Breaking Bonds: An Alien Romance Adventure

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Breaking Bonds: An Alien Romance Adventure Page 3

by E J Darling

  “We need to go, Säiph. Right now.”

  The red demons were leaving the auction house and Maeve wanted to cry. She was alone, Säiph was no help against the Sca-riin, obviously, and she needed to make sure Keeli was okay so they could leave in a hurry.

  She stepped out of the suite and straight into a big blue male. Maeve made an apology to leave but she was pushed away before she could speak. Säiph went to attack but Maeve called him off. That was the last thing she needed right now.

  “I don’t lose.” A female hissed through her teeth. “He was mine! You stupid bastards lost him!”

  Maeve’s eyes went wide, and she felt the sudden urge to get out of the arena and back to the ship so she could get the hell out of there. She’d just run straight into that wealthy bitch from before, and she didn’t even notice Maeve in her anger. Maeve pulled her cloak over her head to make sure she wouldn’t.

  She ran back to Slave Row, ran until her lungs hurt from the dry heat of Sapili Prime, Säiph never leaving her side. Time was of the essence if she valued her life, and Keeli’s life.

  A massive tent was set up behind the auction house, and the head auctioneer nodded as he took the pad from her and scanned the information. “They’re right this way.” His voice cold and calm, the complete opposite to how she felt inside.

  He led her through a thick curtain and Maeve ducked under it, stepping into the hot musty tent. They, he’d said. There would be no they. She would grab Keeli and run. Teakin Kade could have a nice life full of freedom for all she cared. If she saw him, if she’d have to be face to face with him again, she’d more than likely break down in tears and hate him anyway. Hate him for saving her life. Hate him for making her feel soft inside. Hate him for making her feel at all. It wasn’t his fault. She made the choice between herself and him, but her conscience was clear.

  A life for a life.

  The place was a hive of species moving about in different directions, coming and going with aliens of all kinds. Bigger cages in the back held several slaves, while others were freely standing.

  Keeli stood nervous and alone. The moment she saw Maeve’s face, she smiled and gave her an unexpected hug. “You promise I’ll be okay?” Her voice was squeaky and broken, obviously from crying. There was no telling the trauma she’d gone through the last several days, and Keeli could cry all she wanted. No one would judge her.

  Maeve leaned in keeping her voice soft. “I’ve been in his care since I was young. I’ve never been treated poorly.” She pulled her sleeve up and Keeli caught sight of the petite golden bars embedded in each of her wrists. The sign of a slave. Keeli gasped and smiled, showing Maeve her silver bars. Maeve tucked the woman’s dark hair behind her ear. “I’m Maeve. It’s really nice to have you.”

  Tears streamed down the soft female’s face. “Thank you for buying me.”

  Maeve winked and grabbed Keeli by the hand, turning to leave as quickly as she could. Ripping and tearing of the Sca-riin coming through the crowd outside the tent, had her on edge, and she was more than ready to get out of there before they made their way in. “Säiph, make room.” He did as he was told, finally, and cleared a space for the two of them to walk through quickly. “We need to get out of here, now. I’m the reason those things are pissed off and I don’t want either of us to be here when they find out.”

  “What did you do?”

  “I bought a male slave they really wanted.” I really wanted.

  “Well, aren’t you going to wait for them to bring him forward?”

  Maeve looked back and locked eyes with Keeli’s scared ones. “Hell no. I bought his freedom, not his bonds.”

  A loud crack came from ahead and Maeve ducked them both behind a thick curtain. The devils had already arrived. Shit.

  “Roan?” A Siipi voice called out. “Roan, your male slave waits for you still. If you do not claim him, he will get put back up for sale. No refunds.”

  “Dammit.” She balled up her fists and took a calming breath, the day really couldn’t get any worse. She didn’t want him, just wanted him to be free and leave the fucking planet with the life she paid for. That was the only reason she bought him. Not to have a slave. Never to have a slave. It was a contradiction she couldn’t ignore.

