Going For It (Texas Titans #7)

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Going For It (Texas Titans #7) Page 22

by Cheryl Douglas

  “A million dollars,” he muttered, looking into his beer.

  Kiara covered her mouth so she wouldn’t spew out her wine. “A million dollars? Really? That’s a pretty sizeable donation. Aren’t centers like that usually publicly funded?”

  “Please, you know how it is. The place would have to be a safety hazard before the city would put money into it.”

  “That’s true.” Kiara smiled. “It’s amazing you did that. They must have been so grateful.”

  He winced. “Yeah, so grateful they named the place after me. I didn’t want that. I would have preferred they name it after Charlie, since he’s the soul of that place, but he insisted it should bear my name. He said it gave the kids hope, seeing where I’d come from and what I’ve accomplished.”

  “Charlie sounds like a wise man.” She knew Blaise didn’t want the praise, but she added, “Babe, kids like that need someone to look up to. All kids do, but especially at-risk teens and preteens.”

  “About that…” Blaise downed some of his beer. “Charlie had an idea. I like it, but I wanted to run it past you, see what you think about it. If you like the idea, I was hoping you could help me, since you have that fancy business degree and all.”

  Kiara knew it wasn’t easy for Blaise to ask for help, which made her want to do anything she could to support him. “Tell me about it.” Propping her chin in her hand, she waited for him to continue.

  “Well, Charlie made the same point you did, about at-risk kids needing a mentor. Since boxing did so much for me and a lot of other kids like me, Charlie suggested we could use a youth program for street kids in Arlington.”

  “I love that idea!” she cried, clapping once. “I totally think you should do it.”

  “You do?” He sounded wary. “Really?”

  “I know how important it is for you to give back. What better way?” Kiara couldn’t have been more proud of him for even considering taking on a project like that. “You could help kids the way Charlie helped you. You’re always telling me what a huge impact he had on your life, how you don’t know where you’d have ended up without him. What better way to pay it forward?”

  “I know where I would’ve ended up,” he muttered. “I just don’t like to think about it.”

  “Then don’t.” She covered his hand with hers. “Take all that negative energy about your upbringing and channel it into something positive. In turn, you’ll be showing kids how to do the same.”

  “That’s what I want, Ki. I want to make a difference in their lives the same way Charlie made a difference in mine.” He leaned in, lowering his voice. “At the end of my life, I know it’s not going to be about how many fights I won or millions I made. It’s going to be about the lives I touched. I want my life to count for something.”

  His life already counted for something, but she understood the urge to be involved in something bigger, to give back in a more profound way. “I would love to be a part of this with you. I’ll help any way I can. If you want to go the route of public funding, I can help you register as a non-profit and apply for grants, or if you want to fund it yourself, I can help with a business plan, finding a facility, and staffing.”

  “You’d really do that?” he asked, sounding awed. “I mean, I know how busy you are, how much you give to your career. I wouldn’t want to take away from that.”

  “You’d be giving me something, Blaise, a new sense of purpose. Sharing this with you would mean everything to me.”

  “I love you so much.” He slid his hand down her cheek. “I don’t know what the hell I did to deserve you, but I can’t tell you how glad I am to have found you.”


  Kiara made him feel gratitude at a whole ‘nother level in their hotel room. She was on her knees and looking up at him after taking him to the brink and back again so many times, he felt as if his head might blow off.

  “I can’t do this,” he said, grabbing her arms and hauling her to her feet. “I need to be inside of you. Now.”

  “You won’t hear me complaining.”

  Her eyes were hooded, her lust evident in the warmth of her skin, her peaked nipples, and moist lips. Her breathing was as labored as his. She enjoyed giving pleasure almost as much as being on the receiving end. Easing her back on the bed, Blaise took his time, kissing her neck as he slid his shaft between her slick folds, teasing her and tormenting himself. He pinned her wrists above her head with one of his hands.

