Paranormal Dating Agency_My Oath To You

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Paranormal Dating Agency_My Oath To You Page 4

by Cassidy K. O'Connor

  Aeslyn pushed end on the phone call and went back inside. How awkward would it be to pick up where they left off, would he mind if she sauntered up and plopped right back on his lap?

  Chapter Twelve

  Sebastian was actually glad when the phone interrupted them, things were moving fast and he felt like he owed it to the boys to be more responsible. The next woman in their lives has to be willing to be there for them forever, he couldn’t bring random women around for hookups.

  Every cell in his body was yelling it wasn’t random with Aeslyn. It was a burning need inside him, he hadn’t felt this way with his wife, maybe that was part of why they didn’t work out.

  With the blood starting to return to the rest of his body he decided to take a step back and get to know Aeslyn more before bending her over the kitchen table and taking her.

  He grabbed a bottle of wine, two glasses and headed for the living room. He finished pouring their drinks as she came back in. “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah sorry, my business partner had been waiting to hear back from me and I had forgotten to call him earlier.” She was getting really good at telling just enough to satisfy without having to lie.

  He held a glass up to her and waited for her to sit. She curled her legs underneath her and turned to face him. “Should you really be drinking in your condition?” She reached forward and grabbed his glass out of his hand and poured his wine into her glass. “What kind of nurse would I be if I let you have this.”

  “I wouldn’t have pegged you as a stickler but fine, I’ll be a good patient.” Nerves were tingling through his body, he wanted to get to know her but his mind was totally blank on what to ask. “So, do you have any siblings?”

  “No, I’m an only child, my next-door neighbor growing up was the same as having a brother though. He’s still as big of a pain in the ass as he was when we were eight years old.” Her eyes zoned out for a second, he could tell she was thinking about a memory. She shook her head to clear it and focused back on him. “Do you miss being overseas?” She sipped her wine quietly, waiting for a response he wasn’t sure how to give. Maybe being completely open and honest was one way to test out what kind of person she was.

  “I liked the excitement of being in the field but then I lost a patient, it was really hard for me. I was struggling to come to terms with it when I got a letter from my wife saying she was leaving and she had dropped the boys off with my mother. I only had two months left before shipping home so they sent me back early. I had some time off, got my head clear and started working back at the base. I was in a really dark place when I first got back, I wasn’t coping well with both losses, the boys are what saved me and brought me back to life.” His palms were sweating, he rubbed them nervously on his pants. He was really wanting that wine right now. “I had no idea how to be a dad and I was handed, nine-month-old infants. My mom stayed with me for a while, showed me what to do and eventually, I got the hang of it. I think I do a good job.”

  Her smile soothed the worry that was tumbling around his stomach. “Your boys look perfect and it’s easy to see you are a good dad. You don’t have to tell me but why’d your wife leave?”

  He knew that was coming, “We had started dating in middle school. As soon as I graduated I went to boot camp then shipped out. We would see each other for a couple of months between tours. She was lonely and then when the boys came along she felt even more isolated because she couldn’t go out as easily. I don’t blame her, I don’t know how she could have walked away from our kids but I have come to terms with it.” His hands had turned into fists, he hadn’t realized it till she reached over and covered the one closest to her. “So maybe I’m not completely okay with it.” he laughed.

  “I believe everything happens for a reason and this is exactly where you are supposed to be at this moment.” He hadn’t really thought about fate or destiny before but a lot had to happen to get him to this spot and this is the first time in his life he felt complete and he suspected it had to do with the woman next to him.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Aeslyn didn’t have kids and she had never dated anyone seriously before so she had no room to judge the other woman. In all honesty, she should be grateful to her for getting out of the way. It’s tough to mate with someone when they are already married.

  For a minute both stared at each other, she could see the hunger in his eyes, she imagined she had a flashing neon sign across her forehead saying Fuck Me.

  She leaned forward, inhaled his scent and let it send goosebumps across her skin. She kissed his cheek, down to his neck then pulled back to look at him. “Is this okay?” She smiled at the loud gulp and barely perceptible head nod in response.

  She finished off her glass of wine, set the glass down then got up on her knees. Her hand cupped his cheek, the late-night stubble scraping across her fingertips. She’d been wanting to touch his hair all day, she ran her fingers through it, curled them into a fist and leaned his head back. His rapid breathing was matching hers. Their lips met and her mind went blank. She straddled his lap, she was squirming with need. This was the second time tonight they had been like this and she wasn’t sure she would survive if they stopped again. Her hotel bathroom didn’t have an extendable shower head and she hadn’t packed her battery-operated boyfriend so it was going to be a frustrating night if he didn’t get inside her soon.

  She reached back and pulled the zipper of her dress down. It only took rolling her shoulders forward slightly for the dress to slide off her shoulders and release her breasts. His hands were shaky as they stroked up her sides and cupped her breasts. His eyes closed, his moans were driving her animal crazy.

  “It’s been so long, I probably shouldn’t admit that but it’s fair to warn you I’m a bit rusty.” He gave her an adorably sheepish look.

