Now, MOVE!"

  They all jump and dive down toward the steps. The soldiers near Black Claw dive first, attacking the Runners and their masters while Black Claw assaults the Nossa bodyguards who first accompanied Ush-Ka into the hall. Black Claw lands on a warrior's back and drives his claws into both sides of his neck. He jumps from the slain Nossa's back who falls and rolls down the stairs. Black Claw lunges for the other bodyguard, and they both fall to the ground, wrestling as they stumble. Rolling down the stairs through the chaos of the battle, they come to the last step. Only Black Claw stands, his fur covered in blood. Black Claw turns to the hall doors and leads the remaining guards back up the stairs. In a quick assault, he and his guards are able to slay the remaining enemies and open the door to the hall.

  Inside, Red Fist is mortally wounded, and only a few Salali and Meno remain to guard him. The injured and dead lie in a lake of blood. One Runner and two warriors survive, and they surround Red Fist and his men.

  "The end is at hand, you weak old fool," spats a soldier before he whips a Runner to attack. The Runner's jaws clamp shut around a Meno's arm, and Red Fist creeps backwards, preparing for the end. Behind the cries of the armless Meno, a wounded Dirty Hands rises from the ground with a Nossa sword. He swings the blade and slices off the Nossa's hands that hold the Runner's chains. The warrior screams, and Dirty Hands grabs the Runner's chains. Dirty Hands yanks the chain, and the Runner slips and falls onto the bloodstained floor. The remaining Meno and Salali jump on the runner and slay it with ease. The last rider retreats to the door, only to be killed by the Meno guards who have fought their way in. Dirty Hands goes to Red Fist's side.

  "Are you alright? Can you walk?" Red Fist nods his head as Dirty Hands helps him to his feet.

  The door opens, and Black Claw enters with a few other warriors. The warriors who were not in the hall during the first attack look around in shock. They were not prepared for the sight of the dead and wounded sprawled across the floor. Black Claw quickly approaches Red Fist.

  "The city is lost, we cannot defend against this onslaught. They are too many and we have too few warriors left. The dog Ush-Ka has outmaneuvered us. We must retreat."

  Red Fist lifts his dying head, "You must lead our people . . . gather what soldiers you can, lead the women and children to safety. Our children must survive." Red Fist then collapses into Dirty Hands's arms and stops breathing.


  Taeau and Ven pretend to defend their fortress from unseen foes, standing side by side with their fathers. Absorbed in their fantasy battle they do not realize Stripes and his gang followed Ven to the hideout. They have been spying on them from the trees.

  From the canopy above, Stripes snickers to his two followers. "When my father hears Black Claw's own son has been playing with forbidden weapons with the dirty, freakish son of a worthless farmer . . . oh, the shame on his family!" A large grin forms on Stripe's face as he pictures the fall of the Claw family and the rise of his own. "Come on," says Stripes, and the crew jumps from their branch and floats down toward Taeau and Ven.

  Taeau and Ven battle imaginary warriors on the top of the hill, dramatically pretending to fight a last stand, when Carn suddenly begins barking at the open forest. The two cousins look out into the forest, wondering what Carn is barking at. As they stare into the woods, Stripes and his gang suddenly land behind them.

  They both spin and see their attackers. "Back, you three! I am warning you," yells Taeau as he points his weapon at them.

  "Smart farmer boy, use a junky, broken, old sword on one of us. Your filthy family will be exiled for
ever, so go ahead and do it." These words make Taeau back down and rethink what he is doing. He did not consider that Stripes would be so brave with a sword pointed at him. He looks at Carn, who is snarling at the woods surrounding the hill.

  "As for you, when I tell my father about what you are doing, he will…"

  Stripes suddenly stops talking and stares into the forest. Taeau takes advantage of his silence and begins to yell, "You won't tell on us, you coward! Because if you …"

  Stripes eyes become wide and terrified as he looks over Taeau's shoulder; he quickly turns around and runs away in a crazy fit.

  "Yeah, you run, you stinking coward!" shouts Taeau at Stripes's back.

  "Taeau, look out!" yells Ven.

  Ven pushes Taeau to the side and catches a flash of teeth before he is knocked off the hill. He lands on the ground, hitting his head hard on a rock. A young Feather Runner has appeared from the forest, his mouth and face covered with blood. It turns toward Taeau and snaps at him. The other younglings run away in fear, leaving Taeau alone to defend his friend. The young Runner moves closer, drooling and snapping while keeping his eyes fixed on Taeau. Taeau stares at the beast, frozen in shock. The beast attacks, and Taeau closes his eyes, swinging his sword. He feels the weapon strike the Runner, and he hears it roar in pain. The noise scares Taeau, and when he opens his eyes, he has to shield himself from the blood pouring from the Runners' snout. The Runner retreats into the woods, shrieking in pain. Taeau drops his sword and runs to Ven. Carn barks loudly at the Runner but stays by his master's side.

  Taeau kneels next to his cousin. "Ven! Are you hurt? Can you hear me?" He grabs Ven by the arm and shakes him in panic. "Ven!"

  Ven's eyes flutter open, and he looks at his cousin in confusion.

  "Taeau, what happened? Why are you covered in blood?"

  "It's not mine. Ven . . . are you alright?"

  "Ya, just got knocked out. Who knows what would have happened if I hadn't had on this helmet." He takes off the helmet and rubs the bump that is starting to form on his head. They hear screaming in the distance.


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