  “Don’t.” She nipped his shoulder, writhing beneath him. “I want you now.”

  “You’ll get what you want, baby. I’ll see to that.” Every day for the rest of our lives, if I have my way.

  Gliding inside of her gradually was taxing. The only thing he could think about was burying himself deep, making her scream his name. The climb was slow and steady. He released her hands, giving her the freedom to explore his body as he rediscovered hers. Every time with her felt like the first time as he found new ways to indulge her secret fantasies.

  Her body responded as he knew it would, rhythmically pounding against his. The throbbing between her legs relentlessly demanded more from him until he felt as though his self-control was a cord about to snap under the pressure of holding on so tight.

  “I love this,” she whispered, her nails skating up and down his back. “Being with you makes me forget everything else. You’re the only thing that matters.”

  He kissed her deeply, cherishing her words. She made him feel more valued than anyone ever had. Every time she touched him, she healed another hidden bruise. Every time she told him she loved him, it made up for another time he’d been called worthless. Every kiss erased a blow that had brought him to his knees. The way she looked into his eyes when their lips lost contact made up for every other woman who’d lied to him, used him, mistreated him, and made him feel empty.

  “You’re a part of me now. No matter what happens, you always will be,” he said.

  Tears skimmed her cheeks as she smiled before closing her eyes. “I want you to be a part of me… in the literal sense.”

  He chuckled, dipping his head. He loved that she could make him laugh even when his heart felt so exposed. “Be careful what you wish for, girl.”

  Kiara clenched him deep and tight, erasing any doubt about who was in control in that moment. She took his breath away, swallowing his moans as they made love.

  The kiss lasted long after their tremors subsided, as though neither of them were ready to lose the intimate connection.

  He broke away, leaning his damp forehead against hers. “I love you, Ki. So damn much.”

  “I love you too.” She held him tight, giggling in his ear. “You made me glad I came.”

  “Not half as glad as you will be by the time I let you out of this bed tomorrow.”

  “If that’s a promise, I intend to hold you to it.”

  He rolled to his side, taking her with him. Her body partially blanketed his, their legs intertwined, as their breathing returned to normal. They enjoyed the silence, his hand stroking her back as her hair fanned out over his chest.

  She said, “You didn’t tell me about your visit with your parents. Do you want to talk about it?”

  He usually kept that part of his life tucked away—mostly because he wasn’t proud of where he’d come from—but opening up to Kiara in their cocoon of safety and passion felt right. “Our visit was brief, but it went better than I would have expected.”

  “That’s good, right?”

  “Yeah. Charlie told me some things about my old man I didn’t know.”

  She settled her hand over his heart, pillowing her head. “I didn’t realize Charlie and your father were friends.”

  “They weren’t, but they met once when I was young. Apparently my father opened up to Charlie about his own childhood. Charlie’s that kind of guy, easy to talk to. You feel like you’ve known him forever even though you just met him.”

  “What did he tell you about your father?” Kiara asked.

  “I gues
s he didn’t have it easy at home. Sounds like his old man laid a beating on him for just about anything.”

  Kiara sucked in a breath. “That’s awful.”

  He massaged her scalp absently. “Yeah, I guess things back then were different than they are now. ‘Spare the rod and spoil the child,’ and all that crap. I know I have scars from my childhood, but I can’t imagine the shit my dad’s been trying to bury.”

  She pressed her lips to his chest. “Sounds like your talk with Charlie gave you a different perspective on your father.”

  He thought long and hard before he answered. “I guess it did. I don’t think we’ll ever be best buddies or anything, but at least I can understand why he acted the way he did. He was angry, hostile. He didn’t know how to get it out, so he blew up at the people closest to him.”

  She looked up at him. “After living with my father for so many years and hearing about human behavior from him, I know one thing for sure: we all carry scars from our childhood.”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” For the first time in a long time, Blaise felt free, empowered even. “My father probably thought he was doing right by us ‘cause he didn’t hit us. He didn’t realize that sometimes words hurt just as much.”