  “I’m pretty sure it’s like riding a bike and you don’t forget. They say practice makes perfect so I’m willing to help you get back into the swing of things.” Her joke worked, she could see the tension leaving him.

  She squealed when he wrapped his arms around her and stood effortlessly. She hooked her ankles around his back and kissed his neck as he carried her to the bedroom. He set her on the bed, she watched him curiously as he went back to the door and peaked out in the hallway. He locked the door then turned back to her, “Don’t want any munchkins walking in on us. Even if they are only two, I’m not ready to explain what we’re doing.”

  She stood and pushed the dress the rest of the way down and over her hips. She waited for him to come to her, he stripped his clothes off as he walked, leaving a trail from the door to the bed.

  “Not that I was expecting anything,” he dug into his wallet and pulled out a condom before setting both on the table next to the bed. “But I figured it was better to be prepared.”

  “I underestimated you, I think it’s time for your first lesson.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Sebastian thought he was a good man. He worked his ass off to be a good soldier, he was faithful to his wife, and now he lives every minute for his kids. Not that he expected a medal or anything but he was sure Aeslyn being sent to him had to be some kind of reward.

  After Lisa left him he shut that part of himself down, he focused on learning to be a father and figured he would look for a relationship again in eighteen years. Never had he expected the woman of his dreams would literally walk into his life.

  If things worked out with her he was going to spoil her cat rotten, if it hadn’t escaped they may never have met. Thinking about her feline pussy brought him back to the situation at hand. He was nestled snugly between her thighs, his dick laying on her clit, he could feel the heat and wetness begging him to slip inside. The fact that he was only pressing against her and was already scared he was going to come did not bode well for his ability to last very long for her. He could have shown her the box of condoms that the single condom came in but figured he didn’t want her to feel pressured.

  “Is it okay i
f I leave the light on? My mind still doesn’t believe such a beautiful woman is with me, I want to look in your eyes while I’m inside you. I want to see the passion cloud your vision and the sweat break across your brow.” He knew he sounded like a sap but he really didn’t care, he was old enough now to understand life was short and you had to be honest about what you want.

  He smiled as she paused for a minute, he could tell she wasn’t sure what to say, finally, she cleared her throat, “If I wasn’t horny before that would definitely have done the trick.” She pulled his face down to hers and kissed him. If sappy is what women wanted he had to tell his friends they had been doing it wrong all these years.

  No more words were spoken, there was laughing, kissing and an obscene amount of moaning as they took their time and explored each other. He was grateful Aeslyn could tell when he was getting close and would stop what they were doing and change positions or give control to the other person for a while. It was both incredibly frustrating to keep getting pulled back from the line but also relieving that it let him last much longer than he would have expected.

  Eager to see her climax before his own finish he had her go up on her knees so he could slide his head between her legs and let her sit on his face. The fire burning in her eyes was all the encouragement he needed. He squeezed her nipples and sucked her clit, his tongue delving deep inside her causing her to buck forward. Her head was thrown back, she was trying hard to be quiet but he wanted nothing to do with that. He latched on to the swollen nub again and sucked, she flew forward, both hands digging into his hair, holding his face against her pussy as she rode his mouth. If he died like that he wouldn’t complain. He slowed his sucking down, her body rocking with each movement.

  He thought she would need a few minutes to recover, she surprised him by climbing off and grabbing the condom from the table. She was still out of breath as she rolled it onto his throbbing cock before climbing on and impaling herself to the hilt. Gone were the games of pacing out their foreplay, she rode him hard and didn’t slow down till he was yelling her name.

  The dam had broken, he forgot how incredible sex was. Why he ever thought he could wait till the boys moved out before doing this again was beyond his understanding.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Aeslyn laid in bed watching Sebastian sleep, his eyes shifting slightly back and forth behind his eyelids. Whatever dream he was having must have been fun, quiet moans sporadically passed his slightly parted lips.

  The sun was barely up, Aeslyn didn’t want to leave the warmth of his bed or his arms but she figured it may be best not to be there when the boys woke up. Given the head injury and the marathon rounds of sex, she didn’t want to wake him up either.

  She found a small notepad and pen next to the phone by the bed. She scribbled a note saying how much fun she had and gave her cell phone number for him to call her.

  She figured he wouldn’t mind if she took a bagel from his kitchen. Considering the things she did to him with her tongue he probably would have cooked her a four-course breakfast. She downed the food then went out back, she should watch him from her car again but honestly, she didn’t want to be that far away. It was her luck that her job required her to be in the one place she really wanted to be, near him. Realizing he would see her car she moved it around the corner then went into the woods behind his house.

  She walked a few feet into the thick trees, stripped and shifted. It would be easier to lay on the ground for a long time in her animal form plus she had her heightened senses to make it easier to smell and hear him.

  She snuggled in between two thick bushes and watched the house. An hour in she finally heard movement in the house. They were up and if she was guessing correctly Sebastian was chasing the boys around the house, their laughter could be heard even if she was sitting there as a human.