  When she realized there would be no calming herself, or getting around the rule of the land she stepped forward. If that was how it had to go, she could do it. She could stand him and everything he would remind her of for as long as it took them to get him safely off planet and somewhere he could make a living. Okay, I can do this. Grab Teakin and run. No big deal.

  “Keeli, I need you to stay right here with Säiph. He’ll make sure no one gets near you.” Keeli looked unsure about the beast, but nodded slightly anyway. Maeve bent down to get face to face with him. “Do you understand?” She drew a line in the dirt around him and Keeli, and pointed to it. “No one gets past this line.”

  Säiph growled and went on the lookout. Maeve turned and stood, meeting the Siipi auctioneer once again, a fake smile plastered on her face. She followed him to a holding area full of male slaves where Teakin was waiting. There was a confused look on his face when she showed up.

  “You bought me?” He sounded just as stunned as she felt.

  “It would seem so.” She grimaced. “I’m Maevelin, by the way.”

  He looked at her again, but she couldn’t tell what he was thinking. He looked confused, maybe a little bit taken aback, but all in all he looked calm and collected… and sexy as hell.

  It wouldn’t be that hard to look at him. He was all her freedom rolled up in a pretty package, but at least it had a pretty package. She’d have time to cry into her pillow later, when she was alone and it hit her she wouldn’t be free anytime soon, but for right now her back was straight and her eyes were dry. Her emotions had shut down enough to just be able to function on an even keel. Not happy but not sad. Just nothing.

  She followed him, the bars between them, until he made it to the open gate. “We need to get moving, now.” She took a step but noticed he didn’t follow, still having that shocked look in his silver eyes. “Or I can leave you here to be sold again.”

  Teakin winked, and maybe even almost smiled at her, but must have decided against it at the last moment. “I think I’ll stick with you.”

  She didn’t have time to debate with him and instead, grabbed him by the hand and dragged him through the tent. “We need to go now. The Sca-riin you pissed off earlier are hunting a new target and I’d like to get as far away from them as possible before they figure out it’s me they’re looking for.”

  “Now look at who wants to kill whom.” His sing-song voice ground against her nerves. It wasn’t the time to make jokes. “I don’t think whoever my master is sent you to claim me. Did he, Human?”

  Well, he was right about some of that, but she wasn’t about to tell him the whole truth right there. “My name is Maevelin Roan, not Human. Use it.”

  She didn’t have time for his fake charm. They needed to leave, and quickly, before her heart gave out from the stress. All she could envision was another giant fist coming her way, and that was the last thing she needed.

  Maeve never should’ve come to this planet alone, never should’ve been in charge of her own money, and she never should’ve looked the Turnish in the eye and given more than she did, let him take more than she’d ever given to another soul. It was over and done with, and all they had to do was get the hell out of there in one piece.


  Teak allowed the tiny Human to drag him through the tent. He knew their destination was coming when he saw Maevelin’s animal companion holding back a couple alien males getting too close to the half Tallek female. He was brutal looking, with a maw full of razor sharp teeth, thick block head, robust body that could barrel through a few dozen species with little effort, and Teak was impressed. More impressed that the seemingly tame female, which was dragging him through the crowds, had somehow tamed the thing into being her guardian.
  She was a hellion deep down in her soul, and had a bit of fire in her belly. He’d liked her from the moment his eyes caught her looking at him. Not just behind those bars, but before that, when he came off that slaver starship. He caught a glimpse of her when she wasn’t watching, and she’d been in awe of him in his disgraced state.

  But she bought him for someone, for some reason. He wasn’t good to anyone anymore and had been more than happy to take the quick death of the mines over feeling alone in the universe. Survivor’s guilt they called it. Fuck survivor’s guilt.

  Maevelin’s hand tensed in his. He looked from the curves he trailed behind, and saw what her eyes caught. Two Voshtian males hovered the female the beast was protecting. Instinctively, he knew she was uneasy by the slight tremble in her hand, and his body reacted for reasons he didn’t understand. He hadn’t given a single shit about anything since the betrayal of the ones he called his friends and crew members, not even himself, but he reacted to her change in demeanor. Needed to act on it.