  “You know how great it is that you’re coming to these realizations now? It’ll make you a better father. You won’t repeat the same mistakes your father and grandfather made.”

  “I sure as hell hope not.” He felt sick just thinking about the possibility of treating his child that way.

  “So where did you leave things with your parents?”

  “They’re coming to my fight against Morin. You can meet them then.” He didn’t want to introduce her to his parents yet. He wanted to take more time, test the waters with them and see if he and his parents could forge a different kind of relationship before he brought Kiara into the mix.

  “I look forward to it.” She tightened her grip on his waist. “I still get queasy every time I think about that fight. Are you sure you won’t change your mind?”

  He wanted to tell her he would do anything for her, but if he backed out of this, it would color his opinion of himself. He couldn’t live with that, not when he was finally starting to like the man he was becoming. He kissed her forehead. “I can’t, baby. I don’t want to upset you, and I don’t want you to worry about me. Nothing and no one can take me out now. Not when I have so much to look forward to.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Kiara was packing up when Dalton stepped into her office. “Hey, pretty lady. You ready to see your boyfriend kick some ass?”

  After four long months of training, the big day had arrived. Kiara couldn’t wait for it to be over so they could move on with their lives without this fight hanging over their heads. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

  The fight was taking place at Madison Square Gardens, the same backdrop as Morin and Blaise’s last match. Kiara could only pray this one didn’t end with Blaise being rushed to the hospital on a stretcher.

  “Sabrina said you have the tickets?” When Kiara nodded, he said, “She was pretty bummed she couldn’t come, but with her delivery date right around the corner, she didn’t feel comfortable flying. The doctors are telling her it could be any day now.”

  Kiara smiled. “I don’t blame her. I wouldn’t fly in her condition either. Besides, the crowds and the excitement might be a bit much for her.”

  “Dylan just called to let us know the jet is ready when we are.”


  “You don’t sound too excited,” Dalton said.

  She held her phone against her chest. “I’m scared out of my mind. What if something happens to him?”

  Dalton narrowed his eyes. “I know you guys have gotten pretty close. You think this guy could be the one, honey?”

  “I know he is.” She’d wanted to tell Blaise she’d had a change of heart ever since she flew to Richmond, but he hadn’t mentioned their future again. She was too afraid to bring it up in case he didn’t feel the same way anymore.

  “So what’s the problem? Why do you look so sad?”

  She couldn’t explain it. Everything was going great. Blaise was moving forward with his plans to open the youth center, Rowan was doing a great job managing the gym, and she was staying at Blaise’s house more often than her own. She loved every minute of the time they spent together, but it wasn’t enough. She was ready to take their relationship to the next level, and it killed her not knowing whether he felt the same way. Sinking back into her chair, she lowered her head to her hands. “I love him.”

  “And that’s a bad thing?”

  “No, but…” She sniffled, feeling like a fool as she reached for a tissue. “He asked me to marry him a few months ago, and I said no.”

  “Oh wow, I had no idea.”

  “The only person I told was Sabrina.” Kiara closed her eyes. “I was so afraid to take a chance. I knew Blaise was different. Why the hell didn’t I just trust my instincts and say yes?”

  “It’s not too late. You could still say yes.”

  She laughed, trying not to sound bitter. “I think the offer’s been withdrawn. He hasn’t brought it up even once since I turned him down.”

  “So why don’t you bring it up?” Dalton grinned. “Who says the man has to be the one to do the asking, especially since he’s already asked and been shot down?”

  Kiara had thought about her fairy-tale proposal a hundred times, and it certainly didn’t involve her being down on one knee. “Don’t be ridiculous. I can’t do that!” The idea was too humiliating to contemplate. Blaise would think she was pathetic, desperate… or maybe just crazy in love with him?