  To her surprise and pleasure the back door opened and the boys came running out and straight to the swing set off to the left in the yard. Sebastian came out carrying a box of cereal, milk, bowls, and spoons. He set everything up on the patio table then called the boys over.

  “Daddy, kitty cat.” One of the boys pointed Aeslyn’s way.

  Aeslyn realized she had been purring with contentment at watching the little family she was quickly falling in love with. She pulled back deeper into the brush and stayed still.

  “I don’t see a kitty over there, maybe Aeslyn’s cat Ash got out again. That would be fun right, then she’d come back looking for him.” His enthusiasm at the possibility of her cat being lost again was both endearing and slightly disturbing. He could just call her if he wanted to see her.

  After they ate, Sebastian pushed the boys on the swings. For a while, everyone was content until a shrill scream set Aeslyn’s fur on end. One of the boys, she didn’t know which since he dressed them alike and they were identical, had his fingers in his mouth and tears pouring down his chubby cheeks.

  “What’s the matter, buddy?” Sebastian carried the boy over to the table and inspected him, “you bit your tongue didn’t you, hang on.” He ran into the house and came back with a small jar. “Here you go, sugar cures everything and it tastes yummy too.”

  “Kitty cat.” Aeslyn had been so absorbed watching Sebastian she hadn’t noticed the other boy had crept close to her hiding hole and was staring right at her. In a panic, she pulled back, shifted and stood behind a large tree.

  “Christopher, come over here, I don’t see any cat. You two have kitties on the brain today. How about we go to the zoo and see some big cats today?”

  The boys didn’t appear to know the word zoo yet as they weren’t nearly as excited as Sebastian was. As soon as they were in the house, she got dressed and took the long way around to her car.

  No sooner had she climbed in the driver’s seat her cell phone started vibrating. A local number was on display, she couldn’t hide the excitement knowing it was likely Sebastian calling her.


  “Hey, It’s Sebastian. I wanted to call and thank you for watching out for me last night. If you need references I’ll be happy to tell everyone how talented you are as a night nurse.” His deep laugh sent a shiver down her back.

  “You sure didn’t make it easy, I mean the acrobatic ways you were trying to torture me were almost unbearable.”

  “Torture! If I remember correctly you were getting just as much pleasure as I was from those moves. Plus, who are you kidding, your body can bend in ways I have never seen.”

  Before Aeslyn could respond she heard yelling in the background.

  “I would love to stay on the phone and recount our night together but that’s not really why I called. I’m taking the boys to the zoo, I was wondering if you wanted to come with us?”

  Aeslyn bit her lower lip, contemplating what she should do with what she wanted to do. After a few seconds she made her decision, he was her mate, there was only one way this could end and that was her in his bed permanently. “Give me thirty minutes and I’ll be over.”

  “Sounds good, I’ll keep the monsters busy till you get here. See you soon.”

  Aeslyn hung up and pulled out onto the road. She needed a shower and a change of clothes, it’s still a walk of shame if you show up to the guy’s house in the same outfit.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Sebastian stood at the penguin exhibit watching Aeslyn with Benjamin and Christopher. She was kneeling between them looking at the penguins swimming. A few days ago he was living as a monk with no plans to change up his life and now his chest hurts when he pictures them without Aeslyn. She fit perfectly into their family, he was still worried she was going to realize she was not just dating him but his sons too and decide she wasn’t ready to step into that role.

  She glanced over her shoulder and caught him staring at her, she winked before turning back to the boys. He had it bad for her and the speed at which it had overtaken him was slightly terrifying. Before this he had only been with one other woman, did he form attachments too easily and wa
s losing out on exploring what the single life could be like? He shook his head at the idea, he didn’t know what it was with Aeslyn he just knew it was right.

  “Should we get in line for the safari ride?” Sebastian blinked realizing Aeslyn had walked up next to him.

  “Sure, the boys love the big trucks.” Each of them grabbed a boy’s hand and they went and got in line for the ride.

  Thank god the wait was short, it was never fun entertaining toddlers in an enclosed space. They climbed into the large truck that sat twelve, “I’ve never been on one of these before, this sounds fun.” Aeslyn’s eyes twinkled with excitement.

  “You are in for a treat, usually the giraffe’s come right up to the trucks. You aren’t allowed to touch them but it’s still cool to be so close to them.”

  As the tour guide took them through the different areas they pointed out the animals to the boys. Fate was smiling down on them, as hoped the giraffes did come up to the trucks. he couldn’t help laughing along with Aeslyn and her excitement at being so close to the animals.

  The hippo’s turned out to be a disappointment, all you could see were bubbles coming up from the small pond they drove by.

  They heard the lions before they got to them, both boys instantly started yelling kitty cat. When the large rock formation came into view Aeslyn’s eyes lit up. The pride was lying lazily in the sun enjoying the afternoon. Sebastian was surprised when all of their heads perked up. He’d been on this ride more times than he could count and he’d never seen any of them move.

  Even the tour guide stopped the truck by the fence and watched in shock as the large cats slowly climbed down and headed right for them. The noises coming from them was deafening, some were grunting, others purring. They were definitely talking to each other but Sebastian had no clue what was going on.


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