  Teak pulled Maevelin back behind him in a swift turn, and pushed past the crowding aliens in a quick show of dominance. He was good at dominance, always had been. The two frantically turned tail and ran away without any effort on his part. Maevelin moved in front of him, not a word of thanks on her lips, and wrapped herself around the animal in an embrace, softly cooing something in his tiny ear. Then, she grabbed the female’s hand.

  She looked to both of them and whispered, “Teakin this is Keeli. Keeli this is Teakin. We need to leave, now.” She spun on her heel but looked back towards him. “Thank you, by the way.”

  He was just about to respond when the curtain swooped open with the force of the Sca-riin’s arm. The three of them were now face to face with the ones who wanted them dead. Teak felt Maevelin tense in his hand again, and Säiph went crazy, the beast began mangling anything he could sink his teeth into. He was going to get them all killed if he kept it up, and Maeve tried to pull the animal back, but it did nothing. The long-toothed beast was on the smaller Sca-riin in the blink of an eye. He tore at the long arm as the demon tried to pry him off.

  It was just enough of a distraction for Teakin to think quickly. There was a sizable blade on a Siipi guard standing too close for comfort, and not doing a damn thing to help. Teak grabbed it and leapt for the largest Sca-riin. The attack was personal. The asshole tried to kill a defenseless female without blinking an eye. Teak wasn’t locked in a cage and defenseless this time, and would get the justice he sought. He used the coarse hair on his enemy’s arm to fling himself around onto its back, wrapped his arm around the alien’s neck, and with the other, sliced into the skin under his chin.

  The Sca-riin hadn’t had time to think before he was bleeding out, and Teakin rode him down to the ground. Säiph held the other off long enough for Teak to climb off the big son of a bitch and do the same maneuver. Both aliens were dead in moments and Teakin steadied his breath. He was winded, and slow from not eating for days, but it felt damn good to use those muscles again.

  Teak flipped the blade around in his hand then flung it at the ground, sticking the sharp bloody end in the red sand. The tent was silent, and Teakin looked up, catching the shocked stare on Maevelin’s face. He scanned the room and noticed the same look on every other alien’s face. “We should probably go, right?”

  Maevelin nodded and he reached for her hand. “What the hell was that?”

  “I’m a pretty decent fighter. You picked a good one there, master.”

  “Don’t call me that.” She yanked her hand from his hold and stood her ground. “When we leave here, you’re free to go. You can’t stay on Sapili Prime or they’ll sell you again.”

  Teak’s eyes widened, but she only looked at him as if she had no emotion. Why had she bought him if she hadn’t wanted him for something? It couldn’t be because she didn’t want him to go to Barnik or to some whore house. “Why?”

  She didn’t answer. Instead, turned on her heel, Keeli in hand, and walked away from him toward the port. He followed closely behind, eyes darting around to make sure they weren’t followed by anyone wanting revenge or justice for the murders he committed. Sca-riin weren’t loved by any means, but laws were laws and he may have broken a few.

  Maeve looked back and eyed him. “No one is going to follow us Teakin.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “They just aren’t. Believe me. We need to go, though.”

  He decided to hold his tongue until she couldn’t run away again. When they were on a ship and off that miserable planet, she wouldn’t be able to run from his questions.

  If anyone could get her to talk, it would be him. He could even enjoy getting her to talk if so inclined, and by the way he watched her sultry hips move before him, he was very much inclined.

  The port was massive and completely different from the market. It had high towers and metal bays for ships to fly in and land to unload their goods. Goods like him. They passed the biggest ones, and finally made their way to a pristine ship with Trident elaborately lasered on the side of the hull. It made his old ship look like a garbage heap in comparison. Which it was.

  Anger rushed his veins at the thought of his old life, but he bit it back. He’d get his revenge one day, but it wasn’t going to do him any good thinking about it. He needed to keep his eyes and ears open, because whether Maevelin liked it or not, he could save their asses.