  “You’re obviously unhappy with the way things are, and I know you’re not the kind of girl who just sits around and waits for things to happen. Why the hell don’t you ask him, or at least tell him you’ve had time to think about his proposal and you think you’re ready?”

  “I don’t want him to feel pressured.” She bit her lip. “Maybe he hasn’t brought it up again because he realized he acted hastily. It could be—”

  “He doesn’t want to get shot down again. I know if I were him and a girl turned down my marriage proposal, I wouldn’t be quick to ask again. It’s a matter of pride, Kiara.”

  Maybe Dalton was right. Maybe it was up to her to make the next move. But did she have the courage? Dalton and Blaise had become pretty tight since Dalton started training at his gym with the rest of the High Rollers crew. Any insider information might help put her mind at ease. “Has he said anything to you about us?”

  Dalton shrugged. “Just in passing. Nothing heavy.”

  Well, that didn’t help. She talked to her girlfriends about Blaise all the time. That he’d been so tight-lipped about their relationship was disheartening.

  “That doesn’t mean he doesn’t think about a future with you,” Dalton said as though he could read her mind. “You know how it is. Guys and girls are different when it comes to stuff like that.”

  She had to assume that was true. Dalton had been seeing Sophie for months, and while Kiara considered him a close friend, he had yet to confide in her about his feelings for Brett’s sister.

  “I’ll think about what you said,” she said, getting up. “Right now, I have to concentrate on getting through tonight without having a heart attack.”

  Dalton laughed as she curled her hand around his bicep. “I ran into Rowan at the gym yesterday. He said he was heading to New York this morning to meet his parents.”

  “Yeah, Blaise invited them to the fight.” Things between Blaise and his parents had improved dramatically in the past few months, and Kiara could hardly wait to meet them.

  “Rowan mentioned Blaise flew out a few days ago. Why didn’t you go with him?”

  “He didn’t ask me.” She pressed the button on the elevator so she wouldn’t have to look at Dalton. She didn’t know why Blaise hadn’t asked her to go with him. He’d just said he’d be busy with his team and wo
uld fall into bed exhausted every night.

  “I’m sure he was just—”

  “It’s okay,” Kiara said, smiling tightly. “You don’t have to make excuses for him. I’m fine with it.”

  “Liar,” Dalton whispered as they stepped onto the elevator.

  Kiara glared at him as she punched the button for the ground floor. “As long as we’re calling each other out, what’s going on with you and Sophie? Are you still seeing each other?”

  He leaned against the wall, looking pensive. “Yeah, why? Have you heard something? Seen her with someone else?”

  Oh, wow. And Kiara thought she had problems. “No, you just haven’t said much about her lately. I was wondering if things are okay.”

  “I guess that depends on your definition of ‘okay.’” He made air quotes around the word. “If you asked her, she’d probably say it was. She’s getting exactly what she wants from the relationship: great sex and no commitment.”

  Kiara’s jaw dropped. “Wait a minute, that’s the way she wants it? Those sound more like your ground rules.”

  “Yeah, well, things change.” He stepped off the elevator before holding the door for Kiara.

  “Ah, my friend,” Kiara said, slipping her hand around his arm again, “I can’t tell you how much I’m going to enjoy watching the fall of the great Dalton Mitchell.”

  “Shut up, or I’ll have them flash your marriage proposal across the screen at the Gardens tonight.”

  Kiara gasped, her eyes wide. “You wouldn’t dare!”

  Tweaking her nose, Dalton grinned. “Don’t tempt me.”


  The minutes before the fight were winding down, but Blaise wasn’t nervous. Anxious was more like it. He was ready for this fight. Win or lose, he wanted the match to happen. Knowing Kiara would be among the capacity crowd, with his family, only made him want it more. He wanted her to be proud of him. While he knew he didn’t have to prove anything to her, he wanted to show her he was the kind of man who fought for what he wanted. And he wanted her more than anything.


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