  Teak lowered his gaze and looked down at Maevelin’s curves. “And what a tight little ass to be saving,” he whispered to himself. Säiph looked back and growled, baring his teeth for effect. Teak brought his finger up to his lips to gesture the furry animal to be silent. The last thing he needed was to be on the bad side of a one-hundred-and-fifty-pound carnivorous animal with the balls to bite into Sca-riin flesh… twice.

  Maevelin tapped a few buttons on a portable pad and a metal box slid up from the ground. She typed a bit more, and the cargo bay opened to allow them access onto the ship. Even the damn cargo hold was nice. Where the hell were they going in that thing? It was becoming more obvious someone exceedingly wealthy purchased his slave debt, because there was no way a slave could afford all that and the price on his head. Even if she was beautiful. You didn’t get by in Vora Galaxy with just beauty. He wanted answers.

  “Let’s go.” Maevelin’s voice broke him out of his thoughts. He looked around the dock as the females made their way safely inside with Säiph. One more check for potential threats, not believing her for one second someone wouldn’t follow them, and Teakin turned to jog up the ramp.

  The door closed behind him and the lighting came on, illuminating the entire cargo hold. “Keeli, Teakin? Welcome aboard Trident.”

  Keeli squealed, and Teak winced as it echoed off the metal hull. “I’ve never been more excited about an adventure in my life!”

  “You’re excited that you’ve been bought as a slave?” Maevelin asked good questions, he liked that. Now if she’d only answer them.

  “I was uhm, always a slave.” She tucked her black hair behind her ear and continued cautiously. “I was sold at a young age and lived with my master until three days ago.”

  Interesting. Masters didn’t usually just give up their slaves, not that he knew anyway. “Why did he suddenly give you up?”

  “I, uhm–” Hurt was etched on her face and Teakin wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer to his question. He should let the little fiery one with the sinful curves ask them from now on. “I got too old.”

  Teakin’s stomach clenched. He punched the metal wall out of anger and instantly regretted hitting the unforgiving surface.

  “Feel better?” Maevelin smirked, crossing her arms over her chest for emphasis. It pushed up her breasts in that thin black dress she wore and made a show. It wasn’t having the intended effect he knew she wanted, because when he smiled at them, she leveled him with a glare. She wasn’t the same starry eyed Human he’d kissed on Slave Row, he decided. He still needed to make that mistake up to
her. Taking her without permission would have been a punishable offence on Turnix Beta, and despite it being gone, the customs and traditions would be forever ingrained in him.

  Teak rubbed his knuckles and tried to give her another cocky smile, but his forearm pulsed, and he winced instead. “So much better. Thank you for asking.” He grit his words through clenched teeth.

  She rolled her eyes and dialed on a keypad. The cargo bay opened to the rest of the ship. “Let’s get you both settled so we can take off.”

  Trident was comfortable. It gave the feel of a nice station hotel instead of a starship, and the hallways had a thin padded carpet throughout. Teak and Keeli followed Maevelin to a lift, while the growling beast left them to continue down the hall.

  They went down one level before the lift opened again. “This is where all the cabins are.” She gestured to the corridor and stepped out. “This is where Captain Myler sleeps.” They went along the hallway, and Maevelin handed Keeli a chip card. “Here’s the key to your door so you don’t have to bother remembering the code.”

  “Thank you!” Keeli squealed again and wrapped Maevelin in a tight hug. She peered around the woman’s head and looked to Teak with wide eyes.

  Maevelin wrapped her arms around Keeli reluctantly, realizing he wouldn’t be any help, and patted her back. “Alright, that’s enough. You go get yourself cleaned up and there are new clothes for you on the bed.”

  Keeli used the card on her door’s pad and it slid open. The squealing started again when she saw her cabin, but the door automatically closed behind her, muffling the noise.

  It was the two them now. Maevelin looked back toward Teak and he bit his lip to keep from talking.


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